Dialogia Iuridica Jurnal Hukum Bisnis dan Investasi
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Published By Maranatha Christian University

2579-3527, 2085-9945

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-148
Rika Ratna Permata ◽  
Tasya Safiranita ◽  
Yuliana Utama ◽  
Reihan Ahmad Millaudy

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in more people doing activities from home, so almost all activities are carried out online, including for educational activities. The problems on this research are how the comparison between fair use regulations in Indonesia and in the United States during the pre-Covid-19 pandemic? How the regulations of the doctrine of fair use to anticipate the occurrence of a new phenomenon regarding the use of copyright on digital platforms during and/or after the Covid-19 pandemic? The method used in writing this law is a normative juridical method. The results of the study conclude that Fair use rules in Indonesia already regulate that fair use will not harm the legitimate interests of creators but does not provide clear parameters regarding fair interests. While the Fair use Arrangements in the United States are regulated in 17 U.S. Code 107. In this regulation, there are 4 factors, namely: the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the quantity and importance of the material used, the effect of the use upon potential market or value of the copyrighted work. The Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to fair use cases that had never occurred before the outbreak of Covid-19, e.g. the case of The Internet Archive, it can be observed that there is an encouragement from the public to further relax copyright protection because of the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in the public interest having to be carried out rather than the creators and copyright holders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-112
Indriyani Kusumawati ◽  
Yeti Sumiyati

Unlawful acts cannot be separated by a violation of one's rights. This research is based on the phenomenon of directors who are penalized for unlawful acts committed by their employees. In 2021, PT Antam appealed to the court because the board of directors felt aggrieved by the judge's decision to impose damages on the directors of PT Antam. In fact, those who do illegal acts to the detriment of consumers are Eksi Anggraeni and the two employees, Misdianto and Ahmad Purwanto through the lure of discounts without the approval of the company. Limited Liability Companies Law implicitly regulates the concept of legal protection that is already known in some countries, namely the principle of Business Judgement Rule. This principle can be used by directors as a basis for legal protection to achieve justice. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to comprehend the responsibility of the board of directors for actions against employee law that stipulates discounts on the purchase of Antam gold unilaterally associated with the law of limited liability companies and review the application of the principles of Business Judgement Rule to directors who must be responsible for actions against the law of employees. The results of this study concluded that the directors of PT Antam cannot be held accountable. Furthermore, the application of the Business Judgement Rule principle has not been applied to this case, so legal protection to the board of directors is still ignored by the judge and has not shown justice.                  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Hans Christoper Krisnawangsa ◽  
Christian Tarapul Anjur Hasiholan ◽  
Made Dharma Aditya Adhyaksa ◽  
Lourenthya Fleurette Maspaitella

Crypto Assets is a new alternative investment concept in Indonesia. The legal basis for regulating crypto assets currently in force in Indonesia cannot accommodate the development of the Crypto assets concept which continues to undergo significant changes. The physical market for crypto assets is incompatible when regulated by the provisions of Law Number 32 of 1997 on commodity futures trading and its amendments, namely Law Number 10 of 2011 because the physical market has conceptual differences with the provisions of the futures market in general. The object traded in the physical market is the commodity, while in the commodity futures market the object is futures contracts (and their derivatives) for commodities traded in the physical market. The scope of the commodity futures market as regulated in Article 1 of the Commodity Futures Trading Law does not accommodate commodity trading in the physical market. The urgency of regulating the physical market for crypto assets with a separate law is the implementation of the principle of legal certainty and protection of crypto asset investors. The method used in writing this journal is normative research using books, journal references, and laws and regulations that are relevant to the legal issues in this study. The results of this study indicate that the regulation of the physical law on crypto assets is needed because crypto assets should be regulated into two separate arrangements so that it is not appropriate if the regulation regarding crypto assets is only accommodated by the Commodity Futures Trading Law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Chandra Manungsa Alit ◽  
Yeti Sumiyati

This study examines the following issues: first, whether the merger of 3 state-owned sharia banks is included in the criteria for monopolistic practice as an activity prohibited in the Law on monopolistic practices and unfair business competition. Second, what is the relevance of the provisions of the exclusion of monopolistic practices on BUMN in the Law on monopolistic practices and unfair business competition to the merger of 3 BUMN sharia banks. This study uses a normative juridical method. The results showed that the merger or merger of 3 state-owned sharia banks could potentially lead to monopolistic practices and unfair business competition as prohibited by Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-96
Nathania Tesalonica ◽  
Bernadetta Tjandra Wulandari

The development of information and communication technology that is increasing has made a major contribution to meeting human needs. The presence of the internet provides convenience in making buying and selling transactions, through e-commerce. The presence of Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions is one of the legal instruments in protecting e-commerce consumers. The law regulates one form of protection that can be carried out through the inclusion of a certificate of reliability (trustmark). Based on the analysis using the normative juridical research method, it was found that in the case of the inclusion of a reliability certificate (trustmark) issued by a Foreign Reliability Certification Agency, the government has not taken legal action regarding this matter, so that the inclusion of a reliability certificate (trustmark) can still be applied as long as there are no regulations issued. Arrange. In relation to legal actions that can be taken by the parties for losses in e-commerce transactions due to the absence of a trustmark logo, namely by imposing sanctions on business actors and consumers can demand rights that should be fulfilled in buying and selling transactions through existing mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Sudjana Sudjana

Law is a means of social control to direct people to take actions in accordance with applicable regulations so as to create order and peace. While the function of law as social engineering is to change human behavior in order to uphold justice and respect obligations under the law. This study aims to determine the function of law as social control and social engineering related to patent protection. The research method used is a descriptive analytical approach to legislation. Data collection was carried out through literature study while data analysis was carried out in a qualitative normative manner. The results of the study show that the legal function as social control related to patents is the object, terms and procedures of protection and the period of protection, while the subject of protection and legal action in case of violation is the function of law as social engineering. However, in order to understand the requirements for granting patents and to eliminate the impression that patent registration is too procedural and to increase legal awareness in order to respect patents by other parties, it is necessary to continuously disseminate information or information through print or electronic media with the use of technological means which are currently developing rapidly so that can support the effectiveness of social control and social engineering as mandated by the Patent Law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-129
Yanti Fristikawati ◽  
Ronaldo Lado

Every states have the rights or jurisdiction over their territory in the land and sea, and to protect their specific environment, they  also have the right to purpose part of their territory as a Protected Area. Chagos archipelago is rich in the marine biodiversity which have to protect This island which place in the Indian Ocean used to be a British Colony, and in 1968 after Mauritius independence, British still exist in Chagos island based on their agreement with Mauritius to use this island for a few year, because British also have the agreement with US to use one of the island (Diego Garcia) as US Millitary Camp. In 2010 British purpose the Chagos archipelago as a protected area, which against by Mauritius, because the Cahgos Island is not British territory, its Mauritius’s territory. Based on UNCLOS 1982 only the coastal state have the rights of their  marine biodiversity in their ZEE. The Convention on Biodiversity 1992, also mentioned about the rights of states to protect their biodiversity by using as protected area. IUCN as an international organization has the guidance about protected area that can be use to discuss the Chagos marine protected areas.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-32
Joice Viladelfia ◽  
Rahel Octora

Kasus trading in influence atau perdagangan pengaruh di Indonesia telah marak terjadi dengan modus yang berbeda-beda, namun pengaturan eksplisit tentang delik perdagangan pengaruh hingga saat ini belum ada. Trading in influence banyak dilakukan baik oleh penyelenggara negara maupun pihak non pejabat publik, yang memiliki akses kepada otoritas publik. Tulisan ini membahas bagaimana pengaturan tindakan perdagangan pengaruh (trading in influence) oleh non pejabat publik dihubungkan dengan berlakunya Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor), serta bagaimana urgensi kriminalisasi tindakan perdagangan pengaruh (trading in influence) dalam rangka optimalisasi pemberantasan Tipikor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi kepustakaan. Pengolahan data ini diolah dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa sistem perundang-undangan di Indonesia (dalam hal ini UU Pemberantasan Tipikor) belum mengatur secara tegas tindakan Trading in Influence, sehingga diperlukan revisi UU PTPK, untuk memasukan aturan Trading in Influence. Perumusan delik trading in influence di Indonesia sebagai bagian dari tindak pidana korupsi dinilai sangat urgen dalam rangka mengoptimalisasi pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-60
Muh. Ali Masnun

The protection of geographical indications in Indonesia is still limited to the goods sector, but not yet for the service sector. The purpose of this study is to analyze the opportunities for the protection of geographical indications in the service sector within the legal framework in Indonesia. This research is a doctrinal research using a conceptual and statute approachs. The results of the study can be concluded that the opportunity for protection of geographical indications in the service sector is very good with an argument consisting of 4 aspects, including the provisions of the TRIPS agreement which are open, the potential for uniqueness of the region. based services, protection through the relative geographical indications still has weaknesses, and protection through communal intellectual property (traditional knowledge) is also relatively weak. The opportunities for the protection of geographical indications are also very relevant to several legal protection theories, including: predictive and anticipatory legal protection theory, integrative and coordinative theory, and social ownership theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-35
Yohan Prawira Pakpahan ◽  
Imam Haryanto

“Merek dagang dapat menjadi tanda yang menampilkan kekuatan pembeda dan digunakan dalam konteks perdagangan barang atau jasa. Di Indonesia, merek dagang dilindungi dengan sistem perlindungan pendaftar utama atau prinsip konstitutif. Sistem proteksi menyatakan bahwa merek yang dilindungi dapat berupa merek yang telah didaftarkan pada Direktorat Jenderal Harta Benda atau merek yang dinyatakan sebagai merek terkenal. Hal yang terjadi dikatakan apakah terdapat perlindungan atas merek biasa yang terkesan tidak terdaftar padahal ada pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mendaftarkan merek tersebut, sehingga hak merek tersebut diberikan kepada pihak yang tidak bukan pemilik merek dagang tertentu. ini menunjukkan bahwa undang-undang hanya memberikan perlindungan kepada orang pertama yang mendaftar. mendukung itu, mereka mendapatkan hak eksklusif dan menunjukkan bahwa mereka adalah pemilik kebenaran. Situasi seperti ini melindungi pendaftaran palsu dan memberikan perlindungan palsu. Mekanisme perlindungan merek dagang di Amerika tidak menerapkan jenis perlindungan ini. Amerika menggunakan perlindungan yang didukung pemanfaatannya secara praktis, yaitu harus memenuhi kebutuhan, lebih baik digunakan dalam perdagangan atau akan digunakan dalam perdagangan. Untuk merek dagang yang belum terdaftar, Indonesia harus menerapkan sistem perlindungan yang diterapkan oleh Amerika Serikat. yang membantu melindungi merek dagang yang tidak terdaftar jika perlu digunakan dalam perdagangan ”.Kata Kunci: Prinsip Konstitutif, Merek Dagang, Penggunaan Dalam Perdagangan

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