fathers and sons
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Enrico Terrinoni

Recensione di Luppi, F. (2018). Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938). A New Perspective on the Study of Irish Drama. Irvine-Boca Raton (FL): Brown Walker Press, 246 pp.

2021 ◽  
Sam F. Walmsley ◽  
Stan Boutin ◽  
Ben Dantzer ◽  
Jeffrey Lane ◽  
David W. Coltman ◽  

While cooperative interactions among kin are a key building block in the societies of group-living mammals, their importance for species with more variable social environments is unclear. North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) defend individual territories in dynamic neighbourhoods and are known to benefit from living among familiar conspecifics, but not relatives. However, kin-directed behaviours may be restricted to specific genealogical relationships or strongly mediated by geographic distance, masking their influence at broader scales. Using distance between territories as a proxy for the ability of individuals to interact, we estimated the influence of primary kin (parents, offspring, siblings) on the annual survival and reproductive success of red squirrels. Contrary to previous work, this approach revealed large fitness effects of living closer to kin, but only for certain genealogical relationships and fitness components. For example, females had enhanced annual survival when living closer to their daughters, though the reverse was not true. Most surprising was the finding that males had higher annual reproductive success when living closer to their father, raising new questions about cooperation among fathers and sons. Together, these findings reveal unexpected nuance in the fitness consequences of kinship dynamics for a species that is territorial and largely solitary.

Валентина Даниловна Черняк ◽  
Мария Александровна Черняк

Введение. Рассматривается проблема культурного диалога представителей разных поколений. Прецедентные тексты, связанные с совокупностью знаний и представлений людей, принадлежащих к одной культуре, анализируются в связи со структурой языковой личности. Прецедентные феномены различных типов являются важной составляющей интертекстуального тезауруса. В процессе коммуникации немалую роль играют культурные аллюзии коммуникантов, их оперирование культурным багажом, в частности составляющими интертекстуального тезауруса. Цель – анализ той части тезауруса русской языковой личности, которая связана с крылатыми словами одного из значительных авторов XX века – Булата Окуджавы. Материал и методы. Постоянно воспроизводимые песни Булата Окуджавы формировали культурный код поколения 70–80-х гг. Многие фразы из его песен приобрели статус фольклорных, о чем свидетельствуют материалы словарей и Национального корпуса русского языка. Для исследования динамических процессов, характеризующих различия в культурной памяти поколений отцов и детей, был произведен эксперимент, в ходе которого были отобраны 10 популярных высказываний из поэзии Б. Окуджавы. Они легли в основу опроса, в котором участвовало около 1 000 человек. Респонденты должны были определить авторство высказываний и продолжить некоторые из них. Результаты и обсуждение. Анализ результатов опроса показал, что даже самые распространенные высказывания из песен Б. Окуджавы в большинстве случаев не соотносятся в сознании респондентов с именем автора. Приписывание авторства самым неожиданным именам свидетельствует о глубоких лакунах в культурной памяти молодых людей, в то же время строки Б. Окуджавы присутствуют в интертекстуальном тезаурусе языковой личности, что во многом связано с взаимодействием вербальной и аудиовизуальной информации. Заключение. Результаты анализа лексикографических источников и корпусные данные свидетельствуют о прецедентности многих поэтических строк Б. Окуджавы, в то же время анализ данных массового опроса отражает существенные изменения в интертекстуальном тезаурусе молодежи. Introduction. The article deals with the issue of the cultural communication between representatives of different generations. The precedent texts associated with the common knowledge of people belonging to a single culture are studied in line with the structure of a linguistic personality. Precedent phenomena of various types are an important part of an intertextual thesaurus. In the process of communication, the cultural allusions of communicants play a great role, as well as the application of their cultural backgrounds that include components of the intertextual thesaurus. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to analyze the area of the Russian linguistic personality thesaurus that contains the catchphrases by Bulat Okudzhava – a prominent 20th century Russian author. Material and methods. Being constantly played out in the 1970–1980s, Bulat Okudzhava’s songs were shaping the cultural values of the generation. Many phrases from the songs got a folklore status, which is witnessed both by the dictionaries and by the Russian National Corpus. In order to study the dynamics characterizing the differences in the cultural memory of generations of fathers and sons an experiment has been carried out based on the 10 popular catchphrases from Okudzhava’s verse. These phrases underlie the survey covering an audience of approximately 1,000 people. Those surveyed had to determine the authorship of the phrases and to continue some of them. Results and discussion. The analysis showed that in most cases there are no links in the mind of respondents between the name of Bulat Okudzhava and even the most widespread phrases from his songs. The authorship was often attributed to fully unexpected names, which shows serious gaps in the cultural memory of the young. However, it was proven that Okudzhava’s catchphrases definitely exist in the intertextual thesaurus of the linguistic personality, which is surely determined by the interaction of verbal and multimedia information. Conclusion. The analysis of the dictionary entries and the corpus data proves the precedent status of many of the Okudzhava’s phrases. Nevertheless, the results of the mass survey reflect a significant change in the intertextual thesaurus of the young.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (10) ◽  
pp. 26-35
I. A. Mikhailova

The paper examines the sociolegal and economic significance of legislative measures taken to support families with children and granting the possibility of using maternal (family) fund for the acquisition, construction or reconstruction of residential premises. It analyzes numerous issues related to the acquisition, registration, exercise and protection of joint tenancy (the right to common share ownership of residential premises) acquired in this way, including: the procedure for determining the share in the ownership of residential premises acquired in this manner. The paper also examines factors on which the size of the share of each of the family members depends and parties to the agreements concluded regarding such a distribution. Much attention is also paid to the issues of whether it is mandatory, when determining the size of a share in the ownership of a dwelling, to take into account the opinion of a child who has reached the age of 10, and the competition between the rights and interests of parents and children in respect of dwellings belonging to them on the basis of a joint tenancy (common share property). On the basis of the analysis of the Soviet and Russian civil and housing legislation in order to prevent the violation of the rights of parents to such property by adult children living with them, the author makes a proposal to legally restrict the administrative powers belonging to children.The author summarizes that the presence of an indissoluble consanguinity in the form of the origin of children from parents and the efforts of parents to take care of the child’s health, to meet the child’s needs, to provide conditions for the child’s full development and education necessitate a special legal consolidation of the rights to living premises belonging to children and parents on the ground of the right to joint tenancy (common shared ownership). The inclusion into Art. 246 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of provisions restricting the administrative powers of adult children will constitute another step towards the humanization of Russian civil legislation.

Afghanistan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-192
Wolayat Tabasum Niroo

Western literature has presented the condition of Afghan women as either empowered or helpless. Their stories have been overlooked, romanticized, or seen as an outcome of tribalism, patriarchy, and war. Women's ability to articulate their personal experiences, grief, happiness, gender roles, and capacity to imagine an alternative has been missing. This article argues that through their folk songs women in northeastern Afghanistan criticize the behavior of husbands in their families while supporting their brothers, fathers, and sons. These women nurture and dismantle masculinity to their advantage. In singing space, women support but also bargain with patriarchy. The article concludes with recommendations for future research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 169-188
Zachary Hamby

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-103
V.A. Domansky

Introduction. The article’s relevance is determined by the need to find new ways to study Russian classics in a modern school setting. As studies show, students’ quality of classics perception decreases every year, explained by socio-cultural conditions and methodological aspects. This problem requires special attention in connection with the past and upcoming 200th anniversaries of the most significant canonical writers: I.A. Goncharov, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev, A.A. Fet, N.A. Nekrasov, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The author believes that literary anniversaries are a good incentive to revive the most influential classical literature and include students in their country’s cultural life. And the literature teacher might benefit from knowing the anniversaries mentioned above and whether there are any events dedicated to these anniversaries. Teachers should also contribute to a philological environment in the school and continuously improve literary and methodological competence. The study is based on the biography and works by Turgenev, whose 200th anniversary was widely celebrated in 2018. We want to share the experience of teaching the creative heritage of an outstanding Russian writer in a modern school; we identified the difficulties that literature teachers face and outlined productive ways to overcome psychological and pedagogical contradictions in the theory and practice of literary education, which happens primarily due to the gap between the scientific and pedagogical studies of Turgenev’s works. Materials and methods. The study hypothetically formulated the problem, which was confirmed during the analysis of scientific and methodological works and while evaluating students’ residual knowledge. Results and discussion. Stereotypes of students’ perception of the writer’s personality and his creative work are revealed. Productive ways and forms of acquaintance with the author’s personality, new genres of creating a biographical sketch are considered. Particular attention is paid to Turgenev’s concept of nature and love, their aesthetic and philosophical essence. New methods of enhancing the reading activity are proposed, particularly methods to create intertextuality (based on the appeal to the landscapes by the artists from the Barbizon school). The ways of acquainting students with the writer’s manor texts in the context of the Russian manor culture are presented. Specific recommendations are given to include the “Home of the Gentry” novel in the 10th-grade literature class. New approaches to the study of the “Fathers and Sons” novel are revealed, the comparison teaching method of the television series based on the writer’s work “Bazarov’s Mistake” by Avdotya Smirnova is proposed. Conclusion. To actualize the students’ perception of Turgenev’s novel, a model of a lesson dialogue is developed with the involvement of works of modern Literature (Vera Tchaikovskaya’s remake “New under the Sun”). In general, the study showed that it is possible to teach further methodological improvement of Turgenev’s creative work at school by relying on established traditions and using new forms and methods of the reading activity organization, and by increasing the philological competence of the literature teacher.

Axon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Andrea Giannotti ◽  
Giorgia Proietti

The stele, to be displayed in the civic prytaneion, preserves a public decree concerning honours for the war dead, norms and limitations to their public mourning, as well as provisions for the fallen’s fathers and sons. The decree, dated to mid-4th century B.C. on a paleographical basis, has been recently connected with the war the Thasians fought against the Thracians to protect their colony Datos/Krenides between 360 and 356 B.C. The first section (ll. 4-14) concerns public honours for the war dead, while the second section (ll. 14-49) deals with public provisions for the war dead’s fathers and sons. Concerning both the special treatment of the war dead and the welfare in favour of the war orphans, a useful comparison can be drawn from the analogue Athenian practice in Classical times.

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