russian linguistic
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Аннотация. Концепты социальной и политической сферы постепенно становятся объектом исследования когнитологов и лингвокультурологов. Эта сфера насыщена заимствованными концептами, которые требуют особого внимания вследствие специфики развития своей структуры. Цель статьи – описать базовые признаки структуры заимствованного концепта скипетр. Для этого необходимо решить следующие задачи: 1) определить список мотивирующих признаков концепта скипетр; 2) выявить понятийные признаки концепта скипетр; 3) описать лингвокультурологические особенности когнитивных признаков заимствованного концепта скипетр. Актуальность проведенного исследования заключается в осмыслении роли заимствованных концептов, вошедших в русскую лингвокультуру на разных этапах развития языка. В статье анализируются три этимологических, одиннадцать толковых словарей и один энциклопедический словарь русского языка для решения поставленных задач. Развитие структуры концепта скипетр происходит путём расширения от десяти мотивирующих (‘венец’, ‘владение’, ‘достоинство’, ‘жезл’, ‘знак’, ‘опираюсь’, ‘палка’, ‘посох’, ‘царского’, ‘царство’) до 17 понятийных. Исследование языкового материала позволило определить еще 10 понятийных признаков, «пропущенных» в словарях. Понятийные признаки концепта скипетр из толковых словарей, дополненные данными языкового материала, объединяются в виде восьми блоков: 1. Признак власти (‘атрибут’, ‘(почетный) знак / инсигния’, ‘сила / могущество’, ‘символ (власти)’, ‘регалия’; ‘эмблема’); 2. Место в социальной иерархии (‘владетельный / царский / княжеский сан’, ‘(верховная) власть’, ‘достоинство’, ‘монархическая’); 3. Властитель (‘державный властитель’; ‘монарх (царь / король / государь / император / президент)’); 4. Украшенный предмет (‘жезл’, ‘из драгоценного металла’, ‘с драгоценными камнями’, ‘с резьбой’, ‘украшенный’; ‘из кристалла / хрусталя / аквамарина’); 5. Имущество (‘принадлежность’; ‘наследие’, ‘сокровище / реликвия / святыня’). 6. Опора / оружие (‘посох / палка / оружие’, ‘дубинка’, ‘из камня’, ‘из металла’); 7. Тяжесть (‘бремя / ноша’); 8. Растение (‘растение (лат. Verbáscum densiflórum / Verbascum Thiapsus)’. Специфика эволюции концепта скипетр состоит в том, что из десяти мотивирующих развиваются 27 понятийных признаков, которые вбирают в себя и категориальные (‘бремя / ноша’, ‘принадлежность’; ‘наследие’, ‘сокровище / реликвия / святыня’), и символические признаки (‘символ (власти)’, ‘регалия’; ‘эмблема’).

Tatiana Drosdov Díez

This article is dedicated to Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and founder of the scientific school Russian Language Personality. This article is about the complexities of language-based perception: the Spanish readers perception (Spanish linguistic personality) of the target text translated from Russian (The wind blowing from the candy factory by Vadim Mesiats). The author concludes that the original text-based factors, i.e. the Russian linguistic personality and cultural sphere, affect the readers interpretation of the target text informativity, situationality, intertextuality, and, to some extent, the intentionality of the source text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-192

Исследование выполнено в русле актуального антропоцентрического направления в лингвистике и связано с изучением активных процессов в современном русском языке, отражающих динамику русского национального менталитета и русской языковой картины мира. В статье рассматривается такое глубинное свойство русской речи, как эмоциональность, которая проявляется в языковых ка-тегориях оценочности и интенсивности.Цель исследования – установление связи между категориями оценочности и интенсивности на материале словообразовательных и лексико-семантических единиц из лексикографических источ-ников и медийных текстов.В результате исследования охарактеризованы словообразовательные и лексико-семантические интенсификаторы в функционально-прагматическом аспекте. К словообразовательным интенси-фикаторам относятся словообразовательные аффиксы, аффиксоиды (в основном размерно-оценоч-ной семантики) и отдельные способы словообразования (в частности некоторые разновидности способа сложения). К лексическим интенсификаторам относятся отдельные виды лексем: оценочно универсальные интенсификаторы; интенсификаторы, тяготеющие к выражению положительной или отрицательной оценки (в определенном контексте); интенсификаторы, выражающие (по сво-ей семантике) положительную или отрицательную оценку. В статье показано такое расширение функционального диапазона интенсификаторов, как оценочная амбивалентность размерно-оце-ночных аффиксов, оксюморонность и амбивалентность лексических интенсификаторов.Одним из векторов развития лексических интенсификаторов является синтагматическое рас-ширение, в результате которого в речи возникают и закрепляются всё новые словосочетания, не соответствующие традиции употребления и нарушающие сложившиеся правила лексической со-четаемости, закрепленные в словарях. Расширение сочетаемости служит условием семантических и оценочных трансформаций интенсификатора. Употребление интенсификатора в оценочно дис-сонирующем окружении выполняет в тексте определенные прагматические и стилистические цели (повышение экспрессивности текста, создание эффекта оксюморона, иронии или шутки). При этом обилие таких употреблений в медийных, художественных тестах и в разговорной речи, а также по-вторяемость моделей синтагматического смещения говорит о динамике развития оценки в классе лексических интенсификаторов в русском языке новейшего периода. Оценочное расширение, когда «положительно ориентированные» интенсификаторы вторгаются в зону негативных явлений, и на-оборот, негативные характеристики – в зону явлений позитивных, рассматривается как тенденция к снятию оценочных ограничений и к универсализации оценки.Явления, описанные в статье, в целом показывают развитие семантической категории интенсив-ности в русском языке XXI века, находящее выражение в динамике таких ее составляющих, как способы словообразования, словообразовательные единицы, лексические единицы.The research is based on the current anthropocentric trend in linguistics and is related to the study of active processes in the modern Russian language reflecting the dynamics of the Russian national mentality and the Russian linguistic image of the world. The paper considers such a deep property of Russian speech as emotionality, which is manifested in the language categories of evaluation and intensity.The purpose of the research is to establish the relationship between the categories of evaluation and intensity based on the material of word-building and lexical-semantic units from lexicographic sources and media texts.As a result of the research, word-building and lexical-semantic intensifiers are characterized in the functional-pragmatic aspect. Word-building intensifiers include word-formative affixes, affixoids (mainly of dimensional-evaluative semantics), and various means of word-building (in particular, some varieties of composition). Lexical intensifiers include certain types of lexemes: evaluative universal intensifiers; intensifiers that tend to express positive or negative evaluation (in a certain context); intensifiers that express (by their semantics) positive or negative evaluation. The paper shows such an extension of the functional range of intensifiers as the estimated ambivalence of dimensional-evaluative affixes, oxymoron quality, and the ambivalence of lexical intensifiers.One of the vectors of the development of lexical intensifiers is syntagmatic expansion, which results in emerging in speech and fixing new word combinations that do not correspond to the tradition of usage and violate the established rules of lexical compatibility fixed in dictionaries. The combinability extension serves as a condition for semantic and evaluative transformations of the intensifier. The use of an intensifier in an evaluative dissonant environment fulfils certain pragmatic and stylistic goals in the text (increasing the expressiveness of the text, creating the effect of an oxymoron, irony, or joke). The abundance of such instances of use in media texts, literary works, and spoken language as well as the repeatability of syntagmatic bias models indicates the dynamics of evaluation in the class of lexical intensifiers in the Russian language of the modern period. Evaluation expansion, when “positively oriented” intensifiers invade the zone of negative phenomena, and vice versa, negative characteristics in the zone of positive phenomena, is considered as a tendency to remove evaluation restrictions and to universalize evaluation.The phenomena described in the paper generally show the development of the semantic category of intensity in the Russian language of the 21st century, which is expressed in the dynamics of its components, such as word-building means, word-building units, and lexical units.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Ivan M. Kozlov ◽  
Elena S. Kuznetsova

The following article focuses on semantical differences of verbal-nominal descriptive predicates constructed by verbs ispytyvat’ / ispytat’ from their lexically adequate verbal correlates. The Russian linguistic tradition describes such collocations as verbal periphrasis, and this leads to a misjudgment of their semantical particularity. Our main goal is to describe the differences due to state semantical independence of the collocations from the verbs. The study showed that an emotional state described by descriptive predicates with verbs ispytyvat’ / ispytat’ presupposes no explication, which differs them from some lexically adequate verbal correlates. It reveals an intra-subject nature of their semantics that can be manifested in a specific actant structure or in its implementation. It is also worth noting their semantic complexity and an important role of verbal component: different meanings of the verbal component cause different semantics of whole collocation even with the same nominal one. Thus, particular meaning of a nominal component and of a verbal one makes up semantics of a whole construction. Many types and examples of semantical discrepancy between the verbal-nominal descriptive predicates and their lexically adequate verbal correlates leads to the necessity of describing their semantics departed from the verbal correlates’ meaning and of the refusal to consider them as means of verbal periphrasis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-304
Olga V. Knorz ◽  

The semantic and pragmatic potential of statements of refusal to communicate allows shedding light on the peculiarities of the phenomenon of silence, identifying its varieties, the specifics of manifestation in the Russian linguistic picture of the world and analyzing the functionality as part of a literary text. The concept of “refusal to communicate” is a broader phenomenon than the actual speech genre of refusal, since refusal as such implies a negative reaction only to initial motivational responses, while refusal of communication can become both a reaction to any statement or not be reactive at all, that is, to be the initial remark in the dialogue. The peculiarity of statements with the semantics of silence is manifested in the fact that their illocutionary goal is the impossibility or unwillingness to continue communication and is achieved using various linguistic means, first of all, lexemes denoting the speaking process, as well as modal modifiers expressing the reason for such speech behavior. The differences between speech genres, which are based on rejection, lie in the very object of rejection, in what the speaker rejects. In the Russian linguistic picture of the world, silence is characterized by the fact that it is a communicative action, it consists not in the absence of speech, but in the transmission of information in a non-verbal way. In this case, it is called communicatively meaningful silence. The analysis of the lexical structure of E. Vodolazkin’s novel “Laure” made it possible to identify important fragments of the text associated with silence, to obtain information about the author’s worldview and his attitude to the phenomenon of silence.

A. V. Ivanov

The article is devoted to the study of the Russian linguistic term “udareniye” (“stress” / “accent”) from the historicolinguistic, etymological and lexicographic viewpoints. Currently, there are hardly any studies analyzing the term’s semantic development or attempts to present its semantic structure in a dictionary, based on textual and lexicographic sources ranging from the end of the 16th to the end of the 19th century, that would make it possible that would make it possible to trace the semantic changes of the term in the course of time. The existing studies mainly address the the issues of terminology developed in individual authors’ grammars, or describe the terminology of grammars related to a certain period of time or a specific epoch. The purpose of this article is to systematize etymological information about the term “udareniye”, to conduct an historico-linguistic analysis of its semantics, starting with the first Russian grammars and lexicons. The research uses comparative, definitional, etymological, semantic and lexicographic methods. The semantic structure of the term “udareniye”, when taking into account its two main meanings (emphasizing of some syllable in the word with voice and reflection of such an emphasis in writing by graphical means, e.g. diacritics), begins to take shape from its first written fixation in 1591 in Adelphotes and ends by 1830, when grammarians finally stopped associating the Russian accent, uniform by nature, with the sound length and modulations of the tone, and focused their attention on the study of intensity (pronouncing power), which can be regarded as the main acoustic feature of the stressed syllable in languages with dynamic stress. By this time, the type of the Russian stress stops being identified with the Greek and Church Slavonic patterns and the attempts to uncritically borrow the corresponding terminological nominations with their forms and meanings from Greek into Russian come to an end. The term “udareniye” got probably for the first time its lexicographic entry at the beginning of the 18th century due to Polikarpov-Orlov who described its meaning 1 in his dictionary. In its meaning 2 – based on the Greek-Church Slavonic tradition, – the term is found in almost all the text sources examined by the author, starting from Adelphotes, that is from the end of the 16th century. As for its first lexicographic fixation, it took place in 1763 in Poletika’s dictionary.

Валентина Даниловна Черняк ◽  
Мария Александровна Черняк

Введение. Рассматривается проблема культурного диалога представителей разных поколений. Прецедентные тексты, связанные с совокупностью знаний и представлений людей, принадлежащих к одной культуре, анализируются в связи со структурой языковой личности. Прецедентные феномены различных типов являются важной составляющей интертекстуального тезауруса. В процессе коммуникации немалую роль играют культурные аллюзии коммуникантов, их оперирование культурным багажом, в частности составляющими интертекстуального тезауруса. Цель – анализ той части тезауруса русской языковой личности, которая связана с крылатыми словами одного из значительных авторов XX века – Булата Окуджавы. Материал и методы. Постоянно воспроизводимые песни Булата Окуджавы формировали культурный код поколения 70–80-х гг. Многие фразы из его песен приобрели статус фольклорных, о чем свидетельствуют материалы словарей и Национального корпуса русского языка. Для исследования динамических процессов, характеризующих различия в культурной памяти поколений отцов и детей, был произведен эксперимент, в ходе которого были отобраны 10 популярных высказываний из поэзии Б. Окуджавы. Они легли в основу опроса, в котором участвовало около 1 000 человек. Респонденты должны были определить авторство высказываний и продолжить некоторые из них. Результаты и обсуждение. Анализ результатов опроса показал, что даже самые распространенные высказывания из песен Б. Окуджавы в большинстве случаев не соотносятся в сознании респондентов с именем автора. Приписывание авторства самым неожиданным именам свидетельствует о глубоких лакунах в культурной памяти молодых людей, в то же время строки Б. Окуджавы присутствуют в интертекстуальном тезаурусе языковой личности, что во многом связано с взаимодействием вербальной и аудиовизуальной информации. Заключение. Результаты анализа лексикографических источников и корпусные данные свидетельствуют о прецедентности многих поэтических строк Б. Окуджавы, в то же время анализ данных массового опроса отражает существенные изменения в интертекстуальном тезаурусе молодежи. Introduction. The article deals with the issue of the cultural communication between representatives of different generations. The precedent texts associated with the common knowledge of people belonging to a single culture are studied in line with the structure of a linguistic personality. Precedent phenomena of various types are an important part of an intertextual thesaurus. In the process of communication, the cultural allusions of communicants play a great role, as well as the application of their cultural backgrounds that include components of the intertextual thesaurus. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to analyze the area of the Russian linguistic personality thesaurus that contains the catchphrases by Bulat Okudzhava – a prominent 20th century Russian author. Material and methods. Being constantly played out in the 1970–1980s, Bulat Okudzhava’s songs were shaping the cultural values of the generation. Many phrases from the songs got a folklore status, which is witnessed both by the dictionaries and by the Russian National Corpus. In order to study the dynamics characterizing the differences in the cultural memory of generations of fathers and sons an experiment has been carried out based on the 10 popular catchphrases from Okudzhava’s verse. These phrases underlie the survey covering an audience of approximately 1,000 people. Those surveyed had to determine the authorship of the phrases and to continue some of them. Results and discussion. The analysis showed that in most cases there are no links in the mind of respondents between the name of Bulat Okudzhava and even the most widespread phrases from his songs. The authorship was often attributed to fully unexpected names, which shows serious gaps in the cultural memory of the young. However, it was proven that Okudzhava’s catchphrases definitely exist in the intertextual thesaurus of the linguistic personality, which is surely determined by the interaction of verbal and multimedia information. Conclusion. The analysis of the dictionary entries and the corpus data proves the precedent status of many of the Okudzhava’s phrases. Nevertheless, the results of the mass survey reflect a significant change in the intertextual thesaurus of the young.

Ludmila Popova

The article considers the value component of the concept "court" in the Russian everyday linguistic consciousness based on the corpus of proverbs of judicial subjects. The ambiguity of the perception of the concept of "court" by ordinary legal consciousness is revealed. The linguistic means of positive and negative evaluation of the court are recorded. Evaluative language means express oppositions of ethno-cultural moral and ethical concepts: "(not)truth" / "lie", "(not)justice", "offense", "(not) righteousness", "good" / "evil". In everyday linguistic consciousness, the standard of justice is represented as a right, direct (objective, fair, lawful) court, carried out by a kind, righteous (honest, fair, conscientious, decent, law-abiding) judge, subject to the operation of the law (saint, peacemaker). The provision on the unconditional opposition of the ethical and legal aspects of the Russian linguistic consciousness is corrected: the conceptual syncretism "truth – justice – legality" is revealed. V. Popova. Ethnolinguocultural Specifics of the Russian Concept "Court": Based on Proverbs The article considers the value component of the concept "court" in the Russian everyday linguistic consciousness based on the corpus of proverbs of judicial subjects. The ambiguity of the perception of the concept of "court" by ordinary legal consciousness is revealed. The linguistic means of positive and negative evaluation of the court are recorded. Evaluative language means express oppositions of ethno-cultural moral and ethical concepts: "(not)truth" / "lie", "(not)justice", "offense", "(not) righteousness", "good" / "evil". In everyday linguistic consciousness, the standard of justice is represented as a right, direct (objective, fair, lawful) court, carried out by a kind, righteous (honest, fair, conscientious, decent, law-abiding) judge, subject to the operation of the law (saint, peacemaker). The provision on the unconditional opposition of the ethical and legal aspects of the Russian linguistic consciousness is corrected: the conceptual syncretism "truth – justice – legality" is revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 148-150
Karina Kh. Rekosh ◽  

The paper reviews a monograph by Vladimir Khairullin on The Analysis of English Language Authors’ Writings and Their Russian Translations (Moscow: URSS/LENAND, 2021. 184 p.). The reviewer presents a general description of the book that analyses how English culture properties may be and are depicted in Russian translations. The analysis is implemented on the basis of the following five item groups: person, space, time, social institutions, everyday situations. A special emphasis is laid on the book structure, its illustrative matter as well as the research results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-34
L. M. Alekseeva ◽  
S. L. Mishlanova

An overview of trends in the development of Russian terminology is provided in the article. The issues of the historical roots and stages of development of Russian terminology, the peculiarities of the formation of this science are highlighted, and also the evolution of its main concept “term” is revealed. It is shown that the emergence of terminology as a science correlates with the era of great Russian natural science discoveries, characterized by social challenges. It is noted that one of the prerequisites for the formation of the theory of the term is the Russian philosophical thought of the early twentieth century. An overview of terminological concepts and views is built taking into account the principle of integrity and continuity of the main stages in the development of terminology. The object and subject of terminology in dynamics are shown with an emphasis on the specifics of the development of the term science within the framework of Russian philological science. Particular attention is paid to the description of models of terminological activity in different aspects. It is pointed out that the modern stage of terminology is in the development stage. The main conclusions of the study are formulated and the prospects for the further development of Russian terminology as a science are considered. A long way of development of Russian terminology is presented, demonstrating sufficient grounds for considering it as one of the leading directions of Russian linguistic science. 

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