weighted bipartite graph
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 3467
Zihao Chen ◽  
Jie Jiang

A crater detection and recognition algorithm is the key to pose estimation based on craters. Due to the changing viewing angle and varying height, the crater is imaged as an ellipse and the scale changes in the landing camera. In this paper, a robust and efficient crater detection and recognition algorithm for fusing the information of sequence images for pose estimation is designed, which can be used in both flying in orbit around and landing phases. Our method consists of two stages: stage 1 for crater detection and stage 2 for crater recognition. In stage 1, a single-stage network with dense anchor points (dense point crater detection network, DPCDN) is conducive to dealing with multi-scale craters, especially small and dense crater scenes. The fast feature-extraction layer (FEL) of the network improves detection speed and reduces network parameters without losing accuracy. We comprehensively evaluate this method and present state-of-art detection performance on a Mars crater dataset. In stage 2, taking the encoded features and intersection over union (IOU) of craters as weights, we solve the weighted bipartite graph matching problem, which is matching craters in the image with the previously identified craters and the pre-established craters database. The former is called “frame-frame match,” or FFM, and the latter is called “frame-database match”, or FDM. Combining the FFM with FDM, the recognition speed is enabled to achieve real-time on the CPU (25 FPS) and the average recognition precision is 98.5%. Finally, the recognition result is used to estimate the pose using the perspective-n-point (PnP) algorithm and results show that the root mean square error (RMSE) of trajectories is less than 10 m and the angle error is less than 1.5 degrees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (S21) ◽  
Monalisa Mandal ◽  
Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo ◽  
Priyadarsan Patra ◽  
Saurav Mallik ◽  
Zhongming Zhao

Abstract Background Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have features such as the ability to self-renew, differentiate into defined progenies and initiate the tumor growth. Treatments of cancer include drugs, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or a combination. However, treatment of cancer by various therapeutic strategies often fail. One possible reason is that the nature of CSCs, which has stem-like properties, make it more dynamic and complex and may cause the therapeutic resistance. Another limitation is the side effects associated with the treatment of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. To explore better or alternative treatment options the current study aims to investigate the natural drug-like molecules that can be used as CSC-targeted therapy. Among various natural products, anticancer potential of phenolics is well established. We collected the 21 phytochemicals from phenolic group and their interacting CSC genes from the publicly available databases. Then a bipartite graph is constructed from the collected CSC genes along with their interacting phytochemicals from phenolic group as other. The bipartite graph is then transformed into weighted bipartite graph by considering the interaction strength between the phenolics and the CSC genes. The CSC genes are also weighted by two scores, namely, DSI (Disease Specificity Index) and DPI (Disease Pleiotropy Index). For each gene, its DSI score reflects the specific relationship with the disease and DPI score reflects the association with multiple diseases. Finally, a ranking technique is developed based on PageRank (PR) algorithm for ranking the phenolics. Results We collected 21 phytochemicals from phenolic group and 1118 CSC genes. The top ranked phenolics were evaluated by their molecular and pharmacokinetics properties and disease association networks. We selected top five ranked phenolics (Resveratrol, Curcumin, Quercetin, Epigallocatechin Gallate, and Genistein) for further examination of their oral bioavailability through molecular properties, drug likeness through pharmacokinetic properties, and associated network with CSC genes. Conclusion Our PR ranking based approach is useful to rank the phenolics that are associated with CSC genes. Our results suggested some phenolics are potential molecules for CSC-related cancer treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Huibin Feng ◽  
Zhaocai Yu ◽  
Jian Guan ◽  
Geng Lin

Energy Internet (EI) is aimed at sustainable computing by integrating various energy forms into a highly flexible grid similar to the Internet. The network subsystems of EI connect different components to enable real-time monitoring, controlling, and management. In this paper, the spectrum allocation problem of the cognitive radio network for EI in a smart city is investigated. The network spectrum allocation with both heterogeneous primary operators and secondary users is formulated as the combinatorial auction problem and then is converted to a subset selection problem on a weighted bipartite graph. We propose a hybrid algorithm to solve the problem. Firstly, the proposed algorithm uses a constructive procedure based on the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm to obtain an initial solution. Then, a local search is used to improve the solution quality. In addition, the truthfulness of the auction is guaranteed by adopting a “Vickrey-like” mechanism. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than existing greedy algorithms in terms of the social welfare, seller revenue, buyer satisfaction ratio, and winning buyer ratio.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Eva Wahyu Listyawati ◽  
Siti Amiroch ◽  
Novita Eka Chandra

Increasing yields, demanding each farmer to improve the quality of agriculture, which in turn is expected to increase profits. The purpose of this paper is to determine the allocation of subsidized fertilizer distribution by the distributor of PT. Anak Gresik Raya Kencana and looking for the maximum number of subsidized fertilizer needs distributed in Lamongan district each year so that there is no scarcity and HET (Highest Retail Price) does not increase by applying the hungarian method. In this case, the problem is expressed as a bipartite graph, especially a complete weighted bipartite graph that applies the concept of matching, which is a perfect matching search with maximum weight using the Hungarian method. Matching is said to be perfect if it has fulfilled all the sets of vertices X and Y. Obtained the results of the allocation of subsidized fertilizer distribution by the distributor of PT. Anak Gresik Raya Kencana is Deket sub-district requiring 1220 tons of SP-36, Glagah sub-district requires 3208 tons of Urea, Karangbinangun sub-district requires 483 tons of Organic, mantup sub-district requires 2079 tons of ZA, middle district needs 2233 tons of NPK and fertilizer distribution problems subsidized in Lamongan district can be completed with the maximum amount of subsidized fertilizer needs distributed as many as 9223 tons every year

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-1-21-10
Hanzhou Wu ◽  
Xinpeng Zhang

Invertible embedding allows the original cover and embedded data to be perfectly reconstructed. Conventional methods use a well-designed predictor and fully exploit the carrier characteristics. Due to the diversity, it is actually hard to accurately model arbitrary covers, which limits the practical use of methods relying heavily on content characteristics. It has motivated us to revisit invertible embedding operations and propose a general graph matching model to generalize them and further reduce the embedding distortion. In the model, the rate-distortion optimization task of invertible embedding is derived as a weighted bipartite graph matching problem. In the bipartite graph, the nodes represent the values of cover elements, and the edges indicate the candidate modifications. Each edge is associated with a weight indicating the corresponding embedding distortion for the connected nodes. By solving the minimum weight maximum matching problem, we can find the optimal embedding strategy under the constraint. Since the proposed work is a general model, it can be incorporated into existing works to improve their performance, or used for designing new invertible embedding systems. We incorporate the proposed work into a part of state-of-the-arts, and experiments show that it significantly improves the rate-distortion performance. To the best knowledge of the authors, it is probably the first work studying rate-distortion optimization of invertible embedding from the perspective of graph matching model.

Hongtao Huang ◽  
Cunliang Liang ◽  
Haizhi Ye

Probability information content-based FCA concepts similarity computation method relies on the frequency of concepts in corpus, it takes only the occurrence probability as information content metric to compute FCA concept similarity, which leads to lower accuracy. This article introduces a semantic information content-based method for FCA concept similarity evaluation, in addition to the occurrence probability, it takes the superordinate and subordinate semantic relationship of concepts to measure information content, which makes the generic and specific degree of concepts more accurate. Then the semantic information content similarity can be calculated with the help of an ISA hierarchy which is derived from the domain ontology. The difference between this method and probability information content is that the evaluation of semantic information content is independent of corpus. Furthermore, semantic information content can be used for FCA concept similarity evaluation, and the weighted bipartite graph is also utilized to help improve the efficiency of the similarity evaluation. The experimental results show that this semantic information content based FCA concept similarity computation method improves the accuracy of probabilistic information content based method effectively without loss of time performance.

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