educational standards
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-218
A. Batyraliev

Research relevance: the issues of organizing and conducting teaching practice at Osh State University are relevant in connection with the increase and improvement of teachers and students educational activities in general. Research objectives: to reveal the goals, objectives, content and criteria for assessing adaptation, vocational-base and vocational-profile practice. Research materials and methods: the article construction based on analysis of educational standards on pedagogical practice, on the main goals and objectives definition in adaptational-pedagogical practice. Research results: experience of organizing and conducting pedagogical practice can be theoretically and practically useful for several pedagogical universities. Conclusions: based on specialties specifics, methodological departments of pedagogical faculties have developed educational methodological complexes and syllabuses for each type of pedagogical practice.

2022 ◽  
Elena Orehova ◽  
Lyudmila Polunina

The textbook is an innovative presentation of the discipline program "History and current state of youth policy abroad". The authors consider the process of formation and development of youth policy of the leading world powers in a broad socio-cultural context, relying on numerous authentic sources and relevant documents of international organizations devoted to social policy and sociology. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying under bachelor's degree programs in the field of training 39.03.03 "Organization of work with youth", and will also be of interest to specialists in the field of state youth policy and work with youth, teachers of humanities, researchers.

2022 ◽  
Elena Sapogova

The textbook contains systematized information about psychological, socio-cultural, historical-ethnographic, psychobiological and other aspects of the development of a person changing over time. The first section is devoted to general theoretical problems of developmental psychology, the second to the analysis of different ages. The comprehensive nature of the manual makes it possible to solve the problems of formation in the professional consciousness of a stable complex of scientific categories and concepts, with the help of which the factual diversity of manifestations of the mental life of a developing person is described in psychology; familiarization with classical and modern interpretations of human development, with different variants of psychological interpretation of its essence, nature, mechanisms, driving forces and contradictions; disclosure of dialectics and phenomenology of the formation of a person as a cultural and historical subject; formation of ideas about the complexity and ambiguity of the evolution of a child as a human being; understanding the basic laws of the formation of personality and individuality of a person at each stage of its development. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for the study of the discipline "Developmental psychology, age psychology" during the professional training of psychologists in universities and is aimed at students of bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology faculties of classical and pedagogical universities, humanities and medical universities, as well as graduate students, psychology teachers and practical psychologists who are improving their qualifications in the field of age psychology.

2022 ◽  
Svetlana Kas'yanova

The textbook outlines the theoretical and applied aspects of the organization and accounting features, which allow assessing the effectiveness of its management with a proper degree of completeness and reliability. The latest legislative changes have been taken into account. All the material is distributed on topics between theoretical, practical and seminar classes, as well as independent work of students in the form of discussions, presentations, situational tasks, test tasks. The use of methodological materials will allow students to rationally allocate their time while studying the discipline, get a sufficiently adequate aggregate score and rating assessment and form professional skills. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. The textbook contains a set of developments for the preparation of bachelors in the field of accounting that meet the requirements of the educational program in the field of training 38.03.01 "Economics".

2022 ◽  
Gennadiy Antonov ◽  
Ol'ga Ivanova ◽  
Valeriy Tumin ◽  
Anton Bodrenkov ◽  
Petr Kostromin

The textbook discusses theoretical, methodological and practical issues related to the activities of such important areas in the life of any organization as supply and sales. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying in the areas of training "Management", "Economics", "State and Municipal Management", "Quality Management", "Housing and communal infrastructure", "Trade", as well as in engineering, technological and other areas and specialties providing for the study of disciplines of economic, organizational and managerial cycles; for graduate students, students of business schools and advanced training and retraining courses. It can be useful for university teachers, employees of research and consulting firms, managers and specialists of enterprises.

2022 ◽  
Gennadiy Antonov ◽  
Ol'ga Ivanova ◽  
Valeriy Tumin ◽  
Petr Kostromin

The textbook discusses the issues of managing the competitiveness of organizations and territories, including the theory of competition, its role in the economy, types and strategies of competition. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for university students studying in bachelor's and master's degrees in the areas of training "Management", "Economics", "State and Municipal Management", "Housing and communal infrastructure", "Trade", "Quality Management", as well as in engineering and technological areas and specialties studying disciplines of economic, organizational and managerial cycles; for graduate students, students of business schools and advanced training and retraining courses. It can be useful for university teachers, employees of research and consulting firms, business structures, managers and specialists of enterprises.

2022 ◽  
Tat'yana Golubeva

The textbook discusses the theoretical foundations of economic analysis as a system of knowledge about the subject and objects, method and tasks, methodology and organization of analytical work at the enterprise. The methods of managerial and financial analysis of the business entity's activities, including the calculation of reserves for improving the results of production and economic activity, are presented. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education of the latest generation. For students of secondary vocational educational institutions studying in an enlarged group of specialties 38.02.00 "Economics and Management".

2022 ◽  
Sergey Gurikov

The material of the textbook is aimed at obtaining competencies in the field of Internet technologies. In a simple and accessible language, the theoretical foundations of Internet technologies are described, the study of which will help to eliminate gaps in knowledge on the current type of activity of almost every person. The seven workshops given in the manual will provide an opportunity to acquire skills and competencies that are in demand in the labor market and necessary for the implementation of professional and daily tasks. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students and teachers of higher education and people interested in developing their key competencies in the field of information and communication technologies.

2022 ◽  
Mariya Nikolaevaya ◽  
Tamara Lebedeva ◽  
Larisa Kartashova

The textbook presents the methodology of practical work established by the work programs, as well as situational tasks. It is planned to use innovative pedagogical technologies in a number of works, such as analysis of practical situations, federal laws, standards and business games. The textbook is an addition to the textbook by M.A. Nikolaeva and L.V. Kartashova "Standardization, metrology and conformity assessment". Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For university students studying in the areas of training 38.03.06 "Trade business" and 38.03.07 "Commodity science".

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-23
Alexander Shevchenko ◽  
Liudmyla Shtefan ◽  

Competence approach is generally accepted in modern education. Competence is the ability to perform a variety of practical tasks in life and professional activities at a sufficient professional level, which is due to cognitive abilities and skills, social interaction, motivation and will. There are lingual, informational (digital), communicational, cultural, ecological, valeological (health saving) and other competencies should be formed in the student, regardless of the profile of his education. In Ukrainian legislation, valeological competence is referred to the category of "civic and social competences". Valeological competence in educational standards given less importance than, for example, ecological competence. We have not found a clear definition of valeological competence. In our opinion, valeological competence is the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle, practice safe behavior and provide emergency care. For its formation in students of non-medical higher educational institutions we have proposed the initial academic discipline "Health Pedagogy". The study is theoretical, based on the analysis of scientific sources and regulations of Ukraine, including national educational standards. Preliminary data on the introduction of the author's program of the discipline "Pedagogy of Health" in the educational process of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy for students of "011 - Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" specialty "Bachelor" and "Master" educational levels are also taken into account. Requirements for valeological competence formation in non-medical students on accordance with the level of education, the proposed components of the curriculum and components of competence (cognitive, activity, motivational-value and personal) are formulated. The author's definition of valeological competence is supplemented with a list of its components subject to qualimetric assessment. The list of competencies, necessary for the valeological competence formation, as well as those competencies that are formed or improved simultaneously with the valeological competence during the study of valeological discipline "Health Pedagogy" by non-medical students.

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