oxalis acetosella
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M. Ya. Bomba ◽  
S. V. Maykova ◽  
І. S. Romashko ◽  
N. P. Shemedyuk

The paper considers the peculiarities of the non-traditional vegetable raw materials of Skolivshchyna in the production of Galician cuisine with health-improving properties. We studied the experience of scientists in improving the quality of food and increasing their biological value through the addition of functional plant materials. The authors of the article described the results of the improvement of three dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, in the recipes of which there are non-traditional vegetable raw materials of high nutritional and biological value. This is a characteristic feature of modern trends in the food industry, which supports the main trends of rational and healthy eating and allows you to adapt traditional Ukrainian dishes to the consumer preferences of today's residents. The publication substantiates the use of Agropyrum repens, Urtica dioica L. and Oxalis acetosella as raw components of updated dishes. The aim of the work was to improve the technology of cooking Galician cuisine with partial replacement of several traditional recipe components. The research was conducted on the basis of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. The raw materials used met the quality and safety requirements of current regulations.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-110
Ilja B. Kucherov ◽  
Andrey A. Zverev

Phytocoenotic behaviour of 11 species of boreal vascular plants and mosses is analyzed within the broadleaved-forest zone in comparison with that in different subzones of the boreal-forest zone, based upon the set of 1417 relevés made in European Russia in 1996–2017. The significance of differences in species cover is estimated by means of the one-way ANOVA. The cover of species like Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, andHylocomium splendens in broadleaved / spruce forests of zonal types is constantly decreasing southwards. On the contrary, the cover of Luzula pilosain Scots pine forests and Pleurozium schreberi and Dicranum polysetum in paludified Norway spruce forests is subject to southward increase. Finally, Oxalis acetosella and Equisetum sylvaticum demonstrate maximae of their cover in forests of zonal types in the southern-boreal and hemiboreal subzones. The dark-coniferous boreal forest “cortege” of species is breaking down into several different floristic elements in the broadleaved-forest zone. These are: “vaccinietal” species p. p. sensu Yu. D. Kleopov (like Vaccinium myrtillus), “quasi-boreal” species sensu V. B. Sochava (Oxalis acetosella, Maianthemum bifolium, Trientalis europaea), hygromesophytes with aged areas (Equisetum sylvaticum), associated species with European-Ancient-Mediterranean nemoral (Luzula pilosa) or East-Asian boreal-montane (Rubus saxatilis) origins. Phytocoenotical behaviour of species is not always different in the intrazonal and the zonal community types but is rather similar in many cases like those of Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Equisetum sylvaticum. The more distinct differences in species positions are found in the extrazonal communities. The statistically proved differences are lacking in phytocoenotical behaviour of Maianthemum bifolium and Trientalis europaea in different zones and subzones due to either florogenetical, or purely methodical reasons, the latter connected with low abundance but high constancy of these species. Disintegration of vegetation “corteges” and individualization of coenotic patterns of species previously growing together are usually observed at the climatically determined (zonal / subzonal or altitudinal) distribution limits.

2021 ◽  
Fozia Abasi ◽  
Muhammad Shoaib Amjad ◽  
Huma Qureshi

Determining the pharmacognostic specifications of medicinal plants used in several drugs is very necessary and actually crucial. Ethnobotany has significant role in understanding the active relations between the biological diversity and cultural systems. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) is gifted with variety of medicinal plants. The theme of this chapter is to present information about wild medicinal plants in different areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Common woody species are Diospyros lotus, Taxus wallichiana, Viburnum cylindricum, and perennial herbs comprise Geranium nepalense, Oxalis acetosella and Androsace umbellata. Betula utilis, Berberis lycium, Cedrus deodara, Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana, Juglans regia and Salix species with large number of herbal diversity at elevations are common. Most of people use wild plants as traditional food and medicine. This ethnic flora not only plays important role in human health care but it is also an important source for present and future drug development. There is need for correct documentation, conservation of plants samples in herbarium of research institutes, and growing plants in gardens.

Balázs Kevey

In this study, the phytosociological characteristics of oak-hornbeam forests in the Kerka valley, sW Hungary are summarized using 50 vegetation samples. These forests grow on alluvial soils affected by high groundwater table, and thus are best regarded as extrazonal communities exhibiting some characteristics of hardwood gallery forests. The high number of submontane elements are particularly typical of them: Aco-nitum vulparia,Adoxa moschatellina, Anemone nemorosa, Anemone ranunculoides, Asarum europaeum, Athyrium filix-femina, Cardamine bulbifera, Cerastium sylvaticum, Coryda-lis cava, Coridalis solida, Euphorbia amygdaloides, Gagea spathacea, Galanthus nivalis, Galeobdolon luteum, Isopyrum thalictroides, Knautia drymeia, Lathyrus vernus, Leucojum vernum, Lilium martagon, Luzula pilosa, Maianthemum bifo-lium, Mercurialis perennis, Milium effusum, Oxalis acetosella, Paris quadrifolia, Pulmonaria officinalis, Ranunculus lanugi-nosus, Sanicula europaea, Scilla drunensis, Stellaria holos-tea, Veronica montana, etc. The high frequency of Fritillaria meleagris is particularly noteworthy. These plants are likely to be relics of the cooler and wetter, and less extreme Beech I. phase of the Holocene. The occurrence of some sub-Med-iterranean species (Carex strigosa, Helleborus dumetorum, Knautia drymeia, Vicia oroboides) suggests some degree of relatedness to the oak-hornbeam forests in the zala Hills (Helleboro dumetorum-Carpinetum). The studied woods are sharply separated from the oak-hornbeam forests of Western Transdanubia (Cyclamini-Carpinetum), and exhibit relatively closer similarity to the oak-hornbeam forests of the Mura and Drava floodplains and the Raba River valley (Veronico montanae-Carpinetum). syntaxonomically, they are best identified with the latter under the name Veronico montanae-Carpinetum scilletosum drunensis.

В.Ф. Ковязин ◽  
Т.Х.Л. Фам

Курортный лесопарк Санкт-Петербурга, площадью около 23 тыс. га, расположен на землях города, является важнейшим компонентом биосферы. Леса города выполняют защитные, санитарно - гигиенические, рекреационные функции, являются резервуаром чистого воздуха для Санкт-Петербурга. Лесопарк разделен на 6 участковых лесничеств: Комаровское, Песочинское, Молодежное, Приморское, Сестрорецкое, Кипенское, которые находятся на землях административных районов города - Курортном, Приморском, Выборгском, Петродворцовом, Красносельском и Колпинском. Лесопарк используется для отдыха жителями мегаполиса, что отражается на вертикальной структуре фитоценозов. В Курортном лесопарке произрастают растения разных биоморфных групп: деревья, кустарники, травы, мхи. Для каждой группы растений проведены лесоводственные исследования, установлено, что преобладают одноярусные древостои: сосны обыкновенной ( Pinus sylvestris L.), ели европейской ( Picea abies L.), берёзы пушистой ( Betula pubescens Ehrh.). Подлесок представлен аборигенными видами растений: рябина обыкновенная ( Sorbus aucuparia L.), крушина ломкая ( Frangula alnus Mill),черемуха обыкновенная ( Prunus padus L), бузина обыкновенная ( Sambucus racemosa L.), жимолость обыкновенная ( Lonicera xylosteum L.), смородина красная ( Ribes rubrum L.). В травяно-кустарничковом ярусе преобладают: кислица обыкновенная ( Oxalis acetosella L.), черника обыкновенная ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.) и брусника обыкновенная ( Vacciniumvitis- idaea L.). Мохово-лишайниковый ярус представлен следующими видами мхов: дикранум гладкий ( Dicranum scoparium Hedw.), плевроциум Шребери ( Pleurozium schreberi Brid.), гилокомиум блестящий (Hylocomium proliferum Brid.), кукушкин лён обыкновенный ( Polytrichum commune Hedw.). Лесоводственные исследования необходимы для понятия структура городских лесов Санкт-Петербурга. Kurort forest Park of St. Petersburg with an area of about 23 thousand hectares is located on the land of the city, is an important component of the biosphere. Forests of the city perform protective sanitary and hygienic recreational functions, are a reservoirof clean air for St. Petersburg. Forest Park is divided into 6 sub-districts.: Komarovsky, Pesochinsky, Youth, seaside, Sestroretskoe, Kopanskoe who are in the land of administrative districts of the city - Kurort, Primorsky, Vyborgsky, Petrodvortsovy, Krasnoselsky and Kolpino. The forest Park is used for recreation by residents of the metropolis which is reflected in the vertical structure of the phytocenoses of the Kurort forest Park plants grow different biomorphic groups: trees, shrubs, herbs, mosses. For each group conducted forestry studies found that dominated by single-tiered, stands dominated by Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.), spruce European ( Picea abies L.), birch fluffy ( Betula pubescens Ehrh.). The undergrowth is represented by native plant species: Rowan ( Sorbus aucuparia L.), brittle buckthorn ( Frangula alnus Mill.), bird cherry ( Prunus padus L.), elderberry ( Sambucus racemosa L.), honeysuckle ( Lonicera xylosteum L.), red currant ( Ribes rubrum L.). In the herb-dwarf shrub layer dominated by common sorrel ( Oxalis acetosella L.), bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.), and red bilberry ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.). Mosslichen layer is represented by the following species of mosses: dicranum smooth ( Dicranum scoparium Hedw.), Pleurozium Schreberi ( Pleurozium schreberi Brid.), Hylocomium brilliant ( Hylocomium proliferum Brid.), common cuckoo flax ( Polytrichum commune Hedw.). Such studies are necessary for the concept of the structure of urban forests in St. Petersburg.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (suppl_1) ◽  
pp. i608-i608
Davide Viggiano ◽  
Francesca Simonelli ◽  
Giovambattista Capasso ◽  
Natale De Santo

2017 ◽  
pp. 33-58
O. V. Morozova ◽  
Yu. A. Semenishchenkov ◽  
E. V. Tikhonova ◽  
N. G. Belyaeva ◽  
M. V. Kozhevnikova ◽  

The objectives of this paper are the reviewing nemoral herb spruce forests of European Russia (ER), elaborating diagnostic species combination, revealing species diversity, discussing syntaxonomical position, and validation of nemoral herb spruce forest syntaxa. The study concern 62 coenofloras (published and unpublished data from 11 regions of ER) and 448 rele­vés. The initial diagnosis of the association (Korotkov, Morozova, 1986; Zaugolnova, Morozova, 2004), origi­nally based on local and incomplete materials, was refined, as a result of the generalization of a vast literature and factual data. All nemoral herb spruce forests of ER belong to ass. Rhodobryo rosei–Piceetum abietis Korotkov 1986 (RP) with three subassociations: RP typicum, RP abietetosum sibiricae and RP caricetosum pilosae. The issues of syntaxonomic assignment of the association to the higher units are discussed. The position of association within the class Carpino-Fagetea, order Carpinetalia and alliance Querco-Tilion was justified by predominance of nemoral species in lower layers of communities. Diagnostic species of association (Picea abies (upper layer), Athyrium filix-femina, Circaea alpina, Daphne mezereum, Dryopteris expansa, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Mycelis muralis, Oxalis acetosella, Phegopteris connectilis, Pyrola rotundifolia, Stellaria nemorum; Cirriphyllum piliferum, Plagiochila porelloides, Plagiomnium affine, P. medium, Rhodobryum roseum, Sciuro-hypnum starkei, S. curtum) are identified by fidelity index (Chytrý et al., 2002) and largely coincide with species of suballiance Tilio-Piceenion (Morozova, 2016). Alliance of Eastern European oak and lime tree forests Querco-Tilion is divided into two suballiances including proper deciduous forests (Querco-Tilienion) and spruce forests with nemoral herb and moss layers (Tilio-Piceenion), reflecting the zonal features of deciduous-coniferous forests in ER. The specific traits of the association communities are the species polydominance and total predominance of nemoral species in the lower layers. Thus, nemoral species can be considered as a collective dominant, with a cover approximately equal to or exceeding that of Oxalis acetosella (Vasilevich, Bibikova, 2004). Dominant species in the herb-subshrub layer vary not only due to the local conditions, but also to the age of forest stands. O. acetosella, as well as Aegopodium podagraria, Carex pilosa, Galeobdolon luteum, Galium odoratum, Mercurialis perennis, Pulmonaria obscura, Stellaria holostea, and some fern species can predominate. For subassociation, an ecological characteristics estimated by Ellenberg indicator scales (Ellenberg et al., 1991) are given. The floristic originality of syntaxa and the role of environmental factors are demonstrated by the method of nonlinear multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Differentiation of the internal structure of the association at the lower hierarchy levels is difficult, since these forests are a very polymorphic group regarding the dominating species. The predominance of one or combination of several species is related to speci­fic environments and can be identified at the level of the variants, which is reflected in development of regional classifications (Semenishchenkov, Kuzmenko, 2011; Morozova, Tikhonova, 2012; Semenishchenkov, 2012). The area of eastern European nemoral herb spruce forests covers the territory from the east of the Baltic countries to the Volga river. Communities of association represent a zonal type of vegetation in the broad-leaved coniferous subzone and southern half of the southern taiga, but are extrazonal both in the north and south of their distribution. These forests occur on moraine loamy plains: in the southern taiga — mainly on the tops and slopes of hills, while in the broad-leaved coniferous subzone — on well drained plains and ­gentle slopes. Subassociations are differentiated by their geographical location: RP typicum represents west and central nemoral herb spruce forests, RP abietetosum occurs in the north-east of association range and RP caricetosum — in the south. For the most distinctive subassociation RP abietetosum character are the presence of Abies sibirica, hydrophylous and some species of Siberian tall herbs, and a smaller proportion of nemoral species. The number of species in the coenofloras is not ­being changed on the latitudinal gradient, but the species richness of the communities, as well as the cover of the lower layers, decrease southwards. Perhaps this is due to the increased presence of hazel, which creates a pronounced level of the undergrowth in the RP caricetosum. The floristic comparison and proposed concept of the nemoral herb spruce forests syntaxonomy make the regional syntaxonomic units comparable in volume and allow to adequately outline the modern range of forests of this type in ER.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Hossein Mardani ◽  
Elena Kazantseva ◽  
Vladimir Onipchenko ◽  
Yoshiharu Fujii

<p>Seeking for new plant species as the main resources of bioactive chemicals is one of the fundamental steps in biological production science. The main objective of this paper was to screen for the allelopathic activity of Caucasian plant species in order to select the strongest allelopathic species for future studies. Dried leaves of 178 plant species collected from the Teberda State Reserve in the Caucasus region were assayed by the Sandwich method for allelopathic activity, using <em>Lactuca sativa</em> (lettuce) as the test plant. To evaluate allelopathic activity, standard deviation (SD) and SD of variance (SDV) of radicle growth inhibition were calculated. The highest (100%) inhibition was observed for <em>Artemisia austriaca</em> Jacquin, followed by <em>Oxalis acetosella</em> L., <em>Convallaria majalis</em> L. and <em>Polygonatum odoratum</em> (Miller). Among plant families, members of the Fabaceae caused greatest inhibition of radicle growth. Plants classified as “poisonous” had the highest allelopathic activities, followed closely by those designated “medicinal”. Results of this study will guide the identification of novel phytotoxic chemicals useful in medicinal and/or industrial applications.</p>

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