Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-291 ◽  
Joan Copjec

Regarded by many as the pre-eminent Islamicist of the twentieth century, Henry Corbin is also the subject of much criticism, aimed primarily at his supposed overemphasis on the mythological aspects of Islamic philosophy and his idiosyncratic privileging of the concept of the imaginal world. Taking seriously an unusual claim made by Steven Wasserstrom in Religion after Religion that the redeployment of Schelling's concept of tautegory by Corbin reveals all that is wrong with his work, this essay seeks to defend both the concept and Corbin's use of it. Developed by Schelling in his late work on mythology, the concept of tautegory turns out to be, for historical and theoretical reasons, a revelatory switch point. Not only does it make clear why the imaginal ‘locus’ is key to understanding the unity of God – the oneness of his apophatic and revealed dimensions – it also gives us profound insights into the links connecting Islamic philosophy, German Idealism, and psychoanalysis, which all take their bearings from the esoteric or mystical idea of an unconscious abyss.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 473-478
Ahmad Gashamoglu ◽  

The Article briefly discusses the need for generation of the Science of Ahangyol, and this science’s scientific basis, object and subject, category system, scientific research methods and application options. Ahangyol is a universal science and may be useful in any sphere. It may assist in problem solving in peacemaking process and in many areas such as ecology, economics, politics, culture, management and etc. This science stipulates that any activity and any decision made in the life may only and solely be successful when they comply with harmony principles more, which are the principles of existence and activity of the world. A right strategic approach of the Eastern Philosophy and the Middle Age Islamic Philosophy and scientific thought has an important potential. This strategic approach creates opportunities to also consider irrational factors in addition to rational ones comprehensively in scientific researches. The modern scientific thought contributes to implementation of these opportunities. Ahangyol is a science of determination of ways to achieve harmony in any sphere and of creation of special methods to make progress in these ways through assistance of the modern science. Methods of the System Theory, Mathematics, IT, Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Sociology, Statistics and etc. are more extensively applied. Information is given on some of these methods. Moreover, the Science of Ahangyol, which is a new philosophical worldview and a new paradigm contributes to clarification of metaphysic views considerably and discovery of the scientific potential of religious books.

2008 ◽  
Vol 2008 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Sarhan Dhouib

In contemporary Arab-Islamic philosophy there is increasing interest in the criticism of conceptions of culture and identity. The paradigms of these criticisms can be studied in an exemplary way in the works of the Moroccan philosopher Mohammed 'Abid al-Garibi. They reflect the close relationship between the problem of identity and the question of the »heritage« of Arab-islamic philosophy. The topics discussed include al-Garibi's rejection of the ahistorical interpretations of the religious, orientalistic, and Marxist Salafiyya and the extent to which his criticism of these intellectual currents is based upon a rational revival of the critique of Arab-islamic culture. Finally, the essay considers the basic ideas of a critique of »arabic reason« and its reformulation of Rationalism and seeks to show that al-Gabiri's return to Averroes opens up a new way out of the intellectual crisis in Arab-islamic societies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 121-138
Dr. Bilal Ahmad Khan

Islamic economics based on specific concept of universe and the creation of man is contradictory to the concept adopted and accepted by modern science. Islamic economics postulates although ability and expertise is required for progress and growth but distribution of resources completely dependent on it would be cruel, inhuman and bereft of kindness, and lead to oppression. Islamic economics does not favor making human ability and expertise the fulcrum of resource distribution. It should be kind, considerate and based on justice and fairness. This is because according to Islamic philosophy, ownership is considered to be a trust from Allah which has been bestowed on the rich so that they may utilize it correctly. In Islamic economics the role of the individual, has inclinations and his aims and objectives occupy a central position and are vitally important. He is definitely a rational being but his level of rationality is not confined to the calculations of cost and profit. An individual does not want merely to obtain monetary profit and physical pleasure and leisure but he also wants and aims for something beyond what the material world has to offer. The main aim of the study is to find out the relationship between Islam and economics. In Islamic economics the comprehensive moral training of the individual, his technical and educational ability, his aims and his priorities are of primary importance. According to Islamic economics the means of acquiring wealth has the same importance as wealth itself. Dishonesty, abuse of trust and earning of wealth through fraudulent ways and means may perhaps increase the status of an individual but the society suffers because of it on the whole. This leads to an unjust and oppressive economic system.

SM Abdul Quddus

Globalization started sometime ago and is an ongoing process. It is a diverse phenomenon, which has had tremendous impact on all aspects of human life. The spread of the culture of globalization can predominantly be attributed to the usage of modern electronic media such as the internet. As Islam is a global phenomenon, it becomes apparent that its principles should be held in the esteem befitting its status and not disregarded as irrelevant. Religious people of all age categories must agree to adapt their traditions to deal with the challenges of modernity. The end goal of globalization is thus to assess and integrate common ground into the world views of Islamic versus Western values rather than provoke bi-polarization and discord. As globalization in its current iteration predominantly stems from the influences of the West, it is paramount to scrutinize the differences in the Muslim interpretation of globalization in relation to its modern incarnation, to explore its differing definitions, the fluctuating goals of the educational systems, the sidelining of local traditions and languages, factors derived from the advent of “brain-drain” from certain nations, appropriate Muslim actions in response to globalization, and finally onto the question, how public sector management should be reformed in line with the reality of globalization and Islamic philosophy of government and administration in the contemporary era? However, following the example of the Western capitalist models and excluding religious public sector reform has produced varied reactions in MMCs. Such reactions include widespread social alienation and accelerated unhappiness and promotion of restless competition rather than cooperation. All these realities raise some unavoidable questions and debates that need to be properly addressed both from theoretical and practical perspectives. A refocused attention at the philosophy of public sector governance in light of the role of religion on the globalized and technology-driven world is an important endeavor to undertake. Thus the main objective of this paper is to explore an administrative model for public sector governance that will fulfil the socio-economic, technological and spiritual needs of a society. Data for this paper is collected mainly from secondary sources i.e. content analysis. ‘Islamic administrative model’ as suggested by Al-Buraey are used as the theoretical underpinning for this study. Keywords: Globalization, Heartware and software, Islam, New Public management, Islamic administrative model. Abstrak Globalisasi telah berlaku sejak dahulu lagi dan ia adalah proses yang berlaku secara berterusan. Ia adalah fenomena yang pelbagai, yang memberi kesan besar kepada manusia dari pelbagai aspek. Penyebaran globalisasi budaya di dominasi besar oleh penggunaan media elektronik moden seperti Internet. Oleh kerana Islam adalah fenomena global, jelaslah bahawa prinsipnya harus dipegang dengan harga yang sesuai dengan statusnya dan tidak sepatutnya dianggap sebagai tidak relevan. Orang yang beragama dari setiap lapisan umur mesti mengekalkan adat mereka walaupun mendepani arus kemodenan yang mencabar. Matlamat terulung globalisasi adalah untuk menilai dan mengintegrasikan titik persamaan tentang pandangan dunia pada nilai murni Islam atau nilai murni barat dan bukannya mencetuskan polarisasi dan perpecahan. Oleh kerana globalisasi pada hari ini didominasi sepenuhnya dari pengaruh Barat, adalah sangat penting untuk meneliti perbezaan dari sudut tafsiran Muslim juga tentang globalisasi berhubung dengan penjelmaan modennya, untuk meneroka definisi yang berbeza, matlamat yang berubah-ubah dalam sistem pendidikan, mengetepikan tradisi dan bahasa tempatan, faktor-faktor yang diperoleh daripada kemunculan "keberanian otak" dari negara-negara tertentu, tindakan Islam yang sesuai sebagai tindak balas kepada globalisasi, dan akhirnya kepada persoalan, bagaimana pengurusan sektor awam perlu diperbaharui selaras dengan realiti globalisasi dan falsafah Islam kerajaan dan pentadbiran dalam era kontemporari? Walaubagaimanapun, menuruti contoh model kapitalis barat dan meminggirkan sektor awam agama telah menghasilkan pelbagai tindak balas dalam MMCs. Reaksi sedemikian merangkumi pengasingan sosial yang meluas dan meningkatkan jurang ketidakpuasan dan menggalakkan persaingan yang tidak sihat berbanding untuk kerjasama. Kesemua realiti ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan dan perdebatan yang tidak dapat dielakkan yang perlu ditangani dengan baik dari perspektif teori dan praktikal. Penelitian semula pada falsafah tadbir urus sektor awam yang dibantu oleh peranan agama terhadap dunia global yang serba berasaskan teknologi merupakan usaha penting untuk dilaksanakan. Oleh itu objektif utama penulisan ini adalah untuk meneroka model pentadbiran untuk tadbir urus sektor awam  yang akan memenuhi sosioekonomi, teknologi dan keperluan rohani daripada masyarakat. Data dari kertas ini dah dikumpulkan terutamanya dari sumber kedua iaitu analisis kandungan. ‘Model pentadbiran Islam’ seperti yang dicadangkan ole Al-Buraey dah digunakan sebagai asas teori bagi kajian ini. Kata Kunci:  Globalisasi, perkakasan dan perisian, Islam, Pengurusan Awam Baru, Model Pentadbiran Islam.  

2000 ◽  
Vol 24 (0) ◽  
pp. 381-414

T. M. Rudavsky

Of the many philosophical perplexities facing medieval Jewish thinkers, perhaps none has challenged religious belief as much as God’s creation of the world. No Jewish philosopher denied the importance of creation, that the world had a beginning (bereshit). But like their Christian and Muslim counterparts, Jewish thinkers did not always agree upon what qualifies as an acceptable model of creation. Chapter 6 is devoted to attempts of Jewish philosophers to reconcile the biblical view of creation with Greek and Islamic philosophy. By understanding the notion of creation and how an eternal, timeless creator created a temporal universe, we may begin to understand how the notions of eternity, emanation, and the infinite divisibility of time function within the context of Jewish philosophical theories of creation.

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