lesson study
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Soledad Estrella ◽  
Maritza Mendez-Reina ◽  
Raimundo Olfos ◽  
Jocelyn Aguilera

PurposeThis study aims to describe the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of a kindergarten educator who implements a lesson plan about informal inferential reasoning designed in a lesson study group.Design/methodology/approachTo this end, we analyzed teaching interventions in two kindergarten lessons focused on the playful task of tossing two coins, associated with inferential statistical reasoning. The study highlights the importance of arguing and promoting this reasoning to develop statistical thinking. It is crucial to recognize how early students can be subject to learning experiences that promote a language of uncertainty, assess the evidence provided by the data, and make generalizations.FindingsThe results reveal that while the educator demonstrated knowledge and skills relevant to the curriculum and conceptual teaching strategies, the understanding of the content by the students and the integration of the PCK components still present a challenge.Practical implicationsThe lesson study collaborative teaching practices that promote PCK have proven effective for informing the design and implementation of instructional practices supporting the development of early statistical thinking in young children.Originality/valueThe study enriches the knowledge regarding the potential of the lesson study (LS) in the professional learning of kindergarten educators. It also contributes to a comprehensive approach based on authentic playful experiences in grade K that supports the development of early statistical thinking in young children.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anna Fauziah ◽  
Ratu Ilma Indra Putri ◽  
Zulkardi Zulkardi

Collaborative learning through lesson study has become one of the promising methods for improving the quality of education and improving teachers' quality, likewise with the PMRI approach. The combination of the two in the training for primary school pre-service teachers, specifically in the second simulation session, was observed and reported. This article aims to describe the collaboration process in the second session of the simulations about polygon learning at PMRI training for primary school pre-service teachers. A design research method of the development type was used in this study, only at the preliminary and development or prototyping phase. The research subjects are students of Primary School Pre-service Teachers of Sriwijaya University that consisted of eight students for the small group and 32 students for the field test. Data was collected through documentation, observation, and field notes. The result showed that there were good collaboration occurs between researcher-lecturer, lecturer-student, and between students at the plan-do-see-redesign stage of the lesson study.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Janne Fauskanger ◽  
Nina Helgevold ◽  
Mercy Kazima ◽  
Arne Jakobsen

PurposeThe aim of the study is to better understand how lesson study (LS) contributes to challenging teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning.Design/methodology/approachThis study is part of a wider ongoing project aiming at improving primary mathematics teaching in Malawi through professional development (PD) of teachers using a LS model. The units being analyzed are teachers' written reflections and lesson plans. The analytical approach is qualitative content analysis.FindingsInitially, the participating Malawian primary teachers report traditional views of mathematics teaching and learning. After having participated in a LS cycle, they reported on the need to work on how to involve and create space for learners' participation in mathematic lessons and highlight the importance for learners to discover mathematics on their own.Research limitations/implicationsThis is a small-scale study due to LS being quite new in the Malawian context and the need to test before possible upscaling.Practical implicationsThe paper includes a description on how LS might contribute to challenging Malawian teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning; this can be valuable information for others who are attempting to use LS in a similar context.Originality/valueThis paper fulfills an identified need to learn more about how LS might contribute to challenging teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning worldwide.

Meltem KOÇAK ◽  
Ceyhun OZAN ◽  
Osman BURAN ◽  
Yasin SOYLU ◽  

Rusmini Noh ◽  
Endang Purwati ◽  
Nurmaya Papuangan

Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat best-practices implementasi lesson study dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta pada mata pelajaran IPS Ekonomi. Metode: Studi deskriptif kualitatif ini dilakukan di SMAN 10 Ternate selama bulan Agustus-November 2021 dengan melibatkan subyek sebanyak 36 siswa kelas X IPS1. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dengan menggunakan instrument berupa lembar observasi, rekaman proses pembelajaran, dan catatan harian peneliti yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Temuan: hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lesson study mampu memfasilitasi pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik melalui setiap implementasi pada tahapan designing, action, and reflection. Kesimpulan: Lesson study sebagai model peningkatan kompetensi guru melalui pengkajian praktik pembelajaran memberi kontribusi positif bagi guru dan peserta didik di kelas X IPS1 pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi. Lesson study memberi ruang kepada guru untuk mengembangkan kreatifitasnya dalam melakukan perubahan dan perbaikan. Sementara bagi peserta didik, lesson study memberi ruang hak belajar untuk difasilitasi mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya. Hasil penelitian ini menjadi rekomendasi bagi perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Ternate, khususnya pada mata pelajaran IPS.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Gabriel Hervas ◽  
José Luis Medina

Purpose“Content Representations” (CoRes) is an instrument that links content with aspects about its teaching and is recognized for its utility designing lessons and elucidating teachers' knowledge. Lesson study (LS) is a practice through which teachers collaborate to plan, teach and reflect on a lesson. Both have been acknowledged separately as being valuable for teachers' training; however, there is little research addressing the consequences of combining them. This study filled in that gap by examining how higher education (HE) teachers used the CoRes and perceived its integration within LS.Design/methodology/approachThe authors performed a multiple case study with features of ethnomethodology and conducted an inductive content analysis of the data gathered through document analysis, in-depth semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The research was approved by the ethics committee of the host university, and participants were faculty members from different health sciences disciplines.FindingsThe authors found that participants considered that the use of the CoRes during LS allowed them to organize their ideas, consider more details for lesson design, address new topics and engage in greater reflection. However, participants (specially senior faculty) showed a superficial dedication to filling in the CoRes and considered the instrument bothersome, urging caution when engaging in the combined practice of CoRes and LS.Originality/valueThis is the first research in the international literature approaching the integration of the CoRes and LS with HE teachers. Its results fill a research gap and can help LS practitioners make an informed decision about whether to incorporate CoRes into it.

Gabriel Hervas

Lesson study (LS) is a teachers’ professional development practice with a Japanese origin that, at present, is practiced in more than 30 countries. Literature on LS acknowledges the works of Stigler and Hiebert and of Yoshida in 1999 as the origin of its internationalization. However, earlier studies described its practice and have mostly remained under the radar of LS previous researcher. This historical and documentary literature review sheds light on these previous studies describing LS, analyses their bibliometric relevance, and uncovers the first use of ‘lesson study’ as the terminology adopted in the international literature. Results reveal eight studies clearly describing LS before 1999 and more oblique references in the 1980s. ‘Lesson study’ appeared first in 1997, but we make the case for the previous use of other terminology. Findings also show that only those studies written by authors who later became key in the field of LS have received a high number of citations. These results bring attention to LS-related literature that has infrequently been cited, granting it recognition in the international history of LS, and expanding our current view in relation to its practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-152
Adam Malik ◽  
Seni Susanti

Mastering physics content is essential for physics teachers to carry out the learning process in the classroom. After mastering good physics content, teachers must also master the teaching competencies contained in pedagogical competencies. This study aims to demonstrate efforts to increase teachers' mastery of physics content and pedagogic competence. The pedagogic aspect refers to the teacher's ability to prepare practical instructions in a Cookbook Laboratory, Inquiry Laboratory, Problem-Solving Laboratory, and Higher Order Thinking Laboratory. The method used is in-house training based on lesson study. There are three stages of activities carried out, including Plan, Do, and See. Data were collected using observation sheets, interview guidelines, performance instruments, and tests. The study results show that the professional competence of teachers who are members of the Science Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) in one province in West Java has increased, especially concerning materials competencies practiced. In addition, the pedagogical competence of the teachers who are members of the Science MGMP has increased, especially concerning the mastery of organizing science practicums oriented to developing the 21st-century skills of students.

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