homogeneous charge
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Fuel ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 121774
Narankhuu Jamsran ◽  
Hyunwook Park ◽  
Junsun Lee ◽  
Seungmook Oh ◽  
Changup Kim ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 146808742110555
David Gordon ◽  
Armin Norouzi ◽  
Gero Blomeyer ◽  
Julian Bedei ◽  
Masoud Aliramezani ◽  

The internal combustion engine faces increasing societal and governmental pressure to improve both efficiency and engine out emissions. Currently, research has moved from traditional combustion methods to new highly efficient combustion strategies such as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI). However, predicting the exact value of engine out emissions using conventional physics-based or data-driven models is still a challenge for engine researchers due to the complexity the of combustion and emission formation. Research has focused on using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for this problem but ANN’s require large training datasets for acceptable accuracy. This work addresses this problem by presenting the development of a simple model for predicting the steady-state emissions of a single cylinder HCCI engine which is created using an metaheuristic optimization based Support Vector Machine (SVM). The selection of input variables to the SVM model is explored using five different feature sets, considering up to seven engine inputs. The best results are achieved with a model combining linear and squared inputs as well as cross correlations and their squares totaling 26 features. In this case the model fit represented by R2 values were between 0.72 and 0.95. The best model fits were achieved for CO and CO2, while HC and NOx models have reduced model performance. Linear and non-linear SVM models were then compared to an ANN model. This comparison showed that SVM based models were more robust to changes in feature selection and better able to avoid local minimums compared to the ANN models leading to a more consistent model prediction when limited training data is available. The proposed machine learning based HCCI emission models and the feature selection approach provide insight into optimizing the model accuracy while minimizing the computational costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2125 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
Binzhi Sun ◽  
Hexu Wang ◽  
Keming Yan ◽  
Renyi Zhang

Abstract HCCI represents homogeneous charge compression ignition. It is a cleaner, higher thermal efficiency, and higher fuel efficiency alternative combustion technology. This engine combines the advantages of diesel and gasoline engines so that the compression ratio of diesel engines can be achieved even when gasoline is used as fuel, and there is basically no NOx and soot emissions. However, the HCCI still has some problems such as ignition timing unstable, bad load and speed variation, and cold start capacity. Today, due to the above shortcomings, HCCI is still mainly researched and developed in the laboratory without mass production. The purpose of this paper is discussing the advantage and disadvantage of HCCI technique and analyse the operating principle to provide possible solution that will improve the quality of HCCI engine before the mass production of HCCI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2108 (1) ◽  
pp. 012086
Sirui Chen ◽  
Yichen Deng ◽  
Zhuojun Ma ◽  
Yujing Zhang

Abstract The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine is considered an advanced technique, a form of internal combustion in which well-mixed fuel and oxidizer (typically air) are compressed to the point of auto-ignition. HCCI engines have higher thermal efficiency and lower emissions than Spark Ignition (SI) and Compression Ignition (CI) engines. The emissions of NOx can be neglected compared to the CI engine. In addition, a wide variety of fuels, combinations of fuels and alternative fuels can be used in this type of internal combustion engine. Moreover, when investigating the heat release rate of a HCCI engine for both single- and two-stage ignition fuels, the results show that for both fuel types, the cycle changes in the ignition and combustion phases increase with the delay of the combustion phase. Also, the cycle change of iso-octane (the single-stage ignition fuel) is higher than that of PRF80 (the two-stage ignition fuel). This paper will first introduce the control mode of the HCCI engine and then review its current status from the perspective of combustion, emissions, and consumption. After presenting the current status, the authors present suggestions about the prospect of further development with respect to the timing of ignition, the expansion of the engine operating range, and the choice of fuel mixture in this new mode of technology.

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