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2021 ◽  
pp. 103-114
Massimo Renzo

This chapter compares Ripstein’s treatment of wars of national defense with the treatment offered by the just war theory model. Wars of national defense are surprisingly difficult to justify within the just war theory approach. Attempts by some of the most prominent philosophers working within this approach have either concluded that wars of national defense are impermissible, or that they are permissible only in an implausibly restricted number of circumstances. If they are right, and if Ripstein’s account does a better job in dealing with these cases, that would be a reason to favor his Kantian approach over the traditional just war model. Renzo argues that neither of these claims is correct. Ripstein’s view ultimately lacks the resources to justify a right to wage wars of national defense, and contemporary just war theorists are wrong in believing that their approach can at best ground a weak version of such right. This gives us some reasons to prefer the just war approach over the Kantian one championed by Ripstein.

Hisanari Yamada

This chapter discusses syntactic V-V complexes involving a semantically main verb in the nonfinite form (first verb) and a syntactically main verb (second verb) in Avar. Avar employs no morphological V-V complexes. Avar syntactic V-V complexes include periphrastic tense forms, V-V complexes whose tense is indicated by a first verb, and V-V complexes whose tense is denoted by a second verb. The third type of V-V complexes uses twenty-eight second verbs. Most of them are also used as lexical verbs. Twenty-three of these second verbs do not change the number of arguments of first verbs. They are mostly used to express aspectual or modal meaning. Some of them are only employed with a restricted number of first verbs. Some second verbs permit bi-absolutive constructions. There are two types of bi-absolutive constructions. Avar second verbs tend to immediately follow first verbs, but other word orders are possible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 831-840
Riyadh Sarhan Al Jebouri

This work is inspecting the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, as a sample of advanced EFL users would experience it. It is grounded on the hypothesis that since speaking is a universal process for all human beings, then production models and theories should be universal too, for describing and explaining any phenomenon in any language used whether that language is a native or a foreign language and the occurrence T.O.T. (tip-of-the-tongue) phenomenon in specific. For this reason, advanced EFL users could experience such a phenomenon when using the English language for their every day or their academic life. This paper consists of a theoretical part in which it is considered the basis for defining and explaining the T.O.T. phenomenon and understanding the discussion of the study's expected results. However, in the discussion part, the researcher sheds light on the practical side that contains the questionnaire work analysis, the discussion of the results, and the conclusion that would be expected to be achieved. Based on the above hypothesis while, there were a restricted number of the T.O.T.s; conversely, in such cases, nearly most of the production of speech models and theories that explain the T.O.T. phenomenon is applicable. Concerning the identified T.O.T.s cases, they occurred more with deficient neighbourhoods than words that have sufficient neighbourhoods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-255
David Cardona

Abstract Roman Malta has been the subject of numerous historical and archaeological studies since the seventeenth century. However, the lack of documented excavations and the restricted number of sites – particularly those within the boundaries of the two main Roman towns – meant that numerous grey areas persist in our understanding of the islands under Roman rule, regardless of how many studies have been done so far. This article attempts to provide an overview of past works, studies and a discussion of the known consensus on knowledge of sites, populations and economies. This in an attempt to provide a clear picture of what we know (and what we do not) about Roman Malta. Finally, I will comment on current and new research and projects which are being carried out by various local entities and foreign institutions to enhance our knowledge of this very important historic era for the Maltese islands. This culminates into a proposal for the use of a predictive model that may help us identify new sites and, consequently, provide new data on this phase.

Anupama Bahadur ◽  
Rajlaxmi Mundhra ◽  
Rupendra Kuncham ◽  
Jyotshna Kashibhatla ◽  
Neha Verma ◽  

Literature is sparse regarding the fears and concerns of women delivering during COVID 19 pandemic. We interviewed 12 women delivering during the initial first week of lockdown period. There were three key concern of women- fear of being exposed at hospital, restricted number of hospital visitors made them confined and self-isolated thereby making them bored and frustrated, risk of baby being infected. Virtual communication through mobile was seen as a major support in all serving as a means of contact with their loved ones. Understanding a pregnant women’s concern and fear during this pandemic will enable a health care worker in better counselling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-317
Jack Hoeksema

Abstract Light and rightThe adjectives licht and recht can be used as adverbs of degree; they can also be used to express a negative-polar meaning in combination with a restricted number of verbs. In this squib, we will focus on the negative-polar and collocational properties of licht and recht by means of corpus data. licht is shown to be associated with futural clauses, often in combination with the verb vergeten ‘to forget’, while recht is associated with cognitive verbs, especially weten ‘to know’, begrijpen ‘to understand’ and verstaan ‘to understand’.

2020 ◽  
Stephen J. Seligman

AbstractThe nucleotide composition of the 5’UTR of the yellow fever virus (YFV) has been reported to be the most constant sequence in the viral genome, but a comprehensive analysis of this constancy has not been presented. The current report is an analysis of the 5’UTRs from 48 sequences deposited in GenBank representing the seven described genotypes, five in Africa and two in the Americas. The YFV 5’UTRs consist of 118-120 nucleotides, 92% (110/119) of which are constant in all sequences. The constancy is impressive and suggests that many participate in significant viral functions. Remarkably, analysis of the non-constant nucleotides revealed that in some instances the non-constant nucleotide changes persisted in one or a restricted number of related genotypes and were from sequences isolated over a considerable span of years. This constant feature of non-constant nucleotides is consistent with the concept that the changes were in response to different environmental features such as changes in mosquito hosts or animal reservoirs, particularly as a consequence of spread of YFV from Africa to the New World. Constancy of 5’UTR in general may be helpful in distinction of viral species. Lastly, the presence of sequences of constant nucleotides greater than 19 nucleotides suggests regions of the 5’UTR that may be exploited for use as non-codon RNA as treatment and diagnostic agents in a variety of viral diseases.ImportanceThe 5’UTR is arguably the most neglected portion of the viral genome. It is frequently incomplete in the sequences deposited as otherwise complete sequences in GenBank. The current report is an analysis of complete 5’UTR sequences selected from those deposited in GenBank and indicates that the 5’UTR is 92% conserved confirming that it is a highly conserved portion of the viral genome and suggesting that each conserved nucleotide may be functionally significant. Repeated occurrences of even non-constant nucleotides belong to a restricted number of genotypes raising the possibility that adaptation to new mosquito hosts and animal reservoirs such as those that accompanied spread of yellow fever virus from Africa to the Western Hemisphere are relevant. Knowledge of prolonged strings of invariable nucleotides in the 5’UTR has been used in designing a method for detecting YFV and may also be relevant for designing sequences for viral control of a variety of viruses.

Yulia Musiienko

The article is devoted to the study of prosodic means’ loading in creating emotional didactic utterance conveyed in modern English parables. The relevance of the problem is due to the general tendency of contemporary linguistic studies to analyze the functioning of prosodic means of coding, generating, perception and decoding of didactic loading of the utterance. A conducted experimental-and-phonetic research has shown that accentuation of lexical, grammatical and stylistic linguistic means within their prosodic loading facilitates a process of actualization and decoding of directive intentions aiming at evoking the recipient’s emotions. It has been established that directive intentions are precepted as neutral according to their emotional level due to a restricted number of lexical and grammatical means, and a regular tempo and rhythmic structure without various suprasegmental patterns. In contrast, the directive intentions and ethical ideas conveyed in the parables and read with more prominent emotional loading are characterized by increase and decrease on loudness, acceleration and slowing of tempo, high or extra high falling nuclear tones in comparison to less accentuated and highlighted intonational parts of a didactic utterance. Despite the variety of lexical, grammatical and stylistic means the most significant emotions and didactic utterances that are characterized by a number of specific invariant prosodic means, by accentuation and prominence of semantic centers conveyed in the didactic utterance of contemporary English parables have been singled out.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Mohamad Adabitabar Firozja ◽  
Bahram Agheli

AbstractIn this research work, we have shown that it is possible to use fuzzy transform method (FTM) for approximate solution of strongly fractional nonlinear problems. In numerical methods, in order to approximate a function on a particular interval, only a restricted number of points are employed. However, what makes the F-transform preferable to other methods is that it makes use of all points in this interval. The comparison of the time used in minutes is given for two derivatives Caputo derivative and Caputo-Fabrizio derivative.

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