2021 ◽  
pp. 182-186
Мирослава Юріївна Якимчук

У статті розглянуто основні аспекти правового регулювання кіберзлочинності в націо- нальному праві через призму міжнародного. Проаналізовано визначення поняття «кіберз- лочинність», його історичний розвиток. Дослідження наукових студій дало змогу уточнити визначення поняття «міжнародна кіберзлочинність», яке ми будемо розуміти як протиправну поведінку міжнародного значення, яка здійснена за допомогою комп’ютерної техніки задля несанкціонованого отримання інформації. У статті згадано і проаналізовано резонансний приклад кібератаки, якого названо вірусом «Petya». У сучасному світі країни розробляють нові методи боротьби з такими злочинами, зокрема зазначено, що США сформувала так звані «NIST Cyber security Framework» – стандарти з безпеки, які дозволяють виявляти, реагувати і навіть запобігати кіберзлочинам; Каліфорнія випустила Акт про повідомлення щодо порушення правил безпеки «Notice of Security Breach Act», згідно з яким компанії мають право вільно вибрати для себе спосіб забезпечення приватності своїх систем; Євро- пейський Союз прийняв Директиву щодо мережевої та інформаційної безпеки «NIS Directive on security of network and information systems», що визначив важливе значення надійності й безпеки мережевих та інформаційних систем для економічної та суспільної діяльності; Україна створила підрозділ «CERT-UA», який у межах своїх повноважень проводить аналіз та накопичення даних про кіберінциденти, веде державний їх реєстр. Узагальнюючи все проаналізоване вище, ми зробили висновки, що в сучасному світі існує багато видів кіберз- лочинів: комп’ютерне шпигування, поширювання комп’ютерних вірусів, інтернет-шахрай- ство, дефейс, кібертероризм тощо – ці злочини можуть мати більш масштабний об’єм і загро- жувати міждержавній безпеці. У статті згадано і виокремлено умовні групи злочинів проти приватності, цілісності інформаційних даних, за Конвенцією про кіберзлочинність. Аналіз наукової літератури дав можливість констатувати, що кіберзлочинність дійсно є актуальною проблемою сучасності, проте світове співтовариство спрямувало свої сили на її розв’язання через прийняття відповідних документів.

Mykhailo Strelbitskyi

The article analyzes the functions of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine and its information systems. It is determined that the modernization of the components of the integrated information system causes a violation of the existing system of cyber defense. The analysis of existing approaches to ensuring the protection of information in information systems has shown a sufficiently deep study of research separately for each information system. However, unexperienced features of the interaction of these systems remain, in particular, with the modernization of certain information systems in terms of providing cyber defense in general. The process of modernization of information systems is carried out according to individual components of the system or complex and requires their coordination in the process of joint operation. The article gives the justification of modernization strategies according to the groups of criteria: the level of cyber security, the peculiarities of the functioning of information systems. It is noted that the value of the probability of violating the properties of the information resource varies over the entire period of modernization. Therefore, to choose the strategy of modernization at the value of probability at any time is not correct. It is necessary to take into account the general tendency of the function of changing this probability. The most expedient is the distribution of this group of criteria into three components of the criteria for the level of cyber security: the normative - the criterion in which the current value of the probability of violating cybersecurity does not exceed the given; average - the criterion for which the average probability of a violation of cybersecurity does not exceed the prescribed; weighted - a criterion for which the average weighted probability of cybersecurity violation will not exceed the given. The article presents functional dependencies for determining the probability of cyber security violations for each of the groups. As a result of the study, it was determined that the priority indicator of the effectiveness of the process of modernizing the information systems of the border agency is the maximum value of the probability of violating the properties of information in the process of modernization

Amtul Waheed ◽  
Jana Shafi

Smart cities are established on some smart components such as smart governances, smart economy, science and technology, smart politics, smart transportation, and smart life. Each and every smart object is interconnected through the internet, challenging the security and privacy of citizen's sensitive information. A secure framework for smart cities is the only solution for better and smart living. This can be achieved through IoT infrastructure and cloud computing. The combination of IoT and Cloud also increases the storage capacity and computational power and make services pervasive, cost-effective, and accessed from anywhere and any device. This chapter will discuss security issues and challenges of smart city along with cyber security framework and architecture of smart cities for smart infrastructures and smart applications. It also presents a general study about security mechanism for smart city applications and security protection methodology using IOT service to stand against cyber-attacks.

From the first community cybersecurity exercise the CIAS at UTSA conducted in San Antonio in 2002, information sharing has been a key element of the community cybersecurity program. Information sharing is essential in the protection and detection aspects of programs such as the NIST cyber security framework. Information sharing helps to alert other organizations to ongoing reconnaissance and attack efforts by attackers. When it comes to cybersecurity, organizations are not in competition with each other but instead are partners in a mutual defense against attackers. This has not been an easy lesson to learn, and it has taken time, but today, there are many robust information sharing programs that help various sectors and geographic regions to band together to help each other in efforts to thwart attacks against any member of the group. Information sharing is an integral part of the community cyber security maturity model and can in fact help provide a catalyst to launch an overall cybersecurity program for a community.

Otobong Inieke

Data security in the information age is a critical facet in the integrity and reliability of the various information systems making up value structures of businesses, organizations etc. Aside from professionals directly involved with securing data within these systems, the importance of data security is not readily apparent to the everyday user of devices in the information systems. The purpose of this literature review is to highlight challenges related to data security and business information systems in conjunction with digital literacy. An extensive literature review was conducted with the aim of identifying and describing scenarios of technology misuse as well as vulnerabilities in vital business information systems. A gap in awareness continues to plague those who leverage information systems for its myriad uses because everyday users will in most cases dismiss data security advice as alarmist or jargon-laden. This falls in line with a 2018 cyber security survey from Statista which showed that 22% of data security tasks was preventing malware while 17% of tasks were dedicated to preventing social engineering and phishing attacks. This literature review will describe possible data insecurity solutions as well as potential areas of further research. The paper will point out the importance of digital literacy as well as recommendations for its improvement in society and also ongoing research in that regard. The essence of this literature review is to identify certain everyday information systems such as decision support systems and transaction processing systems; while pointing out vulnerabilities and threat nature i.e. technical or non-technical and also demonstrating the importance of digital literacy and lack thereof.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-40 ◽  
Andrew N. Liaropoulos

The cyber security discourse is dominated by states and corporations that focus on the protection of critical information infrastructure and databases. The priority is the security of information systems and networks, rather than the protection of connected users. The dominance of war metaphors in the cyber security debates has produced a security dilemma, which is not sufficiently addressing the needs of people. This article underlines this shortcoming and views cyber security through a human-centric perspective. Freedom of expression and the right to privacy are under attack in the era of cyber surveillance. From a human-centric perspective such rights should be understood as a critical part of cyber security. Human rights protections need to be effectively addressed in the digital sphere and gain their place in the cyber security agendas.

AI Magazine ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62 ◽  
Sunny Fugate ◽  
Kimberly Ferguson-Walter

Traditional cyber security techniques have led to an asymmetric disadvantage for defenders. The defender must detect all possible threats at all times from all attackers and defend all systems against all possible exploitation. In contrast, an attacker needs only to find a single path to the defender’s critical information. In this article, we discuss how this asymmetry can be rebalanced using cyber deception to change the attacker’s perception of the network environment, and lead attackers to false beliefs about which systems contain critical information or are critical to a defender’s computing infrastructure. We introduce game theory concepts and models to represent and reason over the use of cyber deception by the defender and the effect it has on attacker perception. Finally, we discuss techniques for combining artificial intelligence algorithms with game theory models to estimate hidden states of the attacker using feedback through payoffs to learn how best to defend the system using cyber deception. It is our opinion that adaptive cyber deception is a necessary component of future information systems and networks. The techniques we present can simultaneously decrease the risks and impacts suffered by defenders and dramatically increase the costs and risks of detection for attackers. Such techniques are likely to play a pivotal role in defending national and international security concerns.

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