scholarly journals Mathematics Assessment Practices of Primary School Teachers in France

Nathalie Sayac ◽  
Michiel Veldhuis

Abstract We investigated French primary school teachers’ assessment practice in mathematics. Using an online questionnaire on teachers’ background, teaching, and grading practice, we were able to determine assessment profiles of 604 primary school teachers. As evidenced by the teachers’ scores on the latent factors Assessment purposes, Assessment practices, and Differentiation, teachers with the profile of Enthusiastic assessors view assessment as more useful and use it more often to adapt their instruction than teachers with the profile of Unenthusiastic assessors. This can be useful for practice and sheds more light on French teachers’ assessment practices in mathematics. It is also interesting to compare the results of this survey with those from China and the Netherlands, as the differences reflect different assessment cultures and may shed light on some of the results of international large-scale assessments such as PISA.

Iryna Lapshyna ◽  
Lyudmila Lyubchak ◽  
Nataliia Franchuk ◽  
Alla Vasylyuk ◽  
Nadiia Komarivska

The implementation of active forms and methods of group interaction in the educational process is recognized as a perspective means of developing future teachers’ communication. From the authors’ standpoint, it is necessary to re-evaluate the developmental potential of such specific methods as discussion methods (group discussion, analysis and commentary of situations); play methods (role-, director-, and counterplays) and play psychotherapy, trainings of interpersonal sensitivity, personal growth, techniques of non-verbal interaction and others. The topicality of such re-evaluation is caused not only by the reform processes in the education system of Ukraine, but also by the modern challenge to the whole system of world education - the need for large-scale implementation of distance forms of the educational process organization in connection with the pandemic situation. The survey of future primary school teachers conducted by the authors, indicates a low readiness of modern teachers to use active teaching methods for training schoolchildren of different age groups, to organize speech interaction with students based on emotional involvement in work, critical re-evaluating of self-position, frank and reasoned expression of thoughts and feelings. In this regard, the issues of the development of diamonological competence of the higher education institutions students acquire additional relevance in the pedagogical discussion. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-114
Edina-Tímea OPRIȘ ◽  

Abstract. Gamification is a rather new method in education and unfortunately is not a widely known method among Hungarian primary school teachers in Romania. This paper presents the knowledge and opinion of pre-service preschool and primary school teachers about gamification and its use in education. In this study 81 Primary and Preschool Pedagogy students from BabeșBolyai University were participated, 80 of them were female and 1 male. 40 students are in first year and 41 in second year of their studies. The research was carried out during February-March 2020 at Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. To get to know their point of view and knowledge about gamification, an online questionnaire was developed by the authors. The obtained data was quantitatively (closed questions) and qualitatively (open questions) analyzed. According to the results, half of the students think that there is no difference between gamification and game-based learning and for three quarter it is difficult to see the differences. This is surprising as students were taught about gamification before filling in the questionnaire. Students perceive a high level of utility of gamification in education. The most frequently mentioned benefits by the participants are that gamification motivates and actively involves students. Even if participants gave many advantages of integrating gamification in education, the biggest disadvantage is related with the time necessary for preparation of a gamified lesson and for the time-allocation during the lesson. As obstacles of using gamification, they mentioned the negative attitude or/and lack of methodological knowledge of some teachers and the constrains of the curriculum. Most of the preservice teachers prefer both paper-pencil based and technology-aid gamification. They consider solving exercises the most suitable for gamification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  

ABSTRACT: In this study, we aimed to gain further knowledge about Brazilian primary school teachers' assessment practices and beliefs in mathematics education. For this, we carried out an analysis of curriculum documents and reviewed recent research literature on assessment in Brazil, permitting us to answer the following research question: How are the mathematics assessment practices and teachers' beliefs, as revealed in recent research, and how are these related to the conceptualization of assessment in Brazilian mathematics curriculum documents? We found that teachers' assessment practices, as described in the reviewed research between 2010 and 2017, did, in general, not reflect the conceptualization of assessment in the curriculum documents. Furthermore, despite that the beliefs of most teachers on assessment reflected it to be a process to improve teaching and learning, their mathematics assessment practices did not favor assessment for learning. Still, they were mostly used as an instrument to determine students' classification. We recommend a public policy in which teachers are offered opportunities for professional development, focusing on formative assessment in mathematics education.

SAGE Open ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824401770046
Fiona Muir ◽  
Kevin McConville ◽  
Lois Robertson ◽  
Karen Campbell ◽  
Shona McKnight ◽  

This study was designed to explore medical students’ and primary school teachers’ experiences of a new community teaching project. Academic staff and students from the School of Medicine Dundee, National Health Service partners, local education department, and primary school teachers engaged in a collaborative project which has embedded community engagement in the curriculum while encouraging interprofessional education through multiagency working. Influenced by evaluative inquiry, this qualitative study used an online questionnaire, designed to give participants the freedom to respond, and give their own opinions, via free text responses. The results show the value of a real primary school–based situation, and the merit of experiential learning gained throughout the program, in which students interacted with children about health promotion in a meaningful way. The interprofessional and collaborative nature of the project enhanced the value of the experience for all participants in relation to the benefits of teamwork, dispelling the doctor authority and recognition of the roles of others. The experience was an interactive, enjoyable, and expressive way to facilitate learning, and has helped prepare the health care students for future practice.

Educatia 21 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 168-174
Diana-Crina Marin ◽  
Mușata Bocoș ◽  
Liliana-Camelia Mărginean ◽  
Ionela-Lucia Șeulean ◽  

The purpose of this study was to establish the main strategies that teachers could apply during preschool education in order to facilitate the transition from kindergarten to school. Data were collected using an online questionnaire designed by us. 238 preschool education teachers have filled in the questionnaire. The main strategies used in order to facilitate the preschoolers’ adaptation to the school demands are visits to other educational institutions from their hometown, organizing workshops, in collaboration with primary school teachers, organizing meetings with pupils and primary school teachers, organizing didactic activities or educational workshops for parents and preschoolers, as a context for parents to present various school experiences or reading stories about school and the pupils’ life. We have also discovered that in the opinion of most of the teachers, school adaption is an easy process for most preschoolers. For some of the preschoolers, this process could be difficult, and the actions of parents, teachers, and school counselors could be very helpful. The results of this study are useful for primary school teachers, teachers for preschool education, or researchers in the educational field interested in optimizing the transition of children from kindergarten to school.

Educatia 21 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Diana-Crina Marin ◽  
Mușata Bocoș

Through this study, we aimed to establish which are the main strategies that teachers use to increase pupils' interest in reading activities. It is unanimously accepted that frequent reading of texts has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of each pupil. In order to create an inventory of examples of good practices provided by teachers for primary education, an online questionnaire was administered between June and October 2020. 219 teachers have completed the questionnaire and mentioned which strategies they use most frequently to make pupils appreciate the value of the books and to read more frequently. The study revealed several good practices that can be used by teachers or parents to motivate pupils to be more actively engaged in reading activities. These results are useful for primary school teachers who can use them to improve the strategies they use to determine pupils to read more frequently and with pleasure. Working with the books, frequent presentation of the content of some books, organizing reading clubs, visiting the school library, arranging a reading corner, and making portfolios about the content of favorite books are some of the strategies mentioned by teachers.

2021 ◽  
Renáta Kisné Bernhardt ◽  
Laura Furcsa ◽  
Annamária Sinka ◽  
Rita Szaszkó

Az elmúlt évtizedben már számos kutatás bizonyította, hogy a pedagógusok megváltozott feladatai és szerepei, a módszertani kultúra és a komplex szemlélet a digitális kompetencia fejlesztésével párhuzamosan megjelenik (Fehér, 1999; Kirschner-Woperies, 2003; Law, Chow és Yuen, 2005). A tanítási-tanulási folyamat résztvevőiként a pedagógusok is részesei a rendkívüli iramban változó lehetőségeknek, melyek az iskola különböző „valós és virtuális” terein egyre inkább biztosítottá válnak (UNESCO, 2011). 2020 márciusában 6 a koronavírus-járvány miatt bevezetett digitális munkarend által – korábban még nem tapasztalt módon – aktuálissá vált mindaz, amit a „távoktatás”, „digitális oktatás”, „otthontanulás” és szinonimáik képviseltek. A pedagógusok, diákok és szülők egyik napról a másikra kerültek át az osztálytermi környezetből a digitális platformok világába, megváltoztatva szerepeiket, feladataikat és kompetenciahatáraikat. Felmérésünk azzal a céllal készült, hogy feltárja a tanítók hogyan igyekeztek megtalálni a tantárgyi specialitásnak, informatikai tudásuknak, rendelkezésre álló eszközeiknek, a diákoknak és a szülőknek leginkább adekvát megoldásokat. Kutatásunkban kvantitatív módszert alkalmazva, online kérdőíves vizsgálattal mértük fel az 1-6. osztályban tanító pedagógusok véleményét és gyakorlatát a digitális munkarendben történő oktatással kapcsolatban (N=71). Előadásunk a tanítók által alkalmazott karanténpedagógiára vonatkozó öszszefüggésekre világít rá a következő aspektusokból: eszközök, internet a távoktatásban, a pedagógusok digitális kompetenciája, a tananyagok küldésének felülete, kapcsolattartás a tanulókkal és szülőkkel. Fókuszba kerültek az alkalmazott digitális platformok és eszközök, azzal a céllal, hogy feltárjuk az elmúlt időszakban aktuális alsó tagozatos oktatás és nevelés főbb aspektusait. A digitális munkarend, valamint az online eszközök kiválasztásának és kipróbálásának tanítói tapasztalatait is vizsgáltuk az önértékelésen alapuló tanítói digitális kompetenciák feltárása mellett. A kapott leíró statisztikai elemzések megerősítik, hogy a digitális munkarenddel kialakuló távolléti oktatási struktúra rendszerezettségében, illetve következetes használatában plasztikus eltérések jelentkeztek. Példaként említhető a kapcsolattartási mintázatok egyenetlensége és a formális (Kréta)/informális kapcsolattartási struktúra (Messenger/Facebook csoport) használatának eltérő megoszlása. Konkrét számadatokkal mérve a szülőkkel való kapcsolattartásban kiemelkedett az egyéb lehetőségek mellett a Facebook csoport (59%), és a Messenger (53%) használata a formális platformként említett Krétával (22%) szemben. Összefoglalva, az eredmények hozzájárulhatnak az általános iskolákban működő online oktatás gyakorlatának megismeréséhez, a pedagógiai praxis lehetőségeinek bővítéséhez, ugyanakkor megerősítjük Lévai (2016) felvetését is, miszerint a pedagógusok felelőssége számottevő és árulkodó abból a szempontból is, hogy mit mutatnak róluk digitális lábnyomaik, illetve az online elérhető felületek. ---- Lower-primary-school teachers’ digital educational experience: possibilities in lockdown induced pedagogy ----- The past couple decades have seen a parallel change in teachers’ tasks and roles, methodologies, educational approaches and the development of their digital competences (Fehér, 2009; KirschnerWoperies, 2003; Law, Chow and Yuen, 2005). Also teachers as participants of the teaching-learning process experience the rapid evolution of the possibilities in the real-life and virtual platforms of school (UNESCO, 2011). In March, 2020 unprecedentedly digital education was launched due to the coronavirus pandemic and “distance education”, “digital education”, “home schooling” (at present regarded as synonyms) had become reality. All at once, teachers, students and parents were transmitted from real-life classrooms into the world of virtual platforms, which modified their roles, tasks and competence boundaries. Our survey was conducted to explore how lower-primary-school teachers experimented to find the most adequate solutions related to the issues of their teaching areas and digital knowledge. Also, we aimed to detect the most characteristic challenges that the respondent teachers had to face during the lockdown period online education processes. Our quantitative research was conducted to collect data via an online questionnaire to elicit beliefs and practices of lower-primary-school teachers of 1-6-forms regarding their work during lockdown digital education (N=71). The main focus of our research was the interrelationships of lockdown induced pedagogy from the following aspects: tools in digital education, teachers’ digital competence (based on self-assessment), the platforms of sharing teaching contents and of contacting students and parents. The focal points of our study were the applied digital platforms and tools and to gain insights into the teachers’ digital competences based on their self-evaluation. We also explored the respondent teachers’ choices and experience regarding the online tools of digital education. The results of descriptive statistics showed that there were differences in the structure and consistent use of digital education during the lockdown. As an example, the distribution of the formal Kréta platform and other informal ones (Messenger/Facebook group) is uneven in terms of contact between teachers and parents. Also, the Facebook group (59%) and Messenger (53%) platforms outnumber the use of Kréta (22%) during teacher-parent communication. In sum, our results can contribute to a better understanding of the practice of online education at primary-schools, and also to the extension of the teaching repertoire in 1-6 forms. These findings are also compatible with Lévai’s (2016) results, that is teachers’ digital footsteps and the online platforms that they use can reveal a lot about them, which is a great professional responsibility.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Anita Berge

Title: Learning is to take it step by step it’s a big step from beginning to the end: Teachers’ descriptions of learningand learning processes in kindergarten and primary schoolAbstract: The purpose of this article is to shed light on how teachers describe learning and the processes of learning in kindergarten and school, by metaphors. How can the metaphors contribute to understand the teachers’ interpretations and constructions of learning? Empirical data are of five preschool teachers and four primary school teachers describing how they understand and experience learning and the learning processes in kindergarten and school. Three main metaphors were identified: metaphor of craft, metaphor of movement and metaphor of balance.

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