bivariate generating function
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Dudley Stark

AbstractFor a given sequence $$b_k$$ b k of non-negative real numbers, the number of weighted partitions of a positive integer n having m parts $$c_{n,m}$$ c n , m has bivariate generating function equal to $$\prod _{k=1}^\infty (1-yz^k)^{-b_k}$$ ∏ k = 1 ∞ ( 1 - y z k ) - b k . Under the assumption that $$b_k\sim Ck^{r-1}$$ b k ∼ C k r - 1 , $$r>0$$ r > 0 , and related conditions on the Dirichlet generating function of the weights $$b_k$$ b k , we find asymptotics for $$c_{n,m}$$ c n , m when $$m=m(n)$$ m = m ( n ) satisfies $$m=o\left( n^\frac{r}{r+1}\right) $$ m = o n r r + 1 and $$\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }m/\log ^{3+\epsilon }n=\infty $$ lim n → ∞ m / log 3 + ϵ n = ∞ , $$\epsilon >0$$ ϵ > 0 .

10.37236/8826 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Jean-Luc Baril ◽  
David Bevan ◽  
Sergey Kirgizov

An $n$-multiset of $[k]=\{1,2,\ldots, k\}$ consists of a set of $n$ elements from $[k]$ where each element can be repeated. We present the bivariate generating function for $n$-multisets of $[k]$ with no consecutive elements. For $n=k$, these multisets have the same enumeration as directed animals in the square lattice. Then we give constructive bijections between directed animals, multisets with no consecutive elements and Grand-Dyck paths avoiding the pattern $DUD$, and we show how  classical and novel statistics are transported by these bijections.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 600 ◽  
Yuriy Shablya ◽  
Dmitry Kruchinin

In this paper, we study such combinatorial objects as labeled binary trees of size n with m ascents on the left branch and labeled Dyck n-paths with m ascents on return steps. For these combinatorial objects, we present the relation of the generated number triangle to Catalan’s and Euler’s triangles. On the basis of properties of Catalan’s and Euler’s triangles, we obtain an explicit formula that counts the total number of such combinatorial objects and a bivariate generating function. Combining the properties of these two number triangles allows us to obtain different combinatorial objects that may have a symmetry, for example, in their form or in their formulas.

10.37236/5420 ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Boris Pittel

For a regular $2n$-gon there are $(2n-1)!!$ ways to match and glue the $2n$ sides. The Harer-Zagier bivariate generating function enumerates the gluings by $n$ and the genus $g$ of the attendant surface and leads to a recurrence equation for the counts of gluings with parameters $n$ and $g$. This formula was originally obtained using multidimensional Gaussian integrals. Soon after, Jackson and later Zagier found alternative proofs using symmetric group characters. In this note we give a different, characters-based, proof. Its core is computing and marginally inverting the Fourier transform of the underlying probability measure on $S_{2n}$. A key ingredient is the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for the characters associated with one-hook Young diagrams.

Filomat ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (8) ◽  
pp. 1847-1855 ◽  
Kristina Borissevich ◽  
Tomislav Doslic

In this paper we consider the number of dominating sets in cactus chains with triangular and square blocks. We derive and solve the recurrences satisfied by those quantities and investigate their asymptotic behavior. In triangular case we also refine the counting by computing the bivariate generating function. As a corollary, we compute the expected size of a dominating set in a triangular cactus chain of a given length.

10.37236/693 ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Ljuben Mutafchiev

Let $c_{m,n}$ be the number of weighted partitions of the positive integer $n$ with exactly $m$ parts, $1\le m\le n$. For a given sequence $b_k, k\ge 1,$ of part type counts (weights), the bivariate generating function of the numbers $c_{m,n}$ is given by the infinite product $\prod_{k=1}^\infty(1-uz^k)^{-b_k}$. Let $D(s)=\sum_{k=1}^\infty b_k k^{-s}, s=\sigma+iy,$ be the Dirichlet generating series of the weights $b_k$. In this present paper we consider the random variable $\xi_n$ whose distribution is given by $P(\xi_n=m)=c_{m,n}/(\sum_{m=1}^nc_{m,n}), 1\le m\le n$. We find an appropriate normalization for $\xi_n$ and show that its limiting distribution, as $n\to\infty$, depends on properties of the series $D(s)$. In particular, we identify five different limiting distributions depending on different locations of the complex half-plane in which $D(s)$ converges.

2011 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Paul Levande

International audience We examine the $q=1$ and $t=0$ special cases of the parking functions conjecture. The parking functions conjecture states that the Hilbert series for the space of diagonal harmonics is equal to the bivariate generating function of $area$ and $dinv$ over the set of parking functions. Haglund recently proved that the Hilbert series for the space of diagonal harmonics is equal to a bivariate generating function over the set of Tesler matrices–upper-triangular matrices with every hook sum equal to one. We give a combinatorial interpretation of the Haglund generating function at $q=1$ and prove the corresponding case of the parking functions conjecture (first proven by Garsia and Haiman). We also discuss a possible proof of the $t = 0$ case consistent with this combinatorial interpretation. We conclude by briefly discussing possible refinements of the parking functions conjecture arising from this research and point of view. $\textbf{Note added in proof}$: We have since found such a proof of the $t = 0$ case and conjectured more detailed refinements. This research will most likely be presented in full in a forthcoming article. On examine les cas spéciaux $q=1$ et $t=0$ de la conjecture des fonctions de stationnement. Cette conjecture déclare que la série de Hilbert pour l'espace des harmoniques diagonaux est égale à la fonction génératrice bivariée (paramètres $area$ et $dinv$) sur l'ensemble des fonctions de stationnement. Haglund a prouvé récemment que la série de Hilbert pour l'espace des harmoniques diagonaux est égale à une fonction génératrice bivariée sur l'ensemble des matrices de Tesler triangulaires supérieures dont la somme de chaque équerre vaut un. On donne une interprétation combinatoire de la fonction génératrice de Haglund pour $q=1$ et on prouve le cas correspondant de la conjecture dans le cas des fonctions de stationnement (prouvé d'abord par Garsia et Haiman). On discute aussi d'une preuve possible du cas $t=0$, cohérente avec cette interprétation combinatoire. On conclut en discutant brièvement les raffinements possibles de la conjecture des fonctions de stationnement de ce point de vue. $\textbf{Note ajoutée sur épreuve}$: j'ai trouvé depuis cet article une preuve du cas $t=0$ et conjecturé des raffinements possibles. Ces résultats seront probablement présentés dans un article ultérieur.

10.37236/149 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Robin Pemantle ◽  
Herbert S. Wilf

Given a barrier $0 \leq b_0 \leq b_1 \leq \cdots$, let $f(n)$ be the number of nondecreasing integer sequences $0 \leq a_0 \leq a_1 \leq \cdots \leq a_n$ for which $a_j \leq b_j$ for all $0 \leq j \leq n$. Known formulæ for $f(n)$ include an $n \times n$ determinant whose entries are binomial coefficients (Kreweras, 1965) and, in the special case of $b_j = rj+s$, a short explicit formula (Proctor, 1988, p.320). A relatively easy bivariate recursion, decomposing all sequences according to $n$ and $a_n$, leads to a bivariate generating function, then a univariate generating function, then a linear recursion for $\{ f(n) \}$. Moreover, the coefficients of the bivariate generating function have a probabilistic interpretation, leading to an analytic inequality which is an identity for certain values of its argument.

10.37236/859 ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Marcos Kiwi ◽  
Martin Loebl

We address the following question: When a randomly chosen regular bipartite multi–graph is drawn in the plane in the "standard way", what is the distribution of its maximum size planar matching (set of non–crossing disjoint edges) and maximum size planar subgraph (set of non–crossing edges which may share endpoints)? The problem is a generalization of the Longest Increasing Sequence (LIS) problem (also called Ulam's problem). We present combinatorial identities which relate the number of $r$-regular bipartite multi–graphs with maximum planar matching (maximum planar subgraph) of at most $d$ edges to a signed sum of restricted lattice walks in ${\Bbb Z}^d$, and to the number of pairs of standard Young tableaux of the same shape and with a "descend–type" property. Our results are derived via generalizations of two combinatorial proofs through which Gessel's identity can be obtained (an identity that is crucial in the derivation of a bivariate generating function associated to the distribution of the length of LISs, and key to the analytic attack on Ulam's problem). Finally, we generalize Gessel's identity. This enables us to count, for small values of $d$ and $r$, the number of $r$-regular bipartite multi-graphs on $n$ nodes per color class with maximum planar matchings of size $d$.Our work can also be viewed as a first step in the study of pattern avoidance in ordered bipartite multi-graphs.

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