Unisda Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (UJMC)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan

2579-907x, 2460-3333

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Gadis Retno Apsari ◽  
Mohammad Syaiful Pradana ◽  
Novita Eka Chandra

Students are the most important component in a university, especially private universities especially Universitas Islam Darul ‘ulum (Unisda) Lamongan. One of the most important roles of students for higher education is achievement. This study aims to determine the role of Fuzzy Clustering in classifying student performance data. The data includes GPA (Grade Point Average), ECCU (Extra-Curricular Credit Unit), attendance, and students' willingness to learn. So that groups of students who have the potential to have achievements can be identified. In this case, the grouping of student performance data uses Fuzzy Clustering by applying the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and Possibilistic C-Means (PCM) algorithms with the help of Matlab. In the FCM algorithm, the membership degree is updated so as to produce a minimum objective function value. Meanwhile, the PCM algorithm uses a T matrix, which shows the peculiarities of the data which are also based on minimizing the objective function.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Radot Mh Siahaan ◽  
Dian Anggraini ◽  
Andi Fitriawati ◽  
Dani Al Makhya

The amount of stop loss cover reinsurance using krone as Danish currency. The stop loss cover reinsurance scheme with a retention value of r = 50 million krone from fire insurance data in Denmark from 1980-1990 with truncate date at 10 million krone, resulting in a conditional expected value that decreases in value when the higher the threshold value. This is indicated by the threshold value of 1 = 2.976 resulting in pure premium of 1 = 0.1217, a threshold value of 2 = 10.0539 resulting in pure premium 2 = 0.0867 and a threshold value of 3 = 26.199 resulting in pure premium 3 = 0.0849. The use of expected value premium principle with the loading factor () is weighted to the value of the pure premium represented by. This is indicated by the weight of premium 1 = 0.13387, the weight of the premium 2 = 0.09537 and the weight of premium 3 = 0.09339.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Haykal Abidin ◽  
Novita Eka Chandra ◽  
Mohammad Syaiful Pradana

The purpose of this research is modeling the Cox proportional hazard regression form on divorce data in Pelaihari sub-district, Tanah Laut district, South Kalimantan province. The source of the data comes from the Court Decision in Pelaihari District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. The data analysis technique uses software R with the steps, namely data description, Log-Rank test, checking proportional hazard assumptions, Cox regression model parameter estimation, backward selection with AIC, the best model parameter significance test, calculating Hazard ratio and interpretation of each predictor variable. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it was found that for the Log-Rank test, the variable survival time for domestic violence, forced marriage, lying and stories of disgrace differed significantly. While the model that meets the criteria after iteration up to 15 times is the 15th model with the smallest AIC value and p-value <0.05 with factors that significantly influence divorce in Pelaihari sub-district based on modeling results using Cox proportional Hazard regression. are the variables of cheating, gambling, domestic violence, forced marriage, lies, jealousy and disgrace story variables

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Umi Maftukhah ◽  
Siti Amiroch ◽  
Mohammad Syaiful Pradana

Graph theory can be applied in various fields of science such as transportation problems, communication networks, operations research, chemistry, cartography and so on. Graph theory does not only represent structure but in its application, a graph can also be colored. Many problems have graph coloring characteristics such as regional coloring. This regional coloring theory was applied to the map area of ​​Sukodadi District which consists of 20 villages. In this area coloring uses the Greedy algorithm by first making a dual graph consisting of 20 vertices and 43 edges. Based on the results of regional coloring, the minimum number of colors is 4, namely red, blue, green and yellow, with each neighboring village having a different color.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sungkono Sungkono

In mathematics learning especially in the material of assemblies in class VII-B MTs Negeri 2 Mojokerto in the 2018/2019 academic year, there are many obstacles. The lack of students' ability to understand the set material can be seen from the results of initial observations by the researcher. The subject of this research are 37 students consisting of 9 boys and 28 girls, the initial student abilities were identified as follows: (a) very good of 7 people or 18.92%; (b) either of 7 people or 18.92%; (c) sufficient of 5 people or 13.51%; (d) less of 13 people or 35.14%; and (e) very less of 5 people or 13.51%. This research applied the inquiry-based learning method to improve mathematics learning outcomes. This research was conducted with a classroom action research design with two cycles. Based on the results and discussion, it was concluded that student learning outcomes before using the inquiry-based learning method were categorized as poor with a percentage of 59.56%. After using the inquiry-based learning method in learning, there was an increase in learning outcomes in a good category, reaching 75.80% in cycle I, and an increase in cycle II reaching a percentage of 83.40%. The level of student learning success in cycle I was 80.67%, increasing to 86.13% in cycle II.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Mu’tasim Billah ◽  
Novita Eka Chandra ◽  
Siti Amiroch

Quality of education is the educational services ability that can fill the needs or expectations, satisfaction internally and externally which includes educational inputs, processes and outputs. The purpose of this reserach is to classify the quality of high school education in Lamongan District using factor, cluster and discriminant analysis. The dominant factors of 12 education quality variables can be known from the results of factor analysis using the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method. The grouping of 48 high schools did by cluster analysis using 5 hierarchical methods. The validity index used to determine the optimal group number of the five hierarchical methods is RMSSTD (Root Mean Square Standard Deviation). The classification accuracy testing uses discriminant analysis based on the results of factor analysis and cluster analysis. Grouping the quality of education is influenced by dominant factors such as the number of classrooms, the value of accreditation, the number of certification and non-certification teachers, the number of education staff, the ratio of students to teachers, the number of laboratory rooms that can be known from the results of factor analysis. In cluster analysis, using the Mahalanobis distance because there is multicollinearity and the smallest RMSSTD index value obtained in the Complete Linkage method with 5 clusters. So, with discriminant analysis, it can be concluded that the grouping based on factor analysis and cluster analysis is 58.3% of the 48 processed data that has been entered in the group that matches the original data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Muhammad Muhajir ◽  
Annisa Ayunda Permata Sari

The Indonesian film industry continues to experience an increase seen from the number of films that appear in theaters today with a box office increase of 28 percent each year in the past four years. Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is a website that provides information about films around the world, including the people involved in it from actors, directors, writers to makeup artists and soundtracks. In this case the researcher wants to conduct research on the characteristics of the film and the factors that make a film to be included in the IMDb Top 250. The data used in this study uses scraped data from the website. The method used is a non-hierarchical clustering method, namely kmeans and Dbscan. Where the Dbscan algorithm is used to determine the optimum number of clusters then proceed by grouping data based on centroids with k-means algorithm. From the analysis it was found that the factors that could influence a film included in the IMDB Top 250 were duration, number of votes, and films directed by Rajkumar Hirani and the optimal number of clusters using Dbscan algorithm obtained six clusters. With the improved k-means algorithm, the accuracy value for the cluster results is 87.2%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Rahmadi Yotenka ◽  
Fazano Fikri El Huda

  The decline and increase in the price of shares of plantation companies is a problem for investors in making decisions to buy or sell shares. Factors influencing the movement of plantation stock prices include CPO commodity price fluctuations, world oil price fluctuations, Rupiah exchange rate fluctuations, government regulations and policies, demands from importing countries, and climate. Forecasting stock prices is expected to help investors to deal with uncertainty in the movement of plantation stock prices. This study applies the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to predict the stock prices of plantation companies using SSMS, LSIP, and SIMP share price data from the period 1 July 2014 - 22 July 2019. Based on the results of the study it was found that the best LSTM model on SSMS shares by using the RMSProp optimizer and 70 hidden neurons produced an RMSE value of 21,328. Then the best LSTM model on LSIP stock by using Adam optimizer and 80 hidden neurons produces an RMSE value of 33,097. Whereas the best LSTM model on SIMP shares using Adamax optimizer and 100 hidden neurons produced an RMSE value of 8,3337.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Fifin Nur Aini ◽  
Siti Amiroch ◽  
Novita Eka Chandra

Purchasing data is very important for business actors because the data is very influential on companies, especially in the field of production and marketing. Therefore, the purchase data is one of the things that is kept secret by the business actors, such as PT Lamongan Marine Industry. With current technology hackers can easily hack such data, so the use of cryptography is a very appropriate solution to this problem. In this study the authors used the Vigenere Cipher algorithm and the RSA algorithm with a high security key. The hacker was not easy to find out the contents of the data. The data obtained is a purchase order, then presented in tabular form. The data is then encrypted and decrypted so that the comparison of the two algorithms is known. The results of the analysis state that the Vigenere Cipher algorithm is more effective in both encryption and decryption processing time. Ciphertext generated from the encryption process of the Vigenere Cipher algorithm is mostly in the form of punctuation, while the ciphertext generated by the RSA algorithm from the encryption process is mostly in alphabetical letters. The ciphertext generated by the RSA algorithm depends on the value of the modulo. but in terms of security the RSA algorithm is superior to the Vigenere Cipher algorithm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Emy Natun Na'imah ◽  
Siti Alfiatur Rohmaniah

Agriculture in Lamongan district is known as minipadi. This is because the majority of rice fields in Lamongan district can also be used for fisheries. It is appropriate that the development of the agriculture and fisheries sectors receive special attention and the results can be seen as one of the keys to the success of the government in realizing people's welfare. The purpose of this study was to determine the descriptive data analysis of fish production in Lamongan district with the Friedman test. From the maximum value of production, the sector that is most superior in consumption fish production is pond cultivation, and the lowest is floating net cage cultivation. The districts with the most potential in consumption fish production are Glagah, Karamgbinangun and Turi Districts.

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