Differences in gonadotrophin secretion post partum between Zebu and European breed cattle

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-317 ◽  
M.J. D'Occhio ◽  
A. Neish ◽  
L. Broadhurst
1978 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 668-675 ◽  
R. W. Steger ◽  
J. J. Peluso

ABSTRACT Post-partum lactation in the rat is associated with follicular quiescence and an attenuation of gonadotrophin secretion. The present study demonstrates that the lactating rat responds to exogenous LH-releasing hormone (LH-RH) in a manner similar to dioestrous rats. Oestrogen priming increases the LH and FSH response to LH-RH to a smaller degree in ovariectomized, lactating, than in non-lactating, ovariectomized rats. Pituitary LH levels throughout lactation did not seem to be related to LH-RH-induced LH release. A diminished post-castration rise in both LH and FSH, and a diminished positive feedback response to oestrogen administration were also observed and may indicate a disruption of gonadotrophin regulation at both the hypothalamic and the pituitary level.

1999 ◽  
Vol 1999 ◽  
pp. 5-5
M. G. Diskin ◽  
D. R. Mackey ◽  
A. Sanz ◽  
L. Marongiu ◽  
G. Quintans ◽  

The interval from calving to first ovulation is a major factor affecting reproductive and productive efficiency in beef cows. While this interval is affected by pre- and post-partum nutrition, the maternal-offspring bond is generally considered to be the major cause of delayed ovulation in beef cows. The endocrine and physiological mechanisms by which these factors either singularly or interactively control the duration of the post-partum anovulatory period are not well established, although they most likely involve the regulation of pulsatile LH release. The present study sought to examine the interactive effects of pre- and post-partum nutrition on LH secretion and follicle wave dynamics following acute calf isolation and once-a-day suckling (restricted access), after emergence of the fourth follicular wave post partum.

1976 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-250 ◽  
K. H. LU ◽  
H. T. CHEN ◽  
H. H. HUANG ◽  

SUMMARY In post-partum lactating rats, sucking by the young was associated with high prolactin release and maintenance of lactation but severe inhibition of LH and FSH release and suspension of oestrous cycles. Shortly after the pups were removed on day 22 post partum, LH and FSH release returned to normal and oestrous cycles resumed. Twice-daily injections of ergocornine methanesulphonate (ERG) into mothers beginning at 5 or 7 days post partum, resulted in sustained inhibition of prolactin release and diminished milk secretion. By frequent exchange of pups between control and ERG-treated mothers, it was possible to maintain vigorous sucking and almost normal pup growth despite low serum prolactin levels and diminished lactation. In these rats, serum levels of LH remained low during 11 or more days of treatment with ERG, but serum FSH was consistently higher than in untreated control mothers. After 11 or more days of ERG treatment, most rats showed a return to normal LH and FSH release and resumption of oestrous cycles. These results suggest (a) that the sucking stimulus rather than high prolactin levels in the circulation is mainly responsible for inhibition of LH and FSH release during the first 11 days post partum, (b) that the sucking stimulus acts to increase prolactin and inhibit LH release by separate hypothalamic mechanisms, and (c) that administration of ERG results in diminished prolactin release and lactation, and in increased release of FSH and subsequently of LH with earlier resumption of oestrous cycles.

Reproduction ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52 ◽  
E. Schallenberger ◽  
A. J. Peterson

1976 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-242 ◽  
Hugo Villalobos ◽  
Elias S. Canales ◽  
Arturo Zárate ◽  
Jorge Soria ◽  
Carlos MacGregor

ABSTRACT Serum levels of prolactin (PRL), FSH, LH and oestradiol-17β were determined by radioimmunoassay in 57 lactating women and in 20 women in whom lactation was inhibited by ergocryptine (CB-154). Women who breast fed their infants exhibited high PRL levels which abruptly declined within 48 h post-partum, and remained low for the duration of the study. Serum FSH was undetectable during the first week post-partum in lactating as well as in CB-154 treated women. Thereafter, lactating women showed increasing FSH levels which reached a maximum by the third week post-partum. These FSH values were higher in lactating women than in the CBS-154 treated group. In contrast, LH levels were higher in those women receiving CB-154. Serum oestradiol-17β remained in low levels throughout the study, and no difference was observed between the two groups of subjects. From these results it seems that: 1) inhibition of PRL secretion leads to a faster recovery of gonadotrophin secretion toward the "menstrual type", and 2) PRL suppression produces no effect on the ovarian oestrogen production.

2009 ◽  
Vol 79 (56) ◽  
pp. 297-307 ◽  
Laila Hussein ◽  
Sahar Abdel Aziz ◽  
Salwa Tapouzada ◽  

Objective:Cobalamin (B12) deficiency has been reported in infants born to mothers with low cobalamin intake. Early diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants is critical for the prevention of neurobehavioral disorders. We investigated the relationship between serum vitamin B12 level in newborns and in their healthy mothers who consumed an omnivorous diet. Anthropometry was studied longitudinally to assess the growth velocity of the infants. Urinary methylmalonic acid (MMA) excretion of 6-month old infants was compared retrospectively as the biomarker correlated with the initial serum vitamin B12 concentrations. Methods: Serum cobalamin and blood hemoglobin were determined in 84 pairs of newborns and their mothers. Urinary MMA excretion was measured in the same subjects during the first 6 months of the post partum period. Results: At birth, median serum cobalamin levels were 152.0 pmol/L in the mothers and 296.6 pmol/L in the newborns. Maternal and neonatal serum cobalamin levels had no effect on growth velocity during the first six months of postnatal life. Serum maternal and neonatal cobalamin levels were inversely associated with urinary MMA excretion. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of vitamin B12 status in neonates and infants is crucial, particularly in nutritionally deprived areas. Biochemical measurement of plasma cobalamin or its metabolic marker MMA is highly recommended. Urinary MMA measurement in cobalamin diagnostics provides an advantage in that blood sampling is not required. A vitamin B12 taskforce should be created to alleviate vitamin deficiency and its negative consequences.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (05) ◽  
pp. 326-327

Meesters M, Opsomer G, Govaere J. Macroscopic evaluation of the placenta of the alpaca (Vicugna pacos). Reprod Dom Anim 2019; 54: 996–1002 Zu den wesentlichen Untersuchungen post partum gehört die makroskopische Beurteilung der Plazenta. Insbesondere bei einem Abort, einer Früh- oder Totgeburt sollte die Nachgeburt sorgfältig auf Anomalien wie Unvollständigkeit, Plazentitis, Ödeme oder andere Veränderungen untersucht werden. Um pathologische Veränderungen erkennen zu können, muss dem Untersucher der physiologische Zustand einer Nachgeburt bekannt sein. Bisher fehlen jedoch ausreichende Referenzen für unauffällige Alpakaplazenten. Ziel der Studie war, physiologische Plazenten von Alpakas hinsichtlich Aussehen, Größe, Gewicht und Volumen zu untersuchen und damit künftigen Untersuchern die objektive Beurteilung von Alpakaplazenten zu ermöglichen.

2009 ◽  
Vol 69 (05) ◽  
E Endreß ◽  
A Falkert ◽  
B Seelbach-Göbel

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