parental marriage
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2021 ◽  
Michael Colvin

Abstract Background - Demand in children’s social care remains at historically high levels across the UK. The number of children in local authority care in Scotland increased every year between 1998 and 2013. This study explores a possible trans-generational influence of historical changes in family structure at birth. Method - Children who were accommodated by a typical Scottish local authority from 2000 to 2013 were identified. The parental marital status on birth registrations of the children and their parents was compared to all Scottish registrations in national birth cohorts and relative risk (RR) was calculated for different birth circumstances. Results - The children who entered care were more likely to have been born to unmarried parents than their peers (RR 7.8, CI 6.3-9.6). Their mothers (RR 3.2, CI 2.7-3.9) and fathers (RR 1.5, CI 1.1-2) were also more likely than their peers to have been born to unmarried parents. The accumulated risk of young children entering care if their parents and maternal grandparents had been unmarried on birth registrations was very large (RR 23.3, CI 12.5-43.5). Conclusion - Parental marriage is protective against entering local authority care for children in Scotland. Historical changes in family structure at birth may influence demand in children’s services.

Saad Salman ◽  
Fahad Hassan Shah ◽  
Jawaria Idrees ◽  
Ameerzada Khan ◽  
Muniba Tariq ◽  

Suicide and self-harm are very common among adolescents, especially females in western and Asian countries. The Psychosocial predictors, along with hopelessness and non-suicidal harm, have not been studied properly before. Therefore, there is a need to address these issues. The objective of the study was to ascertain the psychosocial and clinical features predicting suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents with major depression in Pakistan. The Methodology comprised of Adolescent patients (n = 121) with major depressive disorder who were hospitalized in the LRH (Lady Reading Hospital), Peshawar. The patient’s clinical symptoms, family role (family responsibilities), quality of life, physical health and relationship with friends and family members were evaluated. Participants’ suicidal thoughts and behaviors and NSSI (self-inflicted, deliberate self-harm with no intent of suicide) were analyzed and assessed during hospitalization and followed up for 28 weeks. Poor family functions, as well as family problems and social problems, were the causative agents for adolescent’s high suicidality and non-suicidal self-harm. A history of Non-suicidal self-harm treatment is a clinical marker for suicidality. The previous suicidal attempts should be evaluated in depressed juvenile patients as indicators of future suicidal intent and behavior. Both suicidal and NSSI during the therapy and after treatment persisted in depressed adolescents who participated in the study. Major causes of suicide among our study participants were lost friend(s), drug abuse, living alone or not living with the family, disturbed parental marriage, sexual abuse, and other domestic problems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-130 ◽  
Maya Rossin-Slater

With nearly half of US births occurring out of wedlock, understanding how parents navigate their relationship options is important. This paper examines the consequences of a large exogenous change to parental relationship contract options on parental behavior and child well-being. Identification comes from the staggered timing of state reforms that substantially lowered the cost of legal paternity establishment. I show that the resulting increases in paternity establishment are partially driven by reductions in parental marriage. Although unmarried fathers become more involved with their children along some dimensions, the net effects on father involvement and child well-being are negative or zero. (JEL I31, J12, J13, K36)

Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani

Abstrak Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model hukum perkawinan berorientasi gender berbasis desa adat Hindu Bali. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan selama 3 tahun, yaitu dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2016. Luaran penelitian selama tiga tahun dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut: (1) luaran tahun I (2015) terdiri adalah artikel ilmiah di jurnal terakreditasi, dan draft buku ajar hukum waris pengaruh dari perkawinan berorientasi gender berbasis desa adat Hindu Bali. (2) luaran tahun II (2016) terdiri adalah artikel ilmiah di jurnal nasional terakreditasi, dan buku ajar terkait dengan hukum waris pengaruh dari perkawinan berorientasi gender berbasis desa adat Hindu Bali, dan artikel ilmiah di jurnal internasional. Hasil penelitian bentuk perkawinan matriarki di beberapa daerah di provinsi Bali seperti Buleleng, Tabanan, Gianyar, telah dijumpai penerapannya dalam masyarakat, sedangkan, di beberapa daerah lain seperti Jembrana, Klungkung, dan Bangli masih menolak bentuk perkawinan nyentana (nyeburin) yang secara proses menyerupai perkawinan matriarki, namun menurut esensinya status putrika pada anak perempuan yang menjadi sentana rajeg sudah didaulat berdasarkan pauman krama sebagai purusa (status laki-laki) penerus keturunan keluarga. Beberapa daerah lain seperti Karangasem, dan Kodya Denpasar, di satu sisi pada umumnya masyarakat menganut bentuk perkawinan patriarki, tapi dalam prakteknya tidak dapat dipungkiri ada beberapa desa seperti Tianyar, dan Abang di wilayah kabupaten Karangasem yang dijumpai telah melaksanakan bentuk perkawinan matriarki. Dikaitkan dengan pewarisan, pengaruh bentuk perkawinan matriarki terhadap anak perempuan yang semula bukan sebagai ahli waris dapat menjadi ahli waris terhadap harta orang tuanya. Implikasinya putrika mempunyai kewenangan yang sama dengan laki-laki untuk mewarisi harta kekayaan dan sanggah (tempat suci keluarga) sebagaimana layaknya laki-laki. Model rekonstruksi kebijakan perkawinan yang direkomendasikan oleh peneliti menjawab permasalahan di lapangan adalah penerapan model formulasi kebijakan perkawinan parental (Pada Gelahang). Kata Kunci: perkawinan, matriarki, gender. Abstract In general, this study aims to develop a model of marriage laws gender-oriented village-based traditional Hindu Bali. This study will be conducted over three years, from 2015 until 2016. The output of the study for three years can be described as follows: (1) outputs the first year (2015) is composed of scientific articles in accredited journals and textbooks draft law of inheritance the influence of gender-oriented marriage of traditional village-based Hindu Bali. (2) The outcome of the second year (2016) is composed of scientific articles in accredited national journals, and textbooks related to inheritance laws the influence of gender-oriented marital village-based traditional Balinese Hindu and scientific articles in international journals. The results of the study form of marriage matriarki in some areas in the province of Bali as Buleleng, Tabanan, Gianyar, has found its application in society, whereas, in some other areas such as Jembrana, Klungkung and Bangli still refuse forms of marriage nyentana (nyeburin) which process resembles marriage matriarki, but according to its essence putrika status in young women who become Rajeg cemetery has been asked by pauman manners as purusa (status male) successor to the family lineage. Several other areas such as Karangasem, and Denpasar municipality, on the one hand to the general public embrace patriarchal forms of marriage, but in practice there is no doubt there are some villages like Tianyar, and brother in the district of Karangasem who are found to carry out the marriage form matriarki. Associated with inheritance, marriage forms matriarki effect against girls which was originally not as heirs may be heir to the wealth of their parents. , The implication putrika have the same authority as men to inherit wealth and corrected (sanctum family) as befits a man. Model reconstruction marriage policy recommended by researchers to answer the problem in the field is the application of the model policy formulation parental marriage (In Gelahang). Keywords: marriage, matriarki, gender.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Sri Dwi Omarsari ◽  
Ratna Djuwita

Kehamilan pranikah remaja adalah fenomena kehidupan remaja yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan reproduksi secara fisik, mental dan sosial serta komplikasi dan kematian ibu dan bayi. Secara psikososial, remaja dapat terkucil, merasa malu, depresi, putus sekolah, sulit bekerja, miskin dan menambah pertumbuhan penduduk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran epidemiologi dan faktor determinan dengan kehamilan pranikah remaja di Kabupaten Sumedang. Rancangan studi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rancangan studi cross sectional. Penelitian ini menemukan prevalensi kehamilan pranikah remaja di Kabupaten Sumedang tinggi (40,5%). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan pranikah remaja meliputi usia ketika hamil, frekuensi pacaran, pola asuh orang tua, keutuhan pernikahan orang tua dan keterpaparan teman. Disarankan untuk melakukan peningkatan metoda pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksualitas dikalangan remaja, menambah jumlah kader remaja (peer educator) melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan. Meningkatkan keterlibatan orang tua mendampingi remaja melalui masa transisi kehidupan, mendirikan pusat konsultasi dan youth centre.Kata kunci : Kehamilan pranikah, remaja, kabupaten sumedang.AbstractPre-marital pregnancy among teenagers is one phenomenon occurred in adolescent’s life that can affect the reproductive health status physically, mentally and socially. It causes complication leading to death risk for both mother and her infant. Psycho-socially, teenagers could be isolated, felt ashamed, deppressed, being dropped out of school, difficult to find job, sunk into poverty, and increase population growth rate. This research objective is to describe the epidemiologic situation of pre-marital pregnancy among teenagers and to investigate its determinant factors in Sumedang District. This research found prevalence of pre-marital pregnancy of 40.5%. There are several factors related to pre-marital preganncy, that is, age, frequency of having a dating relationship, parental control, success of parental marriage, and peer exposure. Parental control has the highest OR of 2,90. Based on this research it is suggested to improve reproductive health services including teenage sexual education, to increase the number of peer educator through adequate education and training,and to improve parent’s involvement to accompany their teenagers through difficult phase of life’s transition, and to establish consultation for teenager center.Key words : Pre-marital pregnancy, teenagers, sumedang district.

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 477-484 ◽  
Melissa Curran ◽  
Nancy Hazen ◽  
Deborah Jacobvitz ◽  
Takayuki Sasaki

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