scholarly journals VI.—On the Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire Coal Fields

1889 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 317-335 ◽  
Robert Kidston

On the Fossil Plants collected during the Sinking of the Shaft of the Hamstead Colliery, Great Barr, near Birmingham.The area comprised in the county of Stafford embraces five coal fields—I. The Goldsitch Moss Coal Field, in the extreme north-east of the county.II. The Cheadle and Churnet Valley Coal Field.III. The Wetley and Shafferlong Coal Field.IV. The Coal Field of the Potteries.V. The South Staffordshire Coal Field.The three first mentioned are of small extent, and as I know little of their fossil flora they are omitted from this series of papers on the Carboniferous Flora of the Staffordshire Coal Fields.I, however, devote a separate communication to the fossil plants met with while sinking the shaft of the Hamstead Colliery, Great Barr, as a considerable part of the rocks passed through during this operation is clearly Upper Coal Measures, not Permian, as has been generally stated. The palæontological evidence, therefore, becomes of special importance in determining the age of the red shales occurring in the upper part of this sinking, which have been usually mapped as Permian.

1892 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-98 ◽  
E. Kidston

The present paper is the second of the series dealing with the Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire Coal Fields. As in previous memoirs, I give a short sketch of the Geology of the coal field, merely for the purpose of indicating the relationship of the beds to each other, from which the fossils have been derived.Various memoirs dealing with the geological structure and resources of the Potteries Coal Field have already appeared, but in these the names applied to the different groups of strata which compose the Potteries Coal Field have generally special application to the local geological features, and do not treat of the Coal Field in its wider relationship, when considered as only forming a part of the Coal Measures as developed in Britain. A similar course has usually been taken in the published memoirs of other British Coal Fields, which makes a comparison of their relative ages, from the data given, very difficult.Although the Mollusea have usually been collected and examined, from their great vertical distribution—in some cases extending throughout the whole range of carboniferous rocks—they as a whole afford little data for the determination of the divisions of the Coal Measures, and unfortunately the fossil plants appear to have received little attention when the memoirs of the various coal fields were being prepared.

1912 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-82 ◽  
E. A. Newell Arber

The Upper Carboniferous rocks of the Ingleton Coal-field in North-West Yorkshire present a difficult study, and at the present time they are very imperfectly known. As mapped by the Geological Survey, there is apparently a perfect succession, passing up from the Yoredales, through the Millstone Grits, to the Lower and Middle Coal-measures. The coal-measures are in part overlain hy a series of red rocks, which have been assigned to the Permian, as in the case of other of the Midland Coal-fields. In the index of the Survey map of the north-eastern portion of the coal-field, the Deep Coal is taken as the top of the Lower, and the bottom of the Middle Coal-measures.

1914 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-190 ◽  
R. Kidston

The first of this series of papers, that on the “Fossil Plants collected during the sinking of the shaft of the Hamstead Colliery, Great Barr, near Birmingham,” was published in 1888, and the second, dealing with the “Fossil Flora of the Coal Field of the Potteries,” in 1891.Since that date the North Staffordshire Coal Field has been re-surveyed by members of the Geological Survey, and the result of this re-examination of the geology of the Potteries Coal Field was the classification of the strata into several well-defined groups.

1888 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-417 ◽  
Robert Kidston

My attention for the last few years having been specially directed to the vertical distribution of the Carboniferous Fossil Flora, it is my intention to publish a series of papers dealing with this subject.While carrying on these investigations it has been necessary, in addition to visiting public and private collections, to visit several of the coal fields for the purpose of collecting specimens, as in almost no case have the smaller and less attractive species been secured, and, as a rule, only what strikes the ordinary collector as being “a fine specimen” is preserved, to the exclusion of many less striking but often more valuable examples. Hence our public collections, and, with few exceptions, also our private collections, give a very imperfect idea of the richness of the flora of the Carboniferous Formation of Britain.

1871 ◽  
Vol 8 (86) ◽  
pp. 363-371 ◽  
Daniel Jones

It has not hitherto been clearly made out in what way these Carboniferous patches are related to each other. Some have considered it doubtful whether the three former are in any way represented in the Coalbrook-dale Field. The prevailing impression is, I believe, that the Clee Hill Fields are quite distinct in point of age from any of the Coal tracts surrounding them, and were formed in a depression sufficiently low to receive the Millstone Grit which we find to be wanting in the extensive Coal-fields to the East and North-east, except, let me observe, along the Western margin of the Coalbrook-dale district, where it is not well developed, but still represented. Eastward of that margin, however, it thins out rapidly, and gives way to the Silurian flooring of that Coal-field.

1895 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 565-614 ◽  
Robert Kidston

The Coal Measures of the South Wales Coal Field fall into three well-marked divisions:—I. The Upper Pennant or Upper Penllergare Series.II. The Lower Pennant Series.III. The White Ash Series.In 1885 I paid a visit to this Coal Field, with the object of studying its Fossil Flora, hoping by this means to ascertain the relative position of the Welsh Coal Measures to those of the other Coal Fields of Britain.

1895 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-359 ◽  
Robert Kidston

The tract of land embraced in the area from which the fossils have been derived, that form the subject of the present Memoir, extends in an easterly direction from Saltcoats to Newmilns, a distance of about 19 miles. At both extremities, the Coal Measures narrow down to under half a mile wide at Saltcoats, and about a mile broad at Newmilns. The greatest width is found towards the centre of the field, where in a northeast and south-west direction it is over 12 miles broad.

1871 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 477-510 ◽  

A few preliminary words may he necessary to prevent misunderstanding respecting the claims and objects of the following memoir. When I entered upon the investigation of which it records the results, I found, in the writings of various British and foreign authors, a copious Calamitean literature; hut the widest discrepancies prevailed amongst them both as to facts and to inductions. I therefore determined to pursue the study of this group of fossils as if de novo, to record the facts which I observed, and to draw from those facts alone such inferences as seemed legitimate, both facts and inferences being in a certain sense, and so far as was possible under the circumstances, new and original. But it necessarily follows that some of these facts and inferences are not absolutely new, though many of them, I think, will he found to he additions to our knowledge of the subject; whilst others, though not new, have presented themselves to me in a light different to that in which they have been regarded by my able predecessors in the study. Such being the object of the memoir, I have not deemed it desirable to include in it a record of all the observations made by preceding writers. As a rule I have only referred to them when the discussion of some moot point rendered such a reference necessary. The fundamental aim of the memoir is to demonstrate the unity of type existing amongst the British Calamites. Brongniart, Dawson, and other writers believe that there exist amongst these plants two types of structure, the one Cryptogamic and Equisetaceous, the other Exogenous and Gymnospermous; on the other hand, Schimper and Carruthers regard the whole as Equiseceous, affording an example of the diversity of opinion on fundamental points to which I have already referred. Of course, before arriving at their conclusions, Brongniart, and those who adopt his views, had fully apprehended the exogenous structure of the woody zone of the Calamite, which is further illustrated in this memoir. The separation of each internode into vertical radiating plates of vascular and cellular tissues, arranged alternately, was familiar to Brongniart, Unger, and other early observers. Cotta regarded the cellular tracts (my primary medullary rays) as medullary rays ; but this interpretation was rejected by Unger, and the same divergence of view on this point has recurred amongst subsequent writers. Unger also noticed what I have designated secondary medullary rays, but at a much more recent date Mr. Carruthers disputed their existence. In their 'Fossil Flora of Great Britain,' Lindley and Hutton gave very correct illustrations of the position of the roots of Calamites relatively to the stem ; and yet for years afterwards some of their figures reappeared in geological text-books in an inverted position, the roots doing duty as leaves ; so far was even this elementary point from being settled. The true nature of the common sandstone form of Calamites, viz. that they are inorganic casts of the interior of the woody cylinder from which the pith has been removed, has been alike recognized by Germar, Corda, and Dawes; but they referred the disappearance of the cellular tissues of the pith to inorganic decay which took place subsequently to the death of the plant. It appears to me that the condition in which we find these cellular tissues affords no countenance to this conclusion. They are as perfectly preserved, when present, as any of the other tissues of the plant. Their inner surface, nearest the fistular cavity, presents no appearance of death and decay, but of rupture and absorption, which I conclude has occurred during life,—a different hypothesis from that adopted by my predecessors, and for which my reasons will be assigned in the memoir. The labours of Mr. Binney are referred to in the text. He figured the longitudinal internodal canals, but was disposed to believe that they had merely formed passages for vessels. He gave, however, excellent figures of the woody wedges, the primary medullary rays, and the cellular medulla, with its nodal septa or diaphragms .

The Geologist ◽  
1861 ◽  
Vol 4 (10) ◽  
pp. 421-426
George E. Roberts

Mention is made by Mr. Hull, F.G.S., in the second edition of his useful work on the coal-fields of England, of a deep sinking for coal on the estate of the Arley Pottery and Fire-brick Company, situated at Shatterford, five miles north of Bewdley. This work, though unfortunately ending in failure, and leading to the abandonment of the enterprise, deserves a prominent ppsition in the annals of coalmining, chiefly because the section obtained may be regarded as an index to nearly the whole of the coal measures of the forest of Wyre. Through the courtesy of Mr. John M. Fellows, manager of works to the late company, I am enabled to place on record the particulars of the shaft-sinking. To illustrate it, I have sketched the geological construction of the district for three miles in a line north-west to south-east, adding a section due north and south of the near-lying anticline of Trimpley, where the upper tilestones crop out. While the work of sinking was in progress, I obtained daily intelligence either through visits or by communications from Mr. Fellows, to whose obliging conduct in giving me every facility for scientific investigation I am greatly indebted.The specimens obtained from each bed were particularly examined by me, and the fire-clays, which, from their number formed an important part of the series, were of a highly interesting character. The fossils obtained do not require special notice, no new fern being met with, and the Sigillariæ, &c, being few in number and badly preserved. These in every case lay prostrated in the strata, and appeared to have been drifted.

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