Early diagenetic alteration of organic matter by sulfate reduction in Quaternary sediments from the northeastern Arabian Sea

1999 ◽  
Vol 158 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
A. Lückge ◽  
M. Ercegovac ◽  
H. Strauss ◽  
R. Littke
2019 ◽  
Vol 100 ◽  
pp. 434-446 ◽  
Heng Zhao ◽  
Wenhui Liu ◽  
Tenger Borjigin ◽  
Jianyong Zhang ◽  
Houyong Luo ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1193-1207 ◽  
S.-W. Duan ◽  
S. S. Kaushal

Abstract. Rising water temperatures due to climate and land use change can accelerate biogeochemical fluxes from sediments to streams. We investigated impacts of increased streamwater temperatures on sediment fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and sulfate. Experiments were conducted at 8 long-term monitoring sites across land use (forest, agricultural, suburban, and urban) at the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Over 20 yr of routine water temperature data showed substantial variation across seasons and years. Lab incubations of sediment and overlying water were conducted at 4 temperatures (4 °C, 15 °C, 25 °C, and 35 °C) for 48 h. Results indicated: (1) warming significantly increased sediment DOC fluxes to overlying water across land use but decreased DOC quality via increases in the humic-like to protein-like fractions, (2) warming consistently increased SRP fluxes from sediments to overlying water across land use, (3) warming increased sulfate fluxes from sediments to overlying water at rural/suburban sites but decreased sulfate fluxes at some urban sites likely due to sulfate reduction, and (4) nitrate fluxes showed an increasing trend with temperature at some forest and urban sites but with larger variability than SRP. Sediment fluxes of nitrate, SRP and sulfate were strongly related to watershed urbanization and organic matter content. Using relationships of sediment fluxes with temperature, we estimate a 5 °C warming would increase mean sediment fluxes of SRP, DOC and nitrate-N across streams by 0.27–1.37 g m−2 yr−1, 0.03–0.14 kg m−2 yr−1, and 0.001–0.06 kg m−2 yr−1. Understanding warming impacts on coupled biogeochemical cycles in streams (e.g., organic matter mineralization, P sorption, nitrification, denitrification, and sulfate reduction) is critical for forecasting shifts in carbon and nutrient loads in response to interactive impacts of climate and land use change.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 7689-7702 ◽  
B. Gaye ◽  
B. Nagel ◽  
K. Dähnke ◽  
T. Rixen ◽  
N. Lahajnar ◽  

Abstract. Sedimentation in the ocean is fed by large aggregates produced in the surface mixed layer that sink rapidly through the water column. These particles sampled by sediment traps have often been proposed to interact by disaggregation and scavenging with a pool of fine suspended matter with very slow sinking velocities and thus a long residence time. We investigated the amino acid (AA) composition and stable nitrogen isotopic ratios of suspended matter (SPM) sampled during the late SW monsoon season in the Arabian Sea and compared them to those of sinking particles to understand organic matter degradation/modification during passage through the water column. We found that AA composition of mixed layer suspended matter corresponds more to fresh plankton and their aggregates, whereas AA composition of SPM in the sub-thermocline water column deviated progressively from mixed layer composition. We conclude that suspended matter in deep waters and in the mixed layers of oligotrophic stations is dominated by fine material that has a long residence time and organic matter that is resistant to degradation. SPM in areas of high primary productivity is essentially derived from fresh plankton and thus has a strong imprint of the subsurface nitrate source, whereas SPM at oligotrophic stations and at subthermocline depths appears to exchange amino acids and nitrogen isotopes with the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool influencing also the δ15N values.

2020 ◽  
Shriram N. Rajpathak ◽  
Yugandhara M. Patil ◽  
Roumik Banerjee ◽  
Asmita M. Khedkar ◽  
Pawan G. Mishra ◽  

AbstractThe oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BOB) is rich in organic matter and is an unusual niche. Bacteria present in the oceanic water play an important role in ecology since they are responsible for decomposing, mineralizing of organic matter and in elemental cycling like nitrogen, sulfur, phosphate. This study focuses on culturing bacteria from oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) and non-OMZ regions and their phylogenetic as well as the functional characterization. Genotypic characterization of the isolates using amplified rDNA based 16SrRNA sequencing grouped them into various phylogenetic groups such as alpha-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria and unaffiliated bacteria. The cultivable bacterial assemblages encountered belonged to the genus Halomonas, Marinobacter, Idiomarina, Pshyctobacter and Pseudoalteromonas. Among the enzymatic activities, carbohydrate utilization activity was most predominant (100%) and microorganisms possessed amylase, cellulase, xylanase and chitinase. A large proportion of these bacteria (60%) were observed to be hydrocarbon consuming and many were resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin and streptomycin. The high diversity and high percentage of extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities along with hydrocarbon degradation activity of the culturable bacteria reflects their important ecological role in oceanic biogeochemical cycling. Further assessment confirmed the presence of nitrogen reduction capability in these cultivable bacteria which highlights their importance in oceanic geochemical cycling.

2021 ◽  
Johannes Paetsch ◽  
Helmuth Thomas

<p>Since the early eighties of the 20<sup>th</sup> century nitrogen and phosphorus loads of the River Elbe, a river entering the North European Shelf at the southeastern coast, have decreased by a factor of about four. This resulted in a reduction of the eutrophication status in the adjacent German Bight and the coastal waters west of Denmark. In addition, benthic carbon and alkalinity pools have changed due to 1- changed carbon loads and, 2- changed decay pathways of benthic organic carbon.</p><p>We investigate the consequences of observed nutrient and organic loads by rivers with a 3D-biogeochemical model including a 3D-early diageneses model within the sediment for the time 1979 - 2014.   </p><p>The results show a strong decrease of benthic carbon rather due to decreasing nutrient loads and subsequent autochthonous biological production than changes in organic loads. The export of inorganic carbon from the sediment is related to the magnitude of benthic organic carbon and cannot explain the strong decrease of the benthic POC pool. During the time until the early nineties aerobic degradation increases, whereas denitrification and sulfate reduction as organic matter degradation pathway decreases.</p><p>Alkalinity production due to benthic organic matter degradation decreases over the first half of the investigated time interval and keeps constant during the second half. Denitrification and sulfate reduction dominate the mechanisms decreasing the alkalinity export. Benthic nitrification consuming alkalinity strongly increases during the first half of the time dampening the decrease of alkalinity export.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (14) ◽  
J. Buongiorno ◽  
L. C. Herbert ◽  
L. M. Wehrmann ◽  
A. B. Michaud ◽  
K. Laufer ◽  

ABSTRACTGlacial retreat is changing biogeochemical cycling in the Arctic, where glacial runoff contributes iron for oceanic shelf primary production. We hypothesize that in Svalbard fjords, microbes catalyze intense iron and sulfur cycling in low-organic-matter sediments. This is because low organic matter limits sulfide generation, allowing iron mobility to the water column instead of precipitation as iron monosulfides. In this study, we tested this with high-depth-resolution 16S rRNA gene libraries in the upper 20 cm at two sites in Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard. At the site closer to the glaciers, iron-reducingDesulfuromonadales, iron-oxidizingGallionellaandMariprofundus, and sulfur-oxidizingThiotrichalesandEpsilonproteobacteriawere abundant above a 12-cm depth. Below this depth, the relative abundances of sequences for sulfate-reducingDesulfobacteraceaeandDesulfobulbaceaeincreased. At the outer station, the switch from iron-cycling clades to sulfate reducers occurred at shallower depths (∼5 cm), corresponding to higher sulfate reduction rates. Relatively labile organic matter (shown by δ13C and C/N ratios) was more abundant at this outer site, and ordination analysis suggested that this affected microbial community structure in surface sediments. Network analysis revealed more correlations between predicted iron- and sulfur-cycling taxa and with uncultured clades proximal to the glacier. Together, these results suggest that complex microbial communities catalyze redox cycling of iron and sulfur, especially closer to the glacier, where sulfate reduction is limited due to low availability of organic matter. Diminished sulfate reduction in upper sediments enables iron to flux into the overlying water, where it may be transported to the shelf.IMPORTANCEGlacial runoff is a key source of iron for primary production in the Arctic. In the fjords of the Svalbard archipelago, glacial retreat is predicted to stimulate phytoplankton blooms that were previously restricted to outer margins. Decreased sediment delivery and enhanced primary production have been hypothesized to alter sediment biogeochemistry, wherein any free reduced iron that could potentially be delivered to the shelf will instead become buried with sulfide generated through microbial sulfate reduction. We support this hypothesis with sequencing data that showed increases in the relative abundance of sulfate reducing taxa and sulfate reduction rates with increasing distance from the glaciers in Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard. Community structure was driven by organic geochemistry, suggesting that enhanced input of organic material will stimulate sulfate reduction in interior fjord sediments as glaciers continue to recede.

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