Sharing or commoditising? A discussion of some of the socio-economic implications of Nunavik's Hunter Support Program

Polar Record ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-132 ◽  
Nicole Gombay

ABSTRACTThe article considers the perceptions of Inuit in one settlement in Nunavik regarding the dynamic relations between market and subsistence economies. The socio-economic role of country foods in Inuit society are described followed by a discussion about the impacts of the Hunter Support Program (HSP) on Inuit society. A hybrid institution, the HSP buys country foods in order to give them away. Based on interviews that included Inuit purveyors to, and administrators of, the programme, the article discusses some socio-economic effects of commoditisation of country foods on subsistence economies and explores the ways in which this food moves in and out of commodity status. It is argued that these shifts are linked to conflicting notions of value. Some Inuit justify the existence of the HSP because they perceive it to be an essentially non-Inuit institution which lies outside the realm of customary socio-economic organization and thereby frees them from the need to observe those rules strictly while providing them with the income to be able to respect the requirement to share food amongst Inuit. Others express reservations about the programme because it elicits behaviours amongst Inuit that they perceive as threatening their socio-economic reproduction. It is argued that the HSP, an institution that both mimics and breaks with tradition, one which is designed to help Inuit to promote the subsistence way of life yet does so in the context of at least some components of the market, is an example of Wenzel's (2001) contention that the analytical distinction between acculturation and adaptation is not a matter of oppositions, but rather, part of a whole.

Ekaterina Andreeva

This chapter covers three actual problems of the modern economy: immigration processes in developed countries and their “economic effect,” current migration problems of Russian regions, as well as the specifics of economic space structuring considering the overall impact of migration processes on the territorial economy and the labour market. In the chapter, the assessment of the economic role of immigration in developed countries is justified, economic effects of migration processes are established, the analysis of the structure of the economic space of the modern state is conducted, regions of the Russian Federation in line with migration problems and conceptual substantiation of formation mechanisms of the Russian economic space are classified. The recommendations on the modernization of the Russian migration policy related to the use of positive foreign experience are suggested as conclusions. The given problem seems to be especially actual in the light of the strengthening of the latest migration processes, connected with the crisis in the Ukraine.

Filip Ž. Bugarčić ◽  
Daiva Jurevičienė ◽  
Nenad Janković

More active participation of China in the international economy has been recognized by European countries, trying to position their economies on the new “Silk Road” map to attract Chinese investments and increase trade volume. The paper presents previous researches and analyses the position, benefits and chances for EU and Serbia to derive positive economic effects from this initiative. The research purpose is to point out the impact of “Silk Road” on the Serbian economy. The main findings are highlighting the advantages and disadvantages using analysis of scientific literature and emphasising the increase in investments and trade volume of Serbia with China using statistical analysis for the period after the initiative started in 2013.

2019 ◽  
pp. 277-302
Ekaterina Andreeva

This chapter covers three actual problems of the modern economy: immigration processes in developed countries and their “economic effect,” current migration problems of Russian regions, as well as the specifics of economic space structuring considering the overall impact of migration processes on the territorial economy and the labour market. In the chapter, the assessment of the economic role of immigration in developed countries is justified, economic effects of migration processes are established, the analysis of the structure of the economic space of the modern state is conducted, regions of the Russian Federation in line with migration problems and conceptual substantiation of formation mechanisms of the Russian economic space are classified. The recommendations on the modernization of the Russian migration policy related to the use of positive foreign experience are suggested as conclusions. The given problem seems to be especially actual in the light of the strengthening of the latest migration processes, connected with the crisis in the Ukraine.

Mek Wok Mahmud ◽  
Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef

Reversion to Islam while opening golden opportunities for a revert in terms of divine guidance and spiritual salvation is coming with somewhat insurmountable challenges in terms of Islamization of the self, family and contributions to the overall development of Malaysia as a multi-religious country. This is especially so when Islam as an official religion has made the issue of Islamization of the Malaysian society and its systems amongst the pivotal national agendas in the country.  As to what is the role of Chinese Muslims (reverts) in the process, studies, among others, have purported to present the statistics about their share in socio-economic development. Similarly, empirical studies point to the odds faced by this community at personal, family and community levels in their path for transition to the full Islamic way of life. To the presenters of this paper, however, the macro dimension of what it means to become a Muslim which is essential for adjustment to the Islamic requirements has not been sufficiently highlighted in discourses in the area. Accordingly, this paper presents the position statements on Islamic expectations from Chinese reverts with the purpose of motivating them to achieve greater things in the area of Islamization of their community and the nation to the effect. Keywords: Chinese converts, Islamization, expectations and challenges. Abstrak kembalinya seseorang kepada agama Islam selain dari membuka peluang keemasan dalam mendapat  petunjuk Ilahi dan pengisian rohani turut disertai dengan cabaran yang amat sukar untuk diatasi termasuklah cabaran Islamisasi diri, keluarga serta sumbangan kepada pembangunan keseluruhan Malaysia sebagai negara berbilang agama. Hal ini menjadi satu keutamaan terutamanya apabila Islam memegang status sebagai agama rasmi persekutuan yang menjadikan isu Islamisasi masyarakat Malaysia sebagai satu agenda nasional. Bagi menjayakan agenda ini, peranan umat Islam dari kalangan masyarakat Cina (cina muslim) juga perlu diambil kira. Statistik menunjukkan cina muslim turut mempunyai bahagian dalam menyumbang terhadap pembangunan sosio-ekonomi negara. Dalam pada masa yang sama, kajian empirikal membuktikan adanya bentuk bentuk cabaran yang dihadapi oleh komuniti ini di peringkat peribadi, keluarga dan komuniti dalam perjalanan mereka untuk kembali kepada cara hidup Islam yang sepenuhnya. Bagi kami pengkaji kertas ini, dimensi makro dalam menjadikan dan mengertikan  seseorang itu Muslim terutamanya dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan ajaran  Islam masih belum cukup diberi  penjelasan dan penerangan yang sewajarnya. Oleh itu, makalah ini cuba menerangkan idea dan cadangan yang berguna kepada cina muslim dengan tujuan memotivasikan  mereka bagi  mencapai kejayaan  yang lebih besar dari aspek Islamisasi di kalangan komuniti mereka seterusnya memberi sumbangan kepada negara. Kata kunci:  Cina Muslim, Islamisasi, harapan dan cabaran.

2000 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-233 ◽  
James R. Boatsman ◽  
Inder K. Khurana ◽  
Martha L. Loudder

This paper analyzes the accounting effects of the proposed standard Accounting for Obligations Associated with the Retirement of Long-Lived Assets, and considers the economic effects of accounting data in electric utility rate-making. Specifically, we model the financial statement with respect to nuclear decommissioning costs and posit several likely scenarios for the economic implications for the affected firms, their electric consumers, and the rate regulators. The model reveals that the sign of the equity adjustment at adoption and the change in ongoing expense will depend on (1) the age of the plant, and (2) the ratio of the current cost estimate used to compute depreciation under the current practice and the estimated future decommissioning cost. When the model is applied to firms with nuclear plants, we find that the financial statement effects at adoption will be substantial for many firms, and that the ongoing effects of the standard will be to increase the reported expenses of decommissioning substantially. These findings are of interest for three reasons: first, contrary to our data, many of the firms analyzed have stated in their annual reports that the adoption effects of the proposed standard will be immaterial; second, the standard may have a deleterious effect on established regulatory rate-making relationships by changing the basis for consumer rates; and third, the analysis suggests that some firms will be faced with either requesting rate increases or jeopardizing their eligibility for special regulatory accounting treatment. Any of these outcomes create potentially severe problems in an industry on the brink of monumental economic and structural change, that is, the transition from a regulated monopoly to competition.

Meltem Odaba¸ ◽  
Thomas J. Holt ◽  
Ronald L. Breiger

We analyze the governance structure of online stolen data markets. As cybercriminal underground economies, stolen data markets are beyond the reach of state intervention, and yet they need form and regulation in order to function. While the illicit nature of the business brings risks to its participants, the online characteristics of these markets enable the participants to communicate easily, which is a crucial means of generating trust. We first identify stolen data markets in terms of their economic organization as two-sided markets, economic platforms with two distinct user groups that provide each other with network synergies. This characterization enables us to understand the role of the forum administrator as that of an intermediary, market creator, and market regulator. Then we clarify the role of communication networks and social structure in creating trust among buyers and sellers.

Sarah Stewart-Kroeker

Christ’s healing of humanity consists, crucially, in forming human beings for loving relationship with himself and others. In this respect, Christ also takes the role of the beautiful beloved. Believers become pilgrims by falling in love with the beautiful Christ by the initiative of the Holy Spirit, who cleanses their eyes to see him as beautiful and enkindles desire in their hearts. By desiring and loving the beautiful Christ, the believer is conformed to him and learns to walk his path. Desiring the beautiful Christ forms a believing community shaped aesthetically and morally for a particular way of life: pilgrimage to the heavenly homeland. Formation is both earthly and eschatological, for so too is the journey and the activity of the pilgrim.

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