pastoral care and counseling
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Xolisa Jibiliza

People are commanded by Jesus to love one another as he loved us (John 13:34). We are called to be conduits of God’s grace to others in our community. Christ’s love for us should motivate us to love others in response. Pastoral care is then intentional Christian care for others. It derives from God and its goal is that people might experience not only human care but God’s infinite love for humanity. The pastor, priest or minister plays a very decisive role in feeding the church not only spiritually as its shepherd, but also by providing the essential leadership and direction necessary for the church to achieve its chief mission and directive. Pastoral care and counseling represent a means by which the shepherd and leader of the church fulfills his spiritual and social responsibility to the church. Pastoral care and counseling are the needed ingredients in the life of the church. When these are absent, no real tie between the church leadership and parishioners can exist. Pastoral counseling and care are needed to tackle a myriad of challenges members face. This brief research paper sought to acknowledge the historical evolution of pastoral care ministry through the ages. The paper revealed the following themes: definition of what evolution is, an explanation of the notion of pastoral care, what students think about pastoral care, and it ultimately leads to a conclusion on pastoral care. Furthermore, this paper sought to give an impact of the notion of pastoral care to the lives of church members. This paper also revealed the origins and features of pastoral care ministry in the New Testament era. Furthermore the evolution of pastoral care is briefly addressed through a range of historical factors of the church. The functions of pastoral care are also discussed to an extent. Lastly, some dimensions and aims of pastoral care are also addressed.

Joyce Mathwasa

Children experience varying degrees of violence at a tender age compelling the need for pastoral care, an antique model of emotional and spiritual support. Pastoral care is regarded as individual and communal patience in which people trained in pastoral care offer support to people suffering from anxiety, pain, loss, and other traumatic circumstances. Neuroscience submits that most learning occurs in the early years making it imperative that during this period a conducive environment is created for maximal cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual development of the child. This can be achieved through non-biased pastoral care support for the victims and perpetrators to ensure repentance, forgiveness, and sustainable transformation thereby creating a non-violent society. While pastoral care has its roots in Christianity, ways of integrating it with other religions are essential in a multi-cultural and multi-traditional society. This chapter explored the challenges and benefits of pastoral care.

И.М. Эрлихсон

В предлагаемой рецензии анализируется монография С. А. Васильевой «“В темнице был, и Вы пришли ко мне…” История зарождения практики тюремного служения в протестантской традиции и его влияние на ход пенитенциарных реформ в Америке, Европе и России», в которой систематизируется и осмысливается исторический опыт функционирования социального института тюремных капелланов и перспектив его внедрения в современную российскую уголовно-испол-нительную практику. The present review analyzes S. A. Vasilyeva’s monograph “"I was in prison and you came to visit me…" The History of Prison Pastoral Care in Protestantism and its Influence on Prison Reforms in America, Europe and Russia”, which systematizes and reassesses the historical experience of pastoral care and counseling for prisoners and analyzes the potential of its integration into the Russian penitentiary system.

Besly J.T Messakh

Looking from a pastoral care and counseling perspective, prayer as a ritual is a human response for God’s action. As a response, prayer presupposes a responsible communication with God as absolute authority in one’s life. If the communication running well, the pastoral function of prayer as a ritual enhance people well-being mentality and spirituality. Therefore, when doing pastoral care or pastoral counseling, pastoral caregiver needs to make sure that people have healthy communication with true God as the Ultimate Absolute Authority. For those reasons, a pastoral caregiver should understand about the theological principle in praying and have ability to use prayer as pastoral means for themselves and people who need their pastoral ministry.

Jan Grimell

The significance of the body has emerged as a vital yet neglected element in the transition from military to civilian life. The recognition of a military body enhances the understanding of potential pastoral and counseling needs among veterans beyond the mind and the soul. This article attempts to contribute to further knowledge about this topic, drawing from both theory and empirical research, in an effort to provide insights for pastoral care and counseling.

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