effect analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Can Cui ◽  
Qing Lu ◽  
Chengchao Guo ◽  
Fuming Wang

Under the repeated action of traffic and thermal loads, a cement concrete pavement slab may partially lose contact with its base course, and voids may develop underneath the slab. Such distress will greatly impact the pavement performance. To fill the voids and restore the base support to the slab, the technology of polymer grouting has been increasingly adopted in recent years due to its advantages of quick application and high efficiency. There is, however, a lack of research on the mechanistic responses and performance of such a repaired rigid pavement under coupled influences of thermal and traffic loads. Existing literature has mainly focused on normal cement concrete pavement structures (i.e., without polymer grouted voids). This study intends to fill the research gap by investigating the time-domain characteristics of thermal stress response of a cement concrete pavement with underlying voids filled with polymer grout, along with design traffic loads. The finite element method was adopted with a 3-dimensional nonlinear temperature field within the pavement. A program module was developed in the Abaqus FEA software environment for temperature effect analysis. It was found that under the coupling action of thermal and traffic loads, thermal stress had a greater influence on the critical slab stress at the slab corner than those at other slab locations. Through the comparative analysis before and after polymer grouting repair, the critical tensile stress at the slab corner under the vehicle and thermal loads can be effectively reduced. The polymer performance is stable after three years.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hongge Luo ◽  
Yanli Zhao ◽  
Jiangyue Hong ◽  
Hong Wang ◽  
Xiujun Zhang ◽  

Background: Previous studies have found that alexithymia plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Internet addiction. However, the effect of alexithymia on both metacognition and Internet addiction has yet to be examined.Methods: The Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Metacognition Questionnaire, and Internet Addiction Test were used to assess a sample of 356 college students. A parallel mediator effect analysis was applied to test the hypothesis that metacognition mediates the relationship between alexithymia and Internet addiction.Results: The parallel multiple mediator models showed that alexithymia predicted the five dimensions of metacognition and Internet addiction, and that three dimensions—cognitive confidence, positive beliefs about worry, and the need to control thoughts—partially mediated this relationship.Conclusion: Alexithymia could directly and indirectly predict Internet addiction via metacognition.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-115
Hanif Farhan Setya Rama ◽  
Adwitya Bhaskara

Risiko kecelakaan kerja pada proyek konstruksi merupakan risiko yang tinggi, namun terkadang faktor-faktor yang dapat mengurangi kecelakaan kerja masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor : 05/PRT/M/2014 pada Bab 1 Pasal 1 Sitem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Konstruksi adalah bagian dari sistem manajemen organisasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi dalam rangka pengendalian risiko K3. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang perbandingan risiko kecelakaan pelaksanaan suatu proses pembangunan menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) dan HAZOP (Hazard Analysis and Operability Study), penerapan penelitian secara kuantitatif penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung di proyek pembangunan lalu menganalisis risiko kecelakaan sesuai dengan data K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) dan sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan di Proyek Pembangunan Pasar Johar Selatan, Semarang. Dari hasil analisis dengan metode FMEA diperoleh nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number) 15,39 terdapat pada, pekerjaan pembesian, yaitu pekerja yang tertusuk kawat. Risiko yang terjadi berdasarkan metode HAZOP memiliki Risk Level 7,18 terdapat pada pekerjaan pembesian. Tindakan mitigasi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan metode FMEA dan HAZOP yaitu dengan sering melakukan arahan kepada para pekerja untuk rajin menggunakan APD sesuai standar K3, memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya APD, dan Penataan kepada para pekerja untuk keselamatan kerja.Kata Kunci: FMEA, HAZOP, Risiko Kecelakaan, K3

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Xiao-Yan Chang ◽  
Jia-Shuo Wu ◽  
Fang-Qing Zhang ◽  
Zhuang-Zhuang Li ◽  
Wei-Yi Jin ◽  

Alismatis Rhizoma decoction (ARD), comprised of Alisma plantago-aquatica subsp. orientale (Sam.) Sam and Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. at a ratio of 5 : 2, is a classic traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula with successful clinical hypolipidemic effect. This paper aimed to explore the major bioactive compounds and potential mechanism of ARD in the treatment of hyperlipidemia on the basis of spectrum-effect analysis and molecular docking. Nine ARD samples with varying ratios of the constituent herbs were prepared and analyzed by UPLC-Q-TOF/MS to obtain the chemical spectra. Then, the lipid-lowering ability of the nine samples was tested in an oleic acid-induced lipid accumulation model in human hepatoma cells (HepG2). Grey relational analysis and partial least squares regression analysis were then performed to determine the correlation between the chemical spectrums and lipid-lowering efficacies of ARD. The potential mechanisms of the effective compounds were investigated by docking with the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) protein. The results indicated that alisol B 23-acetate, alisol C 23-acetate, and alisol B appeared to be the core effective components on hyperlipidemia in ARD. Molecular docking further demonstrated that all three compounds could bind to FXR and were potential FXR agonists for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. This study elucidated the effective components and potential molecular mechanism of action of ARD for treating hyperlipidemia from a perspective of different compatibility, providing a new and feasible reference for the research of TCM formulas such as ARD.

Pedro Angel García Aguirre ◽  
Luis Perez-Dominugez ◽  
David Luviano-Cruz ◽  
Roberto Romero-López ◽  
Ernesto Leon-Castro

Manufacturing corporations has the acceptance of the Outsourcing Process (OP) to improve industrial activities as well as to archive the revenue objectives, and with this, Risk Analysis (RA) tools are constantly used to assure expected results. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is one of preferred RA tools, moreover, it is proven that FMEA adds uncertainty because of the human participation at the RA, afterward it is demonstrated that Pythagorean Fuzzy Dimensional Analysis – FMEA – Value Stream Mapping (PFDA-FMEA-VSM) method removes the uncertainty in RA, likewise it aids to the stakeholders for decision making, giving more advantages improving the use of the resources on the project. This document exhibits a real case scenario in a manufacturing firm applying PFDA-FMEA-VSM method adapted for manufacturing OP. The application of PFDA-FMEA-VSM shows solid RA results, removing the human intervention uncertainty added to the risk ranking, gives advantages to the stakeholders for visualize the main risks in detailed diagram, as well as make easier to take better decisions on where to apply resources and mitigate risks during OP.

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-216
Hana Fadhillah Noor

Bawang putih merupakan komoditas penting namun Indonesia masih bergantung pada bawang putih impor. Bawang putih yang berkualitas baik dapat diperoleh dari benih yang baik pula. Pada usahatani benih bawang putih petani memerlukan perlakuan khusus untuk hasil panen yang disimpan sebagai benih bawang putih dan memiliki risiko lebih besar sehingga diperlukan mitigasi risiko yang tepat untuk usahatani benih bawang putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis risiko yang dihadapi oleh petani dan menganalisis strategi manajemen risiko yang paling tepat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal bagi petani. Metode analisis data dengan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui mitigasi risiko yang paling tepat. Hasil analisis data berdasarkan nilai RPN tertinggi adalah serangan hama (9a), tanaman tidak subur karena gulma berlebihan (8b), serangan penyakit (9b), tanaman terlalu padat dan tanaman gulma berlebihan (8a) dan iklim serta cuaca yang tidak menentu (2a). Strategi manajemen risiko yang tergolong kritis yaitu pada risiko iklim dan cuaca tidak menentu menggunakan strategi penanggungan atau penahanan risiko (risk retention). Pada risiko tanah terlalu padat dan terlalu banyak gulma, risiko tanah kurang subur karena terlalu banyak gulma, risiko serangan hama dan risiko serangan penyakit digunakan strategi penghindaran risiko (risk avoidance).

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