scholarly journals Step activity and stride-to-stride fluctuations are negatively correlated in individuals with transtibial amputation

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (10) ◽  
pp. 1225-1229 ◽  
Jenny A. Kent ◽  
Nicholas Stergiou ◽  
Shane R. Wurdeman
Clinical Pain ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-31
Hyun Min Jeon ◽  
Hee Seung Yang ◽  
Jin Seok Seo ◽  
Seok Cheol Han ◽  
Wan Tae Kim

2020 ◽  
pp. 030936462096864
Kyle R Leister ◽  
Shane R Wurdeman

Background: Increased foot temperature among individuals with type 2 diabetes can be predictive of diabetic foot ulcer development. A combination of physiological and mechanical deficiencies may contribute to elevations in intact foot temperature during gait for individuals with type 2 diabetes and transtibial amputation. Objective: This study evaluated plantar foot temperature differences between individuals with type 2 diabetes with and without transtibial amputation. We hypothesized that individuals with transtibial amputation maintain increased foot temperature compared to those without amputation. Study Design: Cross-sectional, case control. Methods: A sample of 16 participants with type 2 diabetes and transtibial amputation, and 16 age- and sex-matched participants with type 2 diabetes without amputation were recruited. Foot temperatures were measured during resting, walking, and cooldown periods. Peak temperature, mean temperature, and rate of temperature change were analyzed for each period, and compared between cohorts. Results: Participants with amputation exhibited increased mean foot temperature while at rest and during walking. Participants without amputation exhibited increased rate of change of foot temperature during walking. No differences in peak temperature or rate of temperature change were observed during the baseline or cooldown periods. Conclusion: The current findings of altered foot temperature for individuals with transtibial amputation and type 2 diabetes suggest a possible reason for the high rates of contralateral limb ulceration and amputation among this population.

2012 ◽  
Vol 51 (6) ◽  
pp. 705
D. Scot Malay

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 349-354 ◽  
Cody L. McDonald ◽  
Patricia A. Kramer ◽  
Sara J. Morgan ◽  
Elizabeth G. Halsne ◽  
Sarah M. Cheever ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 507-511
Sang Yoon Lee ◽  
Si Hyun Kang ◽  
Don-Kyu Kim ◽  
Kyung Mook Seo ◽  
Hee Joon Ro ◽  

Background:After amputation, the brain is known to be reorganized especially in the primary motor cortex. We report a case to show changes in the corticospinal tract in a patient with serial bilateral transtibial amputations using diffusion tensor imaging.Case Description and Methods:A 78-year-old man had a transtibial amputation on his left side in 2008 and he underwent a right transtibial amputation in 2011. An initial brain magnetic resonance imaging with a diffusion tensor imaging was performed before starting rehabilitation on his right transtibial prosthesis, and a follow-up magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion tensor imaging was performed 2 years after this.Findings and Outcomes:In the initial diffusion tensor imaging, the number of fiber lines in his right corticospinal tract was larger than that in his left corticospinal tract. At follow-up diffusion tensor imaging, there was no definite difference in the number of fiber lines between both corticospinal tracts.Conclusion:We found that side-to-side corticospinal tract differences were equalized after using bilateral prostheses.Clinical relevanceThis case report suggests that diffusion tensor imaging tractography could be a useful method to understand corticomotor reorganization after using prosthesis in transtibial amputation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 181 (S4) ◽  
pp. 30-37 ◽  
Christopher A. Rábago ◽  
Jason M. Wilken

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Francisco Molina-Rueda ◽  
Alicia Cuesta-Gómez ◽  
María Carratalá-Tejada ◽  
Pilar Fernández-González ◽  
Juan Carlos Miangolarra-Page ◽  

Background: Subjects with a unilateral transtibial amputation (UTA) that have used prosthesis for over five years have a higher occurrence rate of osteoarthritis at the knee and hip joints of the intact limb. Objective: To research the joint internal moments of the hip, knee, and ankle in the sagittal and frontal planes during gait in persons with UTA. Methods: 25 individuals with UTA (50.26 years ± 13.76) and 25 subjects without amputation (46.71 years ± 13.76) participated in this study. Gait analysis was carried out using a Vicon® Motion System (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) with eight 100 Hz cameras with infrared strobes, two 1000 Hz AMTI® force-plates. Results: People with UTA walk with a greater hip extensor moment in both intact and prosthetic limbs. The hip abductor moment was lower on the prosthetic limb compared to the intact limb and the control group. At the knee joint, the subjects with UTA walked with a reduced knee extensor and valgus moment on their prosthetic limb compared to the control group. At the ankle joint, the statistical analysis showed that the individuals with UTA walked with a reduced plantarflexor moment during the stance period on the intact limb compared to the people without amputation. Conclusions: Subjects with UTA walk with a different joint kinetic pattern in the sagittal and frontal planes compared to non-disabled individuals.

Cureus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Elizabeth K Pryor ◽  
Margaret A Sinkler ◽  
Asad Ullah ◽  
Elizabeth Martin ◽  
Kelly Homlar

2021 ◽  
Andrej Olenšek ◽  
Matjaž Zadravec ◽  
Helena Burger ◽  
Zlatko Matjačić

Abstract BackgroundDue to disrupted motor and proprioceptive function lower limb amputation imposes considerable challenges associated with balance and greatly increases risk of falling in case of perturbations during walking. The aim of this study was to investigate dynamic balancing responses in unilateral transtibial amputees when they were subjected to perturbing pushes to the pelvis in outward direction at the time of foot strike on non-amputated and amputated side during slow walking.MethodsFourteen subjects with unilateral transtibial amputation and nine control subjects participated in the study. They were subjected to perturbations that were delivered to the pelvis at the time of foot strike of either the left or right leg. We recorded trajectories of center of pressure and center of mass, durations of in-stance and stepping periods as well as ground reaction forces. Statistical analysis was performed to determine significant differences in dynamic balancing responses between control subjects and subjects with amputation when subjected to outward-directed perturbation upon entering stance phases with non-amputated or amputated side.ResultsWhen outward-directed perturbations were delivered at the time of foot strike of the non-amputated leg, subjects with amputation were able to modulate center of pressure and ground reaction force similarly as control subjects which indicates application of in-stance balancing strategies. On the other hand, there was a complete lack of in-stance response when perturbations were delivered when the amputated leg entered the stance phase. Subjects with amputations instead used the stepping strategy and adjusted placement of the non-amputated leg in the ensuing stance phase to make a cross-step. Such response resulted in significantly higher displacement of center of mass. ConclusionsResults of this study suggest that due to the absence of the COP modulation mechanism, which is normally supplied by ankle motor function, people with unilateral transtibial amputation are compelled to choose the stepping strategy over in-stance strategy when they are subjected to outward-directed perturbation on the amputated side. However, the stepping response is less efficient than in-stance response. To improve their balancing responses to unexpected balance perturbation people fitted with passive transtibial prostheses should undergo perturbation-based balance training during clinical rehabilitation.

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