Jurnal ULTIMA Computing
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Published By Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

2549-4007, 2355-3286

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Denny Darlis ◽  
Aris Hartaman ◽  
Afifah Shafira

Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a technology that allows the sending of data information through visible light that will be received as a piece of information. In its implementation, a sensor can send information data using VLC in this technological era. One model of data transmission that is widely used in life is to use radio frequency or better known as wireless.In this final project, a transmitter and receiver of data is realized through the transmission of light, this device consists of a lamp as an electrical converter to light, a photodioda as a converter of light to electric, and receiving data. Through the realization of this tool we can know that the transmission of data through light can occur can be used to transmit data. Data transmitted in this final project is the result of three sensor data namely temperature sensors, gas sensors, and fire detection sensors on the transmitter and on the receiver used firebase to monitor data. From the test results produce parameter values such as distance with a maximum distance of the data is accepted either 45cm, 50cm of data is damaged and 55cm of data is not accepted, the variations in angles and distances show that at a distance of 10cm it can receive data well from an angle of 0ᵒ to an angle of 35ᵒ, a distance of 35cm and 40 cm at an angle of 10ᵒ the received data is damaged and at a distance of 45cm and 50cm at a 5ᵒ angle cannot receive data and as well as the sending speed parameters obtained at a baudrate of 2400 bps, 4800 bps and 9600 bps the data sent can be received well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Ahmad Adhitya Nurhadi ◽  
Denny Darlis ◽  
Muhammad Ary Murti

Penggunaan listrik untuk beban besar seperti gedung dan industri adalah sistem kelistrikan 3 fasa. Kegiatan pencatatan atau pemantauan data penggunaan listrik secara manual dinilai kurang praktis, sehingga penggunaan perangkat IoT dapat menjadi solusinya. Namun pengiriman data pada perangkat IoT dengan menggunakan komunikasi kabel dan Wi-Fi dinilai kurang sesuai mengingat perangkat akan ditempatkan di ruang panel yang jarang tercakup dalam jaringan. Sehingga penggunaan komunikasi IoT lainnya seperti LoRa bisa menjadi pilihan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan perangkat IoT berbasis LoRa. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk memperluas cakupan perangkat IoT dalam melakukan pembacaan kWh meter 3 fasa. Perangkat mengirimkan data melalui komunikasi LoRa dengan parameter uji yaitu RSSI, SNR dan throughput. Perangkat yang dibuat merupakan antarmuka antara kWh meter 3 fasa dengan komunikasi LoRa yang meliputi IC MAX485, mikrokontroler ATMega 2560, dan modul komunikasi LoRa RFM95W. Dari hasil pengujian, perangkat dapat mengirimkan data kWh meter 3 fasa setiap 3.611 detik dengan throughput rata-rata 957.231 bps. Performa komunikasi LoRa yang digunakan pada kondisi LOS dapat mencapai 300 meter dengan RSSI -107.625 dBm, SNR -13.063 dB. Sedangkan pada kondisi non-LOS RSSI terendah sebesar -103.338 dBm dan SNR terendah sebesar -8.897 dB.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Waeisul Bismi ◽  
Windu Gata ◽  
Anton . ◽  
Taufik Asra

Kemacetan lalu lintas di ibu kota merupakan pemandangan yang tidak asing lagi bagi warga ibu kota, karena pengguna kendaraan roda dua mendominasi ruas jalan ibu kota sebanyak 72,8 persen sedangkan pengguna kendaraan roda empat sebanyak 26,5 persen. Dan kemacetan berdampak negatif terhadap aktivitas berbagai warga Ibu Kota, baik dari segi pekerjaan maupun pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, solusi efektif bagi pengguna jalan di Ibu Kota dalam mengatasi kemacetan adalah dengan mencari rute terpendek untuk sampai ke tujuan dengan cepat. Penerapan algoritma Djikstra merupakan solusi dalam hal ini dengan menentukan rute terpendek dari asal ke tujuan agar bisa sampai ke tujuan lebih cepat. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan studi kasus perjalanan menuju kampus STMIK Nusa Mandiri Kramat 18 sebagai tempat asal menuju kampus STMIK Nusa Mandiri Jatiwaringin dengan tujuan mencoba mengaplikasikan algoritma Djikstra sebagai metode pencarian rute terpendek.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Nabila Husna Shabrina ◽  
Julando Omar ◽  
Akmal Nusa Bhakti ◽  
Axel Patria

This study is done in order to propose an Emotion Recognition System that uses Convolutional Neural Network in a Virtual Meeting Environment to detect non-verbal feedback that emerge when communicating. This study starts with the training process of the CNN model with version 2.3.0 of tensorflow-gpu library, along with FER-2013 dataset, where only 80% of the data is used as the training set, and the other 20% is used as the test set. The model is trained for 430 epochs that results in 73.86% rate of accuracy with a loss of 1.42. In the classification process, a Haar-Cascade Classifier algorithm is used to detect faces within an image that has been inputted using OpenCV. Next the already developed model is used to predict the image that has been pre-processed. Based on the results shown, it can be concluded that the study has provided satisfactory results and is expected to help in understanding non-verbal input given when communicating and among other various things.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Ari Bawono Putranto ◽  
Zaenul Muhlisin ◽  
Amatul Lutfiah ◽  
Fakhruddin Mangkusasmito ◽  
Megarini Hersaputri

Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil membuat sebuah alat uji karakterisasi bias maju dioda menggunakan ADC dan DAC internal mikrokontroler ESP32. Tegangan keluaran DAC ditambahkan dengan rangkaian penguat op-amp tak membalik LM358 sebesar 2 kali. Sehingga hasil pengujian tegangan keluaran DAC dapat mencapai nilai maksimum 6,3 volt sebagai sumber catu daya DC variabel rangkaian uji karakteristik bias maju dioda. Pengujian karakterisasi bias maju dioda dilakukan melalui antarmuka perangkat smartphone android dengan jaringan WiFi dan diperoleh kurva grafik karakterisasi bias maju yang memiliki nilai dan bentuk hampir sama dengan pengujian secara manual. Pengujian karakterisasi bias maju dioda menggunakan aplikasi ini lebih cepat daripada menggunakan pengukuran secara manual dengan alat ukur multimeter. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi smartphone android sebanyak 3 kali diperoleh rata-rata waktu sebesar 30 detik, sedangkan secara manual menggunakan alat ukur diperoleh rata-rata waktu sebesar 657,7 detik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Ari Bawono Putranto ◽  
Fakhruddin Mangkusasmito ◽  
Much. Azam ◽  
Zaenul Muhlisin ◽  
Megarini Hersaputri

The type of power supply that is commonly used is the adjustable power supply. Its ability to generate a varying voltage level, making it suitable for testing a wide variety of electronic circuits. A conventional protection system of this type is usually a fuse, overcurrent event occurred due to improper installation of the components and circuit design will make this protection system is active and needed replacement fuse. To eliminate the need for fuse purchases at the Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering Laboratory, Undip Vocational School, an adjustable power supply was built with an overload current protection based on the LM723 IC for an operating level of 1 ampere. The system was built as non-fuse protection current limiter. This study will describe the stages of the manufacturing and testing system. The test results show that the power supply output is linear with the coefficient of determination = 0.99 and correlation = 0.99. The system can also limit the average maximum working current of 0.95 for several variations of load resistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Rizky Fitria Haya ◽  
Chicha Rizka Gunawan ◽  
Fazri Amir

Tanaman hias biasa digunakan untuk mendekorasi ruangan atau memperindah pekarangan rumah. Dalam era teknologi saat ini dimana setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang tinggi, maka terkadang membuat orang tidak sempat bahkan lupa memperhatikan tanaman hias di rumahnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dibentuknya sistem monitoring tanaman hias ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi tanaman dengan menampilkan gambar bahagia dan sedih pada layer LCD. System ini menggunakan mikrokontroler berupa arduino nano sebagai alat pengendali utama dan terhubung dengan sensor lainnya seperti sensor LDR, soil moisture, dan DHT11. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanaman hias tersebut berada dalam kondisi yang baik jika menampilkan gambar bahagia, yaitu ketika hasil pembacaan pencahayaan, kelembapan tanah, dan suhu yang diperoleh sesuai dengan nilai yang telah ditetapkan pada program. Begitu pun sebaliknya, jika sistem menampilkan gambar sedih, maka hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keadaan tanaman hias tersebut tidak baik karena sedikitnya pencahayaan, kurangnya kelembapan tanah, dan rendahnya suhu yang diterima oleh tanaman hias. Nilai yang telah ditetapkan pada sensor kelembapan tanah dan pencahayaan berada pada rentang 50% sampai 95%, sedangkan nilai yang ditetapkan pada sensor suhu berada di rentang 15°C sampai 35°C.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Aminuddin Rizal

machine learning and edge computing currently becomes popular technology used in any discipline. Flexibility and adapt to the problem are the main advantages of its technology. In this paper, we explain step-by-step way to make a lightweight machine learning model especially intended for embedded system application. We use open source machine learning tool called as Weka to design the model. Moreover, we performed a simple stress recognition experiment to make our own dataset for evaluation. We evaluate algorithm complexity and accuracy for different well-known classifier such as support vector machine, simple logistic and hoeffding tree.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Julando Omar ◽  
Jason Kho ◽  
Samuel Hutagalung

During the current situation, the availability of surgeons in remote areas is limited. There is a need to be still able to perform general operations without the doctor being physically present in the operating room. This research is a preliminary study of designing a remotely controlled mechatronic hand to perform general surgery. With this design, it is hoped that in the future, the physical presence of doctors will no longer be an obstacle in achieving general surgery in locations that are difficult to reach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-90
Rizal Alfa Rizki ◽  
Dista Yoel Tadeus ◽  
Fakhruddin Mangkusasmito ◽  
Heru Winarno ◽  
Eko Ariyanto

Oil cooled power transformer has important role in the electricity distribution system. Its windings were immersed in oil as an insulating medium and also as a cooler. This oil would be heated up due to several things, the most significant was heat generated by winding’s power loss. The monitoring of oil temperature on the transformer was always done routinely every day to maintain its performance and health condition. IoT based measurements could improved efficiency and minimized manpower resources. To realize this the indirect non-destructive measurement method was proposed to estimate transformator’s temperature oil. It will corellate the oil temperature and body temperature through a constant calibration factor derived from calculations. Conducted experiment applied to specific existing transformator and followed by calculations resulted a calibration factor = 1.7749. The smallest average of estimated temperature error was lied in the range of 40 - 90 degrees Celcius.

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