professional training
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Viktoriia Kuleshova ◽  
Natalia Aksakova ◽  
Svitlana Malazoniia ◽  
Serhii Kovalenko

2022 ◽  
Liliana Budevici-Puiu ◽  

Radical changes that take place in all society spheres (economic, social, political and cultural) of a state, directly and indirectly affect the development and functioning of the socio-economic system of physical culture and sports. A new category of human resources employed in the field of sports management is emerging, given that sports organizations are interested in forming a management system that ensures high performance, development opportunities and a stable market position. In the last decade, the system of physical culture and sports management has undergone substantial changes, as a result of the emergence of new sports events, the development of sports movement, the creation of innovative services and the production of special equipment / installations in accordance with the legislation in force, as well as due to modern trends in entrepreneurial activity in market conditions. The fulfillment of the management functions in these conditions, at a higher level, generator of performance and success can be ensured only by qualified persons who have received a special professional training (including additional, continuous training) and requalification. This training is necessary for all activities specific to the field of physical education and sports management, for the development and proper functioning of sports organizations. Management and marketing activities, innovative for physical culture and the national sports movement, require special knowledge, skills and an effective professional training of the specialists in the field.

2022 ◽  
Elena Sapogova

The textbook contains systematized information about psychological, socio-cultural, historical-ethnographic, psychobiological and other aspects of the development of a person changing over time. The first section is devoted to general theoretical problems of developmental psychology, the second to the analysis of different ages. The comprehensive nature of the manual makes it possible to solve the problems of formation in the professional consciousness of a stable complex of scientific categories and concepts, with the help of which the factual diversity of manifestations of the mental life of a developing person is described in psychology; familiarization with classical and modern interpretations of human development, with different variants of psychological interpretation of its essence, nature, mechanisms, driving forces and contradictions; disclosure of dialectics and phenomenology of the formation of a person as a cultural and historical subject; formation of ideas about the complexity and ambiguity of the evolution of a child as a human being; understanding the basic laws of the formation of personality and individuality of a person at each stage of its development. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for the study of the discipline "Developmental psychology, age psychology" during the professional training of psychologists in universities and is aimed at students of bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology faculties of classical and pedagogical universities, humanities and medical universities, as well as graduate students, psychology teachers and practical psychologists who are improving their qualifications in the field of age psychology.

Autism ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 136236132110682
Jessica Suhrheinrich ◽  
Allison S Nahmias ◽  
Yue Yu ◽  
Melina Melgarejo ◽  
Patricia Schetter ◽  

Scaling up the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) for autism across service sectors and regions has presented a considerable challenge indicating a clear need for continued development. The California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) integrates implementation drivers into specific procedures and methodology as an implementation strategy to support statewide scale up. The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of CAPTAIN on provider-level outcomes including attitude toward, and knowledge, fidelity and use of autism EBPs, and overall classroom quality. Overall, results indicated variability across measures, with some significant differences between CAPTAIN-trained and non-CAPTAIN-trained providers. CAPTAIN-trained providers reported more openness to EBP. Significantly more CAPTAIN-trained direct service providers reported collecting fidelity of implementation data (χ2(2, N = 1515) = 10.95, p = 0.004), collecting student data (χ2(2, N = 1509) = 14.19, p = 0.001), and reported using their primary EBP with “most or all students” (χ2(2, N = 1514) = 11.41, p = 0.003) than providers not trained by CAPTAIN. In summary, these preliminary findings show promise for the efficacy of the CAPTAIN model to increase dissemination and implementation of EBP at the classroom level. Lay abstract Supporting use of evidence-based practice in public service programs for autistic individuals is critical. The California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) brings together best practices from intervention and implementation research to support scale up of autism services. The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of CAPTAIN on provider-level outcomes including attitude toward, knowledge, fidelity, and use of autism EBPs and overall classroom quality. Overall, results indicated variability across measures, with some significant differences between CAPTAIN-trained and non-CAPTAIN-trained providers. These preliminary findings show promise for the efficacy of the CAPTAIN model to increase dissemination and implementation of EBP at the classroom level.

Ahlam A. Alghamdi

AbstractThis study explores Saudi teachers’ beliefs about STEAM education in early childhood education settings. The study sample consisted of 245 teachers working in kindergartens. The participants completed a survey comprising twelve items to elaborate teachers’ beliefs toward implementing STEAM practices in their classrooms, as well as four close-ended questions to evaluate teachers’ knowledge of and familiarity with the terminology of STEAM education and their professional training in STEAM-related content. The findings reveal overall positive beliefs toward STEAM education for young children and rather moderate beliefs regarding the implementation of STEAM practices. The results also reveal that teachers were somewhat familiar with the term STEAM; however, they reported limited knowledge of the integration process and basic strategies and skills needed for its implementation. The results also demonstrate that the majority of the Saudi teachers participating in this study believed they needed additional professional development and training regarding STEAM implementation. A chi-square test indicated statistically significant associations between teachers’ knowledge of STEAM education and their beliefs and between teachers’ previous professional training in STEAM education and their beliefs. The implications and future recommendations are also discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 711
Iván F. Mondragón Bernal ◽  
Natalia E. Lozano-Ramírez ◽  
Julian M. Puerto Cortés ◽  
Sergio Valdivia ◽  
Rodrigo Muñoz ◽  

Safety-focused training is essential for the operation and maintenance concentrated on the reliability of critical infrastructures, such as power grids. This paper introduces and evaluates a system for power substation operational training by exploring and interacting with realistic models in virtual worlds using serious games. The virtual reality (VR) simulator used building information modelling (BIM) from a 115 kV substation to develop a scenario with high technical detail suitable for professional training. This system created interactive models that could be explored using a first-person-perspective serious game in a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE). Different operational missions could be carried out in the serious game, allowing several skills to be coached. The suitability for vocational training carried out by utility companies was evaluated in terms of usability and engagement. The evaluation used a System Usability Scale (SUS) and a Game Engagement Questionnaire (GEQ) filled by 16 power substation operators demonstrating marginally acceptable usability, with improvement opportunities and high acceptance (by utility technicians) of this system for operation training focused on safety in such hazardous tasks.

2022 ◽  
Kushal Grakh ◽  
Vijay Jayawant Jadhav ◽  
Diksha Panwar ◽  
Rajesh Khurana ◽  
Yogesh Chanderkant Bangar ◽  

Abstract Background As an intensive professional training program veterinary education presents high academic and non-academic stressors to students. Identifying the stressors responsible and measuring the stress among veterinary students can prove useful to design any coping strategies to safeguard the mental health of students. Methods With the aim to identify the stressors responsible, measure the level of stress, relation of stress with variables such as gender and family income 44 item based cross sectional questionnaire survey was designed and distributed among veterinary students of India. Results The questionnaire yielded high internal consistency. More than 95% students were found to be under stress. Maximum students reported high stress due to academic related stressors. Female students reported high overall stress, academic stress, and intrapersonal and interpersonal related stress than male students. Students with lower family incomes experienced more overall stress as well as family responsibilities related stress. Conclusions Gender, family income, academic stressors, intrapersonal, interpersonal and conflict related stressors, and social activities related stressors positively predicted the overall stress among the students and thus these factors can be given special emphasis while designing any stress combating or reducing measures for veterinary students of India.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wen-Hwa Ko ◽  
Min-Yen Lu

Purpose This study aims to examine Taiwanese hospitality students’ self-reported professional competence in surplus food management and assess the usefulness of their university training in this area. Using the importance-performance analysis (IPA) method, it is possible to obtain a clearer understanding of the priority order of the items that require improvement and to identify which surplus food management competence items should be strengthened in the school curriculum and which items should be enhanced by the students. Design/methodology/approach This study used the questionnaire survey method. It evaluated seven dimensions covering 29 items related to surplus food management competencies of the kitchen staff. The evaluation was done using IPA to determine the relationship between professional competence (performance level) and courses provided (importance level). The factor coordinates were completed according to the means of personal qualifications and courses provided. Findings According to students’ self-assessment, the dimensions of “Personal moral attitude,” “Food handling attitude,” “Education and training attitude” and “Culinary knowledge” were located in the “Keep up the good work” quadrant, meaning that the students think that their surplus food management competence is relatively high and the courses provided are sufficient. Thus, these items have better performance at the present and they hope to maintain the status. However, “Menu analysis” and “Sanitation knowledge” were found to have low importance and low level of performance. Therefore, these two dimensions require attention in the course design and educational training. Research limitations/implications The questionnaire responses were self-reported; this study assumed that all participants answered honestly. Future studies may include additional factors in the analysis, such as hospitality management, culinary skills, internship experience and work time that may affect the perceptions of students. Moreover, professional chefs could be surveyed to determine their professional competence and training needs. Originality/value The professional training that students receive determines, to a large extent, their performance in their jobs and the resulting stability of their employment. Therefore, improved competence gained through good-quality training can help students meet the demands of the hospitality industry.

2022 ◽  
Kushal Grakh ◽  
Vijay Jayawant Jadhav ◽  
Diksha Panwar ◽  
Rajesh Khurana ◽  
Yogesh Chanderkant Bangar ◽  

Abstract As an intensive professional training program veterinary education presents high academic and non-academic stressors to students. Identifying the stressors responsible and measuring the stress among veterinary students can prove useful to design any coping strategies to safeguard the mental health of students. The study aimed to identify the responsible stressors, measure the level of stress caused by each kind of stressor, the relation of stress with variables such as gender and family income. For this, 44 items based cross-sectional questionnaire survey was designed and distributed among veterinary students of India. On statistical analysis, the questionnaire yielded high internal consistency. More than 95% of students were found to be under stress. Maximum students reported the highest stress due to academic-related stressors. Female students reported high overall stress, academic stress, and intrapersonal and interpersonal-related stress than male students. Students with lower family incomes experienced more overall stress as well as family responsibilities-related stress. Gender, family income, academic stressors, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and conflict-related stressors, and social activities-related stressors positively predicted the overall stress among the students and thus these factors should be given special emphasis while designing any stress combating or reducing measures for veterinary students of India.

Management ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-76
Iryna Goncharenko

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. For student youth the process of entering the profession and harmonization of interactions with professional environment and future professional activity is the key moment of life activity. This process, according to the majority of modern researchers, is a certain complexity and contradiction both for students and for higher education institution, as well as social institutions and organizations acting as social customers.METHODS. The study of the process of adaptation of student youth to research and professional activity was carried out on the basis of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Assessment of students' expectations regarding studies, the level of students' awareness of the future professional and scientific activity was carried out with the help of the University Hackathon Ecosystem toolkit. Processing of the obtained results of the survey was carried out on the basis of the "Methodology of research of students' adaptability to dual education in higher education". The methodology includes two scales: adaptability to professional activity and adaptability to research activity.FINDINGS. The following directions of training are distinguished: professional, social and research, as well as stages of adaptation to professional training: learning identification, learning-professional activation, professional-value reflection. Integration of these directions allows us to organize activities that ensure formation of necessary professionally important qualities (competences) in students (graduates), agreed with potential employers and demanded by the corresponding profession. The conducted experiment on the basis of Hackathon-ecosystem of the university was carried out taking into account the directions of training and their corresponding adaptation criteria: professional direction – activity-result and motivation-value criteria; humanitarian – communication-professional criterion; research – personal-creative criterion.CONCLUSION. Students' adaptation to future professional and research activities can be defined as one of the most urgent social problems at the pre-production stage. This is due to the fact that the student spends one of the main periods of his life in a higher education institution, since it is at this time he is formed as a professional and as a person, masters the necessary competencies in order to achieve a certain professional and research level. At this stage the professional intentions of the individual and the requirements of the profession come into alignment, i.e. there is an adaptation to professional and research activities.

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