ivan the terrible
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N. V. Belov

The article attempts to identify the circumstances of the parochial conflict of the princes A.B. Trubetskoy and P.M. Shchenyatev in the Polotsk voivodeship in the spring of 1564, as well as the reasons for the final transition of the Trubetskoy princes to the sovereign service with the help of comparative and histotical method, analysis and synthesis, literature and sources on the investigated topic. As a result of the study, it was found that up to the 1560-ies the Trubetskoys occupied military and administrative posts sporadically and were not firmly embedded in the system of service relations of the Moscow state. Adopted in the early 1560s. the new land legislation jeopardized the further existence of the Trubetskoy estate and forced them to intensify their official activities. The conflict in Polotsk was the first attempt by the Trubetskoys to find out their real parochial status. Prince A.B. Trubetskoy was guided by the old ideas about the exclusive role of service princes, characteristic of the first third of the 16th century. He entered into a parochial dispute with an obviously superior enemy and did not emerge victorious from it. The author concluded that, faced with the new realities of the sovereign service, the Trubetskoys, who, due to their official passivity, were inferior to many less noble families in a parochial relation, sacrificed their relative independence and went over to the tsarist service. During the years of the oprichnina, they actively served in the oprichnina estate of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, won his favor and were able to raise their parochial status.

А. В. Чернецов

Статья посвящена двум миниатюрам XVI в. из Лицевого летописного свода Ивана Грозного. На них представлены изображения классических археологических памятников - городищ. Миниатюры находятся во Втором Остермановском томе Свода. Они иллюстрируют путешествие митрополита Пимена в 1389 г. по р. Дону. Первая миниатюра представляет руины древнерусского города Чюр-Михайлов; второй памятник имеет чужеземное название (Терклия). Он характеризуется в летописном тексте как «городище». Изображения двух мертвых городов являются маркерами, разделяющими заселенные регионы от пустынных. Городища на миниатюрах представлены схематично, тем не менее ясно показано наличие оборонительных стен и башен. The paper explores two miniatures of the 16th century from the Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible. They contain images of classical archaeological sites, i.e. fortified settlements. The miniatures are from Osterman Volume II of the Chronicle. They illustrate the pilgrimage of Metropolitan Pimen to Constantinople down the Don River in 1389. The first miniature features ruins of the Medieval Russia city of Chyur-Mikhailov; the second site has a foreign name (Terklia). The text of the Chronicle describes it as ‘fortified settlement’. This is an image of two dead cities used as markers separating inhabited regions from vacant lands. The miniatures show the fortified settlements schematically; still defensive walls and towers are clearly identifiable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 68-93
N.N. Mutia ◽  

The article is devoted to the vitality of historical painting. The purpose of the article is to identify those characteristic features of a historical work that contribute to the fact that the picture, while remaining a product of the epoch that created it, acquires a timeless character. The emphasis is placed on the content aspect of the historical picture; its allusiveness, iconography, dialogism; external aspects of the perception of the picture (politicization, laughing and playing aspects). The author also analyzes such a complex aspects of perception of a picture as its transformation into a “living organism” with which one can “conduct a conversation” or “argue”. These aspects are considered on the example of the painting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581 by Ilya Repin (1885).

Галина Николаевна Мелехова

Предпринята попытка рассмотреть и, по возможности, предложить объяснение некоторым закономерностям и особенностям, запечатлевшимся в градостроительной структуре города Каргополя – бывшего уездного, а ныне районного центра на юге Архангельской области. Древняя структура города, вытянувшегося по реке Онеге, является полицентрической, фиксируются несколько центров: южные Колобова горка и Старый торг, северный Городок с Красным Посадом, посередине между ними Соборная площадь с древними Ивановской улицей и Каменкой. Картографирование посвящений храмов и их приделов середины XVI – середины XVII в. выявило преобладание Господских храмов с приделами, посвященными новгородским святым, в северо-восточной части города и Богородичных храмов, связанных с московско-суздальской тематикой, – в юго-западной. Естественно предположить, что они отражают устойчивые предпочтения групп населения более раннего времени – периода заселения. Высказывается и обосновывается гипотеза о связи групп посвящений с разными колонизационными потоками, отличавшимися мировоззренческими предпочтениями: новгородским и «низовским». В середине XVI в., в эпоху Ивана Грозного, московское правительство выполнило объединительные функции, создав примерно посередине новый центр (на месте нынешней Соборной площади). An attempt has been made to consider and, if possible, offer an explanation for some of the patterns and features that are imprinted in the urban planning structure of the city of Kargopol – a former county, and now a regional center in the south of the Arkhangelsk region. The ancient structure of the city, stretching along the Onega River, is polycentric, several centers are recorded: the southern Kolobov Gorka and the Old Marketplace, the northern Gorodok with Krasny Posad, in the middle between them is Cathedral Square with the ancient Ivanovskaya Street and Kamenka. Mapping the dedications of temples and their side-altars in the mid-16th – mid-17th centuries. revealed the predominance of dedications to the Lord in the northeastern part of the city and dedications to the Mother of God – in the southwest. It is natural to assume that they reflect the stable preferences of population groups at an earlier time – the period of settlement. A hypothesis is expressed and substantiated about the connection of initiation groups with different colonization streams that differed in ideological preferences: Novgorod and «lower». In the middle of the 16th century, during the era of Ivan the Terrible, the Moscow government performed unifying functions, creating a new center approximately in the middle (on the site of the present Cathedral Square).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Viacheslav Kozliakov ◽  
Alla Sevastyanova

This article examines a new early manuscript containing two works by an unknown compiler in the 1730s: the story of the “tyrant Ivan the Terrible” and Boris Godunov “greedy” for autocratic power. The manuscript is kept in the State Archives of Ryazan Region as part of the collection of the Ryazan Provincial Scientific Archival Commission. The study demonstrates that its brief archaeographic description was given in 1892 by Aleksey Vasilyevich Selivanov, one of the founders of the archival commission in Ryazan. Relying on watermarks, he dates the collection to about 1727; in 2001, the manuscript was described anew in a review of the manuscript collection of the State Archives of Ryazan Region. The authors analyse the part of the manuscript collection containing an essay about Boris Godunov; this essay has not been introduced into scholarly circulation previously. The article reveals the compiler’s sources, which turn out to be translations of notes taken by foreigners about Russia between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, more particularly the works of Jerome Horsey, Jacob Ulfeldt, Adam Olearius, and some others. Also, the authors single out a whole series of parallel pieces of news from Jerome Horsey’s notes in a little-known version of the publication in Old German about Tsar Boris’ character. The authors focus on which notes would have been available to the alleged compiler of the collection in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. The article contains data revealing the provenance of the work. Additionally, an assumption is made about the possible author of the published source, who was probably related to the circle of victims in the case of Artemy Volynsky. Finally, the appendix to the article contains the previously unpublished text of the manuscript about Boris Godunov.

Светлана Юрьевна Николаева

В статье рассматривается вопрос о месте и значении эпилога в составе идейно-художественного целого романа Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир». Указывается на роль литературных источников, оказавших влияние на формирование толстовской концепции и обусловивших тесную связь эпилога с основной частью эпопеи. Особое внимание уделяется анализу параллелей, которые выявляются между образной системой и принципами характерологии Толстого с одной стороны и стилистическими и аксиологическими особенностями «Переписки» Ивана Грозного с Андреем Курбским. Данный памятник ранее не рассматривался как литературный источник творчества Толстого. В статье обосновывается мысль о том, что «Переписка», известная Толстому и упомянутая в эпилоге романа-эпопеи, своим нравственно-психологическим и философско-историческим содержанием была созвучна толстовским размышлениям. Писатель сознательно использовал эту параллель. В контексте «Войны и мира» указание на письма Ивана Грозного приобрело знаковую функцию, тесно связав «историческую» и «художественную» части книги. Воплощенная в «Переписке» Курбского и Грозного «духовная брань» органически вошла в подтекст «Войны и мира», что сближает Л.Н. Толстого с представителями литературы «духовного реализма». The article considers the question of the place and meaning of the epilogue as part of the ideological and artistic whole of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel «War and Peace». The role of literary sources that influenced the formation of Tolstoy’s concept and caused the close connection of the epilogue with the main part of the epic is indicated. Special attention is paid to the analysis of parallels that are revealed between Tolstoy’s figurative system and characterology principles, on the one hand, and the stylistic and axiological features of Ivan the Terrible’s «Correspondence» with Andrei Kurbsky. This monument has not been previously considered as a literary source of Tolstoy’s work. The article substantiates the idea that the «Correspondence», known to Tolstoy and mentioned in the epilogue of the epic novel, was consonant with Tolstoy’s reflections in its moral-psychological and philosophical-historical content. The writer deliberately used this parallel. In the context of the «War and Peace», the reference to the letters of Ivan the Terrible acquired a significant function, closely linking the «historical» and «artistic» parts of the book. The «spiritual warfare» embodied in the «Correspondence» of Kurbsky and Ivan the Terrible organically entered the subtext of the «War and Peace», which brings L.N. Tolstoy closer to the representatives of the literature of «spiritual realism».

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