minkowski space time
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Sascha Lill ◽  
Roderich Tumulka

AbstractIn 2017, Lienert and Tumulka proved Born’s rule on arbitrary Cauchy surfaces in Minkowski space-time assuming Born’s rule and a corresponding collapse rule on horizontal surfaces relative to a fixed Lorentz frame, as well as a given unitary time evolution between any two Cauchy surfaces, satisfying that there is no interaction faster than light and no propagation faster than light. Here, we prove Born’s rule on arbitrary Cauchy surfaces from a different, but equally reasonable, set of assumptions. The conclusion is that if detectors are placed along any Cauchy surface $$\Sigma $$ Σ , then the observed particle configuration on $$\Sigma $$ Σ is a random variable with distribution density $$|\Psi _\Sigma |^2$$ | Ψ Σ | 2 , suitably understood. The main different assumption is that the Born and collapse rules hold on any spacelike hyperplane, i.e., at any time coordinate in any Lorentz frame. Heuristically, this follows if the dynamics of the detectors is Lorentz invariant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2145 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
C Deesamer ◽  
N Wanwieng ◽  
P Chainakun ◽  
A Watcharangkool

Abstract We investigate an alternative way to detect the gravitational wave using the concept of Aharonov-Bohm experiment in curved space-time. Our system consists of an electron beam which is split into two beams passing opposite sides of the solenoid and producing interference patterns. The change in interference patterns can be observed if the system is perturbed by the gravitational wave, and can be used to trace back to the nature of the gravitational wave. This system is described by the cylindrical coordinate in Minkowski space-time where we set the incoming wave propagating in the z-direction, perpendicular to the solenoid’s cross-section. We found that the perturbation on the cross-section area due to gravitational strength is not strong enough to significantly change the phase shift. Contrarily, by changing the magnetic field generated by the current inside the solenoid, the results suggest that the significant phase shift could potentially be detected if the gravitational wave is allowed to propagate in the direction that is perpendicular to z-direction.

Sergiu Hategan ◽  
Cosmin Crucean

Abstract In this paper we study the problem of fermions scattering by the field of a magnetic dipole in Minkowski space-time. The amplitude and differential cross section for scattering of massive fermions are obtained using the exact solution of the Dirac equation written in the helicity basis. We found that the most probable transitions are those that scatter the fermions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and we consider only the transverse momenta in our analysis. The differential cross section behavior in terms of scattering angle and energy is graphically analysed and we perform a comparative study with the Coulomb scattering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2081 (1) ◽  
pp. 012023
V V Kassandrov ◽  
N V Markova

Abstract The algebra of biquaternions possess a manifestly Lorentz invariant form and induces an extended space-time geometry. We consider the links between this complex pre-geometry and real geometry of the Minkowski space-time. Twistor structures naturally arise in the framework of biquaternionic analysis. Both together, algebraic and twistor structures impose rigid restriction on the transport of singular points of biquaternion-valued fields identified with particle-like formations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 237-252
J. Iliopoulos ◽  
T.N. Tomaras

We present a simple form of the Wightman axioms in a four-dimensional Minkowski space-time which are supposed to define a physically interesting interacting quantum field theory. Two important consequences follow from these axioms. The first is the invariance under CPT which implies, in particular, the equality of masses and lifetimes for particles and anti-particles. The second is the connection between spin and statistics. We give examples of interacting field theories and develop the perturbation expansion for Green functions. We derive the Feynman rules, both in configuration and in momentum space, for some simple interacting theories. The rules are unambiguous and allow, in principle, to compute any Green function at any order in perturbation.

Yue-Liang Wu

Starting from the motional property of functional field based on the action principle of path integral formulation while proposing maximum coherence motion principle and maximum locally entangled-qubits motion principle as guiding principles, we show that such a functional field as fundamental building block appears naturally as an entangled qubit-spinor field expressed by a locally entangled state of qubits. Its motion brings about the appearance of Minkowski space–time with dimension determined by the motion-correlation [Formula: see text]-spin charge and the emergence of [Formula: see text]-spin/hyperspin symmetry as fundamental symmetry. Intrinsic [Formula: see text]-spin charge displays a periodic feature as the mod 4 qubit number, which enables us to classify all entangled qubit-spinor fields and space–time dimensions into four categories with respect to four [Formula: see text]-spin charges [Formula: see text]. An entangled decaqubit-spinor field in 19-dimensional hyper-space–time is found to be a hyperunified qubit-spinor field which unifies all discovered leptons and quarks and brings on the existence of mirror lepton–quark states. The inhomogeneous hyperspin symmetry [Formula: see text] as hyperunified symmetry in association with inhomogeneous Lorentz-type symmetry [Formula: see text] and global scaling symmetry provides a unified fundamental symmetry. The maximum locally entangled-qubits motion principle is shown to lay the foundation of hyperunified field theory, which enables us to comprehend long-standing questions raised in particle physics and quantum field theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
M. P. Garcia del Moral ◽  
P. Leon ◽  
A. Restuccia

Abstract We obtain the Hamiltonian formulation of the 11D Supermembrane theory non-trivially compactified on a twice punctured torus times a 9D Minkowski space-time. It corresponds to a M2-brane formulated in 11D space with ten non-compact dimensions. The critical points like the poles and the zeros of the fields describing the embedding of the Supermembrane in the target space are treated rigorously. The non-trivial compactification generates non-trivial mass terms appearing in the bosonic potential, which dominate the full supersymmetric potential and should render the spectrum of the (regularized) Supermembrane discrete with finite multiplicity. The behaviour of the fields around the punctures generates a cosmological term in the Hamiltonian of the theory.The massive supermembrane can also be seen as a nontrivial uplift of a supermembrane torus bundle with parabolic monodromy in M9 × T2. The moduli of the theory is the one associated with the punctured torus, hence it keeps all the nontriviality of the torus moduli even after the decompactification process to ten noncompact dimensions. The formulation of the theory on a punctured torus bundle is characterized by the (1, 1) − knots associated with the monodromies.

2021 ◽  
Matej - Hudak ◽  
Jana - Tothova ◽  

Abstract While a theory calculating a cosmological generation of particles ina case of the expanding space-time is quite developed, we study here a theory of a cosmological generation of particles in a case of a space- time which is expanding and then contracting back. The simplest case of fields studied in this connection is a scalar field. We will show in our paper that the quantum scalar field has delocalized in the conformal time η particle-like modes uⁱⁿ and two localized in the conformal time modes uⁱⁿ and uⁱⁿ for our choosen scale factor C(η). The vacuum for these states | 0, out > defined through massive modes uᵒᵘᵗ and through modes uᵒᵘᵗ and uᵒᵘᵗ is the same as the vacuum | 0, in >. A detector shows that there are no mass particles and no localized states forη → +∞ for non-accelerating case. For η → −∞ a Minkowski space- time is realized, as it is realized also in the out case. The quantum field has delocalized in the conformal time η particle-like modes uᵒᵘᵗ which in the -out region have k-dependent phase shifts with respect to the quantum field delocalized in the conformal time η particle-like modes uⁱⁿ in the -in region. The phase shift of delocalized modes (k-particles) is due to scattering in the gravitational field leading toexpansion and contraction of the space. Thus while in the expansion phase there is present generation of particles, due to nonpresence of particles in η → +∞ conformal time it is clear that in the phase of contraction of the scale factor there is present annihilation of particles from their peak state, where they are occurring from the generationprocess.

Léo Bigorgne ◽  
David Fajman ◽  
Jérémie Joudioux ◽  
Jacques Smulevici ◽  
Maximilian Thaller

AbstractWe prove the global asymptotic stability of the Minkowski space for the massless Einstein–Vlasov system in wave coordinates. In contrast with previous work on the subject, no compact support assumptions on the initial data of the Vlasov field in space or the momentum variables are required. In fact, the initial decay in v is optimal. The present proof is based on vector field and weighted vector field techniques for Vlasov fields, as developed in previous work of Fajman, Joudioux, and Smulevici, and heavily relies on several structural properties of the massless Vlasov equation, similar to the null and weak null conditions. To deal with the weak decay rate of the metric, we propagate well-chosen hierarchized weighted energy norms which reflect the strong decay properties satisfied by the particle density far from the light cone. A particular analytical difficulty arises at the top order, when we do not have access to improved pointwise decay estimates for certain metric components. This difficulty is resolved using a novel hierarchy in the massless Einstein–Vlasov system, which exploits the propagation of different growth rates for the energy norms of different metric components.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
Michele Arzano

Abstract The generators of radial conformal symmetries in Minkowski space-time can be mapped to the generators of time evolution in conformal quantum mechanics. Within this correspondence we show that in conformal quantum mechanics the state associated to the inertial vacuum in Minkowski space-time has the structure of a thermofield double. Such state is built from a bipartite “vacuum state”, the ground state of the generators of hyperbolic time evolution, which cover only part of the time domain. When time evolution is restricted to a finite time domain one obtains the temperature perceived by static diamond observers in the Minkowski vacuum. When time evolution is determined by dilations, covering only half of the time line, the temperature of the thermofield double corresponds to the non-vanishing temperature perceived by Milne observers whose proper time evolution is confined to the future cone (Milne universe) of Minkowski space-time. The two pictures are related by a conformal transformation on the real line. Our result provides a purely group theoretical derivation of the Milne and diamond temperatures and shows that the fundamental ingredient for vacuum thermal effects is the presence of a horizon rather than acceleration.

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