university teachers
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2022 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 103579
Ine Noben ◽  
Jasperina Brouwer ◽  
Jan Folkert Deinum ◽  
W.H. Adriaan Hofman

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-177
Kosta Dolenc ◽  
Andrej Šorgo ◽  
Mateja Ploj

<p style="text-align: justify;">The response of most universities to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic was Online Distance Teaching (ODT), which was a new experience for many educators and students. The aim of the study was to investigate the response of university teachers to ODT. A questionnaire was sent to all university teachers (N = 914). We received 290 usable responses. To create a Continuance Intention Model of Forced Online Distance Teaching (CIMoFODT), Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were used in addition to descriptive and inferential statistics. The main findings were as follows: (i) during the closure, use of the videoconferencing system MS Teams was the only item that increased significantly, owing to mandatory use; (ii) the increase in the use of other applications (e.g., Moodle, email) was minimal; (iii) after the reopening of the university, email, Moodle, and supplementary online materials will be used for ODT; MS Teams will be used for small group teaching and individual consultations; (iv) CIMoFODT can be applied to explain the intention to continue ODT. The main conclusion is that teachers will return to traditional teaching when classrooms reopen.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 116 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-70
Hugo Kittel

A proposal was formulated at the University of Chemical Technology (UCT) Prague in 2016 to implement the project approach in teaching technology subjects. A grant was awarded for an Operational Program Research Development and Education project called "Education Improvement – UCT Prague Priority" from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The project's main goals were that UCT graduates would understand the application of chemistry in practice simultaneously in the context of the given field of study, as well as the law, economy, safety and environmental impact, realize the importance of viability and profitability of technical projects, learn about usable methods applied in the implementation of technical projects, and get acquainted with the principles of creation of teams and team work. A team of teachers and outside consultants from practice have been created. Using the Internet and personal contacts, experience with the use of project approach in teaching at the Czech universities has been gathered. Experience from the project approach in teaching at UCT Prague has been summed up. Basic 12 modules of real-life technical projects have been defined and described in a Methodical Handbook which also includes a number of tools for students. A new subject has been created on the use of scheduling software. A total of 8 technology subjects have been selected for piloting of the project in 2018–2021, employing the created tools. The experience with teaching the pilot subjects was used in the lifelong education of the university teachers. The results will also be used for the teaching other technology subjects at UCT Prague. It can be expected that the project will contribute to a better employability of fresh graduates, their faster adaptation to the requirements of practice, a faster career growth, and that it will improve the feedback from graduates to the teaching staff and their activities at UCT Prague.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Naval Garg ◽  
Sarika Kumari ◽  
B.K. Punia

PurposeThe study explores the relationship between workplace spirituality and work stress among university teachers. It also investigates the mediating effect of constructive deviance amid the association between workplace spirituality and stress among Indian university teachers.Design/methodology/approachThe association between spirituality and stress is studied using correlation and multiple regression. The mediating effect of constructive deviance is examined using the Sobel test and bootstrapping estimates using Hayes' PROCESS macro. The hierarchical regression is used to report direct and indirect effects.FindingsFindings reveal a significant negative association between the six dimensions of workplace spirituality and stress. The results also concluded the mediation effect of constructive deviance, which means workplace spirituality promotes constructive deviance that influences educators' stress levels.Originality/valueThe study is based on primary data collected by the author. It is one of the first explorations of the mediating effect of constructive deviance in the relationship of six dimensions of workplace spirituality and work stress among teachers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jingrong Sha ◽  
Tianqi Tang ◽  
Hong Shu ◽  
Kejian He ◽  
Sha Shen

This study aimed to explore the mediating role of emotional regulation strategies in the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and subjective well-being (SWB) among Chinese university teachers, and evaluate whether effort-reward imbalance moderated the mediating effect of emotional regulation strategies. A total of 308 Chinese university teachers were recruited for this study. The results showed that emotional regulation strategies played a partial mediating role in the relationship between EI and SWB. Moreover, an effort-reward imbalance moderated the relationship between emotional regulation strategies and SWB. For individuals with more balanced perceptions, EI had a significant effect on SWB via cognitive reappraisal, while for individuals with more imbalanced perceptions, EI did not have a significant effect on SWB via cognitive reappraisal. These findings provide a better understanding of the effects of EI and emotional regulation strategies on SWB, which could provide interventions for promoting SWB among teachers.

2022 ◽  
Gennadiy Antonov ◽  
Ol'ga Ivanova ◽  
Valeriy Tumin ◽  
Anton Bodrenkov ◽  
Petr Kostromin

The textbook discusses theoretical, methodological and practical issues related to the activities of such important areas in the life of any organization as supply and sales. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying in the areas of training "Management", "Economics", "State and Municipal Management", "Quality Management", "Housing and communal infrastructure", "Trade", as well as in engineering, technological and other areas and specialties providing for the study of disciplines of economic, organizational and managerial cycles; for graduate students, students of business schools and advanced training and retraining courses. It can be useful for university teachers, employees of research and consulting firms, managers and specialists of enterprises.

2022 ◽  
Gennadiy Antonov ◽  
Ol'ga Ivanova ◽  
Valeriy Tumin ◽  
Petr Kostromin

The textbook discusses the issues of managing the competitiveness of organizations and territories, including the theory of competition, its role in the economy, types and strategies of competition. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for university students studying in bachelor's and master's degrees in the areas of training "Management", "Economics", "State and Municipal Management", "Housing and communal infrastructure", "Trade", "Quality Management", as well as in engineering and technological areas and specialties studying disciplines of economic, organizational and managerial cycles; for graduate students, students of business schools and advanced training and retraining courses. It can be useful for university teachers, employees of research and consulting firms, business structures, managers and specialists of enterprises.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Weijia Yang ◽  
Citing Li ◽  
Xuesong Gao

Relational agency is pivotal for understanding how language teachers seek and utilize relational resources in different contexts and grow to be agents of change amid various educational challenges. This study explored how three university teachers of Chinese as a second language (CSL) enacted their relational agency to enhance their research capacity and sustain their professional development. Data on their personal network development was collected through concentric circle interviews, life-history interviews and written reflections over three months. Thematic analysis was adopted for iterative coding and interpretation of the data. The findings revealed that teachers’ personal networks provided them with value guidance, emotional support and academic support, which exerted differential levels of impact on them to make agentic choices and actions. The study suggests that personal network analysis may serve as a suitable theoretical lens to achieve a multi-layered understanding of relational agency. The study also calls for more efforts to create learning opportunities and spaces in the relational context for teachers to build their career as agentic academics in language teacher education and development programs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 568
Samson Maekele Tsegay ◽  
Muhammad Azeem Ashraf ◽  
Shahnaz Perveen ◽  
Mulugeta Zemuy Zegergish

This paper explores the experiences of Chinese university teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular emphasis on the teaching and learning methods adopted and the benefits and challenges encountered in the process. It is based on semi-structured interviews with 13 Chinese university teachers selected through purposive sampling. The findings suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic forced the university and teachers to adopt online teaching and learning without necessary preparations. Most of the teachers had no adequate ICT and pedagogical training to engage in online teaching and learning. The teachers used the little knowledge they had to learn creating videos and managing online classes gradually. In addition to the flexibility benefits, online learning is expected to transform the teaching and learning process in China to become more interactive and student-centered, which would be a significant achievement for teachers who have been practicing traditional teaching methods. This research provides a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of online learning, which could be vital for future adjustments or educational reforms.

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