peer educator
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 459
Bela Novita Amaris Susanto ◽  
Nofri Zayani ◽  
Maylinda Indah Sari

 Seksualitas merupakan salah satu resiko yang sering dihadapi oleh remaja. Perubahan gaya pacaran remaja yang lebih permisif terhadap seks seperti lebih suka menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang terhadap pasangannya, tidak hanya sebatas mengobrol saja namun lebih cenderung mengarah pada pergaulan bebas. Hal tersebut dapat memunculkan penyimpangan reproduksi, seperti seks pranikah, aborsi, dan HIV/AIDS. Namun untuk mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan seksual pada remaja, diperlukan upaya pemberian informasi yang benar pada remaja, Saat menghadapi kehidupan reproduksi remaja lebih banyak memilih teman sebagai sumber informasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membentuk dan meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja peer educator. Metode yang digunakan yaitu bina suasana. Adapun kegiatan pengabdian meliputi 1) pengisian kuesioner, 2) Penyuluhan kesehatan terkait pencegahan perilaku seksual beresiko, 3) pelatihan sebagai peer educator dan melakukan role play, 4) melakukan focus group discussion (FGD) dengan pembahasan masalah yang sering terjadi pada remaja tentang perilaku seksual beresiko, 4) melakukan simulasi kepada teman sebaya. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah semakin meningkat pengetahuan peserta peserta, memahami mekanisme menjadi peer educator dan mampu mempraktekkan menjadi peer educator bagi teman sebayanya terkait pencegahan perilaku seksual beresiko.Kata kunci: peer educator; perilaku seksual beresiko; remajaEmpowering Students as Peer Educators to Prevent Risky Sexual Behavior at Public Vocational School 28 Tangerang Regency ABSTRACTSexuality is one of the risks often faced by adolescents. The dating habits of adolescents who are more focused on sexual behavior are more likely to express affection towards their partner and are more inclined towards free association behavior. There can lead to reproductive abnormalities, such as premarital sex, abortion, and HIV/AIDS. However, to prevent sexual misconduct in adolescents, it is necessary to provide the correct information in adolescents. The more preferred source of information in dealing with reproductive life is peers.There service activity aims to form and increase the knowledge of peer educators. The method used is atmosphere building. The service activities include 1) filling out a questionnaire, 2) health counseling related to the prevention of risky sexual behavior, 3) training as a peer educator and doing role play, 4) conducting focus group discussions (FGD) by discussing problems that often occur in adolescents about sexual behavior. at risk, 4) conducted simulations to peers. The results obtained are that the participants' knowledge increases, understand the mechanism of being a peer educator, and are can practice being a peer educator for their peers regarding the prevention of risky sexual behavior. Keywords: adolescent; peer educator; risky sexual behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-143
Ruri mutia Ichwan ◽  
Hadi Pratomo ◽  
Putri Diyah Patni ◽  
Dame Artha Ria ◽  
Reza Dara Pertiwi ◽  

Abstrak Virus Corona atau severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) adalah virus yang bisa menyebabkan gangguan ringan pada sistem pernapasan, infeksi paru-paru yang berat, hingga kematian. Banyaknya kasus terkonfirmasi positif, memberikan perhatian khusus bagi kelompok-kelompok yang rentan terinfeksi seperti kelompok dengan imunodefisiensi, salah satunya kelompok orang dengan HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektifitas pemberian edukasi COVID-19 secara daring dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 di Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Top Support Yayasan Pelita Ilmu (YPI) Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Intervensi dilakukan kepada pendamping dan peer educator. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur dan pengisian kuesioner, data sekunder didapatkan dari literatur serta materi dan laporan dari Yayasan Pelita Ilmu. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tiga kegiatan utama, yakni: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan kredibilitas melalui pemeriksaan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian edukasi COVID-19 secara daring dengan melibatkan pendampingan dan pemberdayaan peer educator efektif menambah pengetahuan tentang protokol pencegahan COVID-19. Pemberian pendampingan edukasi secara online melalui pendekatan peer educator bermanfaat sebagai pesan berantai kepada diri sendiri, keluarga, komunitas dan teman sebayanya. Orang yang diedukasi menjadi lebih rajin menerapkan 3M dan pola hidup sehat, namun untuk mengetahui perubahan perilaku ini secara konsisten perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37
Anak Agung Istri Dalem Cinthya Riris ◽  
Ni Kadek Diah Purnamayanti

Background: Currently, the number of adolescents who have sexual intercourse is increasing and those make a higher risk of medical, psychological, and social implications. This behaviour is obviously leading to an increase the number of adolescence pregnancy. Sex education and counselling in many countries is delivered by health care professionals. In Indonesia, there are some sex education programs delivered by peer educators but their success in reducing adolescence pregnancy is unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of a peer reproductive health education program in decreasing unplanned pregnancy in adolescents. Method: This integrative literature review was based on 3 databases which included Google Scholar, Pubmed and SAGE Journal. The inclusion criteria were articles published within the 2012–2018-year range, written in English, and the entire article was available and accessible. Only original articles with experimental design will be included. The quality of the selected articles was defined by using the Olsen-Baisch Scoring critical appraisal tool for integrative review. Result: Peer education builds social support and sense of belonging. The content is not only about unplanned pregnancy but also STI and HIV; responsible decision making; and body image identification. Peer educator can be the role model and have greater opportunities to counter the risk of adolescent pregnancy. Conclusion: Preventing adolescent pregnancy can save the next generation and improve adolescent health. Peer educator as part of health provider connect adolescents with their reproductive health needs. This approach would be beneficial strategy consider by health provider to protect adolescents. Keywords: adolescent, peer educator, pregnancy, sex education

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Angela Storey ◽  
Hannah Eckel-Sparrow ◽  
Henrietta Ransdell

This case study explores an eight-semester Peer Educator Program in the Department of Anthropology at the (school blinded) to train undergraduates in teaching practices, craft spaces of partnership, and expand learning within large General Education courses. Peer Educators self-select from any major and gain knowledge on lesson planning and facilitation, working in small groups to decide content, plan, and teach bonus sessions for introductory courses. We argue that peer-to-peer teaching reworks lines of responsibility within and around classrooms such that student agency is cultivated both for students engaged in partnership activities and those taught by student partners. Peer education thus becomes a hinge around which authority is shifted and educational agency enacted in Students as Partners programs might be extended to wider student populations. Authors include two undergraduate Peer Educators and the faculty coordinator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Rize Budi Amalia ◽  
Ivon Diah Wittiarika ◽  
Ratna Dwi Jayanti

Adolescence is an important stage the girl’s life which the crucial developmental reproductive such as menstruation and pubertal occur. The peer nowadays has a crucial role in determining the proper health reproductive knowledge due to the lack of information from the family and education system. This study aimed to observe the effectiveness of the trained peer educator compared to the expert educator in delivering reproductive health knowledge. The study was using pre - and post - intervention (quasi - experimental) design. The sample taken by random sampling with the pretest and posttest questionnaire was applied to 98 female students aged 12 to 15 at traditional Islamic boarding school in Sidoarjo, East Java. The participants consisting of 49 students were exposed by the trained peer educator compare to 49 students in which exposed by expert.  Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test indicated the significant difference between pretest-posttest in the group were exposed by the trained peer compared by the expert (p=0,001). The Mann Whitney Test indicate there was no significant difference of reproductive health knowledge (p=0,718) between posttest between two groups. In conclusion, the information given by the trained peer educator as effective as the information given by the expert and significantly improved the adolescents' reproductive health knowledge. Therefore, designing the trained peer approach to increase adolescent reproductive health is effective to structure.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-112
Vittorio Zanon

Dal 2016 in Veneto ed in particolare a Verona si è registrato un enorme aumento di nigeria-ne vittime di tratta a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale. Come servizio sociale del Comune di Verona, all'interno delle azioni del Progetto NAVe Network Antitratta per il Veneto è emersa l'esigenza di essere più efficaci negli interventi dei vari attori coinvolti nel progetto di aiuto alle ragazze per molte difficoltà nella creazione di relazioni interpersonali di fiducia, con conseguenti esiti fallimentari dei percorsi di assistenza, dovuti sia a limiti dei dispositivi di intervento sia alle sempre più complesse problematiche rilevate (scarsa motivazione, com-portamenti adolescenziali, esiti da traumi, aborti, atti autolesivi, tentati suicidi, ricoveri ospe-dalieri, allontanamenti, comportamenti a rischio e devianti, uso inconsapevole dei social net-work, ecc.). C'era l'esigenza di mettersi in discussione e modificare approcci e modalità di intervento, al fine di essere più efficaci nei percorsi di inclusione individuali, cambiare pro-spettiva e rimettere al centro le vere protagoniste dei percorsi di inclusione. Si è quindi scelto di fare un lavoro di gruppo tra minorenni e neomaggiorenni in carico al servizio sociale. Puntando su accettazione incondizionata e autodeterminazione delle perso-ne, si è avviato un percorso di empowerment di gruppo per accompagnare le giovani nige-riane vittime di tratta seguite in un percorso pedagogico antioppressivo di liberazione. Le attività sono condotte e facilitate da tre assistenti sociali, una mediatrice linguistico cultu-rale nigeriana e da una ragazza nigeriana con funzione di peer educator. Da settembre 2018 si sono organizzati incontri di 4-5 ore ogni sei settimane. Come scelta di conduzione delle attività si è scelto di non dare eccessiva strutturazione agli incontri e di utilizzare delle tecniche di animazione per facilitare un clima informale che age-volasse le relazioni e la libera espressione. L'obiettivo principale non è quello di trasmettere contenuti, ma di stimolare un processo di maturazione e consapevolezza del sé. Il messaggio esplicitato da subito era molto chiaro: «come sistema pubblico di assistenza siamo molto in difficoltà: abbiamo bisogno che siate voi stesse a farci capire come aiutarvi meglio». Le ra-gazze hanno così compreso il ruolo di partecipazione attiva richiesto; contemporaneamente la sfida per il servizio sociale ed i sistemi di accoglienza è stata quella di mettersi maggior-mente in gioco, per ridare fiducia alle ragazze e riconoscere loro competenze e capacità nell'autodeterminarsi. Da loro è inizialmente emersa una propensione a concentrarsi su temi legati al presente ed al futuro (la vita in comunità, la stabilizzazione nel territorio italiano, il lavoro, ecc.) ed una tendenza ad evitare tematiche più dolorose (il passato, il viaggio e l'esperienza di tratta, il rapporto con la Nigeria, ma anche in qualche modo il riconoscimento/consapevolezza di uno status di vittima che necessita di protezione). Si sono coinvolti negli incontri vari soggetti esterni soggetti della rete dei servizi, anche di tipo istituzionali (Questura, servizi specialistici sociosanitari, ecc.), affrontando alcune tematiche scelte dalle ragazze (le regole delle comunità, i documenti, la salute, le emozioni, le relazioni interpersonali, ecc.). Dopo un anno e mezzo, si individuano alcuni iniziali indicatori di esito: continuità della pre-senza e partecipazione attiva agli incontri, clima del gruppo, interazioni tra le ragazze all'interno e fuori dal gruppo, creazione di vicinanza e fiducia verso le istituzioni, tenuta dei percorsi di inclusione, maggiore attenzione, consapevolezza e disponibilità a mettersi mag-giormente in gioco, oltre ad un allargamento e coinvolgimento attivo da parte di servizi so-ciosanitari pubblici.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 2333794X2110237
Rizky Setiadi ◽  
Arsyawina ◽  
Umi Kalsum ◽  
Nursari Abdul Syukur ◽  
Iwan Muhamad Ramdan

Depression is a serious health problem that needs to be treated early so that it does not get worse in the future. Bullying can cause a mental health problem on students. This study aims to analyze the relationship between bullying and depression among undergraduate health students. This was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. Respondents filled out questionnaires online using the Google Form application. A total of 246 undergraduate health students participated in this study. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the data. There was a relationship between bullying and the incidence of depression in undergraduate health students (AOR: 2.158 (95% CI: 1.050-4.435)) after being controlled by physical attacked, close friends, loneliness, and smartphone addiction. This study proves that bullying is a risk factor for depression. Prevention of bullying is important to prevent depression. Handling and prevention are done by involving peer support from students through peer-counselor or peer-educator programs. Students with severe depression need to be treated further through an appropriate referral system.

Alanna Goldstein

Peer-led and youth-led sex education primarily involves young people teaching other young people about sex, sexuality, and sexual health. This approach gained in popularity during the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s–1990s, as community organizations sought to address the unique sexual health needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth, many of whom had been underserved in traditional sex education spaces. Since then, peer-led and youth-led sex education pedagogies have been implemented by researchers, educators, and community organizations working across a range of sites around the globe. Peer-led and youth-led sex education generally draws on assumptions that young people are better situated than adults to talk to their peers about sexual health and/or to model positive sexual health behavior. However, some have noted that this perspective constructs young people as a homogenous group and ignores the ways in which sexuality and sexual health intersects with other social factors. Furthermore, there is a general lack of consensus across interventions around who constitutes a “peer” and what constitutes “peer-led” sex education, resulting in the development of interventions that at times tokenize young people, without engaging them in meaningful ways. As a result, evaluations of many peer- and youth-led sex education pedagogies suggest that even as these pedagogies improve young people’s knowledge of sexual health-related topics, they often don’t result in long-term sexual health behavior change. However, many evaluations of peer- and youth-led sex education pedagogies do suggest that acting as a peer educator is of immense benefit to those who take on this role, pointing to the need for program developers to reconsider what effective sex education pedagogy might look like. A “social ecology” or “systems thinking” approach to youth sexual health may provide alternative models for thinking about the future of peer-led and youth-led sex education. These approaches don’t task peer- and youth-led sex education with the sole responsibility of changing young people’s sexual health-related outcomes, but rather situate peer-led sex education as one potential node in the larger confluence of factors that shape and constrain young people’s sexual health.

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