heat requirement
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2022 ◽  
Vol 314 ◽  
pp. 108783
Guocheng Wang ◽  
Zhongkui Luo ◽  
Yao Huang ◽  
Xiangao Xia ◽  
Yurong Wei ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 312 ◽  
pp. 108718
Shaozhi Lin ◽  
Huanjiong Wang ◽  
Quansheng Ge ◽  
Zhi Hu

2021 ◽  
Vol 850 (1) ◽  
pp. 012039
Anagha Pathak ◽  
Anand Bhosle ◽  
Pravin Baste ◽  
Niranjan Kurhe ◽  
Nitin Suryawanshi ◽  

Abstract Currently the industrial heat demand is met by using expensive fossil fuels. Exclusive use of solar energy is not feasible due to the fluctuating pattern of solar radiation intensity. Solar hybridization with the existing heating system can be an appropriate solution to meet the process heat requirement of many industries. Concentrator Solar Thermal (CST) technologies can generate the medium temperature heat required for industrial processes. The present study was undertaken with an objective of comparing and analyzing the designed performance of the solar fields using the Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) technology against the actual measured performance values for boiler feed water preheating application at two different locations in India. The optical efficiency of the CPC collector, 64.8%, obtained when tested as per part 5 of IS 16648:2017 was used for designing the solar fields as per the daily heat requirement. The performance of the installations at both the locations was monitored for a period of five months. The observed variation in the performance of each installation than the designed performance was compared and analyzed for the causes. The average variation in designed and measured performance was in the range of 9.0% to 9.8% for location 1 and 2 respectively, attributing to heat rejection from the collector attachments and fluid transfer lines, dust effect on the absorber and reflector of CPC, instrument’s uncertainty, other losses due to shadow effect, vacuum loss from the tubes, dislocation of tubes, heat removal and usage pattern etc. The reasons of the losses from both the fields were of the similar nature, which should be taken into account to design a solar thermal system to achieve predicted performance near to the designed performance. Preheating of boiler feed water is one of the potential applications of solar CPC technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 304-305 ◽  
pp. 108413
Zhiyong Yang ◽  
Yanjun Du ◽  
Miaogen Shen ◽  
Nan Jiang ◽  
Eryuan Liang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1044
Jian Guo ◽  
Xiuchun Yang ◽  
Fan Chen ◽  
Jianming Niu ◽  
Sha Luo ◽  

The accumulation of heat and moderate precipitation are the primary factors that are used by grasslands to trigger a green-up date. The accumulated growing degree-days (AGDD) requirement over the preseason is an important indicator of the response of grassland spring phenology to climate change. This study adopted the Normalized Difference Phenology Index (NDPI), which derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), to extract annual green-up dates in the Hulun Buir grassland in China between 2001–2015. Our analysis indicated that the range (standard deviation) and trend for the green-up date were DOY (day of year) 104 to DOY 144 (10.6 days) and −2.0 days per decade. Nine point two percent of the study area had significant (p < 0.05) changes in AGDD requirements. The partial correlations between the AGDD requirements and chilling days (67.04%, pixels proportion) were negative and significant (p < 0.05). The partial correlations between the AGDD requirement and precipitation (28.87%) were positive and significant (p < 0.05). Finally, the partial correlation between the AGDD requirement and insolation (97.65%) were positive and significant (p < 0.05). The results of this study could reveal the response of vegetation to climate warming and contribute to improving the phenological mechanism model of different grassland types in future research.

Hengjinda P ◽  
Joy Iong Zong Chen

In recent years, the growth of solar and wind power installation has not grown in par with its electrical grid integration. Hence this proposed work uses frictional Pyrolysis to enable this integration by converting electrical energy into mechanical work without any indication of excess heat requirement. The renewable energy that is in excess can be used in conversion of agricultural residue to biocoal. This is the basis of of renewable battery. In this work a case study is presented such that biomass characteristics are examined and further transformed to bio coal. Observations indicate that in the past decade there is a significant increase in wind power installation (258%) and the number of solar PVs installed have also accounted for 21,437 GWh. From the biomass initial stage, the total amount of energy produced lies within the range 78% to 89%. This methodology of using renewable battery ensures that the environment state cleaner and carbon sequestration and also be implemented in agricultural development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Haryono MT

Abstract. Pasawahan Village, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency has relatively abundant biomass potential in the form of rice husks. In addition, the village also has a business unit of chickhen farm. At the stage of enlargement of chicks or Day Old Chicks, a heating system is needed to maintain of the air condition until the enlargement step of the chicks to keep them warm. The use of heating systems with electric lights was caused a high cost relatively for enlargement of chicks. A potential alternative to overcome these problems is a heating system by utilizing heat from the rice husk gasification process. The aim of this community service program is to design, manufacture, and install a heat recovery system from the rice husk gasification to meet the heat requirement as a warming medium for enlargement of chicks. To achieve these objectives, design of process equipment for heat recovery from rice husk gasification is carried out using the short cut method. This program has succeeded in designing and manufacturing equipment and systems for the heat recovery process from the rice husk gasification.Keywords: Day old chicks, gasification, heat recovery, rice husk.Abstrak. Desa Pasawahan, Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler, Kabupaten Garut memiliki potensi biomassa relatif berlimpah berupa sekam padi. Selain itu, desa tersebut juga memiliki unit usaha peternakan ayam petelur. Pada tahap pembesaran anakan ayam atau Day Old Chicks diperlukan sistem pemanas untuk mengkondisikan udara di kanadang pembesaran anakan ayam tetap hangat. Pemakaian sistem pemanas dengan lampu listrik relatif membebani biaya pemeliharaan ayam. Alternatif potensial untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah sistem pemanas dengan memanfaatkan panas dari proses gasifikasi sekam padi. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah merancang, membuat, dan menginstalasi sistem pengambilan kembali panas gasifikasi sekam padi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan panas sebagai media penghangat anakan ayam. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilakukan perancangan peralatan proses dengan metode short cut. Program ini telah berhasil merancang dan membuat peralatan dan sistem proses pengambilan kembali panas gasifikasi dari sekam padi tersebut.Kata Kunci: Anakan ayam, gasifikasi, pemungutan panas, sekam padi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Sang-Ho Yi ◽  
Woon-Jae Lee ◽  
Young-Seok Lee ◽  
Wan-Ho Kim

This study analyzed the current state of technical development of the BF-based process, to determine ways to reduce carbon consumption. The technical features of the hydrogen reduction ironmaking process were also examined as a decarbonized ironmaking method, and related issues that should be considered when converting to hydrogen reduction are discussed. The coal rate consumed by the reduction reaction in the coal-based BF process should be less than 50%. The heat requirement for indirect reduction in hydrogen reduction is higher than that of CO reduction, since hydrogen reduction is endothermic. The BF-based integrated steel mill is an energy independent process, since coal is used for the reduction of iron ore and melting, and the by-product gases evolved from the BF process are utilized for reheating the furnace, the power plant, and steam production. For hydrogen reduction, only green hydrogen should be used for the reduction of iron ore, and the power required to melt the iron and for the downstream rolling process will have to be provided from the external grid. Therefore, to convert to hydrogen reduction, green power should be supplied from an external infrastructure system of the steel industry. It will be necessary to discuss an optimized pathway for the step-by-step replacement of current coal-based facilities, and to reach agreement on the socio-economic industrial transition to hydrogen reduction steel.

Marco Cirilli ◽  
Stefano Gattolin ◽  
Remo Chiozzotto ◽  
Irina Baccichet ◽  
Thierry Pascal ◽  

Abstract Environmental adaptation of deciduous fruit trees largely depends on their ability to synchronize growth and development with seasonal climate change. Winter dormancy of flower buds is a key process to prevent frost damage and ensure reproductive success. Temperature is a crucial environmental stimulus largely influencing the timing of flowering, only occurring after fulfillment of certain temperature requirements. Nevertheless, genetic variation affecting chilling or heat-dependent dormancy release still remains largely unknown. In this study, a major QTL able to delay blooming date in peach by increasing heat-requirement was finely mapped in three segregating progenies, revealing a strict association with a genetic variant (petDEL) in a PETALOSA gene, previously shown to also affect flower morphology. Analysis of segregating genome-edited tobacco plants provided further evidence of the potential ability of PET-variations to delay flowering time. Potential applications of the petDEL variant for improving phenological traits in peach are discussed.

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