Factorial Structure of the Therapist Adherence Measure-Revised (TAM-R) Within Multisystemic Therapy

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 427-431
Aurelie M. C. Lange ◽  
Marc J. M. H. Delsing ◽  
Ron H. J. Scholte ◽  
Rachel E. A. van der Rijken

Abstract. The Therapist Adherence Measure (TAM-R) is a central assessment within the quality-assurance system of Multisystemic Therapy (MST). Studies into the validity and reliability of the TAM in the US have found varying numbers of latent factors. The current study aimed to reexamine its factor structure using two independent samples of families participating in MST in the Netherlands. The factor structure was explored using an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in Sample 1 ( N = 580). This resulted in a two-factor solution. The factors were labeled “therapist adherence” and “client–therapist alliance.” Four cross-loading items were dropped. Reliability of the resulting factors was good. This two-factor model showed good model fit in a subsequent Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in Sample 2 ( N = 723). The current finding of an alliance component corroborates previous studies and fits with the focus of the MST treatment model on creating engagement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026666692199751
Ibrahim Arpaci ◽  
Kadir Sevinc

This study aimed to develop a cybersecurity scale to measure individuals’ practices and perceptions regarding cybersecurity. The study tested psychometric properties of the Cybersecurity Scale (CS-S) by employing a multi-stage research design. In the first study, an Exploratory-Factor-Analysis (EFA) was conducted to explore the underlying factor structure and evaluate internal consistency reliability of the CS-S. The EFA results showed good internal consistency reliability (α = .88) and a six-factor structure. In the second study, a Confirmatory-Factor-Analysis (CFA) was conducted to verify the factor structure. The CFA results indicated that the six-factor model (i.e., confidentiality, control/possession, integrity, authenticity, availability, and utility) fits the data well. Significant individual differences were observed in each dimension of the CS-S. Results indicated that the CS-S has evidence of convergent, discriminant, and construct validity along with internal consistency reliability. The results suggested that the CS-S is a valid and reliable instrument to measure individuals’ cybersecurity practices and perceptions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 590-596 ◽  
João Luís Alves Apóstolo ◽  
Barry Allen Tanner ◽  
Cynthia Lee Arfken

To determine which of three published models best characterizes the factor structure of the Portuguese version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 and to assess its validity and reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis of Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 for 1,297 adult, primary care outpatients (66.7% female, Mage = 48.57 years) comparing 3 models. The relationship between the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule was analyzed. The correlated 3-factor model fit the data best. The scale demonstrated good internal consistency, with alpha scores of the subscales ranging from 0.836 to 0.897. Correlation with the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule was positive and moderate with the negative affect scale; it was negative and limited with the positive affect. These findings support the correlated 3-factor structure. The test demonstrated adequate reliability and construct validity, which supports its use for screening in primary care settings with Portuguese speakers.

Sarah Beale ◽  
Silia Vitoratou ◽  
Sheena Liness

Abstract Background: Effective monitoring of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) competence depends on psychometrically robust assessment methods. While the UK Cognitive Therapy Scale – Revised (CTS-R; Blackburn et al., 2001) has become a widely used competence measure in CBT training, practice and research, its underlying factor structure has never been investigated. Aims: This study aimed to present the first investigation into the factor structure of the CTS-R based on a large sample of postgraduate CBT trainee recordings. Method: Trainees (n = 382) provided 746 mid-treatment audio recordings for depression (n = 373) and anxiety (n = 373) cases scored on the CTS-R by expert markers. Tapes were split into two equal samples counterbalanced by diagnosis and with one tape per trainee. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The suggested factor structure and a widely used theoretical two-factor model were tested with confirmatory factor analysis. Measurement invariance was assessed by diagnostic group (depression versus anxiety). Results: Exploratory factor analysis suggested a single-factor solution (98.68% explained variance), which was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. All 12 CTS-R items were found to contribute to this single factor. The univariate model demonstrated full metric invariance and partial scalar invariance by diagnosis, with one item (item 10 – Conceptual Integration) demonstrating scalar non-invariance. Conclusions: Findings indicate that the CTS-R is a robust homogenous measure and do not support division into the widely used theoretical generic versus CBT-specific competency subscales. Investigation into the CTS-R factor structure in other populations is warranted.

Hepi Wahyuningsih ◽  
Dyna Rahayu Suci Pertiwi

This study aims to adapt the Sanctification of Marriage Questionnaire for Muslims inIndonesia. Adaptation of the Sanctification of Marriage Questionnaire is carried out throughthe stages: translation, providing evidence of construct validity and reliability. Evidence of construct validity was carried out by exploratory factor analysis followed by MGCFA (Multi-Group Confirmatory factor Analysis). In this study, we used a composite reliability. Subjects to reveal the factor structure of sanctification of marriage were 160 married individuals, while the subjects to test the stability of factor structure consisted of 102 husbands and 111 wives. The result of exploratory factor analysis shows that the construct of sanctification of marriage has three factors / dimensions, namely: belief, perceived sacred qualities and manifestation of God. The structure stability of sanctification of marriage was then empirically tested by MGCFA. The results of MGCFA showed that the three factors / dimensions of sanctification of marriage proved stable. The composite reliability coefficient of the Sanctification of Marriage Questionnaire was in a good category. Further research can be carried out to provide evidence of construct validity with predictive validity and concurrent validity of the Sanctification of Marriage Questionnaire. Limitations in this study are discussed further.Keywords: exploratory factor analysis, multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, muslim,sanctification of marriage, scale adaptation

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46 ◽  
Paul Irwing ◽  
Tom Booth ◽  
Mark Batey

In order to examine its higher-order factor structure, we applied confirmatory factor and invariance analysis to item level data from the US standardization sample of the 16PF5, divided into a calibration sample (N = 5,130) and a validation sample (N = 5,131). Using standard assessments of model fit, all primary factors displayed good to excellent model fit, thus suggesting the scales to be broadly unidimensional. Results indicated a drop in model fit in both the structural and configurally invariant second order models, suggesting some level of misspecification in the global scales of Extraversion, Anxiety, Tough-Mindedness, Independence, and Self-Control. However, the degree of misspecification was slight. Overall, the analyses generally supported the proposed structure of the 16PF5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Iulia-Clarisa Giurcă ◽  
Adriana Baban ◽  
Sebastian Pintea ◽  
Bianca Macavei

AbstractThe following study is aimed at investigating the construct validity of the 25-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 25) on a Romanian military population. The exploratory factor analysis was conducted on 434 male military participants, aged between 24 and 50 years (M = 34.83, S.D. = 6.14) and the confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on a sample of 679 military participants, of 605 men and 74 women, aged between 18 and 59 years (M = 38.37, S.D. = 9.07). Factor analysis of the scale showed it to be a bidimensional, rather than a multidimensional instrument, as the original five-factor structure was not replicated in this military Romanian sample. Moreover, EFAs suggested that a 14-item bidimensional model should be retained and CFA confirmed that this model fit the data best.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-245
Daniela Campos de Andrade Lourenção ◽  
Daisy Maria Rizatto Tronchin

Objetivo: Analizar la estructura factorial de la versión traducida y adaptada culturalmente del Safety Attitudes Questionnaire / Operating Room Version para el contexto brasileño. Método: Fue desarrollado un estudio metodológico acerca del cuestionario. El cuestionario fue aplicado a 412 profesionales de salud trabajadores en centros quirúrgicos. La evaluación del cuestionario fue realizada con base en Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y en el alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El valor total del alfa de Cronbach fue 0,912; en los dominios los valores variaron de 0,56 a 0,85. El peor dominio fue Comunicación en el Ambiente Quirúrgico. Los hallazgos de la AFC mostraron que el valor de SRMR fue de 0,052; el RMSEA de 0,031 y el de CFI de 0,95. Estos valores demuestran la confiabilidad y un ajuste de modelo aceptable de la versión brasileña del SAQ / OR. Conclusión: la estructura factorial mostró que la versión brasileña del cuestionario es válida y confiable para medir el clima de seguridad del paciente en la percepción de los profesionales de salud que trabajan en el ambiente quirúrgico. Objective: To analyze the factor structure of the version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire/Operating Room Version that has been translated and culturally adapted to the Brazilian context. Method: This was a methodological study about a questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to 412 health professionals who worked in operating rooms. The factor structure was tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's alpha. Results: The total score for Cronbach's alpha was 0.912; and the scores for the domains ranged from 0.56 and 0.85. The domain with the worst performance was communication in the surgical setting. The results of CFA showed that the score for SRMR was 0.052, RMSEA, 0.031, and CFI, 0.95. These scores indicate the reliability and acceptability of the Brazilian adaptation of the questionnaire. Conclusion: The factor structure demonstrated the validity and reliability of the Brazilian version of the questionnaire for measuring the patient safety climate as perceived by healthcare professionals who worked in surgical settings Objetivo: Analisar a estrutura fatorial da versão traduzida e adaptada culturalmente do Safety Attitudes Questionnaire/Operating Room Version para o contexto brasileiro. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico sobre o questionário. O questionário foi aplicado a 412 profissionais de saúde atuantes em centros cirúrgicos. A avaliação do questionário foi realizada com base na Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) e no alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: O valor total do alpha de Cronbach foi 0,912; nos domínios os valores variaram de 0,56 a 0,85. O pior domínio foi Comunicação no Ambiente Cirúrgico. Os achados da AFC demonstraram que o valor de SRMR foi de 0,052; o RMSEA de 0,031 e o de CFI de 0,95. Esses valores demonstram a confiabilidade e um ajuste de modelo aceitável da versão brasileira do SAQ/OR. Conclusão: A estrutura fatorial demonstrou que a versão brasileira do questionário é válida e confiável para mensurar o clima de segurança do paciente na percepção dos profissionais de saúde que atuam no ambiente cirúrgico.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-217
Leilani A. Madrigal ◽  
Vincenzo Roma ◽  
Todd Caze ◽  
Arthur Maerlender ◽  
Debra Hope

This study aimed to provide further psychometric validation of the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) by assessing the factor structure, invariance across gender, and convergent and divergent validity of the SAS-2 by correlating both related (i.e., anxiety sensitivity, brief fear of negative evaluation, intolerance of uncertainty, and negative affect) and unrelated constructs (i.e., positive affect, self-confidence). A total of 542 current and former competitive athletes completed a questionnaire through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk system. All data were collected via online survey. Participants were randomly assigned to an exploratory factor analysis (n = 271) and confirmatory factor analysis group (n = 271). Results indicated that both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the three-factor model of anxiety involving somatic anxiety, worry, and concentration disruption. Additionally, this study found the SAS-2 to be reliable, gender invariant, and have strong construct validity. Our findings extend the generalizability of the SAS-2 in more varied populations of athletic backgrounds.

Assessment ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 769-777 ◽  
Evangelia G. Chrysikou ◽  
W. Jake Thompson

One aspect of higher order social cognition is empathy, a psychological construct comprising a cognitive (recognizing emotions) and an affective (responding to emotions) component. The complex nature of empathy complicates the accurate measurement of these components. The most widely used measure of empathy is the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). However, the factor structure of the IRI as it is predominantly used in the psychological literature differs from Davis’s original four-factor model in that it arbitrarily combines the subscales to form two factors: cognitive and affective empathy. This two-factor model of the IRI, although popular, has yet to be examined for psychometric support. In the current study, we examine, for the first time, the validity of this alternative model. A confirmatory factor analysis showed poor model fit for this two-factor structure. Additional analyses offered support for the original four-factor model, as well as a hierarchical model for the scale. In line with previous findings, females scored higher on the IRI than males. Our findings indicate that the IRI, as it is currently used in the literature, does not accurately measure cognitive and affective empathy and highlight the advantages of using the original four-factor structure of the scale for empathy assessments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-167 ◽  
Thomas A. Hagerty ◽  
William Samuels ◽  
Andrea Norcini-Pala ◽  
Eileen Gigliotti

A confirmatory factor analysis of data from the responses of 12,436 patients to 16 items on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems–Hospital survey was used to test a latent factor structure based on Peplau’s middle-range theory of interpersonal relations. A two-factor model based on Peplau’s theory fit these data well, whereas a three-factor model also based on Peplau’s theory fit them excellently and provided a suitable alternate factor structure for the data. Though neither the two- nor three-factor model fit as well as the original factor structure, these results support using Peplau’s theory to demonstrate nursing’s extensive contribution to the experiences of hospitalized patients.

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