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2022 ◽  
Surendra K. Dara ◽  

This chapter covers the definition of biostimulants, brief summary of various categories, and how they are used for promoting plant growth, building soil structure, imparting stress tolerance, and contribute to pest and disease suppression. Strategies for using biostimulants as a part of IPM and some challenges and future opportunities were also discussed.

Marine Policy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. 104908
Jan Atle Knutsen ◽  
Alf Ring Kleiven ◽  
Esben Moland Olsen ◽  
Halvor Knutsen ◽  
Sigurd Heiberg Espeland ◽  

HortScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-180
Elizabeth A. Perkus ◽  
Julie M. Grossman ◽  
Anne Pfeiffer ◽  
Mary A. Rogers ◽  
Carl J. Rosen

High tunnels are an important season extension tool for horticultural production in cold climates, however maintaining soil health in these intensively managed spaces is challenging. Cover crops are an attractive management tool to address issues such as decreased organic matter, degraded soil structure, increased salinity, and high nitrogen needs. We explored the effect of winter cover crops on soil nutrients, soil health and bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) crop yield in high tunnels for 2 years in three locations across Minnesota. Cover crop treatments included red clover (Trifolium pratense) monoculture, Austrian winter pea/winter rye biculture (Pisum sativum/Secale cereale), hairy vetch/winter rye/tillage radish (Vicia villosa/S. cereale/Raphanus sativus) polyculture, and a bare-ground, weeded control. Cover crop treatments were seeded in two planting date treatments: early planted treatments were seeded into a standing bell pepper crop in late Aug/early September and late planted treatments were seeded after bell peppers were removed in mid-September At termination time in early May, all cover crops had successfully overwintered and produced biomass in three Minnesota locations except for Austrian winter pea at the coldest location, zone 3b. Data collected include cover crop and weed biomass, biomass carbon and nitrogen, extractable soil nitrogen, potentially mineralizable nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon, permanganate oxidizable carbon, soil pH, soluble salts (EC), and pepper yield. Despite poor legume performance, increases in extractable soil nitrogen and potentially mineralizable nitrogen in the weeks following cover crop residue incorporation were observed. Biomass nitrogen contributions averaged 100 kg·ha−1 N with an observed high of 365 kg·ha−1 N. Cover crops also reduced extractable soil N in a spring sampling relative to the bare ground control, suggesting provision of nitrogen retention ecosystem services.

Jun-ichi Yamamoto ◽  
Tomohiro Fukui ◽  
Kazutomo Nishii ◽  
Ichiro Kato ◽  
Quang Thahn Pham

Employee engagement has become a critical issue in Japanese companies. One way to develop it is to improve the relationship among employees through gratitude expressions. In the post-COVID-19 remote work environment, digital devices are essential. This paper confirms that expressions of gratitude delivered via digital devices enhance the relationship between employees. We experimented in a small-town government office where participants (n = 88) were asked to (1) use the Thanks App, an app we developed to express gratitude, for two months and (2) respond to an engagement survey we developed before and after the experimental period. Through cross-analysis of the data from the app and questionnaire, we found that the “trust in colleagues” factor had a strong correlation (r = 0.80, p < 0.001) with our new index computed by the app’s data. The results suggest that the use of the Thanks App may help visualize the trust relationship among teams. This study has a practical value in providing a new team management tool for visualizing team trust. In addition, it provides a new research method for emotional and social psychology using digital devices.

Phumla Hlengiwe Shamase

The provision of a Learning Management System (LMS) for use in distributed, blended or open distance e-learning as a management tool has become a basic standard requirement in higher learning institutions globally. Many students and lecturers use an LMS in support of innovative and engaged teaching and learning, both inside and outside the classroom—whether blended or open leaning. However, many academics choose not to make use of the institutional LMS. This is the specific issue that this study addresses, with a particular focus on the role played by disciplinary differences in the uptake of an LMS. The research question guiding the study is thus: To what extent do disciplinary differences affect the uptake of an LMS? The research study drew on Legitimation Code Theory, a sociological theory that explains the knowledge principles underpinning practices, in this case, the practice of the uptake (or non-uptake) of an institutional LMS. The study made use of quantitative data collection and data analysis methods, drawing on the institutional LMS activity data. The study found that there was a significant relationship between the disciplines and LMS uptake. However, the study also found a number of unexpected exceptions, where the nature of the discipline did not seem to impact uptake or non-uptake. The contribution that the study makes is to show the significant role that the academics’ home discipline plays in LMS uptake.

Mohamed Tantawi ◽  
Susan Shamimi-Noori ◽  
Colette M. Shaw ◽  
John R. Eisenbrey

AbstractLocoregional therapies (LRTs) are an essential management tool in the treatment of primary liver cancers or metastatic liver disease. LRTs include curative and palliative modalities. Monitoring treatment response of LRTs is crucial for maximizing benefit and improving clinical outcomes. Clinical use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) was introduced more than two decades ago. Its portability, cost effectiveness, lack of contraindications and safety make it an ideal tool for treatment monitoring in numerous situations. Two-dimensional dynamic CEUS has been proved to be equivalent to the current imaging standard in the guidance of LRTs, assessment of their adequacy, and detection of early tumor recurrence. Recent technical advances in ultrasound transducers and image processing have made 3D CEUS scanning widely available on most commercial ultrasound systems. 3D scanning offers a broad multiplanar view of anatomic structures, overcoming many limitations of two-dimensional scanning. Furthermore, many ultrasound systems provide real-time dynamic 3D CEUS, also known as 4D CEUS. Volumetric CEUS has shown to perform better than 2D CEUS in the assessment and monitoring of some LRTs. CEUS presents a valid alternative to the current imaging standards with reduced cost and decreased risk of complications. Future efforts will be directed toward refining the utility of 4D CEUS through approaches such as multi-parametric quantitative analysis and machine learning algorithms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 751
Malizo Ntalo ◽  
Khuliso Emmanuel Ravhuhali ◽  
Bethwell Moyo ◽  
Onke Hawu ◽  
Ntokozo Happy Msiza

Among the possible impacts of plant invaders on South African biodiversity, water supplies, and rangeland production, Lantana camara is ranked the highest in terms of its environmental impact. Globally, L. camara is regarded as one of the most ecologically and economically destructive invasive alien plants. The spread of L. camara affects the environment and threatens livestock productivity due to its toxicity to animals (especial cattle and sheep) in most semi-arid areas of South Africa. Lantana camara is known to have high concentrations of nutrients that are beneficial to livestock, but most previous research has concentrated on its toxicity. To enrich our knowledge on its nutritive value, further research has to evaluate its dietary impact on the growth and health of different ruminant livestock species, particularly goats. This review evaluates L. camara as a potential browse species for goats in southern Africa, and its adverse effects on goats and other ruminant livestock are also presented. The review describes L. camara and its distribution globally, its poisonous effect to livestock, and potential use as an alternative forage to browsing animals such as goats, which have proved resistant to its harmful traits. The high crude protein content, low fibre and adequate macro-minerals for small ruminants makes L. camara a good ruminant protein supplement in semi-arid areas. In addition to other biological control strategies, the prospects of using goats as a biological management tool is discussed. The research will contribute to the understanding of the control measures of L. camara while improving the productivity of small stock, especially goats. This means that a balanced understanding of its nutritional value as a source of protein and its negative impact on the environment should be considered in developing mitigation strategies to arrest its spread. We, therefore, recommend the use of goats in the control of L. camara; however, further studies are needed to limit its toxic effects, and thus improve its value.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Abbie Iveson ◽  
Magnus Hultman ◽  
Vasileios Davvetas

Purpose This paper aims to respond to calls in academia for an update of the product lifecycle (PLC). Through a systematic literature review, the authors provide an updated agenda, which aims to advance the PLC concept in research, teaching and practice. Design/methodology/approach The authors started by surveying 101 marketing academics globally to ascertain whether a PLC update was viewed necessary and beneficial in the marketing community and thereafter conducted citation analysis of marketing research papers and textbooks to ascertain PLC usage. The subsequent literature review methodology was split into two sections. First, 97 empirical articles were reviewed based on an evaluative framework. Second, research pertaining to the PLC determinants were assessed and discussed. Findings From the results of this review and primary data from marketing academics, the authors find that the method of predicting the PLC based on past sales has been largely unsuccessful and perceived as somewhat outdated. However, a new stream of PLC literature is emerging, which takes a consumer-centric perspective to the PLC and has seen more success at modeling lifecycles in various industries. Research limitations/implications First, the study outlines the most contemporary and successful methodological approaches to modeling the PLC. Namely, the use of artificial intelligence, big data, demand modeling and consumer psychological mechanisms. Second, it provides several future research avenues using modern market trends such as sustainability, globalization, digitization and Covid-19 to push the PLC into the 21st century. Originality/value The PLC has shown to be resolutely popular in management application and education. However, without a continued effort in academic PLC research to update the knowledge around the concept, its use as a productive management tool will likely become outdated. This study provides a necessary and comprehensive literature update resulting in actionable future research and teaching agendas intended to advance the PLC concept into the modern market context.

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