scholarly journals On Canonical Realizations of Bounded Symmetric Domains as Matrix-Spaces

1971 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 115-133 ◽  
Mikio Ise

It is the purpose of the present paper to give a natural method of realizing bounded symmetric domains as matrix-spaces. Our method yields, as special cases, the well-known bounded models of irreducible bounded symmetric domains of classical type (I)-(IV), as were already described in the original paper of E. Cartan [1] (see §3; we follow in this paper the classification table in [14], not in [1]). A direct application of this method will be to determine the canonical bounded models of the irreducible bounded symmetric domains of exceptional type; it will be published in another paper (see [6], [7] for the summary of the results).

Methodology ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-38 ◽  
Manuel C. Voelkle ◽  
Patrick E. McKnight

The use of latent curve models (LCMs) has increased almost exponentially during the last decade. Oftentimes, researchers regard LCM as a “new” method to analyze change with little attention paid to the fact that the technique was originally introduced as an “alternative to standard repeated measures ANOVA and first-order auto-regressive methods” (Meredith & Tisak, 1990, p. 107). In the first part of the paper, this close relationship is reviewed, and it is demonstrated how “traditional” methods, such as the repeated measures ANOVA, and MANOVA, can be formulated as LCMs. Given that latent curve modeling is essentially a large-sample technique, compared to “traditional” finite-sample approaches, the second part of the paper addresses the question to what degree the more flexible LCMs can actually replace some of the older tests by means of a Monte-Carlo simulation. In addition, a structural equation modeling alternative to Mauchly’s (1940) test of sphericity is explored. Although “traditional” methods may be expressed as special cases of more general LCMs, we found the equivalence holds only asymptotically. For practical purposes, however, no approach always outperformed the other alternatives in terms of power and type I error, so the best method to be used depends on the situation. We provide detailed recommendations of when to use which method.

2001 ◽  
Vol 114 (8) ◽  
pp. 1567-1577 ◽  
S. Puch ◽  
S. Armeanu ◽  
C. Kibler ◽  
K.R. Johnson ◽  
C.A. Muller ◽  

The cadherins, an important family of cell adhesion molecules, are known to play major roles during embryonic development and in the maintenance of solid tissue architecture. In the hematopoietic system, however, little is known of the role of this cell adhesion family. By RT-PCR, western blot analysis and immunofluorescence staining we show that N-cadherin, a classical type I cadherin mainly expressed on neuronal, endothelial and muscle cells, is expressed on the cell surface of resident bone marrow stromal cells. FACS analysis of bone marrow mononuclear cells revealed that N-cadherin is also expressed on a subpopulation of early hematopoietic progenitor cells. Triple-color FACS analysis defined a new CD34(+) CD19(+) N-cadherin(+) progenitor cell population. During further differentiation, however, N-cadherin expression is lost. Treatment of CD34(+) progenitor cells with function-perturbing N-cadherin antibodies drastically diminished colony formation, indicating a direct involvement of N-cadherin in the differentiation program of early hematopoietic progenitors. N-cadherin can also mediate adhesive interactions within the bone marrow as demonstrated by inhibition of homotypic interactions of bone-marrow-derived cells with N-cadherin antibodies. Together, these data strongly suggest that N-cadherin is involved in the development and retention of early hematopoietic progenitors within the bone marrow microenvironment.

2019 ◽  
Dylan GM Smith ◽  

Natural killer T cells express T cell receptors (TCRs) that recognize glycolipid antigens in association with the antigen-presenting molecule CD1d. Here, we report the concise chemical synthesis of a range of saturated and unsaturated α-glucosyl and α-glucuronosyl diacylglycerides of bacterial and fungal origins from allyl α-glucoside with Jacobsen kinetic resolution as a key step. We show that these glycolipids could be recognized by a classical type I NKT TCR that uses an invariant Vα14-Jα18 TCR α-chain, but also by an atypical NKT TCR that uses a different TCR α-chain (Vα10-Jα50). In both cases, recognition was sensitive to the lipid fine structure, and included recognition of glycosyl diacylglycerides bearing branched (R- and S-tuberculostearic acid) and unsaturated (oleic and vaccenic) acids. The TCR footprints on CD1d-loaded with a mycobacterial α-glucuronosyl diacylglyceride was assessed using mutant CD1d molecules and, while similar to that for α-GalCer recognition by a type I NKT TCR, were more sensitive to mutations when α-glucuronosyl diacylglyceride was the antigen. In summary, we provide an efficient approach for synthesis of a broad class of bacterial and fungal α-glycosyl diacylglyceride antigens and demonstrate that they can be recognised by TCRs derived from type I and atypical NKT cells.

1987 ◽  
J L Moake ◽  
M A Harris ◽  
C E Whitley ◽  
C P Alfrey

Assessment of plasma vWF abnormalities by clinical coagulation laboratories is difficult because the available test systems for vWF antigen quantification and multimer analysis are expensive, laborious, and require days, radioactive anti-vWF antibodies and autoradiographic methods. We have devised simple, rapid, sensitive alternative techniques for vWF quantification and multimer analysis that can be readily installed in clinical laboratories. Plasma vWF antigen quantification is by a 2 hour enzyme immunoassay that accurately detects levels as low as 0.23% of normal. Plasma vWF to be quantified is bound to polyclonal monospecific antihuman vWF attached to small glass beads, and anti-human vWF conjugated with alkaline phosphatase is added to make an insoluble "sandwich." A substrate solution consisting of phenylphosphate and 4-amino-antipurine is added, followed by potassium ferricyanide. Optical density (at 490-510 nm) of the red color that develops is directly proportional to the plasma concentration of vWF antigen. Plasma vWF multimeric analysis is by a one-day electrophoretic immunobiot procedure. Plasma vWF multimer forms are solubilized in SDS-urea-Tris-EDTA, separated by horizontal 1% agarose gel electrophoresis, and transferred to a cationic membrane. Other protein binding sites on the membrane are blocked with milk proteins, and the membrane is overlaid with anti-vWF IgG linked to alkaline phosphatase. vWF multimers are then displayed as blue bands by soaking the membrane in an alkaline solution of the histochemical stain, fast blue RR (commonly used for leukocyte alkaline phosphatase scoring) dissolved in naphtol AS-MX phosphate. These simple, non-radioactive procedures performed together permit the rapid distinction of classical (Type I) von Willebrand's disease (vWD), characterized by low vWF antigen and normal multimers, from the Type II vWD syndromes, characterized by a relative deficiency of the largest plasma vWF forms. Unusually large vWF multimers, present in remission plasma of patients with chronic relapsing thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), are also easily detected using this rapid system of multimer analysis.

2001 ◽  
Vol 108 (4) ◽  
pp. 279-283 ◽  
Norikazu Sakamoto ◽  
Tetsuya Yamamoto ◽  
Yuji Moriwaki ◽  
Tetsuya Teranishi ◽  
Masanori Toyoda ◽  

1987 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-236
Tomasz M. Wolniewicz

Let Bn denote the unit ball and Un the unit polydisc in Cn. In this paper we consider questions concerned with inner functions and embeddings of Hardy spaces over bounded symmetric domains. The main result (Theorem 2) states that for a classical symmetric domain D of type I and rank(D) = s, there exists an isometric embedding of Hl(Us) onto a complemented subspace of Hl(D). This should be compared with results of Wojtaszczyk [13] and Bourgain [3, 4] which state that H1(Bn) is isomorphic to Hl(U) while for n>m, Hl(Un) cannot be isomorphically embedded onto a complemented subspace of H1(Um). Since balls are the only bounded symmetric domains of rank 1 and they are of type I, Theorem 2 shows that if rank(D1) = 1, rank(D2) > 1 then H1(D1) is not isomorphic to H1(D2). It is natural to expect this to hold always when rank(D1 ≠ rank(D2) but unfortunately we were not able to prove this.

2009 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 324-325 ◽  
Christine A. Matarese ◽  
Deborah L. Renaud

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