scholarly journals Precise Velocity Observation of K-giants: Evidence for Solar-Like Oscillations in Arcturus

1999 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 187-192 ◽  
W. J. Merline

AbstractHigh accuracy measurements of variations in the radial velocity of the K1 giant star Arcturus have been obtained. The observations span 5 years and have a point-to-point repeatability of 5 ms−1 and night-to-night stability of better than 20 ms−1. Velocity oscillations of Arcturus were discovered during the course of this work in 1986. Subsequent, extensive additional data, indicate that Arcturus is exhibiting global nonradial acoustic oscillations with characteristics similar to those occurring in the Sun.All observations were done using a radial velocity spectrometer, designed to search for extrasolar planets, at a dedicated facility of the University of Arizona on Kitt Peak. A dedicated facility was crucial to this work — because of the changing nature of the oscillations, many observing runs, over several years, were required to understand the star’s behavior. Continuous data sets as long as 30 days were acquired. Preliminary pulsation models were performed in collaboration of Art Cox at Los Alamos National Lab.The velocity power spectra are complicated and variable. There is substantial evidence that the variations are solar-like p-mode oscillations. At least 10 frequencies have been identified, over the range 8.3 to 1.7 days. A spectrum of evenly spaced modes is apparent, yielding a value for Δν0 ≈ 1.2 μ Hz. The average power spectrum peaks near 3 days. There is a broad envelope of power with a distribution reminiscent of that seen in the Sun. Both the mode spacing and the period of peak power are consistent with scaling from the Sun (Kjeldsen & Bedding 1995). The oscillations appear to undergo abrupt discontinuities and have phase coherence times of a few weeks. We interpret the driving to be due to stochastic excitation by convection.Recent observations of the G5 IV star η Boo by Brown et al. (1997) have failed to confirm the detection of p-mode oscillations reported by Kjeldsen et al. (1995) Thus, Arcturus may be one of the first stars known to exhibit solar-like oscillations. If other K-giant variables can be shown to exhibit similar oscillations, Arcturus may represent the prototype for a new class of variable stars. We know some other K-giants are variable on short time scales (Hatzes and Cochran 1994b; Edmonds & Gilliland 1996), but many are not (Horner 1996).

2004 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 69-71
Douglas A. Caldwell ◽  
W. J. Borucki ◽  
J. M. Jenkins ◽  
D. G. Koch ◽  
L. Webster ◽  

The NASA Ames Research Center's Vulcan photometer is being used in a search for close–in giant extrasolar planets. With our current data reduction system we achieve 0.2–0.8% hour–to–hour relative photometric precision on ∽ 6000 stars brighter than 13th magnitude. Three Galactic-plane fields have so far yielded hundreds of variable stars, including ∽ 50 eclipsing or interacting binaries per field. Several candidate detections have been followed up with radial velocity observations. High-resolution spectroscopy revealed many of the strongest candidates to be grazing eclipsing binaries.

1988 ◽  
Vol 123 ◽  
pp. 277-280
Peter H. Smith ◽  
Robert S. McMillan ◽  
William J. Merline

A survey of K giants is being conducted to search for both short- and long-term oscillations. Our radial velocity spectrometer has a short-term precision on bright stars of 4 m/s after an exposure of 3 minutes on the CCD detector. Extensive sets of observations have been reduced for Arcturus, Pollux, and Aldebaran. Power spectra show no apparent oscillations within these data sets for frequencies between 0.15 and 2.0 mHz. However, the nightly averages over a 4 month time base show a three-fold increase in variance for Arcturus when compared to Pollux. A periodogram reveals a period of 1.844 0.005 days (or its alias of 2.174 days).

2020 ◽  
Vol 493 (1) ◽  
pp. L49-L53
Rachel Howe ◽  
William J Chaplin ◽  
Sarbani Basu ◽  
Warrick H Ball ◽  
Guy R Davies ◽  

ABSTRACT The frequency, νmax, at which the envelope of pulsation power peaks for solar-like oscillators is an important quantity in asteroseismology. We measure νmax for the Sun using 25 yr of Sun-as-a-star Doppler velocity observations with the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON), by fitting a simple model to binned power spectra of the data. We also apply the fit to Sun-as-a-star Doppler velocity data from Global Oscillation Network Group and Global Oscillations at Low Frequency, and photometry data from VIRGO/SPM on the ESA/NASA SOHO spacecraft. We discover a weak but nevertheless significant positive correlation of the solar νmax with solar activity. The uncovered shift between low and high activity, of $\simeq 25\, \rm \mu Hz$, translates to an uncertainty of 0.8 per cent in radius and 2.4 per cent in mass, based on direct use of asteroseismic scaling relations calibrated to the Sun. The mean νmax in the different data sets is also clearly offset in frequency. Our results flag the need for caution when using νmax in asteroseismology.

1998 ◽  
Vol 185 ◽  
pp. 339-346
K. Krisciunas

Over two dozen early F-type variable stars have been identified which constitute a new class of pulsating stars. These stars typically have periods between 0.5 and 3 days with V-band variability of several hundredths of a magnitude. Given the time scale of the variability, the pulsations would have to be non-radial gravity-mode pulsations. The pulsational nature of some of these stars has been proven by means of coordinated multi-longitude photometric campaigns, radial velocity (RV) variations and line profile (LP) variations, indicating low degree spherical harmonics (ℓ = 3 or less). Evidence is that these stars are younger than 300 Myr; one would surmise that a rapid onset of convection in their outer photospheric layers puts an end to the pulsations. Further observation and modeling of these stars is important for our understanding of stellar evolution, the search for g-modes in the Sun, and is even relevant to the interpretation of radial velocity variations of solar-type stars (e.g. 51 Peg) in the search for extrasolar planets.

2004 ◽  
Vol 213 ◽  
pp. 65-68
Andreas Quirrenbach ◽  
Sabine Prink ◽  
David Mitchell

Astrometry is the most powerful technique to determine dynamical masses and orbital parameters of extrasolar planets. The careful selection and characterization of reference stars is crucial for the success of any astrometric program. The best reference stars for NASA's Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) are distant K giants. The first sub-stellar companion to a K giant was recently detected serendipitously in a radial-velocity survey aimed at defining the SIM grid star strategy.

1988 ◽  
Vol 123 ◽  
pp. 45-48
Frank Hill ◽  
Douglas Gough ◽  
Juri Toomre ◽  
Deborah A. Haber

The equatorial rotation rate has been inferred as a function of depth through the outer 16 Mm of the Sun from observations of high-degree five-minute oscillations. An optimal averaging inversion procedure due to Backus & Gilbert (1970) has been applied to frequency splittings measured from power spectra obtained using Doppler data spanning three and five consecutive days. The resulting rotation curves have proven to be much more stable than the curves obtained from data sets of single days. The results imply that the solar rotation rate increases with depth by 0.023 μHz reaching a maximum at about 2 Mm below the surface, then decreases by 0.037 μHz down to 16 Mm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 638 ◽  
pp. A54 ◽  
N. Meunier ◽  
A.-M. Lagrange

Context. Stellar variability due to magnetic activity and flows at different spatial scales strongly impacts radial velocities. This variability is seen as oscillations, granulation, supergranulation, and meridional flows. The effect of this latter process is currently poorly known but could affect exoplanet detectability. Aims. We aim to quantify the amplitude of the meridional flow integrated over the disc and its temporal variability, first for the Sun, as seen with different inclinations, and then for other solar-type stars. We then want to compare these amplitudes with low-mass exoplanetary amplitudes in radial velocity. Methods. We used long time series (covering two 11-yr cycles) of solar latitudinal meridional circulation to reconstruct its integrated contribution and study its properties. We then used scaling laws from hydrodynamical simulations relating the amplitude of the meridional flow variability with stellar mass and rotation rate to estimate the typical amplitude expected for other solar-type stars. Results. We find typical rms of the order of 0.5–0.7 m s−1 (edge-on) and 1.2–1.7 m s−1 (pole-on) for the Sun (peak-to-peak amplitudes are typically 1–1.4 m s−1 and 2.3–3.3 m s−1 resp.), with a minimal jitter for an inclination of 45–55°. This signal is significant compared to other stellar activity contributions and is much larger than the radial-velocity signal of the Earth. The variability is strongly related to the activity cycle, with maximum flows during the descending phase of the cycle, and possible variability on timescales lower than the cycle period. Extension to other solar-type stars shows that the variability due to meridional flows is dominated by the amplitude of the cycle of those stars (compared with mass and rotation rate), and that the peak-to-peak amplitudes can reach 4 m s−1 for the most variable stars when seen pole-on. The meridional flow contribution sometimes represents a high fraction of the convective blueshift inhibition signal, especially for quiet, low-mass stars. For fast-rotating stars, the presence of multi-cellular patterns should significantly decrease the meridional flow contribution to the radial-velocity signal. Conclusions. Our study shows that these meridional flows could be critical for exoplanet detection. Low inclinations are more impacted than edge-on configurations, but these latter still exhibit significant variability. Meridional flows also degrade the correlation between radial velocities due to convective blueshift inhibition and chromospheric activity indicators. This will make the correction from this signal challenging for stars with no multi-cellular patterns, such as the Sun for example, although there may be some configurations for which the line shape variations may be used if the precision is sufficient.

Andrew P. Ingersoll

This chapter focuses on the climates of Uranus, Neptune, and exoplanets. Uranus spins on its side, which allows a comparison between sunlight and rotation for their effects on weather patterns. In contrast to Venus, Uranus is only weakly affcted by tides from the Sun because it is so far away. Models of planet accretion give a gradual clumping of small bodies into medium-sized bodies and then into large bodies, until finally only a few large bodies are left. The final collisions, which involved these large bodies, would have been quite violent and were capable of knocking Uranus on its side. After providing an overview of Uranus's rotation, insensitivity to seasonal cycles, and wind profile, the chapter considers Neptune's winds, effective radiating temperature, and Great Dark Spot. It also explains the radial velocity method and the transit method of detecting extrasolar planets.

1966 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 93-97
Richard Woolley

It is now possible to determine proper motions of high-velocity objects in such a way as to obtain with some accuracy the velocity vector relevant to the Sun. If a potential field of the Galaxy is assumed, one can compute an actual orbit. A determination of the velocity of the globular clusterωCentauri has recently been completed at Greenwich, and it is found that the orbit is strongly retrograde in the Galaxy. Similar calculations may be made, though with less certainty, in the case of RR Lyrae variable stars.

1983 ◽  
Vol 100 ◽  
pp. 133-134
Frank N. Bash

Bash and Peters (1976) suggested that giant molecular clouds (GMC's) can be viewed as ballistic particles launched from the two-armed spiral-shock (TASS) wave with orbits influenced only by the overall galactic gravitational potential perturbed by the spiral gravitational potential in the arms. For GMC's in the Milky Way, the model predicts that the radial velocity observed from the Sun increases with age (time since launch). We showed that the terminal velocity of CO observed from l ≃ 30° to l ≃ 60° can be understood if all GMC's are born in the spiral pattern given by Yuan (1969) and live 30 × 106 yrs. Older GMC's were predicted to have radial velocities which exceed observed terminal velocities.

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