thuja occidentalis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
L N Anishchenko ◽  
E V Borzdyko ◽  
M V Dolganova ◽  
I V Moskalenko ◽  
M V Avramenko

Abstract It is found that anthropogenic pollution has a significant effect on the change in the content of total nitrogen, glutathione and vitamin E, which increases the resistance of woody plants to stress. A series of woody plants with regard to their sensitivity to aerosol pollution has been compiled: according to the degree of decrease in total nitrogen – Picea abies > Thuja occidentalis > Syringa vulgaris > Acer platanoides > Tilia cordata > Sorbus aucuparia; the degree of decrease in glutathione content – Picea abies > Thuja occidentalis > Syringa vulgaris > Acer platanoides > Tilia cordata > Sorbus aucuparia; the degree of decrease in the content of vitamin E – Picea abies > Thuja occidentalis > Sorbus aucuparia > Tilia cordata > Syringa vulgaris > Acer platanoides. A positive correlation was revealed between the biochemical parameters of woody plants and the monitoring complex indices proposed by the Russian meteorological service. A close direct regression dependence of the air pollution index and the average stability coefficient for the content of total nitrogen, vitamin E and glutathione in the biomass of model woody plants was revealed: with an increase in the degree of air pollution, the average stability coefficient for certain biochemical indicators increases.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (24) ◽  
pp. 7619
Daisuke Nakano ◽  
Kenji Ishitsuka ◽  
Madoka Ishihara ◽  
Ryota Tsuchihashi ◽  
Masafumi Okawa ◽  

During the screening of novel chemotherapeutic candidates from plants against adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, we identified that the extracts of Thuja occidentalis (Cupressaceae) showed potent anti-proliferative activity in MT-1 and MT-2 cells. Therefore, we attempted to isolate the active components from this plant. We isolated and identified 32 compounds (1–32; eight lignans, 18 terpenoids, and six flavonoids) from the extracts of the leaves and cones. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis. Several of the isolated compounds inhibited the growth of both cell lines. Lignans showed more potent activity than other classes of compounds. A comparison of the activities of compounds 1–8 revealed that the presence of a trans-lactone (linkage of C-6 to C-7) correlated with increased activity. Diterpenes showed moderate activity, and the presence of a ketone moiety at the C-7 position correlated with increased activity in compounds 12–21. In addition, biflavones showed moderate activity, and the presence of methoxy functions appeared to influence the activity of these compounds. Several lignans were lead compound of anti-cancer reagent (etoposide). In conclusion, not only lignans, but also diterpenes and/or biflavones, may be promising candidates for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.

Н.П. Ковальчук ◽  
О.П. Герасимчук ◽  
Ю.П. Шимчук

У статті описано корисні властивості вічнозелених дерев та чагарників як важливої і невід’ємної частини життя людства і нашої планети в цілому. Особлива увага приділена технології розмноження хвойних і листяних вічнозелених дерев, чагарників, а саме живцюванню, яке проводиться для збільшення їх видової різноманітності та кількісного складу, створення високодекоративних та екологічно-стійких зелених насаджень, а також з метою скорочення термінів вирощування садивного матеріалу для сучасних урбогенних умов, що набули в останні десятиліття глобального характеру. Вивчено методику живцювання дерев та чагарників, досліджено відсоток приживання та темпи росту найпоширеніших на Волині вічнозелених рослин з метою їх подальшого використання для озеленення населених пунктів. Об’єктом дослідження були вічнозелені дерева та чагарники, зокрема вивчалися вічнозелені рослини Thuja occidentalis L. «Columna», Thuja occidentalis L. «Clobosa», Thuja occidentalis L. «Ericoides», Thuja occidentalis L. «Aurea Ellvangeriana», Juniperus sabina L., Juniperus communis L. «Hibernica», Picea pungens Engelms «Glauca», Buxus sempervirens L. При проведенні досліджень були застосовані методи порівняльного аналізу та синтезу інформації, спостереження, опису, узагальнення, а також був застосований системний і польовий методи, математико-статистичний метод. Під час дослідження здійснювали вимірювання та спостереження за висадженими живцями в теплиці та їх кількістю, визначали кількість прижитих і висаджених живців у відкритий ґрунт, розраховували співвідношення живців, що прижилися, до загальної кількості висаджених, вимірювали середні розміри підземної і надземної частин рослин, визначали рослини, які найкраще приживаються і ростуть в природно-кліматичних умовах Волинської області.

2021 ◽  
Emily Dazé ◽  
Eunji Byun ◽  
Sarah A Finkelstein

Abstract Wetlands that develop peat are a globally significant pool of soil carbon. While some wetland types such as bogs and fens are well characterized by the consistent development of carbon-rich peat, swamps soils are more variable both in terms of their carbon densities and accretion rates. Subcategorizing swamps by forest type may be a useful way of understanding this variability. Here we provide a case study of carbon accumulation in two distinct forest stands of Greenock Swamp located in the Great Lakes – St Lawrence mixed forest region in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada: an Acer - Fraxinus (maple-ash) dominant stand (i.e., broad-leaved swamp) and a Thuja occidentalis (cedar) dominant stand (i.e., needle-leaved swamp). Organic matter and organic carbon contents were analyzed among seven Acer - Fraxinus soil cores and one Thuja occidentalis core collected from Greenock Swamp. The Acer - Fraxinus cores had peat depths ranging from 18-60 cm with a mean organic matter content of 54% and an organic carbon content of 34% of dry mass. The Thuja occidentalis swamp core had at least 4 m of almost homogeneous peat with a mean organic matter content of 89%. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the Acer - Fraxinus swamp accumulates peat episodically whereas the Thuja occidentalis swamp showed continuous peat accumulation since the Middle Holocene. Overall, both broad-leaved and needle-leaved swamps have important soil carbon stocks, and are prevalent wetland types in middle latitudes. Both need to be considered to fully represent the carbon pools and potential sink of temperate wetlands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 499 ◽  
pp. 119639 ◽  
Jeanette A. Allogio ◽  
Shawn Fraver ◽  
Laura S. Kenefic ◽  
Jay W. Wason ◽  
John-Pascal Berrill

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-34
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
М.В. Цой

Актуальность связана с расширением зеленого строительства на новых территориях в разнообразных и нередко тяжелых природных и агротехнических условиях возникла потребность в широком и разнообразном по биологическим и техническим свойствам ассортименте древесных пород и разработке дифференцированных методов их выращивания. Интродукция должна быть основана на обстоятельном изучении существующего опыта интродукции и знании стран – источников интродукции, истории формирования того или иного вида, учета экологических особенностей местообитаний, вертикальной зональности, существования географических и эдафических форм. Цель исследования заключалась в изучении эколого-биологических особенностей таксонов семейства Cupressaceae Bartl. в дендрологических коллекциях сухостепного региона. Исследованы шесть древесных вида семейства Cupressaceae, произрастающие в дендроколлекциях ФНЦ Агроэкологии РАН: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis(L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. Изучены естественные ареалы объектов исследования. Выявлено, что виды подсемейства Thujoideae встречаются как в северном, так и в южном полушарии, виды подсемейства Juniperoideae (род Juniperus) – в умеренных областях северного полушария. Фенологические наблюдения выявили, что рост хвои у можжевельника обыкновенного начинался одновременно с ростом побегов в конце марта - начале апреля (на 1-1,5 месяца раньше, чем на родине), Период роста хвои продолжался 2-2,5 месяца, побегов – 135-180 дней. В ходе наблюдений за динамикой роста сеянцев, были получены метрические показатели сеянцев, 1-летние сеянцы Platycladus orientalis – 16-18 см, Thuja occidentalis – 9-14 см, J. communis – 10-15 см, J. sabina – 14-16 см, Juniperus virginiana – 14-16 см высотой. Анализ изменчивости морфологических признаков и биоэкологических свойств, адаптаций в новых условиях среды имеют большое значение для биоэкологического обоснования введения в культуру древесных таксонов семейства Cupressaceae. Этот анализ затрагивает оценку природного разнообразия растений с таких важных сторон, как скорость роста, устойчивость и декоративность, сведений о которых в засушливых условиях крайне мало. The urgency is connected with the expansion of green construction in new territories in diverse and often difficult natural and agrotechnical conditions, there is a need for a wide and diverse assortment of tree species in terms of biological and technical properties and the development of differentiated methods of their cultivation. The introduction should be based on a thorough study of the existing experience of introduction and knowledge of the countries - sources of introduction, the history of the formation of a particular species, taking into account the ecological features of habitats, vertical zonality, the existence of geographical and edaphic forms. The aim of the study was to study the ecological and biological features of the taxa of the Cupressaceae Bartl family. in dendrological collections of the dry-steppe region. Six woody species of the Cupressaceae family growing in the arboretum collections of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences were studied: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. The natural areas of the objects of study have been studied. It was revealed that the species of the subfamily Thujoideae are found in both the northern and southern hemispheres, the species of the subfamily Juniperoideae (genus Juniperus) – in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Phenological observations revealed that the growth of needles in common juniper began simultaneously with the growth of shoots in late March - early April (1-1.5 months earlier than at home), the period of growth of needles lasted 2-2.5 months, shoots - 135-180 days. During observations of the growth dynamics of seedlings, metric indicators of seedlings were obtained, 1-year-old seedlings Platycladus orientalis - 16-18 cm, Thuja occidentalis - 9-14 cm, J. communis - 10-15 cm, J. sabina - 14-16 cm, Juniperus virginiana - 14-16 cm tall. Analysis of the variability of morphological features and bioecological properties, adaptations in new environmental conditions are of great importance for the bioecological justification of the introduction of woody taxa of the Cupressaceae family into culture. This analysis affects the assessment of the natural diversity of plants from such important aspects as growth rate, stability and decorative properties, information about which is extremely scarce in arid conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012092
A N Tseplyaev ◽  
A A Tseplyaeva

Abstract For the sparsely wooded regions of Russia, and in particular, the Central forest-steppe, new technologies for growing seedlings and seedlings of tree species are extremely important. It provids rapid growth and high survival rate, which is compared to classic technologies. The purpose of our experiment was to establish the effect of temperature screens from pots of various sizes on the temperature in the root zone of the substrate, and, as a consequence, on the growth and productivity of Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd” in plastic pots for three seasons. The most favorable temperature conditions for plants are formed in large pots, which is facilitated by smooth temperature drops in the substrate and a large area of contact between the substrate and the root system. Agrotechnical methods of growing plants have shown the main advantages of “Pot-in-Pot” technology. This is accelerated plant growth due to more efficient use of water and fertilizers on a specially prepared substrate under conditions of minimal temperature fluctuations. Plants, especially large ones, will have a favorable presentation due to better leafing, a well-developed crown, and a large crown diameter. High safety during wintering also increases the efficiency of the technology providing a higher yield and subsequent more intensive growth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Eunji Byun ◽  
Sharon A. Cowling ◽  
Sarah A. Finkelstein

Abstract Greenock Swamp wetland complex is one of few remaining natural wetlands in the Great Lakes region and, at 89 km2 in areal extent, is currently the largest hardwood swamp in southern Ontario, Canada. We present here pollen and sediment records from a kettle hole (Schmidt Lake) and adjacent Thuja occidentalis swamp to reconstruct regional paleoclimate and vegetation history, and to assess the timing and development of the swamp ecosystem and associated carbon stocks. Pollen-inferred paleoclimate reconstructions show the expected warming in the Early Holocene, and indicate the Mid-Holocene initiation of lake-effect snow. This enhanced snowfall may have maintained high water tables in the adjacent wetland since ca. 8300 years ago, promoting the establishment of a swamp dominated by Thuja occidentalis. Carbon accumulation rates in a >2-m-long peat core collected from a Thuja occidentalis stand adjacent to Schmidt Lake are 30–40 g C/m2/yr, which is higher than the average of northern high-latitude peatlands. Using topographic and hydrological parameters, we estimated that mean swamp peat thicknesses could exceed 2 m. Thus, this study encourages future investigations on temperate swamps from the perspective of hitherto underestimated Holocene carbon sinks and shows the importance of regional hydroclimate in supporting swamp ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-32
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
М.В. Цой ◽  
В.В. Сапронов

В Волгоградской области единственным аборигенным представителем хвойных древесных растений является J. sabina L., существования популяции одного представителя хвойных свидетельствует об однородности дендрофлоры, что может привести к деструкции экосистемы в целом. Интродукция растений как инструмент на пути к достижению биоразнообразия дендрофлоры, является наиболее практичным и перспективным методом в условиях сухой степи. Целью исследования, являлось проведение биоэкологической оценки и жизненного состояния хвойных древесных растений, а также определение степени интродукционной устойчивости условиях сухой степи. Проведена оценка шести интродуцированных древесных растений в дендроколлекциях ФНЦ Агроэкологии РАН: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis(L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. Определены сроки наступления и длительность основных фенологических фаз методикой фенологических наблюдений ГБС. При отклонении среднегодовой температуре воздуха выше нормы на 1,05 ºС и годовой суммы осадков 75% от нормы, длительность проявления периода вегетации составила у J. sabina L. – 58 дней, самый короткий период у J. communis L. – 41 день, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco 55 дней, J. virgiana L. – 56 дней, T. occidentalis L. – 71 день, P. orientalis (L.) Franco – 68 дней. В рамках эколого-биологической оценки были исследованы такие показатели как зимостойкость, засухоустойчивость, характер пыления и семеношения. Отдельно был исследован семенной материал методом определения массы 1000 семян. Также была дана оценка декоративности, по которой определялась специфика применения того или иного вида для целей озеленения. В результате проведенных исследований рассчитали значения акклиматизационного числа для каждого вида, по которому определена степень интродукционной устойчивости в условиях сухой степи. В ходе проделанной работы даны практические рекомендации по посадке хвойных деревьев кустарников для целей озеленения. In the Volgograd region, the only native representative of coniferous woody plants is J. sabina L., the existence of a population of one representative of coniferous plants indicates the homogeneity of the dendroflora, which can lead to the destruction of the ecosystem as a whole. Plant introduction as a tool on the way to achieving dendroflora biodiversity is the most practical and promising method in the conditions of the dry steppe. The aim of the study was to conduct a bioecological assessment of the life condition of coniferous woody plants, as well as to determine the degree of introduction resistance in the conditions of the dry steppe. Six introduced woody plants were evaluated in the dendrocollections of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Juniperus virginianaL., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. The timing of the onset and duration of the main phenological phases were determined by the method of phenological observations of HBS. With the deviation of the average annual air temperature above the norm by 1.05 ° C and the annual precipitation of 75% of the norm, the duration of the vegetation period was 58 days for J. sabina L., 41 days for J. communis L., 55 days for Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco, 56 days for J. virgiana L., 71 days for T. occidentalis L., and 68 days for P. orientalis (L.) Franco. As part of the ecological and biological assessment, such indicators as winter hardiness, drought resistance, the nature of dusting and seed-bearing were studied. Separately, the seed material was examined by the method of determining the mass of 1000 seeds. There was also an assessment of decorativeness, which determined the specifics of the use of a particular type for landscaping purposes. As a result of the conducted studies, the values of the acclimatization number for each species were calculated, according to which the degree of introduction resistance in the conditions of the dry steppe was determined. In the course of the work done, practical recommendations are given for planting coniferous trees and shrubs for landscaping purposes.

I. M. Garanovich ◽  
E. D. Blinkovskiy

The article describes the results of a study of the impact of biohumus alkaline extract on growth and development of woody plants seedlings. A positive impact has been found out. When biohumus alkaline extract is used, the height of Thuja occidentalis seedlings surpasses the target by 19.0 %, the length of root systems – by 13.3 %. These indexes for Spiraea x cinerea are 18.6 and 50.0 %, and for Taxus baccata – 9.0 and 23.1 % correspondingly.

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