Phonetic Issue in the Process of Foreign Students Adaptation: Implementation and Perception of the Russian Word Stress by Tajik Speakers

Marina Agafonova
2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 451-464
Teodora Valova ◽  

The current article represents some research in the drawbacks and violations of placing the correct word stress by foreign students, coming from other Slav countries, while reading in a loud voice. What is being analyzed is the pedagogical observation as well as the statistical public inquiry that took place between 2017 and 2021 among 54 M.Sc. students from the Department of Medicine at The Medical University – Pleven. All relevant data, based on the research work, differentiate into subcategories the fluctuations in the application of the accent norm. The results from the priority arrangement as regards the five factors, having an impact on the correct oral output, have been summarized according to their difficulty rate from 1st to 5th grade. In the teaching programme, the necessity for distinct accent rules and regulations has been duly reasoned. It is very important, within each and every module, for one to offer additional lexico-grammatical exercises and phonological assignments which could facilitate teaching the Bulgarian word stress and automate its precise use in the verbal communication for medical purposes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 10-15
Л.К. Красильникова

Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам обучения иностранных учащихся русскому словообразованию. В ней рассматривается полипарадигмальность современной лингвистики, которая находит свое преломление в теории и практике преподавания РКИ в области русского словообразования. При доминирующей роли функционально-коммуникативного подхода к изучению и представлению языкового материала в аспекте РКИ продуктивным является обращение к методам когнитивной лингвистики и лингвокультурологии. Приводятся примеры использования таких единиц системы русского словообразования, как словообразовательная парадигма и словообразовательное гнездо в качестве базы для развития речи иностранных учащихся в рамках разговорных тем «Русская природа» и «Роль животных в жизни человека». The article is about topical issues of teaching Russian word-formation to foreign students. Polyparadigmatic approach of Modern Linguistics is applied to the theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, particularly Russian word-formation. Allthough the functional-communicative approach to the study and presentation of language material in the aspect of Russian as a foreign language has the dominant position, it is productive to turn to the methods of cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. Russian word-formation system units such as the word-formation paradigm and the word-formation nest are used as a basis for the development of foreign students' speech within such conversation topics as «Russian Nature» and «The role of animals in Human life».

Elena Yu. Nikolenko ◽  

The review analyzes the textbook by L.S. Kryuchkova “Word formation. Form, semantics, function, teaching methods”. Russian word-formation language system is rich and diverse, it has creative opportunities, due to which the vocabulary of the Russian language is updated and replenished with new words. This becomes especially important in working with foreign students. The methodology of working with word-forming material described in the text-book is especially valuable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-95
И. Сун

Данная статья посвящена проблеме реализации современных лингводидактических подходов к обучению словообразованию китайских студентов-филологов. Представлены методологические основы обучения функциональному словообразованию иностранных учащихся в российской лингводидактике. Обосновывается необходимость использования сопоставительного подхода в обучении словообразованию и принципа опоры на родной язык студентов. Сопоставлены механизмы словообразования в китайском и русском языках. Анализируются трудности, возникающие у китайских студентов, представлены практические задания, направленные на формирование у учащихся таких навыков, как проведение слово- образовательного анализа, видение словообразовательной структуры новых лексических единиц, дифференциации похожих морфем. Большое внимание уделено стилистическому словообразованию и формированию навыка корректного использования стилистически маркированных дериватов в различных функциональных стилях. This article is devoted to the problem of the implementation of modern linguistic approaches to teaching word formation to Chinese students of philology. The methodological foundations of teaching functional word formation to foreign students in Russian linguistic are presented. The necessity of using a comparative approach in teaching word formation and the principle of reliance on the native language of students is substantiated. The mechanisms of word formation in the Chinese and Russian languages are compared. The difficulties encountered by Chinese students are analyzed, practical tasks aimed at developing students' skills such as conducting word-formation analysis, seeing the word-formation structure of new lexical units, differentiating similar morphemes are presented. Much attention is paid to stylistic word formation and the formation of the skill of the correct use of stylistically marked derivatives in various functional styles.

1958 ◽  
Henry M. Moser ◽  
John J. O'Neill ◽  
Susan M. Wolfe

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