aircraft noise
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2022 ◽  
Elie Grinfeder ◽  
Sylvain Haupert ◽  
Manon Ducrettet ◽  
Julien Barlet ◽  
Marie-Pierre Reynet ◽  

Aerospace ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Grazia Piccirillo ◽  
Nicole Viola ◽  
Roberta Fusaro ◽  
Luigi Federico

One of the most critical regulatory issues related to supersonic flight arises from limitations imposed by community noise acceptability. The most efficient way to ensure that future supersonic aircraft will meet low-noise requirements is the verification of noise emissions from the early stages of the design process. Therefore, this paper suggests guidelines for the Landing and Take-Off (LTO) noise assessment of future civil supersonic aircraft in conceptual design. The supersonic aircraft noise model is based on the semi-empirical equations employed in the early versions of the Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP) developed by NASA, whereas sound attenuation due to atmospheric absorption has been considered in accordance with SAE ARP 866 B. The simulation of the trajectory leads to the prediction of the aircraft noise level on ground in terms of several acoustic metrics (LAmax, SEL, PNLTM and EPNL). Therefore, a dedicated validation has been performed, selecting the only available supersonic aircraft of the Aircraft Noise and Performance database (ANP), that is, the Concorde, through the matching with Noise Power Distance (NPD) curves for LAmax and SEL, obtaining a maximum prediction error of ±2.19%. At least, an application to departure and approach procedures is reported to verify the first noise estimations with current noise requirements defined by ICAO at the three certification measurement points (sideline, flyover, approach) and to draw preliminary considerations for future low-noise supersonic aircraft design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Donald C. Jackson ◽  
Thomas C. Rindfleisch ◽  
Juan J. Alonso

The Metroplex Overflight Noise Analysis (MONA) project seeks to measure, analyze, and archive the ground noise generated by aircraft overflights and to provide accurate and actionable data for a variety of different purposes. On the one hand, experimental datasets collected and processed by the MONA system can serve as an openly-available database for validation and verification (V&V) of improved noise prediction methods. On the other, study conclusions derived from both the experimental and computational data can serve to inform technical discussions and options involving aircraft noise, aircraft routes, and the potential impacts of the FAA’s NextGen procedure changes on overflown communities at varying distances from the airport. Given the complex interdependencies between the noise levels perceived on the ground and the air-traffic patterns that generate the aircraft noise, a secondary goal of the MONA project is to share, through compelling visualizations, key results with broad communities of stakeholders to help generate a common understanding and reach better decisions more quickly. In this paper, we focus on the description of the MONA system architecture, its design, and its current set of capabilities. Subsequent publications will focus on the results we are obtaining though the use of the MONA system.

Aerospace ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 388
Jonas Meister ◽  
Stefan Schalcher ◽  
Jean-Marc Wunderli ◽  
David Jäger ◽  
Christoph Zellmann ◽  

As aircraft noise affects large areas around airports, noise exposure calculations need to be highly accurate. In this study, we compare noise exposure measurements with calculations of several thousand single flights at Zurich and Geneva airports, Switzerland, of three aircraft noise calculation programs: sonAIR, a next-generation aircraft noise calculation program, and the two current best-practice programs FLULA2 and AEDT. For one part of the flights, we had access to flight data recorder (FDR) data, which contain flight configuration information that sonAIR can account for. For the other part, only radar data without flight configuration information were available. Overall, all three programs show good results, with mean differences between calculations and measurements smaller than ±0.5 dB in the close range of the airports. sonAIR performs clearly better than the two best-practice programs if FDR data are available. However, in situations without FDR data (reduced set of input data), sonAIR cannot exploit its full potential and performs similarly well as FLULA2 and AEDT. In conclusion, all three programs are well suited to determine averaged noise metrics resulting from complex scenarios consisting of many flights (e.g., yearly air operations), while sonAIR is additionally capable to highly accurately reproduce single flights in greater detail.

2021 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. S72
Katie Frenis ◽  
Johanna Helmstädter ◽  
Yue Ruan ◽  
Eva Schramm ◽  
Sanela Kalinovic ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. S67
Miroslava Kvandova ◽  
Konstantina Flippou ◽  
Sebastian Steven ◽  
Matthias Oelze ◽  
Sanela Kalinovic ◽  

Patrick Amoatey ◽  
Issa Al-Harthy ◽  
Khalifa Al-Jabri ◽  
Abdullah Al-Mamun ◽  
Mahad Said Baawain ◽  

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