collective marks
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2021 ◽  
pp. 405-422
Luigi Russo

The interests that revolve around the mandatory indication of the place of origin of a food product are multiple and often conflicting with each other. Alongside the interests of some producers wishing to highlight the geographical origin of their products, there are conflicting interests of other producers who, for different reasons, prefer not to disclose the origin of their product. Then there are also interests of consumers interested at receiving an ever greater and transparency of the extensive information on the product offered. The indication of the origin of a food product can also constitute an element that has an impact on the proper functioning of the internal market to the extent that it can ultimately induce consumers to purchase national products or, at least, it may affect their purchasing choices: it is therefore necessary to assess the compatibility of the mandatory indication of the origin of the food with the principle of the free movement of goods. This competition of interests explains why the European Union’s legislation on this point is somewhat ambiguous: this paper, apart from the presentation of collective marks and certification marks which, although in a limited way, may contain references to the geographical origin of the products, points out to the provisions contained in Regulation EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, as well as the provisions regulating the products with PDO and PGI certificates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 466
Juliana Pereira de Araújo ◽  
Paulo Rogério dos Santos

Neste artigo socializamos os resultados de uma pesquisa que tomou como objeto a Ludoteca do Curso de Educação Física na Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Catalão (UFG/RC). A intenção foi compreendê-la a partir da tríplice visão de espaço de Henri Lefebvre (concebido, percebido e vivido). O percurso metodológico baseou-se na realização de uma pesquisa documental nos arquivos da Ludoteca e de entrevistas narrativas com duas ludotecárias, a quem chamamos de Ana e de Bia, e com a coordenadora, que denominamos Lua. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1997) e os resultados nos permitem compreender que os sentidos produzidos sobre a Ludoteca UFG possibilitam reconhecê-la como espaço que traz, na dimensão do concebido, marcas da universidade que a acolhe como política de extensão, mas que introjetam nela as possibilidades próprias do ensino e da pesquisa, enriquecendo-a e tornando-a espaço de formação. Pela dimensão do percebido o espaço da Ludoteca tem como marcas a coletividade, a partilha e a produção de subjetividades que transitam e exploram a reprodução do espaço social pela via da transmissão da cultura lúdica, das tradições e do repertório da infância quanto à produção do espaço que tem na transgressão, nas táticas e nas artes de fazer a chance de criação de novos roteiros de pessoa e de sociedade. Pela dimensão do vivido ela se estabelece como laboratório vivo, complexo, que tem em sua gênese a formação pela presença, pela memória, pela partilha e pela ludicidade que, incorporando os valores da universidade pública, alargam o entendimento da Ludoteca para muito além de ser meramente um “lugar em que criança brinca”.Palavras-chave: ludoteca universitária; espaço; educação.LOOKS ABOUT UNIVERSITY LODOTECA UFG/RC: more than where children place to playAbstractIn this article we socialized the results of a research that took place as a discipline of the Physical Education Course at the Federal University of Goias - Catalão. The intention was to understand from the vision of space of Henri Lefebvre (conceived, perceived and lived). The methodological course was based on the accomplishment of a documentary research in the archives of the Ludoteca and the accomplishment of narrative interviews with the playroom workers and the coordinator. The data were analyzed through content analysis (BARDIN, 1997) and the results allow us to perceive the senses produced on the UFG Playroom as a space that brings, in the dimension of the conceived, marks of the university that welcomes it as a extension policy, but which introduce in it the possibilities of teaching and research, enriching it and making it a space for formation. By the dimension of the perceived the space of the playroom has as collective marks the collective, the sharing and the production of subjectivities that transit and explore the reproduction of the social space by means of the transmission of the ludic culture, the traditions and the repertory of the childhood as the production of the space that has in the transgression, tactics and arts to make the chance to create new scripts of person and society. By the dimension of the lived it establishes itself as a living, complex laboratory that has in its genesis the formation by the presence, memory, sharing and playfulness that incorporating the values of the public university extend the understanding of the Labyrinth much more than merely being a "place in what a child plays. "Keywords: playroom; space; education.MIRADAS SOBRE LA LUDOTECA UNIVERSITARIA UFG \ RG: más que un lugar donde juegan los niñosResumenEn este artículo socializamos los resultados de una investigación que tomó como objeto la Ludoteca del Curso de Educación Física en la Universidad Federal de Goiás-Regional Catalán. La intención fue de comprenderla a partir de la triple visión de espacio de Henri Lefebvre (concebido, percibido y vivido). El recorrido metodológico se basó en la realización de una investigación documental en los archivos de la Ludoteca y en la realización de entrevistas narrativas con 02 ludotecas y la coordinadora. Los datos fueron analizados por medio del análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 1997) y los resultados nos permiten que los sentidos producidos sobre la Ludoteca UFG posibilitan reconocerla como espacio que trae, en la dimensión del concebido, marcas de la universidad que la acoge como política de extensión, pero que, introducen en ella las posibilidades propias de la enseñanza y de la investigación enriqueciéndola y haciéndola espacio de formación. Por la dimensión de lo percibido el espacio de la Ludoteca tiene como marcas la colectividad, el compartir y la producción de subjetividades que transitan y exploran la reproducción del espacio social por la vía de la transmisión de la cultura lúdica, de las tradiciones y del repertorio de la niñez en cuanto a la producción del espacio que tiene en la transgresión, en las tácticas y artes de hacer la oportunidad de crear nuevos itinerarios de persona y sociedad. Por la dimensión de lo vivido se establece como un laboratorio vivo, complejo, que tiene en su génesis la formación por la presencia, memoria, compartir y ludicidad que incorporando los valores de la universidad pública amplían el entendimiento de la Ludoteca para mucho más allá de ser meramente un "lugar en que niño juega ".Palabras clave: ludoteca universitaria; Espacio; educación.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 47
Yiping Zhang ◽  
Myron Hlynka ◽  
Percy H. Brill

Probability generating functions for first passage times of Markov chains are found using the method of collective marks. A system of equations is found which can be used to obtain moments of the first passage times. Second passage probabilities are discussed.

Le Van Phuc ◽  
Nguyen Hoang Ngoc Linh

<p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Thua Thien Hue is a locality with many potentials to develop craft village products. In the context of deep integration, the use of intellectual property tools, namely collective mark, is one of the prerequisites for craft villages to show their strength and value of brands and better export products to international markets. This study clarifies the status of building collective marks for craft village products in Thua Thien Hue province. The research analyzes the secondary data, uses the descriptive statistics of primary data obtained from in-depth interviews with 5 experts and surveys 28 collective mark owners in the locality. The results reflect the status of collective marks for craft products in Thua Thien Hue province through two aspects: (i) the status of collective mark registration and (ii) support activities for building and managing collective marks for craft village products of management agencies in Thua Thien Hue province. Thereby, the study points out outstanding issues and proposes solutions to building and developing collective marks for craft village products in Thua Thien Hue.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>collective mark, craft village product, Thua Thien Hue</p>

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