The skin ego: A psychoanalytic approach to the self

1990 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
John Birtchnell
Giorgio Caviglia

Within the current clinical practice, the debate on the use of dream is still very topical. In this article, the author suggests to address this question with a notable scientific and cultural openness that embraces either the psychoanalytic approach (classical, modern and intersubjective), and the neurophysiological assumptions and both clinical research and cognitive hypotheses. The utility of dream - in the clinical work with patients - is supported by the author with extensive bibliographic references and personal clinical insights, drawn from his experience as a psychotherapist. Results: From an analysis of recent literature on this topic, the dream assumes a very different function and position in the clinical practice: from ‘via regia to the unconscious’ of Freudian theories - an expression of repressed infantile wishes of libidinal or aggressive drive nature - it becomes the very fulcrum of the analysis, a fundamental capacity to be developed, a necessary and decisive element for the patient’s transformation. The dream can also be use with the function of thinking and mentalization, of problem solving, of adaptation, as well as an indicator of the relationship with the therapist in the analytic dialogue or of dissociated aspects of the self. Finally, the author proposes a challenging reading of the clinical relevance of dream: through listening to the dream, the clinician can help the patient to stand in the spaces of his own self in a more open and fluid way and therefore to know himself better, to regulate his affects, to think and to integrate oneself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (99) ◽  
pp. 944-968
Mariana Mayumi Pereira de Souza ◽  
Ana Paula Paes de Paula

Abstract This paper aims to use the Freudian psychoanalytic approach to explain the process of interaction between researchers and subjects participating in action research, bringing a new contribution to organizational studies. It is hoped that this research will promote the self-reflection of researchers in this research process, highlighting the complexities of the transferential dynamics and subjective implication of field interactions. With this objective in mind, key psychoanalytic concepts are explored and definitions of action research are presented. This is achieved by describing how it was carried out in a waste pickers’ association, as well as how the reciprocal influences between the subjects participating in the research are constituted and the constituents of the research and its results, through an analysis of the transferential dynamics and subjective implications between those involved.

2019 ◽  
pp. 110-121
Ted Atkinson

This essay performs a character analysis of Jason Compson IV in The Sound and the Fury. The main focus is on Jason's inability to confront the reality of impending financial ruin because of heavy investment in the self-styled fantasy that he is a capable financier thwarted by forces beyond his control. Jason's aggrieved disposition and cruelty make him easy to write off as despicable, but understanding his inflated ego as an attempt to compensate for emotional as well as financial losses affords him some measure of sympathy. References to popular economics from the 1930s and to Marx's theory of money as a powerful symbolic currency enhance a psychoanalytic approach to Faulkner's rendering of Jason. The conclusion holds that Faulkner offers a finely observed portrait of the damage done to the individual psyche and to familial and social relations by betting on money as a means of increasing self-worth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (99) ◽  
pp. 944-968
Mariana Mayumi Pereira de Souza ◽  
Ana Paula Paes de Paula

Abstract This paper aims to use the Freudian psychoanalytic approach to explain the process of interaction between researchers and subjects participating in action research, bringing a new contribution to organizational studies. It is hoped that this research will promote the self-reflection of researchers in this research process, highlighting the complexities of the transferential dynamics and subjective implication of field interactions. With this objective in mind, key psychoanalytic concepts are explored and definitions of action research are presented. This is achieved by describing how it was carried out in a waste pickers’ association, as well as how the reciprocal influences between the subjects participating in the research are constituted and the constituents of the research and its results, through an analysis of the transferential dynamics and subjective implications between those involved.

Organization ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 135050842199574
Michaela Driver

The study introduces a Lacanian psychoanalytic approach to the investigation of care in organizations. It examines 52 stories describing how employees care for one another in material and emotional ways and explores how the narration of care becomes mapped on to struggles with unconscious aspects of the self, variously subjugating the self to, and empowering the self from, existing power structures. The study finds that current conceptions of care facilitate an imaginary project to fix identity and therefore privilege a more disempowering practice of care. It also reveals that, if investigated from a Lacanian perspective, care can serve more empowering constructions of identity. Specifically, care can create a space in which divided subjectivity can surface and action can be freed from identity projects and the vulnerabilities to identity control this introduces. Implications for theorizing the function of care in relation to identity are discussed.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-247
Umar Sidik

This study addresses four problems, namely (1) how Ayna overcomes unconsciousness in her; (2) how Ayna can protect her person from the personality that dominates her; (3) how Ayna overcomes the shadow side of herself; and (4) how Ayna gathered courage to face anima and animus in her. This study uses the psychoanalytic approach (archetype) proposed by Carl G. Jung which is related to self-authenticity (the self). Data validity is determined by the validity of the meaning. The analysis is carried out by means of understanding, heuristics, and hermeneutics and meaning to obtain inference according to the purpose of the study. In this study it was found that (1) Ayna represents personalunconscious to provide space for the entry of positive new impulses to encourage self-realization; (2) Ayna acts as a persona when her condition is pressed, namely by revealing her identity when being tried in a boarding school; (3) Ayna makes a harmonious blend or balance between things that are contradictory in her shadow; and (4) Ayna controls herself by suppressing all her shadows and animations to give space for animus emergence so that she can think clearly to save herself. Penelitian ini membahas empat permasalahan, yaitu (1) bagaimana Ayna mengatasi ketidaksadaran (unconscious) dalam dirinya; (2) bagaimana Ayna dapat melindungi personanya dari kepribadian yang mendominasi dirinya; (3) bagimana Ayna mengatasi sisi hitam (shadow) dari dirinya sendiri; dan (4) bagaimana Ayna mengumpulkan keberanian untuk menghadapi anima dan animus dalam dirinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis (arketipe) yang dikemukakan oleh Carl G. Jung yang terkait dengan kesejatian diri (the self). Kesahihan data ditentukan dengan validitas makna. Adapun analisis dilakukan dengan cara pemahaman, heuristik, dan hermeneutik serta pemaknaan untuk memperoleh inferensi sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa (1) Ayna merepresikan ketidaksadaran pribadi (personalunconscious) untuk memberikan ruang masuknya impuls-impuls baru yang positif untuk mendorong terwujudnya realisasi diri; (2)Ayna melakukan tindak persona ketika kondisi dirinya terdesak, yaitu dengan cara membeberkan jati dirinya ketika disidang di pondok pesantren; (3) Ayna membuat perpaduan atau keseimbangan yang harmonis antara hal-hal yang bertentangan dalam bayang-bayang dirinya; dan (4) Ayna mengendalikan diri dengan menekan seluruh bayang-bayang dan animanya untuk memberikan ruang munculnya animus sehingga dapat berpikir jernih untuk menyelamatkan diri. 

1979 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 557-574 ◽  
B.M. Robertson

In this second part of a review of the psychoanalytic theory of depression the major themes of the theory, as they appear in the works of the major contributors, are discussed. It is difficult to approach the complexities and ambiguities of psychoanalytic theory in general, and the theory of depression in particular, without an historical perspective. Accordingly, the author decided to group the major themes of the theory under three headings: Instinct Theory, Structural Theory, Object Relations Theory. The themes included under Instinct Theory are constitutional factors, aggression and orality. Under the heading of Structural Theory those themes associated with the ego, with the concepts of narcissism and the self, and finally those associated with the superego are discussed. It is of note that under narcissism the work of both Kohut and Kernberg is considered, including its relevance to any investigation of depression. The concepts of object loss and object failure are discussed under the heading of Object Relations Theory. It is suggested that a psychoanalytic approach has much to offer both the clinician and the researcher in their attempts to develop a comprehensive theory to explain the protean manifestations of human depression.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Lucio Tonello ◽  
Luca Giacobbi ◽  
Alberto Pettenon ◽  
Alessandro Scuotto ◽  
Massimo Cocchi ◽  

AbstractAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) subjects can present temporary behaviors of acute agitation and aggressiveness, named problem behaviors. They have been shown to be consistent with the self-organized criticality (SOC), a model wherein occasionally occurring “catastrophic events” are necessary in order to maintain a self-organized “critical equilibrium.” The SOC can represent the psychopathology network structures and additionally suggests that they can be considered as self-organized systems.

M. Kessel ◽  
R. MacColl

The major protein of the blue-green algae is the biliprotein, C-phycocyanin (Amax = 620 nm), which is presumed to exist in the cell in the form of distinct aggregates called phycobilisomes. The self-assembly of C-phycocyanin from monomer to hexamer has been extensively studied, but the proposed next step in the assembly of a phycobilisome, the formation of 19s subunits, is completely unknown. We have used electron microscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation in combination with a method for rapid and gentle extraction of phycocyanin to study its subunit structure and assembly.To establish the existence of phycobilisomes, cells of P. boryanum in the log phase of growth, growing at a light intensity of 200 foot candles, were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.0, for 3 hours at 4°C. The cells were post-fixed in 1% OsO4 in the same buffer overnight. Material was stained for 1 hour in uranyl acetate (1%), dehydrated and embedded in araldite and examined in thin sections.

Xiaorong Zhu ◽  
Richard McVeigh ◽  
Bijan K. Ghosh

A mutant of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C, NM 105 exhibits some notable properties, e.g., arrest of alkaline phosphatase secretion and overexpression and hypersecretion of RS protein. Although RS is known to be widely distributed in many microbes, it is rarely found, with a few exceptions, in laboratory cultures of microorganisms. RS protein is a structural protein and has the unusual properties to form aggregate. This characteristic may have been responsible for the self assembly of RS into regular tetragonal structures. Another uncommon characteristic of RS is that enhanced synthesis and secretion which occurs when the cells cease to grow. Assembled RS protein with a tetragonal structure is not seen inside cells at any stage of cell growth including cells in the stationary phase of growth. Gel electrophoresis of the culture supernatant shows a very large amount of RS protein in the stationary culture of the B. licheniformis. It seems, Therefore, that the RS protein is cotranslationally secreted and self assembled on the envelope surface.

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