steppe belt
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N.E. Ryabogina ◽  
E.D. Yuzhanina ◽  
S.N. Ivanov ◽  
A.A. Golyeva

The paper concerns the analysis of the local environment around the multi-layer settlements of Mergen 6 and 7 situated in the immediate vicinity of each other. The settlements existed successively (partly contempora-neously in the early and high Neolithic) in the forest-steppe belt of Western Siberia. Two methods were chosen to obtain the results: spore-and-pollen (palynological) and microbiomorphic analyses of the cultural layers of the settlements of Mergen 6 and Mergen 7. In the settlement of Mergen 6, the following samples were collected for the palynological and microbiomorphic investigation: a vertical column from the center of the ditch of the dwelling no.5; areal soil samples of the dwelling no.5 from underneath the pottery debris of the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods; areal samples from the bottom layer of the dwelling no.21. In the settlement of Mergen 7, two vertical core samples were selected for the pore-and-pollen analysis: in the ditch of the dwelling no.1; and in the inter-dwelling area. Samples from the hearthing of the dwellings and from the inter-dwelling space were collected for the microbiomorphic analysis. The obtained results show that both settlements existed during the forest-steppe conditions, although the original landscapes of the sites chosen by the people for building the settlements were different in the early and high Neolithic. It appears that during the early Neolithic, the settlement of Mergen 6 was associated with an open site with meadow-steppe vegetation; birch forests constituted a small part of the land-scape, whilst there were no pine forests in the close vicinity. During the middle Neolithic, people in the settlement of Mergen 7 preferred to settle in a birch wood, having cleared out a small area to build the dwelling. The results of the microbiomorphic analysis show that, despite the lack of pine forests nearby the settlements, people still used pine tim-ber in housebuilding, apparently, intentionally. The frequent occurrence of remains of the wood detritus at the level of the floor of the dwellings and under pottery supports the initial archaeological observations about timber decking inside the houses. However, pollen and phytolithic studies do not demonstrate a wide use of the wetland waterside vegetation in housebuilding, apparently, because the lake at the time was not overgrown on the banks by reed and cattail. There-fore, despite the close location of the two sites and their similar hunting-fishing specialization of the subsistences, their populations in different chronological periods preferred distinct local conditions.

A.D. Degtyareva

The article presents data on the morphological and typological characteristics of the trade tools of the Pet-rovka Culture of the South Trans-Urals and middle Tobol River region, originating from the sites of Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, and Tyumen Regions (77 specimens in total; 126 specimens in total including knives). According to the radiocarbon dating, the chronological period of the Petrovka sites in the Southern Trans-Urals spans the 19th through 18th centuries B.C. The distribution of tools into types was based on the techniques of typological division of the artifacts, taking into account their shape, presence of certain qualitative features, as well as consideration of the geographical and cultural areal of similar articles. The produce of the Southern Trans-Urals center is repre-sented by a diverse set of metal tools and by functioning of large settlements with metallurgical specialization — Kulevchi 3, Ustye 1, and Shibaevo 1. In the typology of the tool complex of the Petrovka Culture of the Southern Trans-Urals and the Middle Pre-Tobol region, common Eurasian types dominate, being genetically associated with the centers of the Middle Bronze Age of the Circumpontian Metallurgical Province — the Late Yamnaya-Poltavkino, Catacomb Culture, and metal-producing centers of the Corded Ware Culture — Volsk-Lbische and Balanovo. A pronounced variety of the morphotypes of the tools, especially knives, is characteristic of the initial stage of ethnogenesis of the cultures of the forest-steppe and steppe zone of Eurasia during the transitional pe-riod from the MBA to the LBA. Common Eurasian types of tools are characteristic of the cultures of the 1st phase of the Eurasian (West Asian) metallurgical province of the forest-steppe and steppe belt from the Don region to the Irtysh region: Abashevo; Sintashta; Early Srubnaya (Pokrovka); Petrovka (Early Alakul). Specific groups of tools inherent in the tribes of the Petrovka Culture were revealed: axes with a massive head; medium-curved sick-les with a prominent handle; socketed spearheads without eyelets and raised ribs along the edge of the socket; forged arrowheads with a through socket; knives with a straight prominent handle — double-edged and single-edged; knives with a forged open socket. In the appearance of some types of tools among the Petrovka population of the Trans-Urals, such as forged socketed tools — chisels, knives, arrows, double-edged knives with a prominent handle, and sickles with a small curvature, the influence of the Abashevo stereotypes of production is discernible. In the meantime, sufficient data have been obtained on the direct imports or on the conjugation of types of the metal tools and weapons of the Sintashta, Petrovka, and Seima-Turbino Cultures in closed complexes.

Ю. Д. Разуваев

Комплекс памятников конца V - III в. до н. э., расположенный на р. Дон у с. Ксизово в Задонском районе Липецкой обл., включает городище, селище и грунтовый могильник. В результате радиоуглеродного датирования и анализа вещевых находок к названным столетиям отнесено пять захоронений, ранее соотносимых с гуннским временем. В итоге стало известно 17 погребений скифской эпохи, включая два парных. В них по обряду ингумации и в сопровождении довольно скудного инвентаря (стрелы, браслеты, серьги, бусы, пряслица) были захоронены 9 мужчин, 9 женщин и ребенок. Данные бескурганные комплексы дают представление о погребальных традициях оседлого населения донской лесостепи. The studied group of sites dating to the end of 5 - 3 cc. BC is located on the Don river near the village of Ksizovo in the Zadonsk district, Lipetsk region. The group includes a fortified settlement, an unfortified settlement and an in-ground cemetery. The radiocarbon dating and analysis of the found artifacts refer the five graves earlier dated to the Hun period to the above-mentioned centuries. Today the number of the Scythian graves totals 17, including two double burials. Nine males, nine females and one child were buried in these graves performed according to the inhumation funerary rite with rather scarce funeral offerings (arrowheads, bracelets, pendants, beads, spindle whorls). These burial sites without kurgans give an insight into funerary traditions of the sedentary population inhabiting the Don forest-steppe belt.

И. К. Решетова ◽  
М. В. Добровольская ◽  
А. Н. Меркулов

В статье рассмотрены палеоантропологические материалы грунтовых захоронений середины I тыс. до н. э., расположенных на территории Верхнего Дона. Находки получены в результате раскопок многослойного памятника Ксизово-19. Работы проводились Раннеславянской археологической экспедицией ИА РАН под руководством А. М. Обломского. Исследование антропологических коллекций проводилось по комплексной биоархеологической программе и позволило осветить ряд вопросов об образе жизни населения этой эпохи. Были проанализированы показатели уровня стрессов и физических нагрузок в рассматриваемой группе. Следует обратить внимание на очень высокий процент присутствия зубных патологий. При сравнении серий из грунтовых погребений и подкурганных захоронений выявлены различия в состоянии зубочелюстной системы и присутствие патологических состояний, фиксируемых на зубах в большей степени в группе из курганов. The paper provides an overview of paleoanthropological remnants from ground burials dating back to the mid I mill. BC located in the Upper Don region. The finds were obtained during excavations of the Ksizovo-19 multi-layer site. The excavations were carried out by the Early Slavic Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, led by A. M. Oblomskiy. The study of the anthropological assemblages was performed according to a comprehensive bioarchaeological program. This makes it possible to cover a number of issues regarding the life style of the population at that time. The stress level and physical activity in the studied group were analyzed. A very high percentage of dental pathologies should be noted. Comparison of series from the ground burials and the kurgans burials revealed differences in the conditions of the dentofacial systems and presence of a greater number of pathological conditions of the teeth in the kurgan series.

К. М. Андреев ◽  
М. А. Кулькова ◽  
А. В. Сомов

В работе представлены результаты петрографического анализа неолитической посуды Среднего Поволжья. Для изучения были отобраны 52 образца керамики елшанской и средневолжской культур с 11 памятников данного региона (рис. 1-4). Петрографический анализ керамики позволяет установить минералогический состав глин и отощителей, выявить рецептуру керамического теста, определить температуру и условия обжига, а также предположить возможные источники сырья. В результате проведенных исследований было установлено, что при изготовлении неолитической посуды существовала определенная региональная специфика. Полученные результаты не противоречат типологическим построениям исследователей, стратиграфическим наблюдениям и способствуют расширению понимания керамического производства в лесостепном Поволжье. The paper reports on the results of petrographic analysis of Neolithic vessels from the Middle Volga region. The analysis included 52 ceramic samples of the Elshanka and the Middle Volga cultures originating from 11 sites of this region (Fig. 1-4). Petrographic analysis of ceramics offers an opportunity to identify the mineralogical composition of clays and tempering materials, identify the formulation of ceramic paste, determine temperature and conditions of firing as well as suggest possible raw material deposits. Our studies have found that manufacturing of Neolithic vessels had some regional distinctive features. The results obtained are quite consistent with typological classifications of researchers, and stratigraphical observations, adding essentially to our understanding of ceramic production in the forest-steppe belt of the Volga region.

Ю.Д. Разуваев

На городищах и селищах скифоидной культуры, существовавших в VIIII вв. до н. э. в лесостепной части бассейна Дона, фактически не были известны сооружения культового назначения. Для выявления таковых были проанализированы имеющиеся поселенческие материалы. Оказалось, что не менее 16 ям, открытых на шести памятниках и считавшихся хозяйственными, необходимо интерпретировать как ритуальные комплексы. Основанием для этого послужили специфичные находки и стратиграфия. Семь ям содержали человеческие кости вместе с костями животных и фрагментами керамики. В другие в качестве вотивных приношений были помещены наконечники стрел и копья, орудия труда, глиняные поделки и сосуды, нередко преднамеренно разбитые. Есть немногочисленные ритуальные захоронения собак. Как правило, в ямах имеются следы костров или продукты горения. Более половины сооружений найдены на Семилукском городище. Они, несомненно, были связаны с размещавшимися там же массовыми захоронениями. С выделением серии культовых комплексов появилась совершенно новая информация о сакральной сфере жизни оседлого населения региона. In reality, religious constructions have not been found at Scythoid hillforts and unfortified settlements in the forest-steppe belt of the Don basin. Settlement materials were analyzed to identify such constructions. The analysis demonstrated that at least 16 pits (Figs. 1-3) discovered at six sites that were considered to be of household character are to be interpreted as ritual complexes. Specific finds and stratigraphy were used to justify this conclusion. Seven pits contained human bones along with animal bones and ceramic fragments. Arrowheads and spearheads, implements, clay objects and vessels which were, in many cases, deliberately broken (Figs. 4; 5) were placed into some pits as votive offerings. There are some ritual burials of dogs that are few in number. Pits tend to show traces of fire or combustion products. More than half of such constructions were found at Semiluki. They are definitely associated with mass burials located at this settlement. Now that a series of religious complexes has been singled out, we have absolutely new information on sacral life of the sedentary population living in this region

I. A. Goncharova ◽  
L. N. Skripalshikova ◽  
A. P. Barchenkov

The aim of the paper is the floristic analysis at the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe pine cenoses. This problemrequires detailed research under the constant anthropogenic pressure. A flora inventory was carried out, vascular plantsspecies composition was determined. As a result, a summary of the flora was compiled, which includes 126 species from107 genera, 46 families, 6 classes, 5 divisions. Floristic analysis was carried out by the method of specific flora, taking intoaccount herbarium materials. The taxonomic, chorological, zonal, ecological, biomorphological flora structure featureswere determined based on the analysis of floristic data. The protected taxes have been identified. The peculiarities ofvegetation cover species composition are marked on the basis of the comprehensive flora analysis. The authors madethe conclusion that mesophytes of the light-coniferous and forest-steppe belt-zone groups with the Eurasian and EuroSiberian ranges predominate in the pine cenoses flora at the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The most part of species havethe life forms hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes. Species to be protected have been discovered: Cypripedium calceolus,C. guttatum, C. macranthon, Neottianthe cucullata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 344 (5) ◽  
pp. 47-50
N. A. Morozov ◽  
N. A. Khodzhaeva ◽  
A. I. Khripunov ◽  
E. N. Obshchiya

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