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Published By "Faculty Of Philosophy, University Of Novi Sad"

1821-4940, 1820-0958

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 61-83

The goal of this paper is to introduce the reader to the distinction between intensional and extensional as a distinction between different approaches to meaning. We will argue that despite the common belief, intensional aspects of mathematical notions can be, and in fact have been successfully described in mathematics. One that is for us particularly interesting is the notion of deduction as depicted in general proof theory. Our considerations result in defending a) the importance of a rule-based semantical approach and b) the position according to which non-reductive and somewhat circular explanations play an essential role in describing intensionality in mathematics.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 47-60

Martin Gardner's two-children paradox posits two scenarios, in one we know that of two children one is a girl, and in the other we know that of two children the older one is a girl. The chances of the other child being a girl is not the same in these two scenarios, in the first being 1 in 3 while in the second they are 1 in 2. Gardner himself believed that the problem of this paradox lies in the ambiguous way the scenarios are articulated. However, it is possible to show that the original version of the paradox provides sufficient content for a meaningful explanation of these unexpected results. Inspired by comments by Leonard Mlodinow, we attempt to provide a comprehensible explanation for this counterintuitive change with help of Bertrand Russell's theory of descriptions. The difference between the two scenarios then boils down to the difference between indefinite and definite descriptions.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 275-293

Tehnološki napredak u biomedicini uvodi nova etička pitanja u medicinsku praksu. Pronalazak neinvazivnog genetičkog ispitivanja je primer koji zahteva proširivanje problematizacije dostignuća biomedicinske nauke. Nakon komercijalizacije neinvazivnog genetičkog ispitivanja u SAD i na globalnom nivou, genetičko ispitivanje se sve više popularizuje kao neophodan deo primarne medicinske prakse i rutinske zdravstvene zaštite. U ovom radu se zastupa stav da rutinizacija genetičkih ispitivanja povećava diskriminaciju u pogledu invalidnosti u profesionalnoj medicinskoj praksi i normalizuje predrasude o invalidnosti u društvu.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 7-25

U radu se istražuje Hegelovo zasnivanje logike kao ontologike. Prikazujući ključne stanice samorazvoja duha u logici, Hegel u isto vreme trasira put kojim će duh prolaziti u svakoj od vlastitih manifestacija. Otuda je odnos između nužnosti i slobode u logici konstitutivan za odnos između nužnosti i slobode – apstraktnog i konkretnog, bitka i trebanja – u čitavom filozofskom sistemu.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 27-45

U ovom radu predstavićemo semantičku teoriju istine Alfreda Tarskog, kao odgovor na pitanje odnosa formalno-sintaksičkog karaktera savremene logike i mogućnosti njene primene na prirodne jezike, odnosno kao odgovor na problem logičkog karaktera prirodnih jezika. Semantičku teoriju istine Tarskog razmotrićemo na pozadini preosmišljavanja smisla i uloge pojma istine u okvirima razvoja savremene logike, što u drugoj fazi tog razvoja vodi sve većem primatu pojma dokazivosti, na uštrb pojma istine. Sa druge strane, analizom stavova Tarskog pokazaćemo i da je semantička teorija istine bila izgrađena u dosluhu sa problemima paradoksa koji su obeležili razvoj savremene logike.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 241-274

Kantian ethics and concept concerning “radical evil” represent one of the most interesting facets of moral reflection of German philosopher. Using anthropological and philosophical approach based on well-known critical method, I. Kant tried to find a comprise between “natural” behavior (i.e. not regulated by synthetic a priori judgments) but based only on sensation of pleasant unpleasant and “rational” behavior when humans tried to exit the realm of appearance and personal egoism for entering a new ethical dimension based on right (not pathological, if using I. Kant’s word) maxims being able to make human beings better than they are. In the paper it is underscored that main goal of Kantian ethics is the creation of a community where religion is a fact of reason and not of faith and reason, having as main actors men reaching an high level of self-consciousness and virtue that I. Kant granted as the greatest happiness one can have. The author tried to highlight the passage from “human being” as individuum (representative of a species) to ethically autonomous member of social consortium using as sources different Kantian works where this problem has been studied deeply and gave great emphasis to story of Job, representing in the best way the passage the Author wrote of. At the same time, he set for himself the goal of exploring progressive character of Kantian ethics aimed at making human beings better than they are, but not the best, considering noumenic nature of ethics hidden in the “Realm of goals”. Given such assumptions, the Author leads a debate with scholars distorting Kantian ethical thought by interpretation from Lacanian standpoints so that those scholars made I. Kant original source of totalitarianisms, where, in scholars’ opinion, humans do their duty both for saving their lives and express their sadistic tendencies and makes clear that Kantian ethics, throughout contradictory and complicated, is oriented to correction and education of human behavior for saving humans being from their own passions.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 295-309

Carl Schmitt's personal history was notoriously closely linked to Spain, a nation with which he also shared religious faith and therefore partly a culture of origin. But Schmitt's thought was linked to Spain for many other reasons, which made this country, for the German thinker, a very particular point of view on the destiny of the world. From the political predictions of Donoso Cortés, to the decline of Eurocentrism, to the elemental struggle between land and sea, to guerrilla warfare, the role of this Western European country remained pre-eminent for Schmitt in the history of civilization.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 159-178

U osvit stogodišnjice Vitgenštajnovog proslavljenog literarno-filozofskog debija, svet ponovo izgleda dubinski zaokupiran medicinskim problemima od planetarnog značaja: terapeutska uloga Tractatus-a (sugerisana i „novovitgenštajnovskim“ interpretacijama) bila je ipak pretežno usmerena ka pročišćavanju ljudskog jezika kroz „ascendenciju“ od logičkog do mističkog sagledavanja iskustva − dok je njena funkcija u naknadnim spisima prenesena na ekstenzivniji proces „detoksikacije“ samog ljudskog života, upravo od nataloženih teorijskih „nus-efekata“ okcidentalnog „pharmakon-a“ u obličju filozofije. Nakon temeljnijeg izlaganja centralnih pojmova, kako iz „rane“, tako i „pozne“ faze Vitgenštajnove (anti-)filozofije, fokus će biti pomeren ka potencijalnom tumačenju koje bi moglo komplementirati vitgenštajnovsku „farmakologiju detoksikacije“ s pozitivnijom vizijom teorije − a koja bi naspram pouzdanja u „samo-regulišuću“ moć neprozirnih „formi života“ isticala „samo-transcendirajući“ kapacitet refleksivnog jezika, upravo kao egzemplarnog modusa ospoljavanja ljudske životne dinamike u punom obimu njene kompleksnosti i kreativnosti.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 311-338

The fact that spiritual development is needed both on an individual and social level is an issue all traditional societies were acquainted with. The laic and materialistic contemporary world is a mere historical, de-ontologized background which, while promoting individualism and competition, puts aside the trans-historical spiritual values, that have always defined man as a humane and human being, either in religion, or culture. This paper describes the motivation which was provided for man’s spiritual development in Yoga and Christianity, which had, on the one hand, a socializing, integrating function, and on the other hand, a compensatory one. Gandhi’s politics and policy founded on nonviolence and truthfulness is contrasted with man’s nihilistic nature, if not trained to develop his spiritual traits. Today’s redefinition of culture and education, which neglects man’s spiritual values, is the reason why, by contrast, we provided a large space for explaining Gandhi’s views and Yoga, which might be models to be followed even in a laic world, in which personal development should be backed up by man’s spiritual growth, if we want to survive as human beings.

ARHE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (34) ◽  
pp. 205-218

Autor u ovom istraživanju nastoji da ispita koja je uloga Aristotelovog Organona u teološkim učenjima Kapadokijskih Otaca. Cilj ovog rada je da se pokaže da su se Kapadokijski Oci služili Aristotelovim pojmovima prve i druge suštine, u svrhu odbrane zvaničnih učenja crkve od suprotstavljenih učenja koja su se smatrala jeretičkim. Iako se Kapadokijski teolozi u svojim radovima služe filozofskim pojmovima, to nikako ne znači da oni odstupaju od izvornog hrišćanskog učenja.

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