A comparison of wheat and fine wheat offal in the rations of fattening pigs

1961 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-265 ◽  
R. Braude ◽  
M. Jill Townsend ◽  
G. Harrington ◽  
J. G. Rowell

1. A co-ordinated trial has been carried out at twenty-two centres to compare the value of wheat, crushed or ground, with that of fine wheat offal (weatings) when fed in equal amounts in the rations of growing pigs.2. Pigs fed the wheat rations grew faster (8·7% improvement for crushed wheat, 6·3% for ground), had. more efficient food conversion (9·0 and 6·5%) and yielded heavier carcasses for a given final live weight (1·4 and 1·3%) than pigs fed weatings but were fatter at the shoulder (5·6 and 7·5%) and the loin (11·2 and 13·1%); all these effects were highly significant. Differences in length of carcass were not significant.3. Improvements in growth rate and food conversion were significantly greater with crushed wheat than with ground wheat. None of the other differences between crushed wheat and ground wheat was significant.4. An economic appraisal has been made which shows that, on the basis of certain assumptions, the feeding of wheat would have resulted in higher profit per year than the feeding of weatings under the price structure and system of grading prevailing during the period of the experiment.5. Changes in the price structure (average price of bacon pigs, differentials between grades and cost of wheat and weatings), in the average quality of the carcasses (length of the carcass and fat at the shoulder and loin) and in the size of treatment effects on food conversion, all have a substantial effect on relative profits. The appraisal suggests, however, that feeding wheat would be more profitable than feeding weatings when the above changes were extremely severe.

1958 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-217 ◽  
R. Braude ◽  
M. Jill Townsend ◽  
G. Harrington ◽  
J. G. Rowell

1. A co-ordinated trial has been carried out at twenty-six centres to study the effects of feeding different quantities of food to fattening pigs. The treatments studied were ad lib. feeding throughout, ad lib. feeding to 120 lb. live weight after which the amount of food given was restricted to 6·5 lb./pig/day and two scales of feeding according to live weight, one moderate and one severe (Table 1).2. Food conversion was best for the pigs on the most restricted feeding scale, being 8% better than that for the pigs fed ad lib.3. The slower growing pigs were less fat, slightly longer and their depths of eye muscle were greater.4. The ad lib. fed pigs had higher killing-out percentages and higher weights into cure.5. The bacon sides from pigs fed on restricted diets yielded a higher proportion of gammon and fore-end and had thicker streaks.6. Restriction of feeds led to softer fats.7. An economic appraisal has been made which shows that, on the basis of certain assumptions, the medium feeding scale would have led to a smaller profit per year than the ad lib. or the ad lib. restricted treatments under the price structure and system of grading prevailing during the period of the experiment.

1973 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-83 ◽  
P. R. English ◽  
J. H. Topps ◽  
D. G. Dempster

SUMMARYThe feeding value of three forms of acid-treated moist barley, viz. 26 % moisture and either rolled or plate-milled, and 29 % moisture plate-milled, was compared with that of dried hammer-milled barley for growing pigs from 23 to 87 kg live weight. Two feeding experiments were undertaken, one in which individual pigs were given the same amount of dry matter from all the diets, while in the other, groups of pigs were fed ad libitum. Digestibility of the diet was determined in a third experiment.In both feeding experiments differences between treatments in efficiency of utilization of dry matter in the feed were significant (P<0·05), that for the diet containing dried barley being approximately 5% better than the other three. There were no significant differences between treatments in intake of dry matter, rate of growth and carcass quality of the pigs. However, pigs fed on dried barley apparently grew more rapidly than those given any of the acid-treated moist barleys. Differences in digestibility of the diets were very small and not significant except for crude protein. Differences in digestibility of protein (P<0·05), however, were not consistent with differences in efficiency of conversion of dry matter in the feed.

1965 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-91 ◽  
R. Braude ◽  
Marilyn R. Lyon ◽  
J. G. Rowell

A co-ordinated trial has been carried out at twenty-six centres to compare the effects of three practical rations on performance and carcass quality of fattening pigs. The simplest of these was the ‘Shinfield ration’ (SR) and this was compared with the more elaborate National Pig Progeny Testing Station rations, the ‘old’ ration (OPT) as used until January 1963 and the ‘new’ ration (NPT) as used since January 1963.The OPT ration was significantly worse than the SR and NPT rations in respect of growth rate and food conversion. The simpler and cheaper SR ration did not differ significantly from the NPT ration. Ration differences were not significant for any carcass measurements.

1966 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-282 ◽  
R. S. Barber ◽  
R. Braude ◽  
Zena D. Hosking ◽  
K. G. Mitchell ◽  
W. H. Bruner ◽  

1. A test was carried out simultaneously in Shinfield, Reading, England, and Columbus, Ohio, USA, using typical British and American rations for growing pigs. The rations were compounded in their country of origin; half of each consignment was used at the home station and the other half shipped to the overseas station. 2. Both restricted feeding and ad lib. feeding methods were used at each station. 3. A similar pattern of results was obtained at Shinfield and Columbus. Pigs receiving the American ration, which was higher in energy content, grew faster and required less feed per kg live-weight gain than pigs receiving the British ration. The higher energy content of the ration was probably responsible also for the poorer carcass quality of the pigs receiving the American ration, particularly the high fat content. The comparison between restricted feeding and ad lib. feeding was not affected by the type of ration. Restricted feeding resulted in slower growth rate, slightly better efficiency of feed conversion and considerably better carcass quality.

2001 ◽  
Vol 137 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-220 ◽  
A. F. CARSON ◽  
B. W. MOSS ◽  
L. E. R. DAWSON ◽  

The study investigated the effects of lamb genotype produced from hill flocks on feed efficiency, carcass characteristics and meat quality in animals finished on either a high forage:concentrate ratio diet (HFC) or a low forage:concentrate ratio diet (LFC). Purebred Scottish Blackface (BXB) lambs were compared with Blue-Faced Leicester×Scottish Blackface (BLXB) and Texel×Scottish Blackface (TXB) lambs. Purebred Cheviot (CXC), Suffolk×Cheviot (SXC) and Texel×Cheviot (TXC) lambs were also investigated. Lambs on the LFC diet were offered grass silage and concentrates mixed in the proportion of 0·80 silage and 0·20 concentrates on a dry matter basis. The LFC diet consisted of 0·20 grass silage and 0·80 concentrates on a dry matter basis. Representative lambs were slaughtered at the start of the experiment and on reaching 38 and 46 kg live weight. Averaged over the two slaughter weights, within the Blackface cross lambs, BXB had a lower liveweight gain (P < 0·01) than either BLXB or TXB (138, 207 and 203 (S.E. 11·1) g/day, respectively). Within the Cheviot cross lambs, CXC had a lower liveweight gain (P < 0·05) than SXC (188 v. 220 (S.E. 11·1) g/day), while SXC and TXC (204 g/day) had similar liveweight gains. Lambs on the LFC diet had a higher dressing proportion (P < 0·001) compared with lambs finished on the HFC diet (0·466 v. 0·434 (S.E. 0·0018) kg carcass per kg live weight). Averaged over the two slaughter weights BXB lambs had a lower (P < 0·05) dressing proportion than the other genotypes. Carcass conformation classification (assessed on a five-point scale) was higher (P < 0·001) in lambs finished on the LFC diet (3·0 v. 2·4 (S.E. 0·04)). Conformation classification was higher in lambs produced from Cheviot compared with Blackface ewes (P < 0·05). Within the Blackface cross lambs, BXB and BLXB lambs had a lower conformation classification (P < 0·001) than TXB lambs (2·4, 2·4 and 2·9 (S.E. 0·08) respectively). Within the Cheviot ewes, TXC lambs had a higher (P < 0·001) classification than either CXC or SXC (3·1, 2·7 and 2·7 (S.E. 0·08) respectively). Lambs finished on the LFC diet had a higher fat classification score compared with lambs on the HFC diet (P < 0·001) (3·4 v. 2·8 (S.E. 0·04)). Fat classification was similar across all genotypes. Lambs finished on the LFC diet had a lower ash content in the carcass than lambs finished on a HFC diet (P < 0·01) (44 v. 47 (S.E. 0·8) g/kg). Lamb genotype and dietary forage:concentrate ratio had no significant effect on cooking loss, sarcomere length, Warner–Bratzler shear force and L* values. Ultimate pH (pHU) was not influenced by dietary forage:concentrate ratio, but was significantly (P < 0·01) higher in BXB lambs compared with BLXB, TXB, CXC and TXC lambs. Lambs offered the LFC diet during the finishing period had significantly higher values for a* (P < 0·05), b* (P < 0·001), C* (P < 0·001) and H0 (P < 0·05) than lambs offered a HFC diet. Of these parameters only b* was significantly affected by lamb genotype, with BXB lambs having a lower value (P < 0·05) than the other genotypes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1199-1210 ◽  
Joanna Bogucka ◽  
Wojciech Kapelański

Abstract In 50 fattening pigs representing two Polish native breeds: 24 Złotnicka Spotted, 10 Puławska and 16 F1 ♀ (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace) × F1 ♂ (Duroc × Pietrain) crosses microstructure of muscle, carcass and meat quality were studied. Puławska pigs had the thickest backfat, but the loin eye area was smaller only in comparison to crossbreds. Compared to the Puławska breed, the meat of Złotnicka Spotted pigs was darker, which was associated with a greater percentage of type I fibres and a smaller percentage of type IIB fibres. Puławska pigs distinguished themselves from the other groups under study by the greatest density of fibres per mm2. Smaller diameter of type IIA and IIB fibres and higher total number of fibres were found in Puławska breed pigs compared to Złotnicka Spotted, despite the absence of differences in the loin eye area. Smaller thickness of the fibres favourably affects meat quality, and might be considered an indicator of a delicate structure of meat.

1964 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-362 ◽  
F. X. Vanschoubroek ◽  
R. L. Van Spaendonk ◽  
W. Nauwynck

Six comparable groups, each of 4 castrate pigs, were used to compare the feed value of maize and sorghum as estimated by live-weight gain, food conversion efficiency, slaughter quality and ham composition.The maize ration contained 40% yellow maize and the sorghum ration 40% Sorghum vulgare subglabrescens, all other ingredients being the same for both diets.No statistically significant differences were found between the maize and sorghum pigs with regard to the criteria mentioned.It is concluded that no difference exists between the feed value of the maize and the sorghum used. This result is in better agreement with the net energy values of maize and sorghum as calculated by the formula of Hoff-mann and digestion coefficients for pigs, than with “classical” starch equivalents.

1981 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-92 ◽  
E. S. Batterham ◽  
R. D. Murison

1. The results of nine estimates of the efficiency of utilization of supplements of free lysine by growing pigs fed once daily and reported by Batterham (1974) and Batterham & O'Neill (1978) were re-analysed using carcass rather than live-weight values as the criteria of response.2. The efficiency of utilization of free lysine with once daily feeding relative to frequent feeding was 0·53 using carcass gain as the criterion of response (P < 0·001), and 0·56 using food conversion efficiency on a carcass basis (P < 0·001). These estimates were lower than estimates of 0·67 using live-weight gain (P < 0·01) and 0·77 using food conversion ratio on a live-weight basis (P < 0·05).3. The results indicate that current estimates of the lysine requirements of pigs that are based on responses to supplements of free lysine under once daily feeding regimens may be 10–30% over-estimated, as a result of incomplete utilization of the free lysine.

1984 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-261 ◽  
S. J. Taylor ◽  
D. J. A. Cole ◽  
D. Lewis

ABSTRACTThirty-two female growing pigs (25 to 55 kg live weight) were subjected to four dietary treatments combining two levels of isoleucine and two levels of leucine to investigate the effects of leucine supply on the requirement for isoleucine.Results for daily live-weight gain, food conversion efficiency and carcass quality judged by ham dissection indicated that 3·8 g isoleucine per kg diet was marginally adequate for the growing pig in diets containing 13·4 g leucine per kg. An interaction between dietary leucine and isoleucine was demonstrated. Increasing the dietary leucine concentration to 20·4 g/kg clearly resulted in a deficiency of isoleucine in the basal diet, as daily gain, food conversion efficiency and carcass quality were significantly improved by increasing the isoleucine concentration from 3·8 g to 4·5 g/kg diet. Dietary leucine concentration did not influence performance at the higher level of isoleucine supply. Changes in plasma urea and amino acid concentrations confirmed the findings from the growth experiment of the interaction between isoleucine, leucine and valine.

1973 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-317
R. M. Livingstone

SUMMARYTwo diets, one based on barley and white-fish meal and the other on oats, wheat and meat and bone meal, with similar concentrations of digestible energy, crude protein, lysine and methionine+cystine were used to investigate the effects of sudden changes in the composition of the diet on the performance of pigs growing from 32 kg live weight, over a period of 77 days.The diets were given separately, alternated weekly with sudden changes from one diet to the other, or as a 1:1 mixture.Changes in diet per se had insignificant effects on performance.

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