security of network
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2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Xiaomeng Zhu

The network in information age has become an important part of life, but in the process of in-depth application of computers and networks, information security issues have also become a significant obstacle to their developments. The intelligent solution to information security is a self-organized management and computing security protocol that is completed through the intelligent technologies at both ends of the sensing device and network authentication center. The results show that the network security information communication and publicity management platform built by the self-organized network management and computing of the intelligent solutions to information security can effectively heighten network users’ awareness of information protection, enhance the security of network environment, and promote the improvement of scientific network security rules. The study results of this paper provide a reference for further researches on self-organized network management and computing of intelligent solutions to information security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The network in information age has become an important part of life, but in the process of in-depth application of computers and networks, information security issues have also become a significant obstacle to their developments. The intelligent solution to information security is a self-organized management and computing security protocol that is completed through the intelligent technologies at both ends of the sensing device and network authentication center. The results show that the network security information communication and publicity management platform built by the self-organized network management and computing of the intelligent solutions to information security can effectively heighten network users’ awareness of information protection, enhance the security of network environment, and promote the improvement of scientific network security rules. The study results of this paper provide a reference for further researches on self-organized network management and computing of intelligent solutions to information security.

2021 ◽  
pp. 182-186
Мирослава Юріївна Якимчук

У статті розглянуто основні аспекти правового регулювання кіберзлочинності в націо- нальному праві через призму міжнародного. Проаналізовано визначення поняття «кіберз- лочинність», його історичний розвиток. Дослідження наукових студій дало змогу уточнити визначення поняття «міжнародна кіберзлочинність», яке ми будемо розуміти як протиправну поведінку міжнародного значення, яка здійснена за допомогою комп’ютерної техніки задля несанкціонованого отримання інформації. У статті згадано і проаналізовано резонансний приклад кібератаки, якого названо вірусом «Petya». У сучасному світі країни розробляють нові методи боротьби з такими злочинами, зокрема зазначено, що США сформувала так звані «NIST Cyber security Framework» – стандарти з безпеки, які дозволяють виявляти, реагувати і навіть запобігати кіберзлочинам; Каліфорнія випустила Акт про повідомлення щодо порушення правил безпеки «Notice of Security Breach Act», згідно з яким компанії мають право вільно вибрати для себе спосіб забезпечення приватності своїх систем; Євро- пейський Союз прийняв Директиву щодо мережевої та інформаційної безпеки «NIS Directive on security of network and information systems», що визначив важливе значення надійності й безпеки мережевих та інформаційних систем для економічної та суспільної діяльності; Україна створила підрозділ «CERT-UA», який у межах своїх повноважень проводить аналіз та накопичення даних про кіберінциденти, веде державний їх реєстр. Узагальнюючи все проаналізоване вище, ми зробили висновки, що в сучасному світі існує багато видів кіберз- лочинів: комп’ютерне шпигування, поширювання комп’ютерних вірусів, інтернет-шахрай- ство, дефейс, кібертероризм тощо – ці злочини можуть мати більш масштабний об’єм і загро- жувати міждержавній безпеці. У статті згадано і виокремлено умовні групи злочинів проти приватності, цілісності інформаційних даних, за Конвенцією про кіберзлочинність. Аналіз наукової літератури дав можливість констатувати, що кіберзлочинність дійсно є актуальною проблемою сучасності, проте світове співтовариство спрямувало свої сили на її розв’язання через прийняття відповідних документів.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Fleurdeliza A. de Peralta ◽  
Mark D. Watson ◽  
Ryan M. Bays ◽  
Joshua R. Boles ◽  
Ford E. Powers

Abstract Marine renewable energy (MRE) is an emerging source of power for marine applications, marine devices, and coastal communities. This energy source relies on industrial control systems and IT to support operations and maintenance activities, which create a pathway for an adversary to gain unauthorized access to systems and data and disrupt operations. Incorporating cybersecurity risk prevention measures and mitigation capabilities from inception, development, operation, to decommissioning of the MRE system and components is paramount to the protection of energy generation and the security of network architecture and infrastructure. To improve the resilience of MRE systems as a predictable, affordable, and reliable source of energy, cybersecurity guidance was developed to enable operators to assess cybersecurity risks and implement security measures commensurate with the risk. This publication is the second of a two-part series, with Part 1 addressing a framework to determine cybersecurity risk by assessing the vulnerability of an MRE system to potential cyber threats and the consequences a cyberattack would have on the end user. This Part 2 publication describes an approach to select appropriate cybersecurity best practices commensurate with the MRE system's cybersecurity risk. The guidance includes 86 cybersecurity best practices, which are associated with 36 cybersecurity domains and grouped into nine categories. The best practices follow the core functions of the National Institute of Science and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (e.g., identify, detect, protect, respond, and and recover) and insights from both maritime and energy industry guidance documents to identify security measures effective in protecting information and operational technology assets prevalent in MRE systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (71) ◽  
pp. 280-314
Danuta Adamiec ◽  
Justyna Branna ◽  
Dobromir Dziewulak ◽  
Natalia Firlej ◽  
Kamila Groszkowska ◽  

The study presents information on the legislation on the cybersecurity system in selected European Union countries. The discussed laws in force in individual countries implement the NIS Directive concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union. The NIS Directive specifies the institutions that should be established in all Member States; it regulates cooperation at the European level and imposes obligations in the field of network and information systems security, including the duty to adopt a national strategy on the security of network and information systems.

2020 ◽  
pp. 16-20
Marina Ozhiganova ◽  
Emil Kurtametov ◽  

Security of network systems has become a necessity, as more and more important information is stored and used online. The spread of web applications opens up new attack vectors. Traditional security mechanisms, such as firewalls, are not designed to protect web applications and therefore do not provide adequate protection. Current attacks cannot be prevented only by blocking ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). Preventative measures (such as web application firewall rules) are not always possible. Signature methods for detection are always behind the actual event. Protocol-enforced network firewalls usually provide the first line of defense, delaying most major attacks on the network perimeter. They mainly work on the network, session, and transport layers of the reference network model (OSI). Developers have significantly expanded the capabilities of network firewalls to control the integrity of a wide range of top-level protocols, such as DNS, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, and TFTP. Standard firewalls can help restrict or allow access to network ports. Although application proxy firewalls exist, they cannot understand the specific content of all web applications run by an enterprise. The purpose of this article is to study the features of using machine learning in web application protection. Methods of web application security and learning neural networks were studied. The result of this work is a theoretical overview of the neural network security of a web application.

Александр Юрьевич Максимовский ◽  
Григорий Александрович Остапенко ◽  
Олег Николаевич Чопоров

В статье изучаются свойства сложных систем, представимых в виде сети автоматов, обладающих специальными свойствами. Данные свойства используются в интересах организации наблюдения за динамикой изменения (мониторинга) поведения состояния указанных систем в целях обеспечения надежного контроля функционирования. При этом в множество критериев контроля могут включаться результаты проверки соответствия троек входных последовательностей, последовательностей состояний и выходных последовательностей объектов контроля набору отношений, формируемых с использованием информации о свойствах рассматриваемых автоматных моделей сетевых объектов и, в частности, особенности функционирования указанных автоматных моделей. Предложены дальнейшие пути развития методов и средств выявления особенностей внешнего поведения автоматных моделей объектов контроля, способы построения и использования экспериментов с автоматами, а также отношений специального вида для автоматных моделей компонентов сложных систем и ассоциированных с ними комбинаторных объектов, определяемых на мультиграфах состояний соответствующих автоматов. Указаны общие подходы к применению автоматных моделей регистрового типа для мониторинга информационной безопасности сетевых объектов регистров сдвига или их обобщений, обладающие необходимыми свойствами. Получены новые результаты о возможностях и предложены новые подходы к выбору характеристик применения рассмотренных ранее автоматных моделей. Основное внимание уделено изучению групп автоматных моделей обобщенных недвоичных регистров сдвига и их обобщений, обладающих необходимыми свойствами. На основании этих результатов построены новые классы автоматных моделей параметров мониторинга информационной безопасности объектов сетевой инфраструктуры, которые включают не только основанные на контроле алгебраических и комбинаторных соотношений входных и выходных последовательностей указанных объектов, но и позволяют выявить потенциальные угрозы безопасности средствам контроля. The article studies the properties of complex systems that can be represented as a network of automata with special properties. These properties are used in the interests of organizing observation of the dynamics of changes (monitoring) the behavior of the state of these systems is in order to ensure reliable control over the functioning. In this case, the set of control criteria can include the results of checking the correspondence of triplets of input sequences, sequences of states and output sequences of control objects to a set of relations, generated using information about the properties of the considered automatic models of network objects and, in particular, the features of the functioning of these automatic models. Further ways of developing methods and means of identifying the features of the external behavior of automaton models of control objects, methods of constructing and using experiments with automata, as well as relations of a special kind for automata models of components of complex systems and associated combinatorial objects defined on the multigraphs of states of the corresponding automata. General approaches to the use of register-type automata models for monitoring information security of network objects of shift registers or their generalizations, which have the necessary properties, are indicated. New results on the possibilities are obtained and new approaches to the choice of characteristics of the application of the previously considered automatic models are proposed. The main attention is paid to the study of groups of automatic models of generalized non-binary shift registers of shift registers and their generalizations, which have the necessary properties. Based on these results, new classes of automata models of parameters for monitoring information security of network infrastructure objects were constructed, which include not only control-based algebraic and combinatorial relationships of the input and output sequences of the specified objects, but also allow identifying potential security threats to the controls themselves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Xiabing Zhou ◽  
Bin Li ◽  
Yanrong Qi ◽  
Wanying Dong

With the rapid development of the Internet, the security of network multimedia data has attracted increasingly more attention. The moving target defense (MTD) and cyber mimic defense (CMD) approaches provide a new way to solve this problem. To enhance the security of network multimedia data, this paper proposes a mimic encryption box for network multimedia data security. The mimic encryption box can directly access the network where the multimedia device is located, automatically complete the negotiation, provide safe and convenient encryption services, and effectively prevent network attacks. According to the principles of dynamization, diversification, and randomization, the mimic encryption box uses a reconfigurable encryption algorithm to encrypt network data and uses IP address hopping, port number hopping, protocol camouflage, and network channel change to increase the attack threshold. Second, the mimic encryption box has a built-in pseudorandom number generator and key management system, which can generate an initial random key and update the key with the hash value of the data packet to achieve “one packet, one key.” Finally, through the cooperation of the ARM and the FPGA, an access control list can be used to filter illegal data and monitor the working status of the system in real time. If an abnormality is found, the feedback reconstruction mechanism is used to “clean” the FPGA to make it work normally again. The experimental results and analysis show that the mimic encryption box designed in this paper has high network encryption performance and can effectively prevent data leakage. At the same time, it provides a mimic security defense mechanism at multiple levels, which can effectively resist a variety of network attacks and has high security.

Neha Bansal ◽  
Sukhdeep Singh

For communication in the wireless networking, transmission of data over network sometimes is not safe. In such case security of network is one of the essential aspect in computer networking. Cryptography is antechnique of transforming an plaindata into encrypted one, and then retransform that encrypted data back to its plain (original) form. In this we authenticate the sender to whom you want to send that data file. There are two different techniques of cryptography, symmetric key cryptography (called public-key cryptography) algorithms and asymmetric key cryptography (called public-key cryptography) algorithms. There are also various algorithms for encrypted data using either public or private key or both. This paper describes RSA algorithm which first convert our data into other form and then encrypt it using RSA public key encryption at sender side & at receiver side, first it authenticate the receiver then decrypt the data/ file and convert into original form.

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