classical definition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-27
Михаил Александрович Горелов ◽  
Mikhail Gorelov

A new optimality principle is proposed that generalizes the Stackelberg equilibrium principle. Its connection with the classical definition is investigated. The technique of working with the new definition is discussed. As an example, solutions are found in two hierarchical games with feedback.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Swati Malsariya ◽  
K Bharathi ◽  
B Pushpalatha

The series of actions happen in the genitals to expel the live product of fertilization from the uterus at the end of full-term pregnancy through the route of the vagina referred to as normal labour. This definition of labor is quite like the classical definition of Prasava which defines as at an appropriate time Prasuti Maruta acts in the right direction to rotate the fetus as per the pathway of the birth canal with head downward and fetus delivered out of Apathyapathya and can survive independently. The whole process is called Prasava or Sukhaprasava or Prakrutaprasava. In classics, the description regarding different stages of labour is found based on signs and symptoms of the parturient along with care to be given to her. In the present paper, Sukhaprasava is described completely including all its stages mentioned in classics and try to clarify the signs and symptoms mentioned as per the present scenario.

2021 ◽  
pp. 092137402110340
Thomas Bierschenk

This postface argues for a narrow and analytically strong concept of brokerage, which is oriented towards the classical definition by Boissevain. His ideal type emphasises the agency of brokers who actively pursue their own interests and act at an equal distance to the groups between which they mediate. Furthermore, the text argues for thinking of brokerage as a bundle of social practices instead of as brokers in the sense of a social type. While few social actors are fully-fledged brokers, many of them engage in brokerage.

2021 ◽  
Damoun Langary ◽  
Anika Kueken ◽  
Zoran Nikoloski

The deficiency of a (bio)chemical reaction network can be conceptually interpreted as a measure of its ability to support exotic dynamical behavior and/or multistationarity. The classical definition of deficiency relates to the capacity of a network to permit variations of the complex formation rate vector at steady state, irrespective of the network kinetics. However, the deficiency is by definition completely insensitive to the fine details of the directionality of reactions as well as bounds on reaction fluxes. While the classical definition of deficiency can be readily applied in the analysis of unconstrained, weakly reversible networks, it only provides an upper bound in the cases where relevant constraints on reaction fluxes are imposed. Here we propose the concept of effective deficiency, which provides a more accurate assessment of the networks capacity to permit steady state variations at the complex level for constrained networks of any reversibility patterns. The effective deficiency relies on the concept of nonstoichiometric balanced complexes, which we have already shown to be present in real-world biochemical networks operating under flux constraints. Our results demonstrate that the effective deficiency of real-world biochemical networks is smaller than the classical deficiency, indicating the effects of reaction directionality and flux bounds on the variation of the complex formation rate vector at steady state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 20-42
A.R. Ivanova ◽  
E.N. Skriptunova ◽  
N.I. Komasko ◽  
A.A. Zavialova ◽  

Dust storm episodes at the aerodromes in the Asian part of Russia / Ivanova A.R., Skriptunova E.N., Komasko N.I., Zavialova A.A.// Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting, 2021, no. 2 (380), pp. 20-42. According to 2001-2020 METAR data, episodes of dust storms at 26 international aerodromes in the Asian Russia causing poor visibility are studied. The conditions for issuing reports on dust storms, their correspondence to the definition of a dust storm are discussed. It was found that out of 337 reports describing dust transport by strong wind, only 7 episodes registered at the aerodromes of Irkutsk, Abakan, Omsk, and Blagoveshchensk corresponded to the classical definition. The others detected at 15 of 26 aerodromes may be defined as “dust events” – the episodes of dust transfer causing the nonessential visibility reduction. The seasonal variation in such episodes and its connection with changes in visibility are studied. The characteristics of dusty air masses and the direction of their advection are given. Keywords: dust storm, dust events, aerodromes of Asian Russia, seasonal variation, trajectory analysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-101
Krzysztof Bobrowski

International law does not currently possess adequate instruments to define aggression in cyberspace, as well as to identify and punish perpetrators. The classical definition of aggression is inadequate to the reality of cyberspace, in the area of legal doctrine and practice, the international law is not adjusted to the contemporary digital reality and the destinations in which the digital reality is heading. The current definition of aggression reflects past conflicts. Conventional aggression is related to the attack on the physical elements of a state (related to the territory). Whereas, a digital attack may, but does not have to, have a direct relation to the territory of the state. The nature of cyberspace varies from other spaces. The a-territorial character of cyberspace influences the assortment of difficulties in the international legal issues regarding cyberspace. Cyberspace is not an additional or a marginal field of the operations of units, organisations andthe state, but an area to which the entire sphere of operations is transferring. The war of the future will take place to a large extent in cyberspace.


Abstract For a commutative ring R, we define the notions of deformed Picard algebroids and deformed twisted differential operators on a smooth, separated, locally of finite type R-scheme and prove these are in a natural bijection. We then define the pullback of a sheaf of twisted differential operators that reduces to the classical definition when R = ℂ. Finally, for modules over twisted differential operators, we prove a theorem for the descent under a locally trivial torsor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Terry R. Medler ◽  
Tiffany C. Blair ◽  
Marka R. Crittenden ◽  
Michael J. Gough

In the cancer literature tumors are inconsistently labeled as ‘immunogenic’, and experimental results are occasionally dismissed since they are only tested in known ‘responsive’ tumor models. The definition of immunogenicity has moved from its classical definition based on the rejection of secondary tumors to a more nebulous definition based on immune infiltrates and response to immunotherapy interventions. This review discusses the basis behind tumor immunogenicity and the variation between tumor models, then moves to discuss how these principles apply to the response to radiation therapy. In this way we can identify radioimmunogenic tumor models that are particularly responsive to immunotherapy only when combined with radiation, and identify the interventions that can convert unresponsive tumors so that they can also respond to these treatments.

Frequentist probability is historically presented as an attempt both to overcome the limitations of classical conception and to take into account the impressive development of experimental sciences and statistics. It is precisely because of this close link with the statistical sciences that it finds a significant place in teaching. It is also an area in which the use of IT tools is crucial. This approach also makes it possible to calculate the probability of events and from it we derive the same rules examined in the classical definition, since it is sufficient to replace the ratio between the number of favorable cases and the number of possible cases with the limit of the ratio when the repeated tests tend to infinity. One of the fundamental concepts appears in the chapter, that of a random variable capable of describing events and their distribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
Taslima Julia ◽  
Zainab Belal Omar

Despite different views among scholars about the position of Ijma’ as a source of Shari’ah and about the possibility of Ijma’ to take place in its classical form in the contemporary times, the authenticity of it is proved by the Qur’an and Sunnah and the authority of Ijma’ is unanimously agreed. Hence the aim of the paper is to find out whether Ijma’ takes place in the contemporary Islamic Finance Fiqhi rulings or not. Based on document analysis that is the resolutions of different Shari’ah bodies like OIC Fiqh Academy, AAOIFI, SC of Malaysia, Kuwait Finance House, Dhallah of Baraka, Dubai Islamic Bank, Al-Rajhi Bank as well as different books and articles on Ijma’, this paper tries to get clear ideas about the classical and contemporary view of Ijma’ and also tries to find out unanimous agreement of Mujtahids on Islamic Finance rulings. Findings reveal that as per its classical definition Ijma’ does not take place in the contemporary Islamic finance, as no claim is found in favor of it. However, few rulings related to Islamic Finance are agreed by all Mujtahids of different Fiqh academy/ organizations and Shari’ah scholars which are the results of collective Ijtihad of Mujtahids of the current world and are binding in nature, so can be said are the results of Ijma’ of contemporary scholars.

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