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Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1293
Kuisheng Liu ◽  
Yong Cui

Phosphorus slag (PS) and limestone (LS) composite (PLC) were prepared with a mass ratio of 1:1. The effects of the content of PLC and the water/binder ratio on the mechanical properties, durability and dry shrinkage of concrete were studied via compressive strength, electric flux, sulfate dry/wet cycle method, saturated drainage method, isothermal calorimeter, adiabatic temperature rise instrument and shrinkage deformation instrument. The results show that PLC can greatly reduce the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete. The adiabatic temperature rise is 55 °C with 33 wt.% PLC, 10 °C lower than that of the control sample. The addition in the content of PLC does not affect the long-term strength of concrete. When the water/binder ratio decreases by 0.1–0.15, the long-term strength of concrete with PLC increases by about 10%, compared with the control group. At the age of 360 days, the chloride permeability of L-11 (i.e., the content of PLC was 20%, the water/binder ratio was 0.418) and L-22 (i.e., the content of PLC was 33%, the water/binder ratio was 0.39) decrease to the “very low” grade. The strength loss rate of L-11 and L-22 after 150 sulfate dry/wet cycles is about 18.5% and 19%, respectively, which is 60% of the strength loss rate of the control sample. The drying shrinkage of L-11 and L-22 reduces by 4.7% and 9.5%, respectively, indicating that PLC can also reduce the drying shrinkage.

2021 ◽  
Anastasia Ivanova ◽  

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was determined in water samples from the Prut River during 2020. Mean values of CODMn and CODCr ranged from 3.5 to 9.0 mg O2/L (5.5 ± 1.2 mg O2/L) and from 12 to 45 mg O2/L (22 ± 8.7 mg O2/L) respectively. The analysis of the results demonstrates the existence in the waters of the Prut River of easily degradable organic substances (an indicator of fresh and permanent pollution) and those that are difficult to degrade. According to the requirements of the Regulation on the quality of surface waters, the water from the Prut River for the period studied in accordance to the chemical oxygen demand with manganese is assigned to quality class I-II (very good – good), and after chemical oxygen demand with chrome – to class II-III (good – moderately polluted).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A382-A383
Maram Khalifa ◽  
Hassaan Aftab ◽  
Vitaly Kantorovich

Abstract Background: With mounting evidence demonstrating improved cardiovascular and renal outcomes with the use of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, this class of newest antidiabetic agents is rapidly gaining favor. SGLT2 inhibition lowers the renal threshold for glucose excretion, resulting in renal glycosuria, a shift in substrate utilization from carbohydrate to fat oxidation and hyperglucagonemia and thus poses the risk of developing euglycemic DKA as a rare but serious adverse effect. Clinical Cases: the first case is A 36-year-old female was diagnosed with type 2 DM with an HbA1c of 10% and was started on multi-agent antihyperglycemic therapy including metformin 500 mg BID, extended release exenatide 2 mg once a week and empagliflozin 25 mg once daily which were all initiated simultaneously. 2 days after starting regimen, she complained of nausea, vomiting and was unable to tolerate oral diet and fluids by day 4 which potentially predisposed to starvation ketoacidosis. She presented to the ED with normal vitals, grossly normal physical exam and labs were significant for beta-hydroxybutyrate of over 7 mmol/L (ref range <0.28), bicarbonate of 10 mmol/L (22 - 33), anion gap 25 (7 - 17), arterial pH 7.16 (7.33 - 7.43), serum glucose 111 (7.33 - 7.43). GAD-65 antibody titer was <5 IU/mL (< 5). She was diagnosed with euglycemic DKA, transferred to ICU and started on DKA protocol to which she responded very well. Second patient is A 65 Years old male with past medical history of CAD, HTN, HDL, history of PE/DVT and Type 2 DM was on insulin and jardiance, started ketodiet while continuing taking the jardiance and stopped taking his insulin because his sugars were controlled presented to the ED with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, had relatively normal vitals and benign physical exam, labs showed Bicarbonate of 9 mmol/L (22 - 33), anion gap of 31 (7 - 17), venous pH of 7.07 (7.33 - 7.43) glucose was 189 (7.33 - 7.43), beta-hydroxybutyrate of over 7.7 mmol/L (ref range <0.28), patient was admitted to the ICU and started on insulin on DKA protocol Conclusion: SGLT2 inhibitors may be associated with DKA due to their ketogenic effects secondary to enhanced lipolysis and increased glucagon to insulin ratio. although not expected, euglycemic DKA could be much more present in cases where there is predisposition to increase ketones generation w/without appropriate clearance eg. starvation, ketotic diet, AKI, etc. These should be monitored for and the patient needs to be educated about accordingly to prevent both adverse outcomes and potential decrease in drug use if not strongly indicated. also,It would be prudent for prescribing clinicians to advise patients to withhold potentially harming medications temporarily if they cannot maintain adequate oral intake.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36
С. Г. Літвіненко ◽  
М. І. Виклюк

Здійснено інтегральне аутфітосозологічне оцінювання 41 виду деревних інтродуцентів відділу Pinophyta, які ростуть у ботанічному саду Чернівецького національного університету ім. Юрія Федьковича в умовах відкритого ґрунту. Відповідно до значень вирахуваного для кожного виду аутфітосозологічного індексу досліджувані дендроекзоти віднесено до чотирьох аутфітосозологічних класів (II-V); найбільше видів (27) увійшли до ІІІ класу. Для рослин кожного із аутфітосозологічних класів охарактеризовано ознаки, які найістотніше впливають на фітосозологічну цінність видів: категорія раритетності у Червоному списку МСОП, фітогеографічне та історичне значення, регіональна репрезентативність та кількість штучних природоохоронних об'єктів у межах Чернівецької області, де росте той чи інший вид. Зокрема, найчастіше у дендропарках, парках-пам'ятках садово-паркового мистецтва та у складі пам'яток природи Чернівецької області трапляються Thuja occidentalis L. (30 місцезростань), Pinus strobus L. (22), Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco (19 місцезростань), і в межах 12-14 природоохоронних об'єктів – Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold, Ginkgo biloba L., Chamaecyparis pisifera (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. Відзначено, що 51,2 % із досліджуваних видів трапляються, окрім ботанічного саду Чернівецького національного університету, також у дендропарках, парках-пам'ятках садово-паркового мистецтва та пам'ятках природи місцевого значення Чернівецької області. Раритетні види деревних інтродуцентів відділу Pinophyta цінні як резерв генетичного матеріалу. Тому особливої охорони потребують ті з них, які перебувають під загрозою зникнення (категорія раритетності у Червоному списку МСОП – CR, EN та VU), а також ті, що увійшли до ІІ аутфітосозологічного класу (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich., Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz, Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W. C. Cheng, Picea koyamae Shiras.), та частина видів, віднесених до ІІІ класу (зокрема, ті з них, які представлені 1-2 особинами лише у ботанічному саду Чернівецького національного університету, і не здатні розмножуватися насіннєвим шляхом). Під час розроблення рекомендацій з ефективної охорони досліджуваних деревних інтродуцентів варто звертати увагу на екологічні вимоги видів, оскільки від цього значною мірою залежить успішність росту і розвитку інтродуцентів.

Roberto Alonso Moral

l 22 de marzo fallecía en Madrid Margarita Estella, uno de los referentes más importantes en los estudios de escultura en España de los últimos cincuenta años y una personalidad entrañable y excepcional. Trabajadora infatigable, tras una prolífica producción científica, a sus 89 años mantenía vivos sus estudios con el entusiasmo y tesón que siempre le caracterizaron, y hasta su último aliento estuvo preparando el catálogo de marfiles del Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, un proyecto que deja, por desgracia, inconcluso.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. e964986553
Hugo Henrique Ribeiro Araújo ◽  
Filipe Bittencourt Machado de Souza ◽  
Rafael Pio ◽  
Ana Izabella Freire ◽  
Ariana Mota Pereira ◽  

A fruticultura brasileira tem grande importância na economia, aparecendo como o terceiro maior produtor mundial. Neste contexto, o manejo de plantas daninhas torna-se indispensável do ponto de vista agronômico, pois competem por água, luz, nutriente e espaço, causando muitos prejuízos às culturas de interesse. Essas perdas se acentuam à medida que não são devidamente controladas, por este motivo, é realizado o levantamento fitossociológico, que permite conhecer a dinâmica das plantas daninhas e sua correta identificação. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho efetuar um levantamento fitossociológico das plantas daninhas existentes no cultivo de frutíferas de clima temperado no município de Lavras-MG. O levantamento foi realizado no setor de Fruticultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico em 18 cultivares de Pereira (Pyrus spp.), sete cultivares de Macieira (Malus domestica L.), 22 cultivares de Pessegueiro (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), sete cultivares de Framboesa, dez cultivares de Amora-Preta (Rubus spp.), além de área plantada com 11 cultivares de Caquizeiro (Diospyrus kaki L.), uma cultivar de Figueira (Ficus carica L.) e 34 cultivares de Marmeleiro (Cydonia oblonga e Chaenomelis sinensis L.). As identificações das plantas daninhas foram baseadas através de análise do material, fotografias e com consulta à literatura especializada, posteriormente a identificação, houve a classificação e análise da estrutura da comunidade, fazendo o agrupamento em famílias, nome científico, nome vulgar e quanto ao ciclo produtivo vegetal das espécies. Foram avaliadas Distribuição Espacial, Variância, Densidade, Frequência, Constância, Dominância, Valor de Importância, Índice de Valor de Importância e Avaliação de Similaridade. O levantamento fitossociológico evidenciou que a espécie Cyperus rotundus foi a espécie com maior IVI no cultivo da amoreira, framboesa, macieira e marmeleiro. Enquanto que a espécie Cynodon dactylon teve o maior IVI no cultivo das framboesas, pereiras e marmeleiros. Por outro lado, a espécie Brachiaria plantaginea atingiu o maior IVI no cultivo das macieiras. Por fim, a espécie Pennisetum clandestinum atingiu o maior IVI no cultivo dos caquizeiros. De acordo com o levantamento fitossociológico, deve-se verificar os métodos de controle utilizados como implementos agrícolas, formas de aplicação de inseticidas (sistêmicos ou contato), o sistema de irrigação que menos contribua para o desenvolvimento das espécies indesejáveis, e assim diminuir competição pela água, luz e nutrientes com o aumento da produtividade.

Laura Macias-Muñoz ◽  
Xavier Filella ◽  
Josep Maria Augé ◽  
Felicia A. Hanzu ◽  
Manuel Morales-Ruiz ◽  

ResumenIntroducciónEl estradiol en suero (E2) se emplea para el diagnóstico y/o seguimiento de una amplia variedad de patologías. El objeto del presente estudio es evaluar el ensayo enhanced estradiol (eE2) de Siemens en el sistema Atellica IM 1600 (Siemens Healthineers) y llevar a cabo una comparación de muestras con el analizador Advia Centaur XP (Siemens Healthineers).MétodosLos coeficientes de variación (CV) intradía e interdía se evaluaron utilizando pools de muestras séricas y materiales de control de calidad. El límite de cuantificación se determinó mediante el empleo de seis muestras de suero con concentraciones decrecientes de E2. La linealidad fue evaluada a través del análisis de dos muestras diferentes de suero. La exactitud se determinó midiendo tres materiales de referencia certificados. Comparamos los sistemas Atellica y Centaur XP con el método de regresión de Passing–Bablok y el gráfico de Bland–Altman utilizando 119 muestras de suero con concentraciones de entre 45 y 10.059 pmol/L.ResultadosLa imprecisión intradía e interdía fue <6,6%. La exactitud fue <6,0% en todos los valores de E2 evaluados excepto para la concentración de 114 pmol/L (22%). El análisis del límite de cuantificación resultó en una imprecisión interdía <20%. Se observó una alta correlación entre los valores de dilución de E2 observados y esperados (r=0,99), con un porcentaje de recuperación que oscila entre el 77 y el 93%. El estudio comparativo mostró un buen nivel de concordancia, sin hallarse un sesgo significativo.ConclusionesEste estudio indica que el ensayo eE2 tiene una imprecisión y una exactitud aceptables, mostrando una buena correlación con el sistema Centaur XP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Arkady E. Demidchik

A translation and commentary on the spell in the tomb of Neha at el-Qatta previously discussed by H. D. Schneider (1977) and T. J. Allen (2013). The spell was believed to provide Neha, after his death, with magical powers over representations (possibly statuettes) of his “workers-kAwtyw” designed to serve him in the next world. However, as an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the spell was considered to be the faultlessness of the acquisition of the representations, the latter was asserted in passages resembling an ideal autobiography. The expression mr(y)t(=f) Ds=f “his own household people” in l. 22 is the Middle Kingdom colloquial equivalent of the mr(y)t=f n(y)t Dt=f, which has survived in nomarch Nehery’s tomb at el-Bersheh and on the pedestal of a sculptural group of four figurines from the mastaba of Shepi at Dahshur (CG 512). The latter parallel is of special significance, since in the selection and arrangement of other spells Neha’s burial chamber is also comparable to certain tombs in the Dahshur–Lisht region. Neha was most likely influenced by one of the magical traditions of this metropolitan area. If Neha, like Shepi, had a sculptural group of four “household people”, this could explain his words about acquiring “the fourth one (fdnw)” to serve very early and late extra meals (ll. 23 ̶ 24). The noun nDs in l. 17 and the use of the word Ds with the meaning “own” in connection with people date the composition to no later than the reign of Senusret I.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
Neide da Silva Knihs ◽  
Aline Lima Pestana Magalhães ◽  
Juliana Santos ◽  
Isabela dos Santos Wolter ◽  
Sibele Maria Schuantes Paim

Abstract Objective: Identify by means of a management tool causes of losses of possible and potential organs and tissues donation as opportunities of improvements in the organs and tissues donation system. Method: Descriptive and quantitative study developed in three hospitals in the south of the country, which used an instrument of the National Transplant Organization of Spain to trace opportunities of improvements in the scenario of the organs and tissues donation. Tha data collect was carried out in patients´medical records from July and October 2017. The data were analyzed through the descriptive statistics. Results: Of the 321 deaths occurred, 73% were heart arrested and 27% were brain death. In all hospitals the percentage of brain death was higher than 25%. The causes of losses involve hemodynamic alterations 78.3% and medical contraindications 21,7%, with respect to hemodynamic instability 33% related to the hypotension, polyuria 28% , sodium more than 155mEq/l 22% and temperature below 35.5ºC in 17%. Conclusion and Implications for practice: The main causes of loss involve the hemodynamic instability and the contraindication, with respect to opportunities of improvements it was possible to measure the causes of the non-validation of the potential organs donor. The management tool used in the study allows the healthcare team to develop strategies directed towards actual problems incurred at the stages of the donation and transplantation process.

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