rainfall anomalies
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2022 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-188

o"kZ 2010 esa ekulwuksRrj _rq ds nkSjku nks pØokrh; rwQku fufeZr gq, FksA tSls ‘fxjh’ uked vfr izpaM pØokrh; rwQku ¼oh-,l-lh-,l-½ 19 vDrwcj dks fufeZr gqvk vkSj ;g 22 rkjh[k dks E;kaekj leqnz rV dks ikj dj x;k vkSj nwljk ‘tky’ uked izpaM pØokrh; rwQku ¼,l-lh-,l-½ 2 uoacj dks fufeZr gqvk vkSj ;g psUuS ds mRrjh Hkkx ds lehi mRrjh rfeyukMq & nf{k.kh vka/kz izns’k ds leqnzh rVksa dks 07 uoacj dks ikj dj x;k ftldh otg ls rfeyukMq vkSj nf{k.kh vka/kz izns’k ds leqnz rVh; {ks=ksa esa u dsoy rhoz iou ls cfYd mlls gqbZ Hkkjh o"kkZ ls Hkkjh {kfr gqbZA okLrfod le; foLr`r {ks= iwokZuqeku xR;kRed fHkUurkvksa ds lkIrkfgd vkSlr ds vk/kkj ij nks lIrkg ds fy, rS;kj fd, x, gSa tks- bZ- lh- ,e- MCY;w- ,Q-] ,u- bZ- lh- ih- rFkk nksuksa ds 2 ekWMYl vkSlr ¼2 ,e- ,- oh- bZ-½ ds ;qfXer ekWMy ifj.kke ij vk/kkfjr gSaA lkIrkfgd vkSlr] iou vkSj lkisf{kd Hkzfeyrk ds 5&11 fnuksa ds izpkyukRed iwokZuqeku 14 vDrwcj 2010 ds vkjafHkd fLFkfr ij vk/kkfjr gSa ftlls irk pyk gS fd 18&24 vDrwcj dh vof/k ds nkSjku e/; caxky dh [kkM+h ds Åij fuEu nkc dk pØokrh; ldqZys’ku Fkk tks vfr izpaM pØokrh; rwQku ‘fxjh’ ds leku FkkA ‘tky’ uked pØokr  dh mRifRr dk 2 ,e- ,- oh- bZ- esa vPNh rjg irk yxk fy;k x;k FkkA bldk iwokZuqeku 12&18 fnuksa ds fy, oS/k Fkk vkSj ;g 21 vDrwcj 2010 dh vkjafHkd fLFkfr ij vk/kkfjr FkkA 2 ,e- ,- oh- bZ- iwokZuqeku 1&7 uoacj rd ds fy, oS/k Fkk tks 28 ,oa 21 vDrwcj dh vkjafHkd fLFkfr;ksa ij vk/kkfjr Fkk ¼buds iwokZuqeku dh vof/k Øe’k% 5&11 fnuksa rFkk 12&18 fnuksa dh Fkh½ ftlesa Li"V :i ls n’kkZ;k x;k gS fd rfeyukMq leqnz rV vkSj blls yxs gq, vka/kz izns’k ds {ks= esa izsf{kr dh xbZ folaxfr;ksa ls dkQh vf/kd ?kukRed o"kkZ folaxfr;k¡ ns[kh xbZ gSaA bl izkjafHkd v/;;u esa vkxs crk;k x;k gS fd lkIrkfgd pØokrh; Hkzfeyrk ds  ekWMy iwokZuqekuksa dh vf/kdre folaxfr =qfV yxHkx &0-8 ls &1-0 × 10&5 izfr lSds.M dks fuEu LRkjh; vf“lj.k folaxfr yxHkx &0-8 ls &1-0 × 10&5 izfr lSds.M ds lkFk feyus ij m".kdfVca/kh pØokr cuus dh laHkkouk curh gSA rFkkfi bl flLVe ds pØokr ds :i esa rhozhdj.k gsrq Fkzs’kgksYM oSY;w dh igpku djus ds fy, vkSj vf/kd ekeyksa ds fo’ys"k.k djus dh vko’;drk gSA There were two cyclonic storms formed during the post monsoon season of 2010 viz., “Giri” a very severe cyclonic storm (VSCS) formed on 19th October  and  crossed the Myanmar coast on 22nd and the second system “Jal” a severe cyclonic storm (SCS) formed on 2nd November and  crossed north Tamil Nadu-south Andhra Pradesh coasts, close to north of Chennai on 7th November, which caused lot of damage in Tamil Nadu and south Andhra Pradesh coast associated with not only strong wind but also due to associated heavy rainfall.           The real time extended range forecasts in terms of weekly mean of dynamical variables are prepared for two weeks based on the coupled model outputs from ECMWF, NECP and the 2 models average (2MAVE) of both. The operational forecast for days 5-11 of weekly mean wind and relative vorticity based on 14th October, 2010 initial condition indicates cyclonic circulation at low level over the central Bay of Bengal during the period from 18-24 October associated with the very severe cyclone “Giri”. The genesis of the cyclone “Jal” was very much captured in the 2MAVE forecast valid for 12-18 days forecast based on the initial condition of 21st October, 2010. The 2MAVE forecast valid for 1-7 November based on 28 October and 21 October initial conditions (with forecast period of days 5-11 and days 12-18 respectively) also clearly indicated large positive rainfall anomalies over Tamil Nadu coast and adjoining coastal Andhra Pradesh region like that of observed rainfall anomalies. This preliminary study further indicates that the model forecasts anomaly of weekly cyclonic vorticity maximum of about   2.5´10-5 sec-1 combined with a low level convergence anomaly of about -0.8 to -1.0 ´ 10-5 sec-1 may lead to formation of a tropical cyclone.  However, more number of cases required to be analysed for the proper identification of the threshold values for intensification of the system into a cyclone. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78

Results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in spatial mode (S-Mode) applied on a 10 years' (1977-86) data set of weekly rainfall anomalies are presented in this study. The rainfall activity has been below average in the period under study with high standard deviations mostly over low rainfall areas. Inter - subdivisional correlation values suggest predominance of broad- scale weather systems over most parts of the country .The first principal component (PC) resemblance with the mean pattern. The second PC has been associated with active monsoon condition. The third and fourth PCs have been related to the northward progression of the Madden-Julian oscillation and the weak monsoon condition respectively. Resemblance of spatial patterns of alternative PCs with typical strong and weak monsoon activities suggest significant contributions from certain parts of the country (northeast, southeast) towards overall rainfall activity during weak monsoon situation.

Ethan Joseph ◽  
Thilanka Munasinghe ◽  
Heidi Tubbs ◽  
Bhaskar Bishnoi ◽  
Assaf Anyamba

2021 ◽  
Liwei Huo ◽  
Zhaoyong Guan ◽  
Dachao Jin ◽  
Xi Liu ◽  
Xudong Wang ◽  

Abstract Eastern China has a large population with rapid development of the economy, where is the important crop producing region. In this region, the spatial and temporal distribution of autumn rainfall in Eastern China is uneven, which has important societal impact. Using the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis and other observational datasets, it is found that the spatial distribution of the first EOF mode of autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China is consistent across the region, with significant interannual variabilities. Pronounced interdecadal variations are presented in the relationship between autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China and sea-surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) over the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO). The interdecadal changes have been analyzed by considering two epochs: one during 1979-2004 and the other during 2005-2019. It shows weak and insignificant correlations between the autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China and SSTA over SETIO during the first epoch. On the other hand, they are remarkable and positively correlated with each other during the second epoch. The inter-decadal changes of the above relationship are related to the warming of SST over SETIO during the second epoch. It causes stronger low-level convergence and ascending motion over SETIO, with the co-occurrence of enhanced western Pacific subtropical high and anomalous abundant moisture over eastern China carried by a low-level southerly anomaly originating from the South China Sea. Simultaneously, the local Hadley circulation over eastern China becomes weak, corresponding to the anomalous ascending motion. The collaboration of anomalous water vapour transport and ascending motion strengthens the connection between the SETIO SSTA and the autumn precipitation anomalies in eastern China, and vice versa. In the boreal autumn of 2019, entire eastern China suffered extreme drought. It suggests that this drought event in eastern China is strongly affected by the negative SSTA over SETIO, which is consistent with the statistical results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
Ngawang Chhogyel ◽  
Lalit Kumar ◽  
Yadunath Bajgai

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-86
S. K. DASH ◽  
S. K. PANDA ◽  

Seedari Ujwala Rani ◽  
Naveen P. Singh ◽  
Pramod Kumar ◽  
Rabindra Nath Padaria ◽  
Ranjit Kumar Paul

The study was carried out for ten Agro climatic zones in Karnataka state in India. The temperature and rainfall data were used for analysis from 1979-2019 which is about 40 years. Understanding spatiotemporal rainfall pattern, Rainfall Anomaly Index which is drought indicator technique was  used to classify the positive and negative severities in rainfall anomalies. The RAI ranges below 0.2 are considered as dry zone. The analysis resulted that, all zones are falls in category of dry zone with range of 0.2 to 0.4. For past five years, North Eastern Transition Zone was noted maximum times falling in the range of RAI below 0.2 and near to zero. Statistical techniques like linear trend estimation, R square was used for trend estimation across annual, seasonal to identify the variation in the temperature across different zones. The meaningful statistically significant achieves when there is r2≥0.65 and p≤0.05. It was analysed that, hilly Zone experienced decreased trend in both minimum and maximum temperature in all seasons which ultimately reflected in annual temperature to decrease with high R square values.

John Uehling ◽  
Vasubandhu Misra ◽  
Amit Bhardwaj ◽  
Nirupam Karmakar

AbstractIn this study, we introduce a localized definition of the onset and retreat of the Northern Australian rainy season that is solely based on gridded rainfall analysis. Our analysis shows that the local onset/retreat of the rainy season has considerable spatial heterogeneity. Onset is earlier and length of the rainy season is longer, west of the Gulf of Carpentaria than to its east. Furthermore, we also find the local onset/retreat is influenced by the wet and the dry spells of the 30-60 days intraseasonal oscillation. Much of the retreat of the rainy season occurs in the dry phases of the intraseasonal oscillation. However, intriguingly a majority of the local onset of the rainy season occurs during dry phases of the intraseasonal oscillation. The ENSO teleconnection with the variable length Northern Australian rainy season also exhibits spatial heterogeneity and significant differences from rainfall anomalies using the fixed-length boreal winter season. The onset, the retreat, the length, and the seasonal rainfall anomalies of the rainy season display a stronger correlation with the ENSO SST anomalies for the region east of 140°E relative to its west. The strong co-variability of the local onset date with the corresponding seasonal length and seasonal rainfall anomalies over Northern Australia offers the advantage of monitoring the onset of the Northern Australian rainy season to provide an outlook for the forthcoming season. The proposed local definition of onset/retreat of the Northern Australian rainy season is simple, objective, and unambiguous and is ideally suited for real-time monitoring of the evolution of the season.

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