In this research paper, we have studied TB (Tuberculosis) patients who come from different traffic routes in order to seek medical help and treatment in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. In this research work, we have focused on the transportation problems of the TB patients. These TB patients can travel on the paths having minimum distance as found out in this paper using Dijktra’s Algorithm.
People hope that they have better treatment opportunities and financial medical relief in the government and private hospitals in Karachi. There are many private hospitals in the city but unfortunately, they provide expensive treatments. As a consequence, people belonging to the poor or lower and middle classes approach government hospitals adequately. Among them, Nazimabad Chest Hospital for TB patients (under the supervision of Dow University of Health Sciences) is providing better facilities as compared to the other hospitals involved in providing medical treatments for the similar medical issues. Nazimabad Chest Hospital for TB patients is renowned for its high quality treatment of TB patients. The hospital is located inside Government Hospital Nazimabad (under the control of Dow University), Karachi. It has latest equipments, competent and qualified staff to treat TB patients. Patients have to visit the hospital on weekly basis from their homes and residences. They use several combinations of traffic routes to reach the hospital as these patients live in different areas like, Malir Cantt, Safari Park, Hassan Square, North-Nazimabad, North Karachi, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, etc. A path or road is required which takes the least amount of time and subsequently reduces the transportation charges. In this paper, an effort has been made to locate the shortest route for the convenience for these TB patients. In this paper, a mathematical model has been developed by using the method of Dijkstra’s algorithm to attain the desired objective.