carbon dioxide laser
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Yu-Xiang Kuo ◽  
Tzu Hsuan Luo ◽  
Hsing-Mei Wu

Background and Objectives Granular myringitis is troublesome for otologist because uncertain etiology and often been overlooked due to vague clinical symptoms and signs. The ideal treatment is elusive. Our study was to investigate the clinical characteristics of granular myringitis and analyzing the effect of the two different strategies, including carbon dioxide laser (CO2 laser) and caustic agent cauterization to manage granular myringitis. Study Design: Retrospective review Subjects and Methods One hundred and thirty patients with granular myringitis receiving treatment at a single medical center from July 2009 to January 2018 were enrolled. We retrospectively reviewed the charts and surgical records. The main two different strategies to manage focal refractory granular myringitis were analyzed, including carbon dioxide laser and caustic solution. We also recorded the clinical course and determine which strategy is better. Results One hundred and thirty patients with granular myringitis were enrolled. 47/130 (36.1%) had previous otologic procedures. Frequent ototrrhea is the most common symptom (66.1%). Posterior-inferior quadrant is the most common site of involvement (58%). The successful rate of CO2 laser, caustic agent were 94.9% and 79.2%. The recurrence rate was comparable between CO2 laser and caustic agent. No major complication was found in either individual group. Conclusion: Otologic procedure may be a predisposing factor of focal chronic myringitis. Ear drops had poor efficacy compared to other treatments. It can be apply only on minor and fresh symptom cases. In this study, we suggest CO2 laser can be the first line treatment, especially for the troublesome or refractory GM cases, which had the higher successful rate and less complication comparing to caustic agent cauterization.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 2050313X2110705
Margaret E Wieser ◽  
David R Gilley ◽  
Jason G May ◽  
Arnaldo L Rivera

Glomus tumors are benign hyperplasia of glomus bodies, and they are rarely found in the head and neck. The middle ear is an exceptionally rare site for a true glomus tumor, and there are only three previously reported cases in this location. Glomus tumors are etiologically different than glomus tympanicum, which are paragangliomas of the middle ear that are often mistakenly referred to as “glomus tumors.” This is a common misconception due to the “glomus” misnomer. We report a case of a patient diagnosed with a middle ear glomangioma after initially presenting to our clinic with tinnitus and hearing loss. The mass was surgically removed through a transcanal approach with carbon dioxide laser and sharp dissection. Literature review is also reported and revealed similar presentations in patients with middle ear glomangiomas.

К.Р. Бахтияров ◽  
Р.А. Чилова ◽  
Ш.Ш. Сардарова

Статья посвящена изучению современных методов диагностики и лечения доброкачественных заболеваний вульвы и влагалища у женщин постменопаузального возраста. Проведен анализ этиологии, клинической картины, методов диагностики и лечения вульвовагинальной атрофии как наиболее часто встречающегося доброкачественного заболевания вульвы и влагалища в постменопаузе. Установлено, что основной фактор, приводящий к вульвовагинальной атрофии, — климактерический гормональный дисбаланс с постепенно нарастающим дефицитом эстрогенов. Женщины в постменопаузе отмечают такие признаки вульвовагинальной атрофии, как сухость влагалища, жжение и зуд, диспареуния, повышенная чувствительность к инфекционным болезням органов малого таза, что существенно усугубляет плохое самочувствие и отрицательное влияние на общее и сексуальное качество жизни. Диагностика вульвовагинальной атрофии основывается на данных осмотра, лабораторных и инструментальных исследованиях. Основная терапевтическая цель при лечении вульвовагинальной атрофии – облегчение симптомов и восстановление среды влагалища до здорового пременопаузального состояния. Золотым стандартом лечения вульвовагинальной атрофии является местная и системная терапия эстрогенами. Препараты заместительной гормональной терапии содействуют увеличению пролиферативных процессов, улучшению кровоснабжения, стремительной нормализации микрофлоры влагалища и могут назначаться с лечебной и профилактической целью. Для лечения вульвовагинальной атрофии у женщин, которым противопоказаны препараты эстрогена, используют селективные модуляторы рецепторов эстрогена. Препараты этой группы – оспемифеном и ласофоксифен способствуют облегчению симптомов атрофии влагалища и диспареунии, улучшению вагинального эпителия и pH влагалища. Также при маловыраженных симптомах улучшение состояния наступает при использовании негормональных вагинальных лубрикантов. Кроме того, существуют экспериментальные варианты вульвовагинального омоложения у женщин с симптомами, которым не подходят или которые не переносят местной или системной терапии эстрогенами: инъекции богатой тромбоцитами плазмы, гиалуроновая кислота или жировые имплантаты, фракционный лазер на диоксиде углерода, диодный лазер и монополярные радиочастотные устройства, вагинопластика. The article is devoted to the study of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases of the vulva and vagina in postmenopausal women. The analysis of the etiology, clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy, as the most common benign disease of the vulva and vagina in postmenopausal women, has been carried out. It has been established that the main factor leading to vulvovaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women is climacteric hormonal imbalance with a gradually increasing estrogen deficiency. Postmenopausal women note such signs of vulvovaginal atrophy as vaginal dryness, burning and itching, dyspareunia, hypersensitivity to infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, which significantly aggravates the state of health, a negative effect on the general and sexual quality of life. Diagnosis of vulvovaginal atrophy is based on examination data, laboratory and instrumental studies. The main therapeutic goal in the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy is to relieve symptoms and restore the vaginal environment to a healthy premenopausal state. The «gold standard» for the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy is local and systemic estrogen therapy. HRT drugs contribute to an increase in proliferative processes, an improvement in blood supply, a rapid normalization of the vaginal microflora and can be prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy in women for whom estrogen preparations are contraindicated, selective estrogen receptor modulators are used. The drugs in this group, ospemifen and lasofoxifene, help to alleviate the symptoms of vaginal atrophy and dyspareunia, improve vaginal epithelium and vaginal pH. Also, with mild symptoms, an improvement in the condition occurs with the use of non-hormonal vaginal lubricants. In addition, there are experimental options for vulvovaginal rejuvenation in women with symptoms that do not fit or tolerate local or systemic estrogen therapy: platelet-rich plasma injections, hyaluronic acid or fat implants, fractional carbon dioxide laser, diode laser and monopolar radiofrequency devices, vaginoplasty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 140
Adone Baroni ◽  
Pasquale Verolino

Scars are a common disfiguring sequela of various events such as acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, surgery, trauma, and burns, which can lead to serious psychosocial problems with a negative effect on the quality of life. Many conventional approaches have been proposed for the treatment of scars, including surgical techniques, dermabrasion, chemical peels, topical silicone gel, 5-fluorouracile and dermal fillers injection or autologous fat transfer for atrophic scars, and corticosteroids injection for hypertrophic and keloid scars; however, they have sporadic effects. Ablative lasers, such as carbon dioxide laser or Erbium Yag laser, are associated with many collateral effects limiting their application. Non-ablative laser treatments have been shown to be safer and to have fewer side effects, but they have a reduction of clinical efficacy compared to ablative lasers and a minimal improvement of scars. The demand for minimal invasive and safe technology for the treatment of a scars has stimulated the search for more effective novel therapy with fewer collateral effects. Plasma radiofrequency ablation is a new technique consisting of the generation of plasma energy through the production of ionized energy, which thermally heats tissue in a uniform and controlled manner, through a plasma radiofrequency device, inducing a sublimation of the tissue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of P-RF ablation in the treatment of scars performed with D.A.S. Medical device (Technolux, Italia), which is a tool working with the long-wave plasma radiofrequency principle.

2021 ◽  
Heba Mansour ◽  
Ahmed M.R. Fath El-Bab ◽  
Emad A. Soliman ◽  
Ahmed L. Abdel-Mawgood

Abstract Microfluidic devices are a rising technology to automatize chemical and biological operations. In this context, laser ablation has significant potential for polymer-based microfluidic platforms' fast and economical manufacturing. Nevertheless, the manufacturing of epoxy-based microfluidic chips is considered highly cost full due to demand for cleanroom facilities that utilize expensive equipment and lengthy processes. Therefore, this study targeted investigating the feasibility of epoxy resins to be fabricated as a lab-on-chip using carbon dioxide laser ablation. The chemical structural properties and thermal stability of the plain epoxy resins were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis (FT-IR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Moreover, a specific migration test was performed to quantify potential migrants by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to prove that the cured epoxy resin would not release unreacted monomers to the biological solution test, which caused inhibition of the sensitive biological reactions. By investigating the impact of this process on microchannels' dimensions and quality, a laser technique using CO2 laser was used in vector mode to engrave into a transparent epoxy resin chip. The resulting microchannels were characterized using 3D Laser microscopy. The outcomes of this study showed considerable potential for laser ablation in machining the epoxy-based chips, whereas the microchannels were produced with minor bulges' height (0.027 µm) with no clogging. Moreover, a reasonable depth of 99.31 µm with roughness (Ra) of 14.52 µm was obtained at a laser speed of 5 mm/s and laser power of 1.8 W. This process can produce epoxy resin-based microfluidic chips without the need for cleanroom facilities that require expensive equipment and lengthy process.

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