In the modern world, the number of people using various psychotropic drugs increases every day. The situation that has been described in recent decades associated with the use of narcotic and not criminalized substances in international literature as the OPIOID + (plus) crisis.
According to statistics, over the past few years, officially registered deaths from drug overdose have exceeded 70,000 in the United States. Leading causes were synthetic opioids, psychostimulants, and cocaine. This includes prescription opioids, opiates, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. All aforementioned drugs are used in combination with each other, with alcohol or psychotropic marijuana.
For humans, biological, social, and psychological factors are cause the initiation of psychoactive drugs.
Due to the lack of a well-functioning medical care system for patients with chronic pain, doctors of all specialties treat pain.
In this article, we consider the current situation with mind-altering drugs and apply the role of the anesthesiologist in reducing the growth rate of the opioid pandemic.