edge elements
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Alejandra Sofía Fonseca-Cabrera ◽  
David Llopis-Castelló ◽  
Ana María Pérez-Zuriaga ◽  
Carlos Alonso-Troyano ◽  
Alfredo García

Mobility patterns and lifestyles have changed in recent years in cities worldwide, thanks to the strong rise in modes of travel commonly referred to as micromobility. In this context, e-scooters have experienced a great rise globally which has led to an increase of crashes involving this type of micromobility vehicle in urban areas. Thus, there is a need to study e-scooter users’ behaviour and their interaction with cyclists. This research aimed at characterizing the meeting manoeuvre between micromobility users along diverse typologies of two-way bicycle track by using an instrumented e-scooter. As a result, bicycle tracks having concrete or vegetated curb presented lower clearance distance (≈0.8 m) than those without edge elements (>1 m), with no statistically significant differences found between the interaction with bicycles and e-scooters. Additionally, an online questionnaire was proposed to assess users’ perceived risk during the meeting manoeuvre, concluding that micromobility users feel safer and more comfortable riding on pavements away from parked or moving motorized traffic, and on protected bicycle tracks.

Е. Фролов ◽  
Б. Коробко ◽  
С. Ясько ◽  
В. Агарков

The research carried out made it possible to develop a new scheme for the process of rotary profiling of wheel rims, which allows to reduce the specific quantity of metal for parts. The essence of the solution lies in the fact that at the second step the jet central section is additionally made more powerful. This allows to change the nature of the deformation after the second step and to eliminate unnecessary thickening of the jet base. With an increase in the jet depth the edge sections are subjected to insignificant tensile stresses, while the stress-strain state of the part remains symmetric and constant at each point. The worked out sequence of calculating a new technological process allows calculating all technological parameters: width and length of a flat workpiece; maximum permissible stress in the workpiece material; a profiling route; as well as to identify deformations and stresses for edge elements and in hazardous areas. Further, taking into account the elastic deformations of the workpiece, the profile of the rollers was built, and then optimal deformation force along the transitions was calculated, then feed and the number of revolutions of the rollers were assigned. The new scheme made it possible to reduce metal consumption for parts and obtain a significant economic effect. Ovality of the part and multiple repeated deformation of the same sections of the workpiece are eliminated, and the degree of strengthening of the material is also reduced.

Wildansyah Firdaus Adiguna ◽  
Marisa Triyanti

ENGLISHPhysical elements to form city image that can be perceived through the function, location, and character of a certain urban area, are the keys to obtain the image of city. Kauman is a developing urban area in Juwana Sub-district, Pati Regency. This research aims to identify the elements of urban morphology and the forming elements of the city image in Kauman through the mental map method, based on the perceptions, experiences, memories, and feelings of its community. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. This study used Trancik’s theory to investigate urban morphology and used Lynch's theory to identify the forming elements of the city image. The urban morphology of Kauman was arranged as follows: solid elements were found in figure-ground, 1 point single block, and 2 groups at Jalan W.R. Supratman as multiple blocks. Meanwhile, void elements found 2 points. Linkage elements found a point. There are 3 styles of architecture still founded in Kauman, including Colonial, Javanese traditional, and Chinese style. Based on the analysis of the physical elements forming the Kauman Juwana image, it is arranged through 13 objects, there are 2 path elements, 4 edge elements, 3 district elements, 1 node element, and 3 landmark elements. INDONESIAElemen fisik pembentuk citra kota yang dapat dirasakan melalui fungsi, lokasi, dan karakter merupakan kunci untuk mengetahui gambaran citra kota tersebut. Kauman merupakan kawasan perkotaan di Kecamatan Juwana, Kabupaten Pati yang terus mengalami perkembangan berikut citranya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi elemen morfologi kota dan elemen pembentuk citra kota di Kauman melalui metode peta mental berdasarkan persepsi, pengalaman, ingatan, dan perasaan masyarakat Kauman. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini mengkaji elemen morfologi kota berdasarkan teori Trancik dan elemen pembentuk citra kota berdasarkan teori Lynch. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa morfologi Kota Kauman disusun melalui objek sebagai berikut elemen solid ditemukan pada figure ground, blok tunggal 1 titik, dan blok ganda ditemukan 2 kelompok di koridor Jalan W. R. Supratman, sedangkan elemen void ditemukan 2 elemen; linkage ditemukan 3 elemen; dan place ditemukan 1 titik. Penampakan bangunan berkarakter kuat yang mewakili suatu langgam atau gaya bangunan tertentu yang ditemukan yaitu bangunan bergaya Kolonial, Tradisional Jawa, dan Cina. Berdasarkan analisis, elemen fisik pembentuk citra Kauman Juwana disusun melalui 13 objek, meliputi 2 elemen jalur (path), 4 elemen batas (edge), 3 elemen kawasan (district), 1 elemen titik temu (nodes), dan 3 elemen penanda kawasan (landmark).

2021 ◽  
Vol 389 ◽  
pp. 113333
C. Wu ◽  
H. Zeng ◽  
Y. Huang ◽  
N. Yi ◽  
J. Yuan

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-1
K. Roppert ◽  
S. Schoder ◽  
G. Wallinger ◽  
M. Kaltenbacher

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 2424
Sebastián Calderón ◽  
Laura Vargas ◽  
Cristián Sandoval ◽  
Gerardo Araya-Letelier

Eight partially grouted (PG-RM) concrete masonry walls were tested to study the influence of the strength and width of blocks, the wall aspect ratio, the horizontal and vertical reinforcement ratio, and the presence of edge elements (flanges). The results were analyzed in terms of the failure mode, damage progression, shear strength, lateral stiffness degradation, equivalent viscous damping ratio, and displacement ductility. Additionally, the performances of some existing shear expressions were analyzed by comparing the measured and predicted lateral load capacity of the tested walls. Based on the results, a slight increment in the lateral stiffness was achieved when employing stronger blocks, while the shear strength remained constant. Besides, increasing the width of concrete blocks did not have a significant effect on the shear strength nor in the initial tangential stiffness, but it generated a softer post-peak strength degradation. Increasing the wall aspect ratio reduced the brittleness of the response and the shear strength. Reducing the amount of vertical reinforcement lowered the resulting shear strength, although it also slowed down the post-peak resistance degradation. Transversal edge elements provided integrity to the wall response, generated softer resistance degradation, and improved the symmetry of the response, but they did not raise the lateral resistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-7
K. Roppert ◽  
S. Schoder ◽  
F. Toth ◽  
M. Kaltenbacher

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