Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computing and Industrial Revolution 4.0

Makhamisa Senekane ◽  
Motobatsi Maseli ◽  
Molibeli Benedict Taele
2021 ◽  
Koen Bertels

Given the impeding timeline of developing good quality quantum processing units, it is the moment to rethink the approach to advance quantum computing research. <br>Rather than waiting for quantum hardware technologies to mature, we need to start assessing in tandem the impact of the occurrence of quantum computing in various scientific fields.<br>However, to this purpose, we need to use a complementary but quite different approach than proposed by the NISQ vision, which is heavily focused on and burdened by the engineering challenges.<br>That is why we propose and advocate the PISQ-approach: Perfect Intermediate-Scale Quantum computing based on the already known concept of perfect qubits.<br>This will allow researchers to focus much more on the development of new applications by defining the algorithms in terms of perfect qubits and evaluate them on quantum computing simulators that are executed on supercomputers.<br>It is not the long-term solution but will currently allow universities to research on quantum logic and algorithms and companies can already start developing their internal know-how on quantum solutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 113038 ◽  
Samuele Ferracin ◽  
Theodoros Kapourniotis ◽  
Animesh Datta

2021 ◽  
Koen Bertels

Given the impeding timeline of developing good quality quantum processing units, it is the moment to rethink the approach to advance quantum computing research. <br>Rather than waiting for quantum hardware technologies to mature, we need to start assessing in tandem the impact of the occurrence of quantum computing in various scientific fields.<br>However, to this purpose, we need to use a complementary but quite different approach than proposed by the NISQ vision, which is heavily focused on and burdened by the engineering challenges.<br>That is why we propose and advocate the PISQ-approach: Perfect Intermediate-Scale Quantum computing based on the already known concept of perfect qubits.<br>This will allow researchers to focus much more on the development of new applications by defining the algorithms in terms of perfect qubits and evaluate them on quantum computing simulators that are executed on supercomputers.<br>It is not the long-term solution but will currently allow universities to research on quantum logic and algorithms and companies can already start developing their internal know-how on quantum solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Yue Ruan ◽  
Xiling Xue ◽  
Yuanxia Shen

Quantum image processing (QIP) is a research branch of quantum information and quantum computing. It studies how to take advantage of quantum mechanics’ properties to represent images in a quantum computer and then, based on that image format, implement various image operations. Due to the quantum parallel computing derived from quantum state superposition and entanglement, QIP has natural advantages over classical image processing. But some related works misuse the notion of quantum superiority and mislead the research of QIP, which leads to a big controversy. In this paper, after describing this field’s research status, we list and analyze the doubts about QIP and argue “quantum image classification and recognition” would be the most significant opportunity to exhibit the real quantum superiority. We present the reasons for this judgment and dwell on the challenges for this opportunity in the era of NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum).

Retno Dwi Puspitasari

Revolusi industri merupakan periode antara tahun 1750-1850 di mana terjadinya perubahan secara besar-besaran di bidang pertanian, manufaktur, pertambangan, transportasi, dan teknologi serta memiliki dampak yang mendalam terhadap kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya di dunia. Kemajuan revolusi industri 4.0 dipicu oleh bidang-bidang Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things, Autonomous Vehicles, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, 3-D Printing, Material Science, Quantum Computing, dan Energy Storage. Perkembangan revolusi industri 4.0 di Indonesia ditekankan di berbagai bidang diantaranya bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial, ekonomi, transportasi, perikanan, dan pertanian. Pertanian merupakan pondasi dasar ekonomi bangsa, dengan pembangunan pertanian yang baik akan berimbas pada perekonomian yang stabil. Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan tren otomasi dalam industri 4.0 harus tetap menjaga kebutuhan dasar masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di bidang pertanian. Dalam bidang pertanian, teknologi digital bisa dimanfaatkan selama proses on farm dan off farm. Potensi sistem pertanian digital memiliki peluang besar untuk meningkatkan semangat dan kreativitas anak muda menggeluti bidang pertanian yang selama ini mulai menurun. Pemuda khususnya mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang diadakan oleh perguruan tinggi bisa menjadi salah satu cara memperkenalkan teknologi-teknologi kepada masyarakat dalam hal ini daerah sasarannya adalah di Kecamatan Sukorame, Kabupaten Lamongan. Setelah diadakan penyuluhan ini diharapkan para petani lebih mengerti dan paham serta untuk menyadarkan bahwa pentingnya mengikuti perkembangan zaman.ABSTRACTThe industrial revolution was a period between 1750-1850 where massive changes occurred in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation and technology and had a profound impact on the social, economic and cultural conditions in the world. The progress of the industrial revolution 4.0 was triggered by the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things, Autonomous Vehicles, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, 3 -D Printing, Material Science, Quantum Computing, and Energy Storage. The development of the 4.0 industrial revolution in Indonesia is emphasized in various fields including health, education, social, economic, transportation, fisheries, and agriculture. Agriculture is the basic foundation of the nation’s economy, with good agricultural development will impact on a stable economy. Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the trend of automation in industry 4.0 must still maintain the basic needs of the Indonesian people, especially in agriculture. In the field of agriculture, digital technology can be utilized during the process of on-farm and off-farm. The potential of a digital farming system has a great opportunity to increase the enthusiasm and creativity of young people in the field of agriculture which has started to decline. Youth, especially students in community service activities held by universities can be one way to introduce technologies to the community in this case the target area is in Sukorame District, Lamongan Regency. After this counseling is expected the farmers will be more understanding and understanding and to realize that the importance of following the times.

2021 ◽  
Dhruv Baronia

Quantum Computing presents an interesting paradigm where it can possibly offer certain improvements and additions to a classical network while training. This method is particularly prevalent in the current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum era, where we can test these theories using libraries such as Pennylane in conjunction with robust ML frameworks such as TensorFlow. This paper presents a proof-of-concept for the same, using a hybrid quantum-classical model to solve a text classification problem on the IMDB Movie Sentiment Dataset. These hybrid models utilize precalculated embeddings and dense layers alongside a variational quantum circuit layer. We created 4 such models, utilizing various kinds of embeddings, namely NNLM-128, NNLM-50, Swivel and USE, using TFHub and Pennylane. We also trained classical versions of these models, without the variational quantum layer to evaluate the performances. All models were trained on the same data, keeping the parameters constant.

2021 ◽  
Dhruv Baronia

Quantum Computing presents an interesting paradigm where it can possibly offer certain improvements and additions to a classical network while training. This method is particularly prevalent in the current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum era, where we can test these theories using libraries such as Pennylane in conjunction with robust ML frameworks such as TensorFlow. This paper presents a proof-of-concept for the same, using a hybrid quantum-classical model to solve a text classification problem on the IMDB Movie Sentiment Dataset. These hybrid models utilize precalculated embeddings and dense layers alongside a variational quantum circuit layer. We created 4 such models, utilizing various kinds of embeddings, namely NNLM-128, NNLM-50, Swivel and USE, using TFHub and Pennylane. We also trained classical versions of these models, without the variational quantum layer to evaluate the performances. All models were trained on the same data, keeping the parameters constant.

Gennaro De Luca

Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field that has received a significant amount of support in the past decade in industry and academia. Several physical quantum computers are now freely available to use through cloud services, with some implementations supporting upwards of hundreds of qubits. These advances mark the beginning of the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era of quantum computing, paving the way for hybrid quantum-classical systems. This work provides an introductory overview of gate-model quantum computing through the Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language Environment and a survey of recent applications of NISQ era quantum computers to hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 434
Kouhei Nakaji ◽  
Naoki Yamamoto

The hybrid quantum-classical algorithm is actively examined as a technique applicable even to intermediate-scale quantum computers. To execute this algorithm, the hardware efficient ansatz is often used, thanks to its implementability and expressibility; however, this ansatz has a critical issue in its trainability in the sense that it generically suffers from the so-called gradient vanishing problem. This issue can be resolved by limiting the circuit to the class of shallow alternating layered ansatz. However, even though the high trainability of this ansatz is proved, it is still unclear whether it has rich expressibility in state generation. In this paper, with a proper definition of the expressibility found in the literature, we show that the shallow alternating layered ansatz has almost the same level of expressibility as that of hardware efficient ansatz. Hence the expressibility and the trainability can coexist, giving a new designing method for quantum circuits in the intermediate-scale quantum computing era.

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